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Author Topic: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls (DF 0.47.05)  (Read 249143 times)

Darkening Kaos

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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1545 on: October 10, 2022, 09:59:22 pm »

Yes, we can ! Although non metallic armors are really untrustworthy in battle (their use is probably why we lost the town last time), we might have to resort to them as they are still better than nothing. But even in that case, we'll replace them asap.

In other news, Winter 155 has been played. And a LOT of things happened. It's a big bad mixed bag of experimentations, problems and discoveries fitting into each others like a tetris WR, and Kaos is involved more than once. Totten and Ralin also will have some screentime

    Errrr, I'll plead the Calvin defence - "It wasn't me.  I wasn't there, and you can't prove I was"
So! Failed to make peace, war looms, kill the infidels... what are our plans for the weekend?
The Giant Moles in the caverns of my current fort breed like crazy, even while regularly being decimated by other beasts entering them...


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1546 on: November 03, 2022, 11:36:12 am »

Winter 155

Arranged marriage

The season oppened rather happily, with the marriage between Kaos and a woman of his age by the name of Samas Opciro. She was a small fish cleaner, born in 126, likely in a seaside village. She was a mysterious young lady with no relative, and with a set of skill that was not given a chance to blossom in Kimaeslo Ori.

She has been  complaining about the lack of dating prospects lately – and has she was in good terms with Kaos, Lady Desli thought about her as a good opportunity to arrange a good marriage.

Kaos was a good party : he had his own house wiith workshop in the old town, and being a redsmith, he was a member of the most respected profession in the city.

As neither had any present parent to take the decision for the wedding, Kaos and Samas were asked directly in a dedicated meeting in the water palace. They accepted promptly and after that, they had become husband and wife.

There was a modest party, and  the town took those happenings for a good omen for the season.

Could they have been more wrong.

Osta, son of Smunstu

Osta was a goblin of intermediate class, born in 104 in Xestbax, small pit in northern Osme. His father was a bard and a writer, author of a recognized essay on Sestobub, the imperial capitale city, and his mother was a woman of unremarkable stature.
Like his father before him, he had a taste for good words and songs and wished he could acquire fame and wealth by travelling the world, spreading imperial culture.

Osmite politics, however, would call him to higher functions – after the death of his father, in a failed assault on Thomocemir in 138, Osta sworn to take his revenge against Mong Kima. Using his oratory skills to great effect, he gathered a following in the village of Usubuurar, deep into Osme territory. He spent a fortune in equipment, armors, spears maces and swords, mounts and troll rams – at the end of the year 155, he had effectively become a warlord, and would unleash his power against Kimaeslo Ori.

Frontal clash


The army of two hundred and so souls arrived at Kimaeslo Ori the 4th of December. It was composed mostly of goblin infantry, a couple trolls, and a small stable of beakdogs, some of which were mounted.

As Kimaeslo Ori was now used to resist to Osmite attacks, the war bell rangs immediatly and the population took refuge in their houses, with haste but without panic.

The army had been moved on the bridge barrack and would be deployed much, much faster than in its previous underground post.

They crossed the bridge and gathered between the old copper-roofed houses – it took them a little time to gather enough men to initiate a charge. When the sun started to set however, they were ready.

A strong rain coupled with the dimming evening light and the density of the northern forest made assessing the enemy troops a bit hard – but Totten and her captains were confident that, considering their level of skill and equipment, they could defeat an Osmite army of any size.

Besides, they had no other alternative at this point. Kimaeslo Ori did not have the ability to turtle up, making the amry the first and the last line of defense.

Islas, quickly followed by a couple of his volonteers, crashed into the dense osmite formation, shattering it immediately. The swordmaster first faced an unmounted beakdog – with a trust of his large bronze sword, he threw the animal on the ground – another thrust was met with the characteristic wheezing sound of  a perforated lung – the captain knew his enemy would die on his own and turned his attention to the next. Less than a second later, his sword would lop off the arm of a crossbowman, and quickly dance toward another maceman coming in reinforcement, which he slew in two moves.

Islas Candoalu Okosenre Mithrup, the wild sword saint, did not usurp his heroic title – and he would dispatch the enemy quicker than they could cross the distance toward him.

