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Author Topic: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls (DF 0.47.05)  (Read 239454 times)


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #1620 on: February 11, 2024, 02:41:12 pm »

If the vagrants are standing still, could you build cage traps under them? Or are they marked as friendly and thus immune?


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #1621 on: February 11, 2024, 02:48:32 pm »

If the vagrants are standing still, could you build cage traps under them? Or are they marked as friendly and thus immune?
No they are written as hostile, so it may work ! I'll try that then !

Seeing this pop up in unread messages is a happy occassion no matter the update or delays, Cathar, a testament to your skills in art and storytelling :3
Thanks Haspen. I resent that life has prevented me from taking care of my little village especially in its times of troubles. Mong Kima is still my most precious pet project
« Last Edit: February 11, 2024, 02:54:02 pm by Cathar »


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #1622 on: February 11, 2024, 04:15:26 pm »

DFhack is the obvious answer, I think it's still got a thing that lets you make units part of your fort, but as far as non-hacky solutions that cage trap idea *might* work. Otherwise I don't think there's much in the way of options besides hoping invaders/animals kill them or retiring and hoping they leave or integrate (which has its own set of issues.)

And I'm glad and never assumed you'd abandoned the project, I eagerly await the next update! Those goblins aren't going to crawl back into their miserable homeland themselves after all.


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #1623 on: February 14, 2024, 10:01:23 pm »

Oh I totally don't mind a hacky solution... I just don't know the specifics. Hacking is justifiable. The phenomenon of merchants becoming homeless men after reclaiming is a bug I've been dealing without hacking so far, but remains a bug I wouldn't mind to hack away. I just don't know how to do it specifically.

I'll try the cage solution in Autumn first tho

Summer 158

Cipame escapes with his life

It had been a long time since the army of pearls attacked Osme – four months ! The problem is always the same: occupation squads, necessary to hold captured territories, are expended faster than they can be regenerated, which slows down the pearlite counterattack significantly. And the slow rate of operation, in turns, allows Osme to regroup and even regain the initiative at times.
The circumstances are less than ideal of course, but the position of the kingdom significantly improved since the beginning of the counter-attack.

Now on the path of the army of pearls stands the twin village of Ngomzolak and Spugkadkutsmob. Those two settlements, imbricated into one another, are the last step before the fort of Stustonako can be reached.

To occupy this settlement, a squad was formed from various trainees recruited from the population, and the command was given to Bidkŕ, a veteran fighter from Totten’s vanguard, who retired early due to her low and declining morale.

The 14th of June, Histamine’s tactic squad and Islas’ mobile heavy infantry were sent to soften Ngomzolak and preparing its capture – the previous attack in February went well, and Histamine, in charge of the planning, did not expect a lot of resistance.

The plan was similar to previous tactics – lure the militia out of the trenches to avoid difficult and slow trench fighting and negating the defender advantage. That plan typically works as goblins are not used to either fight defensively or even plan a coherent defense – and they just charge in recklessly as soon as soon as they realize they are under attack.

However the new military commander of the village, a soldier by the name of Cipame, was perhaps more tactically inclined than his predecessor. When the tactics squad rose the flags in the vicinity of the village, making their presence known and inviting the defenders to fight with choice words and hand gestures, Cipame did not rush in immediately. Because he was a newly appointed officer (his predecessor died in the last skirmish four months ago) – his authority was not really respected and he saw his force leaving the trenches weapon in hand – only then he decided to go after them.

Then when Islas’ mobile heavy infantrymen jump out of the brushes in which they were hidden and proceeded to massacre the helpless defenders, Cipame understood his first instinct was indeed appropriate and turned heels immediately, running back to the trenches for his life.

Now Cipame was too far away from the battle to be caught by the mobile infantry – in an attempt to stop his retreat, Evangelyne (dorfed off forum), a crossbow from the tactic squad, jumped in front of his path. Her shot missed and she was now confronted by a mortally terrified soldier equipped with a blade. The poor girl did not stand a chance; she was slain on the spot and Cipame managed to escape.

