Or better yet, we build a carrier. More efficient than seaplanes anyway.
In terms of efficency the seaplanes are better. More of them. More of them launches. Carriers are limited.
I believe you're looking at dive bombers, which do a lot of damage but unfortunately not the kind that actually sinks the ship, making it unrepairable.
Also Kot, if you really like seaplanes I'm surprised you haven't mentioned the PBY Catalina flying boat.
Catalina is boring, although I used the image to show that you can have wheels on a float to land on regural airfields too.
As for dive bombers, no, I meant...
Returning to that torpedo-rocket idea. If we really want "aerial torpedoes" later down the line, what would you folks thin of something along the line of the Fritz X or the Henschel Hs 293 glide bombs?
Well, on the discord anyway. Still, we don't really have a bomber capable of delivering them effectively so they aren't too useful until that's solved.
We do. The opposing side argument was that we can only deliver one bomb per bomber as opposed to two torpedoes, completly disregarding the fact you have to fly low and slow for torpedoes to deploy and whatnot.
Also, we would be able to use the Bumblebee guidance systems and possibly adapt them for use in the bombs/torpedoes and even for indirect artillery computers.
I'd rather use a method of deploying our vital air power overseas that doesn't limit them and also make them worse. These planes are fighting after all.
I'd rather use a method of deploying our vital air power overseas that doesn't limit their use to just a few and makes them very vurneable to being destroyed before they even take off due to enemy naval superiority.
As for Allies/Axis/Soviets, I belive we can cherry pick who we want to ally with. We gave Hitler Sturmgewehrs, he loves us. US founded the rebellion and also Moskurg gave them useful tank sometime ago. Soviets we gave the steam tank which they adored because it was great for what they wanted, and they're always eager to spread the revolution.