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Author Topic: Intercontinental Arms Race: Finale  (Read 592700 times)


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Re: Intercontinental Arms Race: Summer 1938 (Battle Phase)
« Reply #270 on: May 02, 2017, 09:57:55 pm »

Battle Report 1: Summer 1938

In preparation for war, Forenia has made a new weapon: The 'Dolphin' Torpedo. It is similar in size to the Cannalan Shark torpedo, and designed exclusively to be dropped from aircraft for the the time being. However, its wet heater motor and gyro stablizer are delicate instruments, requiring aircraft to get low and slow before dropping the Dolphin.

The Forenian Army currently has the following equipment:
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Re: Intercontinental Arms Race: Summer 1938 (Battle Phase)
« Reply #271 on: May 02, 2017, 09:58:40 pm »

The Cannalan army currently has the following equipment:
Note: I may need to take measures to shorten the Cannalan list soon! Their list alone is 36,000 characters.
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Re: Intercontinental Arms Race: Summer 1938 (Battle Phase)
« Reply #272 on: May 02, 2017, 09:59:07 pm »

The War Has Begun!
After the intitial declaration of war, both Forenia and Cannala have scrambled to take control of the islands between them, promptly evicting or... envassaling? Vassalizing? Annexing, anyhow, the few inhabitants that are there, and their armies have met in the middle. The Forenians are lucky to have had time to hastily establish harbors on the larger landmasses, so that men and materiel can be transported off of their cargo ships. As men march and tanks trundle towards their rivals, every soldier is on edge. From the front line infantry to the grunts refueling aircraft on landing strips, and even the men laboring away in relative safety on the mainland to supply the army, there is a sense of dread and uncertainty. The coming battles will determine the nature of the entire war to follow, but for the first time everyone is fighting a completely unfamiliar force- before now people had been fighting their ancient enemies, and generals, soldiers, even the general public had an understanding of their capabilities.

The Battle at Sea
The nation-continents of Cannala and Forenia will fight first and foremost on the water, for water is what lies between them- and it will be this way for the entirety of the war, barring an unprecedented seismic upheaval, which top scientists assure us is extremely unlikely. Naval "battles" favor the Cannalans, needless to say, who liken fighting AS-CV22 ships to raiding unarmed merchantmen. The AS-CV22, armed with a single machine gun and light cannon, is vulnerable to the Kalmar and Khorne ships- although technically outnumbered, these Cannalan ships can destroy an entire convoy of Forenians without being threatened whatsoever. Even Buccaneer Boats can single-handedly raid an Arstotzkan ship, thanks to the Cannalans' superior seamanship. In short, it is a given than Forenian boats are practically helpless. What is more interesting to look at is aircraft. Planes participate in naval battles in limited numbers, being mostly fielded from nearby island runways or harbors in the case of seaplanes. The pride of the Cannalan airforce is the (currently Muy Expensivo) Falcon Multi Role Fighter, with the majority of squads being made up of Dragonfly float planes and A-2 Sparks which carry bombs or torpedoes. The Forenian Airforce's fastest fighter is the AS-HF-32, which has fewer advanced features than the Falcon but is similarly powered by a large, liquid cooled, forced induction engine. The AS-DB-HF-23 is Forenia's main means of delivering ordnance, torpedoes in this case. In comparison to the Falcon, the AS-HF-32 is similarly armed but hampered by fixed landing gear, no oxygen mask, and a less efficient propeller. However, with superior numbers, Forenians still reliably overcome their Cannalan counterparts, favoring a tactic of luring a Falcon into a slower dogfight where its superior aerodynamics are less of an issue, and having a second HF-32 pilot close in for the kill from behind. While the HF-32 was once thought to be the best plane around, it has forced Forenian pilots to adopt an attitude of "It's not the best, but we fly it and win anyway." AS-DB's manage to damage or sink a few Kalmars, but the larger Khornes which have a torpedo belt remain afloat after being hit. The small torpedo isn't enough to take out torpedo-adapted ships, and massed AA fire means that a full squad of bombers will only manage to get one or two planes into the torpedo's limited dropping range without being shot down or forced to evade. Some of them have better luck with regular bombs, and damage ships decks or disable turrets on large ships. The Cannalans have a massive advantage at sea.