The rain grew in intensity – soon, the rest of the army, led by commander Totten, charged toward the breaking Osmite formation.

Pearlite soldiers would walk in very tight formations, trapping small clusters of enemies in small cauldrons, then methodically eliminating them. In comparison, Osmite formations were loose and ineffective, their men were now walking backward, trying without success to avoid contact.

Osme's initial attack was crushed and pushed outside Kimeaslo Ori's bordersand before the night was through.

It was however not the end of the battle just yet.

Mounted skirmishers

The second day of battle was the theater of Osmite cavalry flank – a group of monted beakdogs appeared from the woods and barelled toward pearlite soldiers, whose strengh was waning due to the prolonged effort, gear weight and weather conditions.

Monal, a swordswoman, was slain by a beakdog – her companion rushed her attackers and advenged her immediately. But from this point on, the pressure had changed side.

Iwo, a swordsman of great strengh, jumped over the corpse of Monal and engaged the mounted soldier – he sank his pearl iron blade into the beackdog's skull – his rushing comrades quickly surrounded the cavalier and dismembered him also.

In the early phase of the battle, pearlites could progress unimpeded through a compact enemy formation – but now that Osmite were scattered everywhere, they had effectively surrounded them.

Totten had no choice but to order her men to form a square – they would have to endure Osmite attacks until they run out of steam – lost in the forest and surrounded by enemies on all sides, she could neither attack nor retreat.

The battle continued for hours. The rain, the mud, the tiredness. The army was losing its strengh, as it was harassed by wave upon waves of reserve troops.

« Where's my brother ? » cried Are. She was lightly wounded and was crawling in the dirt. She could not feel pain, but she also couldn't get up. « Where is Uzu ? »

Uzu was nowhere to be found.

As she was desperately looking for help, stranded and thrown on the ground, a large troll noticed she was an easy prey and rushed toward her.

The timely intervention of Sothro among other soldiers likely saved her life. Soon, the troll's hemocyanin melted into the red blood of its goblin masters.

As for Uzu, he has been shaking in his boot for the whole fight so far, paralized by fear at the gathering point.  Two of his men were guarding himl, halfway trying to reason with him so he would join the fight, halfway glad they could save their own skin by remaining at his side.

Only when he heard his sister in danger did he decide to join the fight. Fresh troops was what Totten needed the most at this point – the charge of three swordmasters into a loose skirmishing formation encountered little resistance.

Victory came some time after that. The end of the battle arrived quietly – Osmite reinforcements gradually stopped pouring in, then before they would notice it, the goblin army had completely disapeared and the day was finally won.

That victory did not have the same feeling as the previous ones, when it was achieved by violently breaking the Osmite army's kidneys in a glorious charge. This one was messy, clutchy, and the army suffered a loss and a couple wounds of various gravity.

The arrest

The army had a couple wounded, and new beds had to be installed in Ralin's little clinic to allow everyone to rest and be tended to. Wounds were not permanent. Some torn muscles, some broken bones, some fractures. All very painful, nothing debilitating. With the experience they earned by tending to Kiseabo for a whole year, Ralin and her assistants were confident they could heal everyone.

Nonetheless, Monal had to be replaced, and her sacrifice had to be comemorated – an engraved stone was commissioned – her body was burried in the field and a small memorial was installed deep in the mines.

As for her replacement, a man by the name of Dopod wasintroduced in the army.

Dopod arrived to his first drill in high spirit, and he was paired with Iwo to be taught the basics of combat.But as the newblood tried to hold his own against his senior during their first spar, Iwo lost all measure and turned violent, immediately stopped pulling his hits and striking his junior with actual blows.

Before the officers could understand what just happened, Dopod was left bloody on the ground, mounted by a furious Iwo landing blow after blow on him.

« Iwo, stop immediately ! » shouted Totten. As he would not comply, she tackled him, soon to bebe assisted by her squad.

Iwo was thrown outside the barracks, red, the face full of bruises and snort – they would deal with him later. Dopod was immediately taken to the infirmery – he was not in danger anymore. That, for one, was a relief.

Alone and outside the bridge, Iwo was still fuming red, and was on the look out for anyone to pass his rage upon. He would not have to wait a long time, as citizen would have to cross the bridge to go and ndress the corpses as they always do after a battle.