After the battle cleared, the pearlite army decided to retreat for now. They had lost one attack dog, and of course one of their friend in the battle – against those two lives, osmite defenders lost ten fighters.

Ngomzolak was likely about to fall – but it was also the first time a pearlite died in an offensive operation; and if skills can be trained and weapons reforged, friends do not come back to life.

The fall of Ngomzolak

The month of June had Kimaeslo Ori look like an over sized anthill – the civil and military leadership were in accordance to decide that Ngomzolak needed to fall, and to fall quick, before it would have the chance to reinforce and recover. Additional weapons and armors were commissioned from the smith guild and after a few additional weeks of training, the squad was deemed ready on the 4th of July.

“We’re only here for the head of your master-at-arms !” Bidkŕ shouted to the villagers the morning of the 6th of July. “Lay down your arms and bring him up to us, and we’ll see that there is no massacre.”

The villagers were hopeless and their numbers dwindling – arms were dropped indeed, Cipame was tied down and Bidkŕ’s squad was let inside.

But once they were inside the stone buildings, deep inside the trenches, Bidkŕ had a change of heart.

“We indeed came to avenge our companion – we have her murderer under our thumb and this is good” she said, somber. “But if we only kill one osmite to avenge her life, wouldn’t her spirit feel insulted by such a trade?”

She then ordered to round the village nobility up, and could capture two more officers, who were thrown in a large hole then covered by earth. As for Cipame – a barrel was filled with water, and the poor goblin was plunged into it upside-down and held by the ankles until he expired.

Never should we grow accustomed to the horrors of war, but neither should we allow ourselves to grow weak as the final victory grows nearer.

This is however not the end of the fight, as the second half of the village is still held by osmite forces and would have to be suppressed also to complete the conquest of the area.

Summer festival

Merchants from the traders guild arrived a week after the conquest Ngomzolak, and with their arrival started the yearly summer festival.

This year’s festival was rather unremarkable… which is in itself worthy of note. The capture of Ngomzolak did not stop the border skirmishes at all, and the pearl army was still conducting heavy fighting on the newly established border.

However, despite the violence taking place in Sposmipo Wetlands, the interior of the kingdom’s border were pretty calm. The traders guild could travel between all the settlements of the kingdom without fear.

Histamine could not partake in the festival – she was on the front, so the seasonal trade was conducted without her, and consisted mostly of the same trades as usual: fuel, metals and other primary raw materials against luxury trinkets made out of cloth and bones.

With the development of the town over the year, its locally available resources are now almost all exhausted, incapable of regenerating faster than they are exploited – which in turn forces the city to rely on trade for its very functioning. It is incapable to produce metals at all, and its consumption of wood is order of magnitudes higher than its ability to grow it back.

The bigger the city grows, the more it develops its secondary sector and as a result, the more it depends on trade and good international relations.

The kingdom of pearls establishing itself comfortably as a powerful trade-based power is very satisfying to witness.

Totten fends off her attacker

It was deep in the evening of the 23th of July. Totten had spent the day in the market – not to buy anything but, as most pearlites do, just to visit, take in the ambiance, see friends and make merry in general. Earlier that month, she bought herself a luxury cloak that she was extremely proud of, and since then did not let pass an opportunity to show her purchase. Considering she was the commander-in-chief of the army of pearls at this point, this is a vanity she could indulge.

However, after the sun had set and as she was slowly walking back to the barracks, she heard a sound behind her that her lifelong training immediately identified as an attacker.

She turned herself, avoiding the first attack – not understanding what the vagrant jumping on her, knife on hand, could possibly want of her. It was Fanu – the same vagrant who killed a warbeast in the spring.

“Stop that immediately!” she yelled. “Do you have any idea who you’re dealing with?”

That was without effect. The man was clearly going mad. He yelled incoherently and tried to attack her again.

The commotion soon attracted a public. Totten could have easily killed the man, and the Lady would likely forgive her for that.
But having been asked by Lady Desli to try to deescalate such situations. As she could deal with the man without killing him, she decided to spare him this time. She avoided his attack without difficulty, and restrained him on the ground until his senses came back to him.

