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Author Topic: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls (DF 0.47.05)  (Read 249136 times)


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1500 on: March 19, 2022, 08:25:16 am »

The toy sarcophagus is an excellent idea :D
I can make a training squad and send him there starting in summer, but that means an apprentice will have to take his place during his training (for now he is the only allowed smith in town). I do not mind tho, as we are running short on precious metals and have to work on copper anyway.

In any cases, I surely hope he will make more of these. Masterwork long swords are extremely, extremely good

Darkening Kaos

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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1501 on: March 19, 2022, 05:54:38 pm »

   While I don't think the toy would be acceptable as per the rules of DF, it would certainly be part of his interpretation and be a good part of his story.

    As for the militia training, I was thinking very part time, like one month out six spent learning how to hold a sword by the non-sharp bit, and vital stuff like that.

    Cheerz for the ongoing slice-of-life stories, I really enjoy hearing about the times between intense panic.
So! Failed to make peace, war looms, kill the infidels... what are our plans for the weekend?
The Giant Moles in the caverns of my current fort breed like crazy, even while regularly being decimated by other beasts entering them...


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1502 on: March 20, 2022, 09:03:58 pm »

I can't get over the 'pasturing of Lesno' part.

'Hey Lesno! You are part of the herd now!'
-'Is that what you call your fellow townsmen?'
'Nope. Start grazing right over there!'


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1503 on: March 31, 2022, 05:51:11 pm »

Spring 154
Something tailed the scouts

After the end of their winter scouting operation, Ipan and Om decided to rest off the winter.They would assist in the training of new recruits and do a bit of civilian work. Not that there was no more scouting to be done, but they preferred to wait until the temperatures would make the travels not that dangerous. They surely avoided packs of hungry wolves this time, but the snowfalls did not make their trips particularly enjoyable.

However, if they found nothing of value in their trip to Vucartogum, something definitely had found them, and had followed them back in the bridgetown.

From the point of view of the city, it may be hard to fathom that all the urban dvelopment and the successive migration waves have been mostly unheard of in the rest of the region – let it be a lesson in humility for us. Mong Kima is a small kingdom, way inferior in scale to most of its neighbours. If the bridgetown is used as a mean of cutting travel times by the merchants of multiple local kingdoms, this route remains unknown to the major actors of the region – the kingdoms of Kodsakzul, Egapesor and most importantly, Osmestobûb.

Amusing to see that the move that ended up putting the bridgetown on maps was not their fast urban development, their technological advances or their conquest of Edetledir – but instead their fruitless expedition to Vucartogum.

Regardless, the 4th of March, an unknown Osmite retinue presented itself to the city's surroundings.

Kimaeslo Ori was caught with its pants down – most of its profesional military has been working civilian jobs, leaving only fresh recruit fielding the barracks. The alarm bell rang as soon as the retinue was in sight and the population was ordered to stay inside at all cost.

Sending the recruits was out of the question – the priority was, firstly, to put the civilians in security, and secondly, to gather the elite soldiers and strike at the invaders. Totten's maces, Uzu's swords, Histamine's crossbows and the two spearmasters – Om and Ipan, started to gather in the barracks. When they have enough bodies, they would cross the bridge together and meet the goblins in the western side of the city.

« Remain calm – there's no need to panic » yelled Totten, reinstating discipline in the anthill looking mess that her barrack had become. Even tho, it was less panic than enthousiasm – morale was indeed very high.

Birod took his conscripts out of the barracks and positionned them in the market center – so they could be out of the way. Histamine's crossbows were the first to be in order of march and started to move on the bridge, waiting for the infantry to finish its preparation.

A wake-up call

But suddently, the eyes of Histamine widened : there was a lone swordsman on the other side of the bridge. Vagrants, both pearlites and elven, were slowly going out of the way, as the swordsman and the retinue grew close to each other.

« It's Dag ! » one of the crossbowmen exclaimed. « What the hell is she doing ? »

All available troops – mostly crossbows and a couple of infantry – started to cross the bridge in advance to render assistance to the stranded warrior. On the ground however, Dag did not wait for them and engaged the retinue alone.

She was alone, but she was still a master-at arms in full armor, armed with a dwarven iron blade. When a first goblin armed with a long silver pike tried to engage her, it was a one-sided fight.

Dag quickly crossed the distance, moving hebind her opponent's edge – her sword went under the spear shaft, striking the goblin on the foot, then on the leg. His copper mail offered little protection against the dwarven iron edge, and the second hit threw him on the ground. Before his allies could even intervene, Dag was atop of him raining a flurry of blows, each lopping a limb or sectionning an artery.

A recruit tried to stop her, but received for his account a couple of hits which, as he was not wearing any metal armor, went right through his body. She continued to trash both of them under the terrified but mesmerized gaze of the vagrants.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

A couple arrows flew in her direction – she dodged them lestly.