Kaos, married for less than a week, happened to cross the bridge at this very moment. Iwo jumped on him without rhyme or reason.

Thanks to his military training, Kaos could resist the unprovocked, savage assault – he had a couple fractures by the time the swornmens arrived. Kaos joined Dopod to the infirmery.

The trial

Uzu and the swornmens cuffed Iwo – this time, no mistake. The man had to be stopped before he kill someone.
Uzu dragged him to the justice house, and was tried immediately by Lady Desli herself. Uzu had Totten's soldiers give their testimony, and they were all beyond the shadow of a doubt :

« It's an open and shut case » Uzu affirmed to the soldier. « If you would confess to the crime, it would save the town a lot of time, and we could proceed to your punishment immediately. »

« Tell you what, fine, I beat him up » Iwo confessed. « He thought a weakling like him could replace Monal – I had to give him a sense of reality. I might have gone overboard. »

So that was it. Iwo assaulted a comrade in arms, the facts were not disputed, and Lady Desli could pass judgement.

« A public beating with a wooden rod and a month in a cage. » she said, visibly upset.

Uzu made the mental note, then turned to Iwo again, encouraged by his first success.

« Alright, that settles it for Dopod. Now onto your aggression of the redsmith Kaos. »

This was a harder case – because there was only one witness, and Kaos himself decided not to press charge. Uzu decided to clench his fists and tried to  extract another confession from his prisonner.

« What about  you confess to it also, so you do not turn that sentence into a lethal one ? » he asked, trying to sound menacing.

This did not work as well.

« Listen up Uzu, if I could be intimidated by some kid, I would not have enlisted » he said, calmly but firmly. « You want to end me ? Do your worst – I did not flee before Osme and I will not flee before you. »

Uzu felt very uncomfortable – especially since he did not really shine with his bravery last battle. Uzu hide himself during most of the fight, while Iwo charged straight into mounted raiders.
Better to drop the charge, he thought. He had already a confession, no need for a second one.

« Now, we can proceed with the sanction » Lady Desli said sternly to the soldier. « But if you want, I can offer you an alternative : either you take the beeting and the jailtime, or... »

Iwo lifted a eyebrow. The beating, most especially, he wanted to avoid. There is no telling he would survive to it – he was married and had a child.

« Or you go fill up the garrisson at Edetledir, and you do not come back to Kimaeslo Ori. You take your family with you, you serve under Lord Toki, and you make damn sure we forget about you forever.

What will it be, Iwo Atemcobi ? »

The next day, Iwo, his wife and kid were hitting the road.

Freedom, consequences and lessons learned

Iwo and his wife were both soldiers, and  would also need to be replaced – but this seasonal report is long enough already, and we still have ground to cover.

After those issues were solved – the military incursion repelled and the violent soldier expelled, Lady Desli sat at her desk and thought, maybe she had ways to improve the lives of her citizen. The book of local laws, she thought, may be a little outdated, and she thought that, perhaps, she could improve upon it.

And in the book of laws, the least popular was the Reglement on Comings and Goings applicable to both citizen and guests. That reglement was made in the time of the Aconilun out of necessity, as people woulds wander over the frozen sea and fall through the ice to their death, or go explore the caves alone and be swept by the underground currents to the bottom of the earth.

But that code was very wasteful. It designated an area in which the townsfolk were allowed to wander, and explicitely denied them any other venue. Maybe instead of restricting their movement to a burrow like one does with catle, she would just use more precise regulations. Do not go on the sea, do not go in the underground curents, and the world is your oister ?

Desli found no pleasure in limiting the freedoms of her population. So she thought, it was worth a try.

She promulgated the new law, and its effects were immediat. Productivity went up immediately – as people started to collect the trash, cleanliness improved immediately.

The trash compactor was now back into use – tons of discarded clothing were thus eliminated. At this rate, in less than half a year, the town should be back to its pristine condition.

But soon, problems started to emerge. One day, inconsiderate usage of the trash compactor rpojected debris at high velocity out of the machine, and a townsfolk was hit. Dazed and bloodied by the contact, the poor man fell into the compactor and broke his leg.