Fanu calmed and his face burried in the mud, Totten resumed her walk to the barracks. Tomorrow, she thought, she’d go to see the Lady and press her to take a decision.

Now that it was established they would attack citizens, Desli would have to deal with the vagrants one way or the other.

The old gods converge to the city

The festival came and went. Aside from that icident with Fanu and Totten, everything went well. Most citizen did not even noticed the attack squads rotating in and off the front – which they did the whole season.

That period of calm was unfortunately brought to an end on the 11 of August.

Rino Moyirathima “The turquoise persuader” was a bronze colossus. The second we met. Unlike the first one, Odlug “The Dominant Scar”, Rino did not have an extensive history with us. He appears to have rampaged in the mountains, mostly.
He destroyed the Kodsakzul dwarven village of Nishzon ion year 14, the osmite village of Ngomsmuksmum in the Sposmipo wetland in year 41, then back to Kodsakzul dwarves, the village of Astikud in year 120. This is not to mention his less important attacks on towns and travellers, reported almost everywhere east of the interior sea.
However, until now, he always left Mong Kima in peace. What did change his mind, we do not know – as far as we understand, this attack was entirely unprovoked.
Unprovoked and ill-timed, as Histamine, Islas and their squads still waging war at the border, the town was less defended than usual – and bronze colossi being probably the most fearsome foes we could possibly face.
The alarm was raised as soon as the monster was spotted. The army was equipped with heavy silver maces and blades of dwarven iron – we do not know of better fit weapons to fight such an enemy.
Weary but with brave hearts, every apt defender was thrown at the old god.

It was a fight such as those usually only found in old folk tales. The weapon masters were nimble enough to avoid the attacks of the colossus, and their weapons had just enough power in them to dent and chip out its metal flesh.

For hours, the heroes of the army of pearls attacked the monster, relentlessly, taking turn to harass and strike him, aiming for its articulations, or trying to widen its chinks.

Witness to the whole scene, the citizenry prayed to Ino and Edri that the monster could be defeated before he could land a lucky shot on the soldiers – one lucky hit on a tired soldier, it is all he needed to kill.

Finally, one of its legs gave in, and the monster fell on the ground, causing a large tremor. With replenished ardor and confidence, the soldiers rushed him and stroke his exposed head until it totally stopped moving, utterly dismantled. The victory was achieved without loss.

Like it happened with Odlug, by magic or miracle, the body of the creature transformed into a beautiful bronze statue.

Old gods and the magic related to them do go beyond our understanding.

The statue was given as a gift to the queen to be displayed in the palace – it had to be a lucky charm – and if it isn’t, it would at least remind the people of the kingdom of that epic battle.


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #1624 on: February 15, 2024, 01:19:11 am »

It lives! And the megabeast is dead! Woo!
Quote from: Draignean@Spamkingdom+
Truly, we have the most uniquely talented spy network in all existence.
Quote from: mightymushroom@Spamkingdom#
Please tell me the Royal Physician didn't go to the same college as the Spymaster.

Darkening Kaos

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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #1625 on: February 15, 2024, 04:57:34 am »

     Always a joy to read about the day-to-day lives of our favourite Pearlites.
So! Failed to make peace, war looms, kill the infidels... what are our plans for the weekend?
The Giant Moles in the caverns of my current fort breed like crazy, even while regularly being decimated by other beasts entering them...


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #1626 on: February 15, 2024, 07:02:37 am »

That colossi art was fantastic
Also I always look forward to the map art too!
It's cool seeing the world come together and also for the city to turn into a trade center. Does this world have caverns? I'm imagining a dreadful scarcity of wood forcing the humans to delve and strip the caves of fungi wood. Or that might be too far off from what the actual aim of the game is here.

Tweak makeown
is the dfhack command I use it when animal people show up at my forts because I like to collect them


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #1627 on: February 15, 2024, 10:18:55 am »

The only reason that mugger is still alive is likely because Totten was off-duty from the sound of things. my experience with such matters tells me if she were on active duty she'd have probably smashed his skull in an instant, if he was lucky.