The Battle for the Archipelago:

Attacking: Cannala
Needless to say, Cannala sweeps through the archipelago. The only hiccup is that their Walrus landing ship, being absolutely enormous, often cannot deploy at small islands due to reefs. Even in this sense they are less limited than the Forenians, who lack any landing-capable craft and have great difficulty deploying soldiers. Where Forenians do deploy, they face being outnumbered by Cannalan soldiers as well as shelled from offshore. Cannalan General Cortez declares the largest island to be so safe from Forenian incursion that he will build his personal vacation home there. He changes his plans after a few Forenian bombing runs successfully target this area, but still the Forenians stand no chance of actually gaining ground. Cannala controls the Archipelago [2/2] They will receive its resources after holding it for one more turn.

The Battle for the North:
Attacking: Both
The landmass in the north of the sea is immediately a high priority for both countries, thanks to its abundant natural resources. Fortunately for Forenia, the harbor closest to the mainland is such a short distance from home that they can reliably move their troops without Cannalan naval interference. Where the armies meet, exactly in the middle, is the river spanning from a small region if highlands. Here there is light forestation, with large clearings, and mostly flat ground with occasional rocky hills which provide a vantage point and restrict movement. Infantry engagements occur at medium to long range, in terrain which offers limited cover. The assault rifles developed by both sides are weapons of choice here, The AS-AR34 and the Cannalan SSRA. The ballistic performance of the guns is fairly similar, while the AR-34 is less compact but more reliable, and lighter. Officers of both sides often choose to use optical scopes, the Forenians with their Osprey rifle and Eagle sight and the Cannalans with their standard service rifle and Service Rifle Scope. The Forenian arrangement is better specialized to this role, with a slightly more accurate rifle and a scope capable of greater magnification. Mortars, mines, and grenade launchers or RPGs are used against infantry by both sides, and are important, but in this are neither side has a drastic advantage against the other in this regard. The Forenians make good use of their M3 Sorraia as a portable machine gun with long range and belt feeds, whereas for the most part Cannala relies on the SSRA's belt attachment, which lacks in range and heat capacity comparatively. Compared to all of this, the greatest differences between the two armies are a couple of items posessed only by the Forenians: A flamethrower is often called in to dispense with Cannalan positions hidden in the bushes, to limited range and sometimes not much greater effect than a good mortar strike, but it is quite effective at causing fear in Cannalan soldiers. More important is the Tiger Infantry Armor, the complicated, heavy, metal armor which covers its wearer except at the hands and below the knees. While Forenian soldiers are slow wearing this, if they are careful to protect their exposed areas (they still cannot wade straight into battle standing upright) they are protected from any infantry weapon except explosives, or armor piercing shots from a full sized rifle such as the M1913. They are of greatest effect when sitting on heavy machine gun emplacemnts, or otherwise on the defensive, and they cannot aim their rifles accurately enough to fight at long range- but even so, this terrifying force strikes fear into the heart of their enemies and patriotism in their comrades, and grants Forenian infantry a decisive advantage.