He had to be rescued – he soon joined the soldiers and the violence victims to the infirmery. It was decided that the trash compactor would only be used when filled, so that incident would not reoccur.

Rescues and recoveries

Another issue arose from the lumberjacks, who saw the relaxation of rules as an invitation to go and work in the underground forests. Indeed, the flood had made the underground caves very fertile to wood-like mushrooms, which make high quality material for a number of applications. However, the same current was known to be extremely dangerous and a couple woodcutter drowned because of it, at the time of the Aconilun.

This season, no less than three rescue operations had to be organized to save stranded lumberjacks.
Three pets, a cat and two tame rhesus macaques, drowned while playing in the caves – luckily, no human casualty this time. Lady Desli amanded the rules to forbid cave exploration, and to remove the ability of the lumberjacks to pick and cut trees without an explicit lordly order.

Last but not least, Kiseabo recovered from his wounds – more or less. He now has to walk with a crutch, and cannot re-enlist in the army due to his crippling scars, but he is not bedridden anymore.

To thank him for his sacrifice, he was given the responsability over the Candies of Jade, the local tavern-inn.  He accepted graciously and gave his dwarven iron sword  back to the army, before starting his new life as a barkeeper.

Commercial balance is out of whack again.  The weakening of our trade pushed our work back three years. We'll have to offer the guild a lot of goods, as we want to reduce our debt to zero as a core objective of the town.

« Last Edit: November 03, 2022, 11:41:25 am by Cathar »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1547 on: November 03, 2022, 12:08:02 pm »

Man that was a bit of a ride. Still, good to see that the Army's overall effectiveness is nice and high, even if the mess led to a few soldiers snapping a bit.

If we were able, I'd recommend tighter enlistment requirements (mainly preferring those with the ability to handle stress better than average) but that's probably not the most practical course of action.


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1548 on: November 03, 2022, 03:55:58 pm »

Exhaustion can take even the strongest warrior, dwarven iron or no. Perhaps it's time to field a contingent of war animals, to draw away the blows of the enemy. Even dogs could help, in sufficient numbers.

Always a treat to read through the new updates!
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important

Darkening Kaos

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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1549 on: November 04, 2022, 12:03:10 am »

So! Failed to make peace, war looms, kill the infidels... what are our plans for the weekend?
The Giant Moles in the caverns of my current fort breed like crazy, even while regularly being decimated by other beasts entering them...


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1550 on: November 15, 2022, 12:15:07 pm »

If we were able, I'd recommend tighter enlistment requirements (mainly preferring those with the ability to handle stress better than average) but that's probably not the most practical course of action.

Yeah, I was hoping military training would help Iwo gathering enough good moodlets to overcome his stress... Obviously I was wrong. But he would have snapped one way or the other, so in the end that's okay. He didn't do much damages.
Uzu is also in danger of snapping, I should really marry him to some girl and give him some time off. The rest of the fort is between neutral and extatic bliss, a long shot from the crime infested Aconilun.

Exhaustion can take even the strongest warrior, dwarven iron or no. Perhaps it's time to field a contingent of war animals, to draw away the blows of the enemy. Even dogs could help, in sufficient numbers.

Good idea, dogs we have in numbers, and we will have some jaguars soon. I'll give some kind of animal companion to every officer.


Spring 156

Good river wind, stir this light boat

After the two Osmite attacks that shook the bridgetown in 155, people were hoping the kingdom would resume its counter-offensive, or at the very least that things would calm down for a year or two. The losses were acceptable – only one death, and a couple wounded among which only one had to give up his military career... a long shot from the four to five hundred osmite soldiers slain.

But then again, the standards differed quite a lot between Mong Kima and Osme. An imperial soldier would be made with a month of training, a mass produced armor and a soldier bought weapon – training a pearlite warrior was the affair of multiple years.

Nevertheless, Totten and her captains were hard at work training and equipping the next assault force – it was estimated that thirty masters-at-arms would be needed to complete the current operation.

“Here are the information we have.” said Histamine, in charge of the strategy, during an officer meeting, deploying the hand drawn map to her colleagues. “To make sure we are all on the same page when it comes to our general agenda.”

“Osme occupies the east of the continent, and its core lands are protected by two monstruous defensive positions – Stustonako in the south, Stozuumu in the north. As long as those fortifications are battle-capable, the empire cannot be threatened.”