Those executions of enemy leadership made me laugh much harder than they should have. I guess they seemed so comically out of nowhere that I couldn't help it. That said, those Osmite bastards almost certainly have (and like have had for some time now, considering even the kindest goblin is still going to be a prick on a good day,) similar things planned for the nobility of Mong Kima at this point.

And man, I love your depictions of the bronze colossi. Not sure what it is about them.


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #1628 on: February 15, 2024, 01:32:12 pm »

The only reason that mugger is still alive is likely because Totten was off-duty from the sound of things. my experience with such matters tells me if she were on active duty she'd have probably smashed his skull in an instant, if he was lucky

Yeah, we should have dealt with Fanu a long time ago. I didn't take action so far because he only killed a beast and I value the life of a human over the life of an animal, but now that he attacks people, we need to get him out of here

similar things planned for the nobility of Mong Kima at this point.
Oh we know what they do to us when there's nothing to stop them, since the first fall of Kimaeslo Ori. They just murder everyone.
To Bidkŕ's defense, every goblin she executed was a professional soldier, and the villagers get to live. Under our rule of course, but we'll make sure to be fair to them.

We need to get comfortable with the idea of dealing death... It's a bit sad but if we don't, we'll never achieve peace.

And man, I love your depictions of the bronze colossi. Not sure what it is about them.
It's a bit inspired by castle in the sky. Except they are soulless murder machines.

It's cool seeing the world come together and also for the city to turn into a trade center. Does this world have caverns? I'm imagining a dreadful scarcity of wood forcing the humans to delve and strip the caves of fungi wood.
Oh it does, but during our first attempt at this fort, we breached an aquifer and it's now partially flooded. There is wood underground, but it's too dangerous to be exploited now.

We indeed thrive more on the surface than underground, we're humans after all, but exploring the still-dry part of the caverns may be a good idea. We'll launch an expedition this fall.

Tweak makeown
is the dfhack command I use it when animal people show up at my forts because I like to collect them
So, the good new is : it works ! The bad news is : it's not the end of the story ! Fanu will still cause problems for a short while. More on that next update.

I still have two months to play and Ill work on the next update !


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #1629 on: February 15, 2024, 03:12:29 pm »

Buried alive by a dog. What a shameful way to go.


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #1630 on: February 15, 2024, 08:31:45 pm »

While it's more of a long-term style of sourcing manpower, I did remember an idea I've seen some people use and I've used myself before. I forget if it was floated or not before.

Assuming there's a possibility of finding a good spot (probably underground) you could set up a kind of pseudo-foreign quarter, making an open-to-all tavern/inn with beds for rent. - with a caveat to watch each visitor closely and keep the cap low and your artifacts well-secured. While the main draw will be bards, those same bards will often have desirable skills or combat training (I once took on a human bard who turned out to be a legendary-skill armorer who put all my dwarves to shame at the job for instance.) They'll also attract actual sellswords, which while those seem to usually be fewer in number are also useful, and adding the [MERCENARY] tag to more civs might lead to a spike in them appearing from many sources, as I think by default only humans have that tag (which is kind of weird.)

Applicants essentially get two years of good/easy living (or as close as we can provide,) with the expectation that they join the army when those two years are up, making them mercenaries with extra steps as well (only those individuals can also lead squads themselves after attaining citizenship, potentially allowing us to source entire strike teams from foreign populations.) Kind of like a bizarre take on a Foreign Legion.

And of course among those we attract we still get to keep the ones who happen to have desirable trade skills such as bone carvers, clothiers or smiths.


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #1631 on: February 17, 2024, 01:27:21 am »

So a couple things :
Fall 158 has been played. Funny stuff happened, but nothing very unexpected, it's rather uneventful. I'll finish the pictures and post the updates.

For the tavern thing, a bridgetavern was actually the idea behind Kimaeslo Ori, when it was originally founded. But nobody came to visit us (probably because we're technically on an ocean tile ?). But we can possibly use that Tweak makeown hack to recruit vagrants. After the hack, they are not made automatically citizen and have to apply, and get to use the tavern in the meantime.