Armored warfare is important here, as there are many open areas where the frontlines are determined by the position of armored groups, but the presence of the river limits armored movement significantly compared to infantry; there is a lack of bridges and neither side has a light river boat from which armored vehicles can move directly on shore, nor amphibious vehicles. The Cannalans use their venerable but cheap Privateer M1A1 halftracks, with their covered turrets and heavy machine guns, as well as a light cannon, as widely available IFVs. Their main tank is the M1A2 Armadillo, a respectable all around tank with Medium RHA armor, and a 2.5" cannon. It looks like an overturned boat, but maneuvers better than that description would imply, and for long range engagements the Type 36 Tank Destroyer, a mobile but lightly defended tank with a huge 4-inch cannon is used. Both of these are Expensive. The Forenians' armor largely mirrors the Cannalans: As their armored car they have thee MV21-AL, a slightly newer vehicle which is vulnerable to anything bigger than rifle fire, sadly including the plentiful Can Shredders which Cannala uses to defend their lines, but very fast and armed with an AC-18 20mm autocannon of its own, the fragmenting rounds are a threat to groups of infantry, though not as deadly as in the days when most soldiers lacked lightweight armor to protect from fragments. The Expensive vehicles include the T2 Breaker, a tank with medium armor and a very light 40mm cannon. It's fast, and good for fighting the M1A1's as well as destroying Can Shredder emplacements, but its lack of a good cannon means it is much more difficult for it score a kill shot on an Armadillo tank, than it is for the Armadillo to kill it. The Mat-26-50 is Forenia's light, fast tank destroyer, but with only a 50mm cannon it is decidedly inferior to the Type 36, although better defended. Forenia also has a Very Expensive tank, the AS-T33. With a 75mm HEAT cannon, it punches through T2 Breakers very effectively, the slat armor on Cannalan tanks being mostly effective against RPGs. It also features heavy armor on the front, with good sloping, making it well protected except against the Type 36 cannon, which even then might bounce at long range. It's even reasonably fast. However, its lack of numbers and focus on frontal armor over other armor make it best suited for defensive positions. Overall, tank battles are very rock-paper-scissors so while they aren't stalemates per se, both sides claim a similar number of victories. The Forenian armored car is arguable better, but it's mostly relegated to moving troops around the edges of the battlefield as frontlines on both sides see the deployment of autocannons which are extremely effective against current armor cars.

Infantry anti-armor is of mixed effectiveness, slat or spaced armor does a decent job of defeating current HEAT RPGs, but careful shooting can still take out wheels and tracks. So far, antitank mines are proving more effective.

In the rear lines, Forenians gain themselves another advantage by coordinating their troops with encrypted radios, whereas the Cannalans quickly learn that if they give orders by radio too far in advance, their communications will be intercepted and the Forenians will move to anticipate them. On the other hand, the Cannalans have no luck penetrating Forenia's encrypted messages. Artillery wise, Cannala uses 3-inch, truck-pulled Nightwind Howitzers can their cheap cannons and mobile 6" Nightstorm Longbow guns on the Expensive M2A2 Mobile Assault Gun. Forenia uses the truck-pulled 80mm AS-1912 artillery almost exclusively, as their SPAT Self Propelled Artillery guns are the same price, and so slow that the value of their being self-propelled is dubious at best. Their Expensive artillery is the Moskurg B2 Destroyer, a 100mm gun which still has inferior range and power to the M2A2's Nightstorm and is less mobile, as it must be moved by truck. Although superior radio communication helps the Forenians communicate artillery targets well, there is no doubt that the Cannalan artillery lineup of large, hydraulic power-ramming artillery is greatly superior- in fact, it's arguably their best weapon for taking out Forenia's troublesome T33 tanks. In terms of rear-line activity, the armies are about equal, with Forenia using superior communication to cope with Cannala's weathering artillery strikes.