Essentially, those two lines on the east of the salt lake were a hard border delimiting the imperial core territory – they were themselves too well defended to be attacked by a force such as ours – Stozunako had over 3000 defenders !

But aside from its core territory and its heavily fortified borders, Osme also had a couple of advance positions it uses to harass civilized territories.

“Two more villages in the north, three in the south, all soft targets » Histamine said, pointing them out on the map. « If we take the villages in the north, we cut the ability of the Empire to harass the northern kingdoms. We take all five – we contain the whole Empire back within their borders.”

In her evaluation, capturing the village of Ngomzogast would take twenty masters-at-arms. The village of Bosastozu, almost deserted, would only need a squad to be convinced to surrender. Thirty men total would be enough to stop osmite expension in the north – with a bit of luck, this first operational victory could be achieved in 156.

“After the Empire is contained, what do we do ?” interjected Princeling Sothro. “Do we try to pierce their defensive lines, or do we dig-in ourselves in the new borders ?”

Histamine shrugged. She had no idea. That was beyond her expertise – the civilian administration would have to take the decision... and if the kingdom was unanimous on peace being preferable, the best way to achieve it was still up for debate. As afar as she knew, the military did not receive a strategic order of total conquest of Osmestobűb.

Totten and Histamine, having been vagrants before settling in the ruins of the bridgetown, were naturally disinclined to use military force to solve a diplomatic issue. Not only the recquired prowess was significant, but the very idea made them uncomfortable.

“By civilian administration – you mean Lady Desli, right ? Maybe we can simply ask her to take a stance on the matter”

A clamor mounted in the village, and the officers made silence. Something was happening. Someone knocked on the door – it was a swornman, inviting the officers to come outside.

“Sorry to interrupt !” he exclaimed. “But all of you have to come at once !”

The highest honor

Outside, the population had gathered around the eastern gate. A squad of men in armor and carrying weapons and wargear was stationned in front of the arch, waiting for the authorisation to enter.

Lady Desli arrived soon after the military officers and their men-at-arms – truly, in front of that small squad, as well equipped as they were, the army of Kimaeslo Ori appeared properly gigantic.

“I thought I'd make an impression with an escort of Riverguard's elite” said an old woman, in the center of the arriving soldiers. “Turns out that Kimaeslo Ori's army surpasses Thomocemir's by a long shot”

Men in her escort cringed a bit, but remained otherwise still until Lady Desli came to meet her. Desli never saw that old lady, but she seemed important. Maybe a noble ? Her escort, made out of Thomocemir veterans, indicated she could only be one of the two : a Thomocemir person of interest – or someone above that still.

There was only one kind of person above a Thomocemir nobleman.

“The rumors in Asuciro do not give you justice” the old woman said to Desli, gazing upon the palace on the bridge. “Way better than Asuciro, this is for sure – and I've been told it is safer than Thomocemir, too”

The presence of the Queen Usu Ronumagen  was unexpected, that was to say the least. Desli wanted to extend a formal invitation to her – she did not expected the Queen to come out of her own volition.

“I remember visiting Asuciro some years ago” Islas commented  to Uzu, as they saw the events unfold. “It was a small provincial manor, farmers here have more luxury. ”

No wonder she took the opportunity to come in Kimaeslo Ori as soon as it was safe to.

But  then he suddently became silent – he remembered that when he visited Asuciro, his companion managed to kill the queen's dog. It was not his brightest moment either.

As the Queen arrival was unprepared, the town did not have the means to accoodate her and her escort in appropriate conditions immediately, but Lady Desli made sure that workers would build a room for her in the top floor of the palace. As for her escort, they were given a set of beds in the old barracks.

As the soldiers were veterans from Thomocemir, they already had familial ties in Kimaeslo Ori. Such as Idem “Righteous Vandal” and Erod “Decimation”, both axemen of kingdom wide renown, respectively sister and brother-in-law of Sworncaptain Uzu. It took only a couple days for those two to have a small stone house built under the bridge.