I don't know if you would consider that cheating. An alternative would be to simply recruit the human vagrants and expel them, and leave the elves to their fate. For memory we have two communities of homeless in the fort : pearlites and Iferifiyopi elves. So maybe I can ask the public's opinion about them : what should we do with either ?

In either case, I will not use rescues to feed the war machine, that would be... a bit monstruous, but since we have houses and beds, it's a bit of a shame to have those people sleeping naked in the forest and in the mine.

I'm also considering diversifying our military approach by training a special forces unit, who would specialize in prisonner rescues. More informations next update


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #1632 on: February 17, 2024, 04:46:48 am »

That's odd, I don't remember the lack of visitors being an issue, but it has been a very long time since the town was established and resettled IRL time.

If it weren't for the security concerns placing one more towards one of the map edges on either side of the bridge might have the desired result, but that'd be the kind of thing that would fall under being an experiment and probably not suited for the story here without a lot of set-up to keep such a thing properly secured against at least ground-based cavalry and infantry attacks.

I personally wouldn't consider the tweak to be cheating, since it's essentially fixing a problem the game is having. I've had to use it way back in 34.11 before to fix migrant waves more than once.

As a rescue-to-army thing, while monstrous at a glance if they have pre-existing skills and the personality for it or proper motive (such as monsters or the osmites having wronged them personally in the past,) no reason they can't serve in a domestic unit if there's ever the need to raise a new one or fill holes in the roster as they arise. But as story has some degree of priority, I'd still stress it needing to make sense in those situations which will vary from person to person and most probably won't fit the bill.

Having a specialist team to rescue people would also not go amiss. Never know when it'll be handy to have.

I look forward to the next update all the same.


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #1633 on: February 17, 2024, 04:34:14 pm »

I am not against the use of dfhack

The vagrants are only there because of a bug and so dfhack would function to fix the bug
Or you could just massacre them all, but that is even more out of character for what you wanna do.

Not sure how others feel though I'm sort of the pokemon master of "tweak makeown" so lol


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls (DF 0.47.05)
« Reply #1634 on: February 21, 2024, 04:04:16 pm »

Fall 158

After a summer spent in violent operations, be them offensive action on Ngomzolak village, battles against city-destroying machines or desperate attempts to deescalate community conflicts with the vagrants, the city was hoping to spend the shortening days of the year consolidating their gains and recovering from the effort. This fall and the following winter then, there will be no major force projection, and instead a focus on domestic improvement.

Fanu is evicted

The case of Fanu Pumekaslu, the pearlite vagrant turned market bully, who during the past year alone, trampled an oatfield, killed a prized warbeast and assaulted commander Totten. Now pearlites are an understanding bunch, but even their patience was running thin.
The issue had been presented to Lady Desli multiple times this year, but after the aggression of Totten, she had no choice but to act.

She decided to condemn the brute to exile to the city of Edetledir. That solution, she thought, was tempered and would satisfy everyone : the villagers would be ridden of a violent pest who attacked both men and animals, Fanu would be punished only lightly considering the increasing gravity of his crimes, and Edetledir would benefit from an extra pair of arms for its reconstruction. At this point, Fanu was a pest, but he wasn’t a murderer. People wanted to get rid of him, not especially to enact retributive justice.

Gal, a newly appointed swornman, gave the vagrant his expulsion order the morning of the 8th of September. With the order, his recommendation letter to be given to governor Toki of Edetledir, so he could easily find employment in  exile – another effort by Lady Desli to do right by the people she felt in charge of.

« You have quite a trip to do alone, I suggest you leave soon not to be caught by the night. »

Fanu batted the papers with his hand – they fell on the mud.

« Regardless, you have until tonight to leave the town » Gal continued, « If we find you in Kimaeslo Ori tomorrow morning, we’re throwing you out. »

The problem was solved – Gal went back to the barracks to attend a sword fighting lesson.

Uquur comes to town

It was still the wee hours in the morning when a shadowy figure arrived in Kiseabo’s tavern, the Candies of Jade. It was an aging woman, carrying a large axe.

« I’d like to put a reservation for a room » she said. « I’d be staying a couple of weeks ».

