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Author Topic: The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind - Losing Is Fun!  (Read 2535 times)


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The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind - Losing Is Fun!
« on: April 28, 2017, 11:25:47 am »

Let's play Morrowind! That game that no one here has ever heard of or played before!

Type out your race, sign and primary character concept below so I can load up on mods for that particular aspect of the game. I'm going to be running this quite broadly so don't worry too much about getting everything down.

Don't forget to vote on the poll so I can get an essentially randomised list of skills. Isn't losing fun?!

Spoiler: Race Choices (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Sign Choices (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Character Concept (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Mods (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: April 30, 2017, 06:20:44 am by Necrothurge »

Harry Baldman

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Re: The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind - Losing Is Fun!
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2017, 09:03:54 am »

Ton gro-Shalub, celebrated Orc character actor born under the sign of the Lady, was caught with several kilos of Moon Sugar in his inventory and in return for giving up his associates managed to get his grim sentence commuted. The order was personally signed by the Emperor, apparently! Happy days!


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Re: The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind - Losing Is Fun!
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2017, 05:37:34 pm »

(Now, I understand that the race summary picture is simply a light-hearted joke, but my knuckles still went white. It ought not to, but it upsets me quite fiercely. Which is the intention, of course, whoever made that did a fine job of it.)

Actual contribution:

Davarn DeFolde, Dark Elf.

Formerly a detective, until he investigated too closely into a case that tied crown prince Geldall to some very murky affairs. He was thus disgraced through a rigged trial, and sentenced to fifty years of hard labour. When the Morrowind crisis began, he was given a choice: put his skills to use as an Imperial agent in Vvardenfell, or die. Thus, he was dispatched to investigate the crisis, armed only with his wits and a full pardon.
The Blades chose DeFolde as their agent on account of him being a Dark Elf, and thus familiar with the province. Unfortunately, he has never set foot on Vvardenfell, and will have to flounder through as best he can.

Sign: The Tower.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind - Losing Is Fun!
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2017, 05:40:38 pm »

Congratulations Persus, now you are forced to have the same personal text for an entire year!
Longbowmen horsearcher doomstacks that suffer no attrition and can navigate all major rivers without ships.


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Re: The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind - Losing Is Fun!
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2017, 06:02:04 pm »

Actual contribution:

Davarn DeFolde, Dark Elf.

Formerly a detective, until he investigated too closely into a case that tied crown prince Geldall to some very murky affairs. He was thus disgraced through a rigged trial, and sentenced to fifty years of hard labour. When the Morrowind crisis began, he was given a choice: put his skills to use as an Imperial agent in Vvardenfell, or die. Thus, he was dispatched to investigate the crisis, armed only with his wits and a full pardon.
The Blades chose DeFolde as their agent on account of him being a Dark Elf, and thus familiar with the province. Unfortunately, he has never set foot on Vvardenfell, and will have to flounder through as best he can.

Sign: The Tower.

If you expect to live forever then you will never be disappointed.
Spooky Signature
To fix the horrid default colour scheme, follow the below steps:
Profile> Modify Profile> Look and Layout> Current Theme> (change)> Darkling


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Re: The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind - Losing Is Fun!
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2017, 01:52:51 am »

So far we are Davarn DeFolde with the following skills:

Speechcraft - Stealth / Personality
Illusion - Magic / Personality
Acrobatics - Stealth / Strength
Conjuration - Magic / Intelligence
Sneak - Stealth / Agility

Hand-to-Hand - Stealth / Speed
Medium Armour - Combat / Endurance
Mercantile - Stealth / Personality
Restoration - Magic / Willpower
Security - Stealth / Intelligence

I'll leave it until midday and then we'll go through character creation!
« Last Edit: April 30, 2017, 06:15:14 am by Necrothurge »


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Re: The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind - Losing Is Fun!
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2017, 07:11:17 am »

The Tale of Davarn DeFolde: Part 1

My head hurts, my stomach is turning and the deep sleep I had last night was miserable rather than anything else. I've been shipped to the worthless religious preserve of Vvardenfell in Morrowind just because I had the audacity to dig a bit too deep. That's all I did.

Some dunmer hick is hassling me for my name. I tell him to get him off my back. Luckily, before he can trouble me any more (probably with exactly how to farm kwarma or something equally dull and provincial), one of the guards arrives and escorts me off the boat.

Spoiler: The Hick (click to show/hide)

I'm escorted to an office where I'm asked every single question under the moons for information on my past life (I was FORCED to come here, I'm not emigrating intentionally) but finally everything's cleared up and my paperwork is done.