On Royalty in the Kingdom of Pearls

The following days  were spent mostly in trying to find ways to accommodate their royal citizen as much as possible. Luckily, she was way less demanding as we expected. She was given a room under construction – she accepted gracefully. She did not mind, for the season, to be without a throne room nor a dedicated dining room. As for her soldiers, they were integrated as-it into a newly formed Royal Guard squad. That expedition was eating with the rest of the population, participatinbg in the planting of seeds and, for those who knew a craft, to the economic effort of the city. We expected an old, petty noble with high expectations, we got a strong, accomodating, hard nosed old lady with few excpectations and a sincere desire to help.

Before we continue, a note on pearlite Royalty, and its relation with the kingdom.

The Kingdom of Pearls was founded by a bandit and vagrant by the name of Par, in year 2. Using her gang of brutes, Par is the one who managed to loosely unite the various ethnic tribes of proto-pearlites into one banner, and she ruled for about fourty years.  The downfall of Par came when she invited a sorceress from Pesor-Ekba, another human tribe, into her court. That sorceress promised Par the secret to eternal life... Par's followers identified her as evil and chased Par and her mentor out of town, and elected a new leader, that would be King Peklod.

Peklod was an imensely popular king who oversaw the development of early Mong Kima and wrote the first book of law, and he ruled until year 103, where he was killed in his castle by Odlug, the Dominant Scar, the bronze colossus. After that, his younger child, Usu Ronumagen, took the crown.

She established herself in Asuciro as a guest of Lady Dilol – until now.

During her reign, Queen Usu was mostly a figurehead. Real power remained in the hands of locale chieftains. Attempts were made to unite the pearlites militarily, but such attempts were crushed decisively in the battle of Kostupu against the elves of Iferifiyopi. That battle, who saw the destruction of the greatest pearlite army of all times, also stripped the central power of all practical authority. Queen Usu and her court are sometimes seen plotting and participating to the affairs of the kingdom, but their reach is always limited by the power of the chieftains they can rally at any given time – in Asuciro castle, they had a couple farmers as retainers and that was pretty much it.

This is probably one of the reason of her presence in Kimaeslo Ori today. The bridgetown was quickly becoming the power node of the kingdom, and if she wanted to acquire some practical power, the Queen had to move her throne there.

Lady Desli was all too happy to oblige for multiple reasons :

One, the arrival of the Queen was adding symbolicity and legitimacy to her own power, making her an asset. Two, the Queen was extremely accomodating and her maintenance was surprizingly cheap and easy. Three, the Queen was married, childless, and 88 years old. Having her designate a Kimaeslo Ori citizen as her rightful heir could inscribe her city as the Kingdom's capitale for centuries.

The sad ghost

One day of spring, the queen asked for an audience to Lady Desli – she had a worried look on her face.

“I heard  terrible screams in the night, like if a woman was getting murdered” she said. “Townsmen said those screams happened often lately – some think curses might be afoot.”

Desli nodded. She heard some complaints from the citizenry too. Kimaeslo Ori had to exorcize ghosts in the past, but thoses ghosts appeared clearly to the inhabitants. This time, nobody saw it – she can be heard alright, but until her name is known, there was simply nothing they could do.

“What would you need to exorcize this ghost ?” asked the Queen, a bit relieved Desli had some kind of experience in the surnatural.
“If this is a ghost indeed – just its name. If we could find it, we can commission a memorial stone and perform the exorcism.”

The queen nodded – an hour later, she went to Erod, the captain of her guard, and tasked him to find the source of those nightly screams. Erod gathered his men and started the investigation.

After interrogating townsmen, they came to the conclusion those screams were coming from deep underground. They armed themselves and fearlessly went into the depp underground to find out.

They emerged a couple days later, a bit tired, but with good news.

“We went forth and discovered the ghost !” reported Erod. “She was not hostile, so we could discuss with her for a bit.”

Her name was Kudpa, and she was a vagrant roaming the region. She did not mentionned why, but she eventually died of sadness and was left unburried. After her death, she found herself still roaming the land, not as a human, but as a undead creature, her pain magnified. She was now crying for help every night, hoping someone would eventually help her.

“Then we will help” Lady Desli concluded.

The redsmithing school and other projects

Some other less important happenings this season. First of all, Iferifiyopi elves came to trade, and as every winter, they brought some fuel, some fruits and seeds, some wooden chests and barrels, but most importantly, among the tamed creatures they brought, a female grizzly bear.