At first, Kiseabo was surprised – nobody ever asked for a room in his tavern since he became a bartender – but an instant later, he realized that he knew that stranger : it was Uquur « Pale ghost by the candles »* Dirlugisep.

To say that Uquur was a famous person would be quite the understatement. She has been a persona in the world of martial arts since, as a young student of Stipoth Rozmowom of Tetzobsha, first axemaster of the kingdom, undertook the task of training the early militia of Thomocemir.

Uquur joined Thomocemir in 131

Her renown grew even more as she fought on the frontline against Osme, as part of Pathril’s most sturdy fighters – to the point that the trader’s guild decided to name her as their mistress in 141 – after ten years of war.
Uquur was a fighter and have a limited trade experience, but her heroic status was enough to stop their decision. She then moved to the Queen’s residence, the manor near the village of Asuciro. At this point, her husband had become a captain in the army of Thomocemir, two of her kids died, and the last one had become a knight.

Uquur remained the most influencial figure in the royal court, here in 143 and 149, respectively

From the court of Asuciro, she continued to organize the kingdom, establishing trade routes and keeping the settlements supplied.

Kiseabo, having been born and grown in the border fort in the swamp, knew Uquur personally since he was a child – he was very happy to see her again.

« Of course ! » he exclaimed. « Should I inform the Queen and the Lady of your presence in town ? 
- No, just a meal and a room, that will be all. » she answered. « I’ll rest a bit, and go see them myself. »

A fight on the bridge

Later on the afternoon, there was a commotion on the bridge, near the eastern head. Fanu, who evidently did not comply to his eviction, was beating up a reindeer doe so badly that the poor animal was puking the content of her guts on the bridge, making vain and pitiful attempts to avoid the blows.
The population of the bridge would just stand around, witnessing the appalling spectacle, grinding their teeth, hoping Fanu would eventually leave without causing anymore damage.

Luckily, Fanu stopped beating the helpless animal before it was killed and the vagabond left the scene. The story however, was far from over : Fanu’s semi coherent wanderings taking him closer and closer to the barracks where Gal was training – furious and agitated even further by the violence he enacted earlier on the cattle.

For the general misfortune, he happened to see Gal going out of the barracks after the conclusion of his swordfighting lesson. Fanu’s blood, who was already quite hot at this point, reached boiling point.

« You ! » he exclaimed, picking his silver knife in hand. « I’m going to beat you so bad you’ll wish you were on the front » and immediately proceeded to jump on the poor swornman.

Had Gal be a swordmaster like most of the other swornmen, he could have batted the bully off pretty easily, similarly how Totten dealt with him in summer. But as it turned out, Gal was a newly addition to the squad and was still learning. The large bandit took him on the ground and proceeded to beat him severely also, breaking multiple bones.

As the beatings were happening in front of the barracks, something had to happen now. Fanu’s crimes have been increasing in gravity for half a year, and now a swornman had been injured and was needing rescue.

Elder Aru, a neswly minted light infantry captain, happened to have also been training that day. Very old man, Aru felt that any punishment the law could inflict on him would be comparatively light – as he did not had many years left to be deprived of anyway – and thought it would be best if he was the one to intervene.

Sword in hand, Aru kicked the barracks door open, surprizing the bandit and allowing Gal to run away.

« Ino be my witness ! » he shouted to Fanu as he proceeded to skewer him with his large bronze sword. « You deserve everything that’s coming your way ! »

The violence of the scene was one step above anything that happened so far. The man was dragged on the ground, beaten with the edge of a sword, then beheaded. Witnesses and actors were all horrified – the bridge was all red once Aru was finished with the vagrant.

« This is something I decided to do alone » Aru declared. « I’m taking responsability for Fanu’s death ».

Though his actions caused the death of a pearlite, the old man received but a stern talking-to. Even if something would have to be done so the situation does not happen again, Fanu did indeed deserve what came to him.

Gal could walk on his own to the apothecary and his wounds were tended to by Ralin. At the time of this redaction, it is unclear if he will completely recover.