Spoiler: The Grilling (click to show/hide)

I manage to grab a glimpse of myself in one of the nearby platters and I look GOOD.

Spoiler: Davarn DeFolde (click to show/hide)

They let me wander through the rest of the facility unattended (I guess they realise at this point that I'm not the average dark elf coming to Vvardenfell for pilgrimage or ash yam harvesting) so I do what anyone with half a brain would do: Find a lockpick and rob the place blind.

In my defence, I need stuff to sell so that I don't end up dead in a ditch somewhere and they've not exactly given me a lot to go on.

I just hope I don't end up like the idiots in the cells downstairs.

Spoiler: Idiots (click to show/hide)

When I head outside, I rummage through one of the barrels and find a ring of healing. Even if no one wants it, it'll sell for a gold or two.

I get to the end of the customs office and get handed a package which I have to take to another backwater shithole town further north from here. Sounds like great fun.

Finally, I'm out of that awful place and into a worse one. I used to be in the Imperial City and now... This.

Spoiler: This (click to show/hide)

For now, I'm going to explore this little swamptown and see what I can find. After that, I'm going to walk to this Balmorra place and see if there's anything of interest there (I have my doubts). But I need long term plans. Which side I'm going to fall on this island. I need allies and I need them fast.


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Re: The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind - Losing Is Fun!
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2017, 10:34:09 am »

The Tale of Davarn DeFolde: Part 2

Turns out that ring I found belongs to this disgustingly ugly bosmer in front of me. Now, I'm not a racist BUT the bosmer are tree-dwelling monkeys who don't even have the excuse of being a beast race as to their incompetence. Look at this turd. This thing is TECHNICALLY a mer.

Spoiler: A Shit in Mer Form (click to show/hide)

He puts in a good word with the altmer that runs the nearby barterhouse so I manage to get marginally better prices from him.

Spoiler: Friend (click to show/hide)

Hrisskar Flat-Foot in the barterhouse wants me to go keep an eye on the wood elf who I gave the ring to and steal his money off him. Sounds DAMN GOOD to me, personally.

Spoiler: Hrisskar Flat-Foot (click to show/hide)

I find the lighthouse he mentioned and as I climb it I find an unattended and relatively expensive looking book. It gives me some insight into wandering around without armour but other than that it'll sell for a few gold.

Spoiler: Lighthouse (click to show/hide)

It's time for a good old fashioned stakeout.

Spoiler: Stakeout (click to show/hide)

I eventually spot the sneaky little wood elf tree dropping, trying to crouch his way around the town. He's not hard to see considering he's also carrying a torch but what do I know? I'm not a treehugging moron.

Spoiler: Treehugging Moron (click to show/hide)

I get the ring that I gave to him back as well as a chunk of gold.

Spoiler: Ring (click to show/hide)

Hrisskar Flat-Foot seems to be reasonably happy to get the vast majority of the gold and I'm quite happy with his tip off. If I'm lucky, I'll get more in the future.

Spoiler: Gold (click to show/hide)

I sell his friend's own ring to the Altmer downstairs (he doesn't notice or doesn't care) and buy a ringmail cuirass so that I can hopefully NOT get stabbed in the kidneys.

Spoiler: Kidney Protection (click to show/hide)

I find my way to a cave near the silt strider where there are apparently slavers at work. With a little bit of luck, a lot of skeleton summoning and a few tactical retreats, I manage to wipe them out and free the slaves they're keeping there.

Spoiler: Slave Cave (click to show/hide)

I wonder where I should go next. (HIGHLY RECOMMEND USER INPUT)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind - Losing Is Fun!
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2017, 03:47:19 am »

Well shit. The game went kablooey after I went into Balmora and tried to get into the club for the place for the Main Quest. I ended up being thrown to Moonmoth Fort and everything has gone really fucking weird. I don't think I can run this for the time being guys, I'm really sorry. :|


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Re: The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind - Losing Is Fun!
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2017, 11:32:11 am »

After being excessively irritated by the save game corruption, I've decided to replay through what I've done from the very start back to where I ended up (Balmora). Expect an update later tonight if I manage.


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Re: The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind - Losing Is Fun!
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2017, 06:08:13 am »

I wish I found out about this earlier, I would've suggested one based on my most favorite Elder Scrolls PC concept ever.

Stan Stabby Stick of the Clan of McStickStab Son of Stu Stick Stabber the Spear Swinger.

I found out you could use spears in Morrowind, so I made a character solely based on using spears.
Human King: "So, how was your travel to dwarven lands?"
Human Diplomat: "Never piss off the dwarves, they have an army of hydras"

Dwarf Cook: "Another baby hydra meat roast coming up!"