Please excuse me for reusing old pictures

She was bought immediately and trained by Figaro and his colleagues into a war animal, then paired with the male bear we got a couple years before. Producing war bears, alongside war jaguars, will be a significant improvement in our animal squads – especially since last battle demonstrated how much they were needed.

In other news, the redsmith have unionized.

This solves the issue of whether or not we should build a guildhall for them – now they are outright demanding one. Our long term project is to have them build a prestigious smithing school on the bridge, where new generations of redsmiths could be trained – but the building we are dedicating to the function is still a bunch of naked fundations. In the meantimes, courses will have to be held next to the furnaces, in the caverns. This will be temporary, of course.

Last but not least, the building dedicated to the craftmen's guild has been almost completed, its blue microline roof capping its three stories. It only needs a couple windows and furnitures, then it can be made into the luxurious place it is meant to be.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1551 on: November 15, 2022, 02:45:42 pm »

That map is particularly beautiful I just wanna say


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1552 on: November 15, 2022, 04:49:20 pm »

"Much as I'm unsure, if the queen says we're to break them, then we'll break them. I've heard the old tales and stories of warriors able to wear down seemingly insurmountable fortresses through skill and patience. Men, dwarves, elves even. And most of those stories usually have a lot of truth behind them. So if they could do it, then so can we. We've already mulched a few companies of the past couple years, so what's a few battalions on top?"

Possible solution to the economic hit from 'exporting' gear on our fighters - demanding tribute from the enemy villages, or failing that, starting out with cattle raids. Goblins are already remarkably petty and hateful people on average, and they've been dealt multiple humiliating blows besides so it's not like they can physically hate us more than they probably already do if we begin extracting wealth from them in some manner (besides peeling the metal of their dead) and selling it on to our trade partners or returning it blade first to their heads.

That map is particularly beautiful I just wanna say

It really is, gotta agree.


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1553 on: November 15, 2022, 06:24:15 pm »

That map is particularly beautiful I just wanna say
It really is, gotta agree.

Its big brother is in the works. Might take some time though

As for demanding tribute... It depends. Can't say I'm a big fan of bullying villages out of their ressources only to conquer them after.  Doesnt feel right to me... Our enemy is evil but it doesn't means we can be evil too - our actions have to advance the agenda for peace. Raids to soften their defenses are acceptable though ! And I really really really want to capture Trolls


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1554 on: November 15, 2022, 06:30:02 pm »

I'm pretty sure tributaries count as "yours" so to speak, so it's less bullying and more demanding a due tax to the crown, to be delivered yearly. It's a random assortment of crap, so it's likely more what they don't really need rather than anything important. However, that said...

Livestock raiding stands to get us more immediately useful things like beak dogs and potentially other deadlier/interesting things (like cave crawlers or elk birds,) a breeding supply of which could stand to make our actual assault forces much more dangerous if they've been modded to be war trainable. Can even make the export of such creatures to friendly caravans another thing for the town to have a reputation for, similar to its blue dye and silk.

Sir Knight

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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1555 on: November 16, 2022, 12:00:50 am »

Going back an update . . .

She promulgated the new law, and its effects were immediat. Productivity went up immediately – as people started to collect the trash, cleanliness improved immediately.

Oh, I'd been wondering!  I just assumed that clearing up the post-reclamation mess was deemed a waste of time.

And now to the present . . .

Spoiler: AWESOME map (click to show/hide)

Wow.  You even got some awesome lake monsters in there.


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1556 on: November 16, 2022, 04:08:39 pm »

The queen! Raids! Fun things to come! Let's hope your raids don't bug out your military...


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1557 on: November 16, 2022, 07:33:17 pm »

The queen! Raids! Fun things to come! Let's hope your raids don't bug out your military...

1. Can save before hand.

2. Make sure any pets or war animals aren't caged or pastured, I think that's why one of my own squads failed to return - can't leave without everyone, including assigned animals/pets.