The last factor is air support, and anti-air. Both sides employ autocannons, and fuzed flak rounds in their larger guns for AA. The Cannalans make good use of the Juraki-built Maretto cannon, but only on the defensive as it still requires to be placed on a concrete foundation, and its long range for fuzed flak rounds. Their also have their SPAA with Can Perforator autocannons for close support on the front lines. The Forenians use their 40mm Bumblebee inch AA/AT gun with fuzed rounds as well, but it doesn't have the Maretto's massive range, and the larger Forenian cannons lack fuze setters. What it does have is its targeting assist device, which helps greatly to make up for its smaller burst rounds by making them more accurate. Air fighter superiority was discussed previously, and the Forenians have a minor advantage. For the time being, both of the Cannalan bomber designs are Very Expensive, so they primarily use their more recent one, the B2M1 'Warhog' heavy bomber. Aside from a grossly ineffective paratrooper door, which often causes paratroopers to hit the Warhog's tail and die, it's an effective bomber. It has a four-ton bomb capacity and a couple autocannon turrets protecting it, and flies high enough that it's not extremely vulnerable to Forenian AA, though AS-32-HF fighters are a big threat. The Forenians' bomber, the AS-1931-HAFB, has half the capacity of the Warhog but is only Expensive. More of them are shot down by the Maretto AA guns, but on the whole, bombers on both sides drop about the same amount of bombs, and Forenians also successfully drop paratroopers here and there. Dive bombing is practiced on both sides to some effectiveness, and the Cannalan Type 36 TD's are also very vulnerable to strafing, though dive bombers suffer heavy casualties to ground guns as they lack much protection for the pilot.
Forenia pushes into the Jungle [Cannala 3/4, Forenia 1/4]. Forenia will gain the desert oil as of next turn.

The Battle for the South:
Attacking: Forenia
Unlike the in the north, Cannalans have some opportunity to intercept Forenian ships, so their forces outnumber the Forenians here. During the summer, there is only shallow snow, and the land is fairly passable without specialized equipment. The only meaningful threat to Cannalan ships here is the icebergs, which through the season cause one Forenian ship to sink and damage several of Cannala's larger ships, but compartmentalization and armor at the waterline prevent any actual losses. The area is flat, wide-open, with a lack of cover which is conducive to long-range warfare. As discussed before, Forenians generally have an advantage in infantry combat, including at long range. While assault rifles are available, the full sized Forenian F14A rifle and Cannalan M1913 rifle are the primary weapons here. The F14A has the distinct advantage of being semi-automatic, but its awkward action is still unsuitable for the sort of ranges at which one makes full use of an optical scope, so officers with access to a scope use the bolt-action Osprey. It is also of note that the Tiger Infantry Armor is mainly used for emplacement gun crews here, it hampers mobility and shooting at long range while wearing the armor is quite difficult. Trenches are often dug for emplacement weapons, but they aren't very formidable defenses as both sides have armored vehicles to cross them easily. Tiger Armor soldiers inside a trench are very difficult to kill with the Cannalans' normally very effective Quickfire Shotgun or SMG. However, the fact that Cannalans have significantly better ability to reinforce their troops means it's a wash.

Armored action especially favors long ranged weapons, so the Type 36 Tank Destroyer is one of the most important armored vehicles, but its light armor in turn makes it vulnerable to long-ranged attacks with even weak cannons, and ground attack aircraft are still its natural predator. The armored cars are both fairly vulnerable, but serve their purpose in moving infantry where they need to be quickly- the Forenian one doing a much better job, as it is simply faster. Emplacements are usually assaulted with medium-armored tanks, and the current light cannons like the Bumblebee or Can Opener are ineffective, and infantry-based HEAT RPGs are also somewhat wanting. AT mines are a useful defense where they're heavily deployed, and while this necessarily can't be everywhere since troops need a place to move forward from their own lines, they can funnel tanks into somewhere they are vulnerable to a larger weapon like a Tank Destroyer or a carriage-mounted cannon of similar size.

While Cannalan Nightstorm Longbows (land-based only) are still some of the best artillery in use, during this battle another significant component joins the fray: Offshore ships. Heavy with AA defenses, a single Seaweed Anti-Air Cruiser and a couple of Kalmar escorts can be a signficant feature of the battlefield, both shelling ground positions within a few miles from the shore and providing an unprecedented quantity of flak fire to protect Cannalan forces from Forenian bombers. Careful positioning usually means that the Cannalan navy can threaten ground near the shore without risking exposure to fire from Forenia's B2 Destroyer cannons. Forenia still chalks up a valuable point for superior communications, but learning where the Cannalan navy is going to move ahead of time mostly means they can retreat before they get there, not mount an effective ambush or counter-attack. A lot of the battle still happens inland, and this looks similar to what occurs in the north.