Without needing to gather her breath, she went from soldier to soldier, starting with the hallebardier – she decapitated in one blow. A swordsman managed to land a hit on her leg, but the blow only bruised her slightly under her padded bronze greave – she slew him without difficulty.

Spoiler: Executed (click to show/hide)

She then ran after the two bowmen. Again – they did not oppose any more resistance.

What appeared at first to be a successful ambush had been totally turned on its head. It was a one-sided fight still, but in favor of the swordswoman. In total, she had slain nine soldiers. The last one – disarmed and wearing civilian dresses – an officer probably, begged for her life.

The army finished crossing the bridge.

« It's done ! » exclaimed Dag Fenstastkiwan to he crossbowmen, first arrived – they were more exhausted than she was. « I made a prisonner, if you want to shackle her ».

The captured goblin was standing there, in the gore of her unit mates. The crossbowmen put her in irons and dragged her in an improvized dungeon, deep into the mines.

The alert was lifted and the citizenry drank to Dag's amazing feat of arms. However, in private, Uzu  gave her a stern talking to. This time, he said, this is fine. It was just a small retinue. But when Osme comes with an actual army, with trolls and cavalry – and they would- strategy would be a matter of life and death.

We can't afford glory hounds in the bridgetown's army - not after what happend to the Aconilun seven years ago.
Nobody died this time, but the town could not rely on the individual skills and equipment of their soldiers to compensate their lack of discipline and coordination. Large barracks would have to be built on the bridge, so the army could leave the hill-hole that they were using at the moment, and be located at the center of the town to intervene quicker.

A word on the wood market

Next month – the 21 of April, the merchants from Iferifiyopi arrived. Thankfully, they were on they way back from the eastern sub-cintinent and would not have to witness the goblin corpses in the forest, which still had to be undressed and disposed of. They entered by the eastern gates, leading their wooly yaks straight to the marketplace.

This year, they came with a lot of wood – a good deal for the kingdoms of Iferifiyopi and Mong Kima alike. The elves could end up with valuable craft goods and achieve their goal of limiting the exploitation of pearlite forests, while the humans would be able to operate and expend most of their advanced workshops.

Among the other goods the elf did bring, they also dragged two small black bears – they were male, but were bought nonetheless. It was only later that the animal handlers signaled they could not be trained for war, as they were too shy and risk-adverse.

Oh well. If a female could be found, maybe they can fuel the leather and meat industries at terms, or otherwise have their cubs sold as pets.

Returning characters

As the market was going strong, another group entered the city. With the general mess brought upon by the elven merchants, that second group composed mostly of pearlites from Thomocemir.

Because the town was so busy with the market during the day, the group wandered around town before finding their way to the tavern.

Their leader was a young man with pale red hair – a small nobleman from Thomocemir. His name was Kiseabo, fourth child of the legendary surgeon Zothoabo.

Kiseabo' was born in Thomocemir in 134, twenty years ago

The little group gathered around their leader to decide what to do next. The group was constituted mostly of volonteer fighters, grouped around a core of career soldiers – some of them having earned the title of Knight under Imic, back in Thomocemir.

They were weary after walking from dawn to noon, and decided to rest their feet and drink. No need to rush any kind of application – they thought – especially since most of the military was mobilized to arrange the market.

It was only a couple hours later that the swornmen noticed their presence and went to greet them.

« We're volonteers ! » Kiseabo proudly announced. « We heard you've been attacked by Osme, and we want to enlist and get back at them ! »

Osmestobûb has been the rival of Thomocemir since the border fort was founded. Kiseabo, born during the war and having not known a world without Osmite threat, has seen the city of Kimaeslo Ori fall once, and some of his friends fall with it. He was aware that the city was arming up to bring an end to the war – and he motivated his companions to lend their assistance.

They were introduced to the commander and to the captains – they were happy to see that the knight Birod, one of their own - was already promoted as a captain and the doctrines of war were not substantially different from what they were accustomed to back in the border fort.

When he came to the realization that Uzu was, indeed, the lady's swoncaptain, Kiseabo, who heard about the man's story, exclaimed :

« Oh, Uzu, there is someone you need to see ! » he said. « A mutual friend is travelling with us, and I think you'd want glad to see him »

The man was in the temple at the moment. Feeling a bit pressed, Uzu caved-in and accompanied by one of his underlings.

« Captain ? » Uzu let out – an old habit. But the man was indeed the one he used to call « captain. ». It was Islas, his first companion when he was but a squire.

Time has pass

« Well, you are the captain now, if I understand correctly » the aging Islas responded. « I came to volonteer to Kimaeslo Ori's army after the attack, but if I did knew you were the sworncaptain, I would have come earlier »

The two men walked on the busy streets. They had a lot of catching up to do. Uzu gave his old mentor a summary of the bridgetown's situation, and Islas quickly summed up the life he has been living since they parted ways.