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1558 on: December 24, 2022, 06:23:13 pm »

Summer 156

Royal commission
In the chill of an early summer morning, the town appeared more agitated than per usual, and some activity could be spotted near the bridge palace. The queen was in good mood ; she just passed her first decree since she made Kimaeslo Ori her capitale.
It was a sort of a bizzare drawing, made on a sheet of rope reed paper, depicting a large crossbow mounted on a wooden support.

The queen had something for crossbows

She shown that plan to various craftmen of the town – all of them looked at her in confusion. The idea was very simple – a giant bow on a static support, whose string would be put in tension with a set of bronze gears. But the very idea of a large stationary weapon was so foreign to them, they thought the Queen had gone insane with old age.
To be fair with the old Usu, the technology for building crossbows was known for at least a hundred years. However, pearlite's military doctrines emphacized high-mobility engagements centered around a frontal armored charge – ranged weapons were seen mostly as a hunting tool. Why, then, build one that cannot move – and moreover needs a set of metal gears to be reloaded ?

Regardless, she was the Queen and her fancies were laws. A large camp was opened next to the southern foot of the bridge and craftmen were invited to make sense of the Queen's mendates.

Meanwhile, the Queen took a stroll through the bridge, and was given an investigation tour by Totten – they visited the new barracks, where she was given a run-down of the city defense plan, then walked all the way to the western side of the bridge – that could now be completely closed in an emergency.

While she was never part of any military force, Queen Usu Ronumagen was the opposite of the cloistered noblewoman she appeared to be – not only she has been an adventurer in her youth, under the rule of her father King Peklod, but she also took armsto defend Asuciro castle against the skirmishers of the Wulema Apasi elven queendom – she was among other things pretty competent with a long spear.

The town was still not sure of the necessity of building this fancy weapon. But if such was the queen's command, they could at least try to make something useable out of it.

Uzu's wedding

The swornmen were given a month off so they could help preparing the summer festival – most of them took their task with great humor. Uzu, however, seemed to fall into a deeper depression. He would complain all the time, most often to Lady Desli.

Islas, witness to the behavior of his adventuring companion, decided it was time for the young man to get his mind off work. He went to see Shebi, that herborist girl his age he previously identified as a good match for Uzu, and discussed with her the prospect of a marriage.

In general, arranged marriage were the norm rather than the exception in Mong Kima. For Uzu specifically, it was an absolute requirement : the young man was cursed with an ungoldly amount of shyness and nervosity and would never manage on his own.

The next day, Islas visited Uzu. He wasn't hard to find – he just had to wait next to the palace until the young man finished to complain to Lady Desli. The two swordsmen discussed the matter – Uzu wasn't hard to convince. He had the secret project of starting a family, but as Islas correctly guessed, he had no idea where to begin.

And like that, the affair was concluded. The wedding was arranged for a sunny day in the week.

Uzu's general state of mind, however, remained an ongoing concern with no clear solution in sight...

Famine creeps in

The arrival in August of a couple of new migrants pushed the number of citizen to 200, which is the limit we decided to settle for the moment. With a population this large, it was decided to open a new granary on the bridge, that would supplete the one located in the old town.

...and it was while moving part of the food stocks to their new storage that it was discovered they were nearly empty.

Well, empty was not the word. We had a lot of flour – but the breadmakers could not run it through their oven fast enough to feed the population. As a result, people started to have to go through the day on an empty stomach.

The situation was serious, as discontentment would not fail to rise should the situation continue. Alas, the merchants had left and a season would have to pass before the dwarves of Nishtiz would visit us. Decisions would have to be taken.

In the medium and long term, the fields were expanded and seeds of vegetables were immediately planted. New kitchen with clay oven were also installed in the old barracks to help produce bread.

But the population would also need to eat now – not in a few weeks. It was therefore decided to decimate the cattle – which we had aplenty anyway.

Old heads of cattle were butchered and made into meat, bones and hides. For now, it is not a problem – those cattlehead slaughters were overdue, and the craftmen were starting to lack materials anyway.  Hopefully, trader, fieldworkers and breadmakers could definitively solve the problem of food production before the herd is trimmed too thin.


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1559 on: December 24, 2022, 08:23:01 pm »

Bahaha I love her

I started messing around with ballistae again for a similar reason; the new mayor wanted a ballista part and I wanted something to do with the ballista part. They're a bit fiddly to make useful, but grand fun to fire!
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important
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