Forenia's aircraft chalk up a large number of armor kills against Type 36 tank destroyers, and some by bombing T2's as well. However, Cannala's generally superior anti-air helps to offset Forenia's good air performance.
Due to being outnumbered by Cannalan soldiers, Forenia does not gain ground. [Cannala 2/4, Forenia 2/4]

The Outside World:

It is early 1938, and the alliances and conflicts which will start the second world war are falling into place. The Anti-Comintern Pact has been signed forming the Axis, chiefly with Germany, Japan, Italy and Spain. Japan has invaded China, and controls a large portion of it, while Russia is supplying the Chinese army with support, even as there is an ongoing civil war in China between the communist army, loyalist army, and individual warlords.  Hitler forms the new High Command of the Wehrmacht removing any military leaders who disfavor him and giving himself direct command of the German army. In March, Germany annexes Austria. In lighter news, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is released in theatres following a premier last year, and first commercial use of nylon fibers begins, as bristles on a toothbrush.

As it becomes obvious that a war is brewing, your countries are approached by diplomats from both the Axis and Allied states, as well as Communist International, seeking allies for materiel support, and for your valuable location in the pacific. More on this in the future.

Local Troubles:
In Cannala, the rum crop is suffering horribly from the Red Rot, and the economic impacts aren't even completely offset by the rampant use of Juraki citizens for public work. Cannala, ever the enterprising state, is experimenting with a variety of unfair labor systems such as share-cropping, indentured servitude, labor camps where former Juraki soldiers must work to assign a debt claimed to be equal to material damage they dealt to the Cannalan army during the last war, and even medieval feudalism inspired by a gross misinterpretation of traditional Juraki law, in an effort to see which is the most effective. Despite the offer of fabulous prizes such as not being whipped, Juraki workers are notoriously unenthusiastic and unmotivated. This is a problem, as it actually represents a significant part of the continent's population.

In Forenia, some have seen a return to war as an opportunity to start infighting. There is an element of Arstotzkan loyalists who will take any opportunity to attack Moskurg citizens, business and ministers. Someone is even producing propaganda fliers denigrating the United Forenian government as "Traitorous rebels to Glorious Arstotzka" and calling for Arstotzkan citizens to take up arms while most of the army is away and violently reinstate the Arstotzkan government. Of course, the more they do this, the more Moskurgs are in turn inspired start trouble by smashing up Arstotzkan homes and businesses. It's such a problem that Parliament has approved the controversial reinstatement of the Ministry of Information, which, it is public knowledge, is chiefly concerned with finding papers with information they don't like and then burning them.

The Four Isles:
No doubt, many of you have been hungrily eyeing the small Desert and Tundra islands to the east of Forenia, and the Jungle and Mountain islands to the west of Cannala. Here is the lowdown:
On the Cannalan side:
The Jungle Island, is an old french-speaking colony, and attacking it will earn you the stern but probably inactive disapproval of the Allies.
The Mountain island is an independent pirate den, and taking it would be pretty much fair play. However, "Captain Redbeard" or whatever his real name is, is sort-of in charge and signed the Anti-Comintern pact when he was drunk one evening. The Axis won't rush to defend him, but Ribbentrop will be disappointed at losing his drinking buddy.
On the Forenian side:
The Tundra Island is a nominal member of the British Empire, and only some fur trappers and professional seal clubbers live there but the Allies will still be displeased if you annex it.
The Desert Island is inhabited by a small group of communists, and invading them will displease Communist International.

Neither of them should be a military challenge, but they will still take two turns to conquer and count as one of the fronts on which you can attack during your turn. You might also gain access to their resources if you join the relevant international alliance later, but this will take longer than just annexing them.