The fall festival was rather unremarkable

The 17th of October, the dwarven merchants of the kingdom of Nish Tiz arrived in town. The open commerce with Nish Tiz is probably one of the most remarkable advances of the two last decades, as it brought dwarven iron to the kingdom of pearls. Not only that, but also because they are not shy about clear cutting their own forests, they turned out to be better fuel merchants than the elves themselves. Besides, the dwarves merchants are among the nicest we dealt with – they are appreciative of our crafts, come with goods we actually need, and their diplomatic demands are extremely light – all of that make Nish Tiz merchants very welcome in our walls.

This year, we were a bit disapointed that they would not bring dwarven iron in their wares – although we do not depend on it for our survival, dwarven iron has a tendancy to make difficult situations much easier and to generally limit the price in life of war operations, compared to traditional metals.

They did however bring a bit of tin and multiple tons worth of fuel for our forges ; we will manage to do without our yearly supply of miracle metal.

The army of pearls reaches Stustonako’s outskirts

Almost at the same time merchants arrived in Kimaeslo Ori – just one day after in fact, the second half of Ngomzolak village surrendered to Osmite forces. That means that, from this point on, the road to the fortress of Stustonako is completely cleared.

The good news is, Stustonako is the main defensive point of Osme Stobűb. If the fortress falls, the Empire falls with it. All its fighting forces are concentrated inside the black fortress.

The bad news is, even reaching the fort itself will be a slog. It is surrounded by no less than ten suburbs, themselves dug into swamp mud, that we will have to take before the siege of Stustonako can even begin. And after that, it is only the start of the difficulties : one thousand cavalrymen, one thousand war trolls and two thousand regular infantry wait for us in the fortress.

Hard times are still ahead, but we’re marching forward.

Uquur formally joins the fortress

After a couple weeks spent in the Candies of Jade, Uquur decided to make her way to the water palace and officially meet with Lady Desli. She expressed her deepest apologies for the behavior of some of the men under her responsability – a group Fanu was a part of – and requested citizenship of the bridgetown.

Now Uquur was famous kingdomwide, and her place, as the mistress of the trade guild, was near the Queen to organize trade and logistics. Her plea was accepted, of course

Having Uquur on hand would allow the capitale city to make trades with the settlements way, way more effective, and request from the villages goods that they are actually in need of ; metals and fuel as of now.

Uquur also gave Stama Ago, her artefact iron great axe with whhich she slew a hundred osmite, to the town’s army.

New laws on vagrancy

With the return of Uquur and what happend with Fanu, it became crystal clear that the town needed to act to solve the homelessness problem – especially considering most pearlite vagrants were members of the traders guild before Kimaeslo Ori first destruction in 149.

Henceforth, after a few days of deliberation, here is the laws on homelessness that the town will abide by from now on :

• Starting this winter, an integration program is to be started. Vagrants will be let in the tavern and processed one by one. We won’t proces more vagrants than we have room in the inn.
• Vagrants will no longer be ignored by the justice system. If a vagrant commits a crime, he will be exiled if the crime does not result in the loss of life of a pearlite, and killed if it does.
• Vagrants are barred from partaking in any miliatry operation for two years starting for their date of processing – this is to prevent their own abuse.
• Forest dwellers will be processed before mine-dwellers, ethnic pearlites will be processed before elves
• Work, clothes and habitation will be made available to them at the town’s expense

This may take time, and this may be ammended according to emergin needs, but those are the guidelines we’ll try to follow.

The mines are extended in search of new microline veins

Now we might just add a note about the mine extention project going on in the caves. Lately, our reserves of microline has ran a bit dry, which makes the town construction project a bit longer than it should. Microline is a decorative stone that we use to make roof and floor tiles, usually to contrast with the light gray dolomite blocks. Microline is pretty and cheap, but the extracted reserves is now exhausted. New mining projects has therefore been planned to find new veins and to supply stone cutters ith some raw material. Further extention projects are to be expected.

There are still a lot of untapped microline veins left in the caves

* The proposed translation is « Taupe Haunt of Wax ». If you have a better interpretative translation, by all means.
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