Turn 2, Commence!
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Zanzetkuken The Great

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Re: Intercontinental Arms Race: Autumn 1938 (Design Phase)
« Reply #273 on: May 02, 2017, 10:18:58 pm »

Yeah, I'm shifting over in favor of a destroyer of some variety.  Maybe we can use a revision if it goes well to turn its cannon into a land-deployable variant.

From Nuke's document, here's the plan he came up with.  Now, what do we change about it.  I'm thinking a specially designed gun rather than using our existing, as ours seems a bit...lacking.

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« Last Edit: May 03, 2017, 12:19:07 am by Zanzetkuken The Great »
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Re: Intercontinental Arms Race: Autumn 1938 (Design Phase)
« Reply #274 on: May 02, 2017, 10:26:01 pm »

On the bright side, the Dolphin probably won't take much to put on the new destroyer.

I think our main focus should be making it effective rather than making it cheap.  It's the preliminary to designing a carrier, and its eventual goal is to be a bodyguard and island attacker.

It's too bad our airforce doesn't utterly outclass theirs like we were hoping. It seems like we went with the right general. 

Powder Miner

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Re: Intercontinental Arms Race: Autumn 1938 (Design Phase)
« Reply #275 on: May 02, 2017, 10:29:00 pm »

Yeah, unless our destroyer gets majorly fucked during design, we should really spend a revision on spiffing up the HF-32 or something like that, considering we've really been planning on using that air superiority... and most of our problems with the HF-32 are minor and easily revisable. We should really be gunning to ensure our air superiority.

Zanzetkuken The Great

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Re: Intercontinental Arms Race: Autumn 1938 (Design Phase)
« Reply #276 on: May 02, 2017, 10:33:05 pm »

Here's a thought.  Rather than the inferior B2s, how about we put on two 200mm guns instead?
« Last Edit: May 02, 2017, 10:35:48 pm by Zanzetkuken The Great »
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Light forger

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Re: Intercontinental Arms Race: Autumn 1938 (Design Phase)
« Reply #277 on: May 02, 2017, 10:56:06 pm »

UFS-DD "Interdictor" 38-A
The first real warship to be produced in Forenia the Interdictor places a notable importance on speed and firepower; designed to cripple or destroy enemy ships and disappear before they can counter-attack. The Interdictor carries five 125mm guns based on upscaled B2's destroyers three fore, two aft, four Bumblebee AA guns arranged in a rough circle around the conning tower and finally 10 AS-AC18s spread around the ship. In order to insure effective naval use the Interdictor has 12 torpedo tubes able to be fired in rapid succession. The power plant of the ship is a pair of geared steam turbine engines using standard bunker oil as their fuel. The destroyer is fitted with a full suit of radio equipment letting it effectively communicate with other ship in order to form wolfpacks. While more then able to escort our own cargo ship the main use of the Interdictor true to it's name is to send Walrus landing ships to their watery grave with extreme prejudice.

It may seem over armed but, this is really just a normal destroyer load out. Also this is based in large part on a number of 1930ish destroyer so while we will have some trouble making it it's not going to be incredibly hard.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2017, 01:16:28 am by Light forger »


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Re: Intercontinental Arms Race: Autumn 1938 (Design Phase)
« Reply #278 on: May 02, 2017, 10:56:36 pm »

Because 200 mm's will flip the damn thing in the first broadside.  140 mm's weren't used on anything lighter than a Light Cruiser; if we're looking to amp up the firepower we could go with that, a bunch of torpedo tubes and then pack every remaining surface with AAA

Zanzetkuken The Great

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Re: Intercontinental Arms Race: Autumn 1938 (Design Phase)
« Reply #279 on: May 02, 2017, 11:02:22 pm »

Here's a thought that came up on the discord: Fore guns are set up as B2 destroyers, rear guns are set up as based on this '29 Soviet design:

Hell of a long range even if we only get close, so we'll be able to shoot them from afar.  Easier to make a bigger gun than a faster ship against those more experienced.  Besides, I really don't see how one 180 would be heavier than 2 100s.

Edit: Or as a design Kot showed, just have one 180mm turret.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2017, 11:04:54 pm by Zanzetkuken The Great »
Quote from: Eric Blank
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Re: Intercontinental Arms Race: Autumn 1938 (Design Phase)
« Reply #280 on: May 02, 2017, 11:06:29 pm »

The destroyer must do two things to be effective against the Cannalan's.  They must:

1)  Out-range their Nightstorm artillery mounted on their ships.
2)  Be faster than any ship in the Cannalan navy.

I'd be surprised if we can do either of those things in this design, really.


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Re: Intercontinental Arms Race: Autumn 1938 (Design Phase)
« Reply #281 on: May 02, 2017, 11:11:32 pm »

Indeed. The "Interdictor" has lighter guns than the "Khorne". It would chew our destroyer to pieces. Our torps are made for dropping from aircraft so they're short range, and we need the revision to improve our air force, so whatever we do the ship must have guns bigger than 6in/152mm (the size of the Khorne's guns).

Zanzetkuken The Great

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Re: Intercontinental Arms Race: Autumn 1938 (Design Phase)
« Reply #282 on: May 02, 2017, 11:16:40 pm »

Working off of the Unity design:

Destroyer UFS-DD 'Sniper' 38, Pattern B
Description: The UFS-DD-38-1 is better known by the name given to its class, 'Unity'.  The aim is to be cheap, and powerful. Staying power is not considered a priority, instead focusing on firepower in order to eliminate as many foes as possible before going down.  She will operate in large numbers, using superior communication to coordinate attacks on lone enemy vessels, whilst avoiding the bulk of their fleet.
    Dimensions: 80 meters long, 8 meter beam, 3.6 meter draught.
    Displacement: 900 tons
    Engines: 3 water-tube boilers feeding 2 steam turbines, geared.
    Armament: A single turret mounting a 180mm gun near the center of the ship, in front of the conning tower, equipped with a Bumblebee targetting computer modified for the larger gun, a Bumblebee AA/AT gun at both ends of the ship for anti-air and anti-patrol craft purposes, four torpedo tubes able to fire Dolphin Torpedoes.
    Armour: Very Light (for a ship (So probably Light?), possibly using cheap steel for cost)
    Other stuff: Both Encryption and Decryption radios for communication.
ESTIMATED DIFFICULTY: HARD (We don’t have much experience building big ships. We could argue this should be easier since we are basing it on existing, decades-old tech)

Again, the main gun is based upon this 1929 design.  Given the size of their guns are apparently comparable to this one, we should outrange them with this, allowing us to sink a ship or two.  Especially if their range is shittier than that.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2017, 12:20:29 am by Zanzetkuken The Great »
Quote from: Eric Blank
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Re: Intercontinental Arms Race: Autumn 1938 (Design Phase)
« Reply #283 on: May 02, 2017, 11:21:51 pm »

That is very ambitious.

I'm not confident how much we can get done with a single destroyer design; our best bet might be to make as big a gun we can that won't flip the ship and slap it on a chopped cargoship.  We'll never actually achieve what we aim for; "Fast, cheap, simple, and high firepower" is asking for a lot

We need:
1) Firepower.  No good if it can't kill.
2) Fast.          Alternative to cheap; fast and firepower will let us hold them at range and peck them to death.
3) Cheap.       Put it everywhere we can to keep them from running roughshot on us.


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Re: Intercontinental Arms Race: Autumn 1938 (Design Phase)
« Reply #284 on: May 02, 2017, 11:26:00 pm »

+1 to the Sniper, though I think it needs more light AA than a single Bumblebee.
Quote from: Votes
Destroyer 'Sniper': (2) Zanzetkuken, GUNINANRUNIN
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