« When we parted ways » Uzu started, a bit excited. « I joined the militia of the village of Lemhuqihu under the orders of Lord Ulet. Lemhuqihu was peaceful, but the lord would only teach me so much. I joined Kimaeslo Ori as soon as a position opened three years ago – now I feel I'm going somewhere »

Islas nodded. His life had been similarly uneventful – and he somehow missed his time as a vagabond.

« I worked under knight-captain Imic for a while » he said. « But the war in Thomocemir was very stale. Osme attacked us, once or twice, but most of the fighting was done against the dwarves of Desor-Uzol »

He marked a pause, to think about those events, then resumed :

« I don't like the war against Desor-Uzol and I don't like killing dwarves. » he said. « I know we have to defend ourselves, but this war does not interest me as much as fighting the empire or Osme. I heard you were fending off Osmite patrols – so here I am. »

The sworncaptain nodded happily. The number of new volonteers was about to double the size of the military – and new instructors would be needed. Altho Islas was nowhere near the skill level of Thomocemir's knights, his reputation of heroism and of protector of the weak made him a likely candidate to the opening captains post.

Last month – he responded – one of his swornmen defeated a whole patrol by her lonesome – the patrol was wiped out, at the exception of one single low-ranking officer.

« We'll make her talk » the sworncaptain affirmed. « We'll learn where they come from, and what they want – and if we can, we will retaliate. Captain Islas Candoalu Okosenre Mithrup, would you assist us ? »

A smile sliced the face of the old adventurer. Of course, he answered. That's why he was here.

What we learnt

Deep in the underground dungeon, we interrogated the prisonner. It wasn't very dificult, as she was pretty locatious. Not an officer profile – to be sure. If anything, she was a civilian servent and was dragged into the retinue by her master.

Her name was Amxu, she was a silk spinner by trade. She was married and had a child at home. Her master's name, a surgeon by the name of Nako, organized the raid from their hometown of Ngomgob – a goblin trench dug in the north of the salt lake by the name of Sea of Singing. In his retinue were two civilians, herself and his own son – another goblin by the name of Amxu – and the rest were career soldiers of the pit.

Quite a long way to walk just to be butchered

(The map may not be completely accurate, especially in the north were a lot of things happened in ten years)

The pit itself was moderately well defended, with a population around a hundred goblins and about thirty trolls, with a small beak-dog stable at their disposal.

However their pit being very tied to the trench network Osme was digging from their capitale city, attacking it would without a dobt spring the whole empire into a frenzy. Before offensive actions could be performed, a lot of preparation would be necessary – destroying the pits was not the objective, at least it was not a goal a pearlite general could be satisfied with.

Conquering it and suppressing the goblins permantly was the ultimate goal. Only then lasting peace could be achieved.

Ill also edit in some bonus doodle tomorrow, I really wanted to post today.


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1504 on: March 31, 2022, 07:46:48 pm »

Yeah, go Dag! Looking forward to seeing her fight in the future!

Darkening Kaos

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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1505 on: March 31, 2022, 09:42:50 pm »

   Awesome!  Nothing is better for morale than a totally one-sided fight.  Go, Dag!!
So! Failed to make peace, war looms, kill the infidels... what are our plans for the weekend?
The Giant Moles in the caverns of my current fort breed like crazy, even while regularly being decimated by other beasts entering them...

Sir Knight

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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1506 on: April 02, 2022, 11:36:05 pm »

Lesno nodded bovinely.

Bwa ha ha ha.

Kiseabo' was born in Thomocemir in 134, twenty years ago

There were so many connections to older adventuring in this update!  Wow, this is a terrific history of story.


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1507 on: April 06, 2022, 01:11:14 pm »

     I wonder if Kaos should do some militia training and claim the long sword for himself . . . . . after making a toy sarcophagus for her ladyship.

Lesno nodded bovinely.
Bwa ha ha ha.
I can't get over the 'pasturing of Lesno' part.

'Hey Lesno! You are part of the herd now!'
-'Is that what you call your fellow townsmen?'
'Nope. Start grazing right over there!'
« Last Edit: April 06, 2022, 01:23:01 pm by Cathar »

Darkening Kaos

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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1508 on: April 06, 2022, 08:28:17 pm »

    Dang!  Assistant mice are just so unreliable.   On the job dying and all that, I'd sack the little blighter.
So! Failed to make peace, war looms, kill the infidels... what are our plans for the weekend?
The Giant Moles in the caverns of my current fort breed like crazy, even while regularly being decimated by other beasts entering them...


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1509 on: April 08, 2022, 02:30:04 pm »

Both of these are simply beautiful;
Schroedinger's cat Kaos' mouse, and Lesno the optimist.


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1510 on: May 01, 2022, 11:12:44 am »

Summer 154
The army expends

Spring has come and go. Kimaeslo Ori had receive his share of volonteers and what was, five years ago, a group of vagrants in search of a home, was now leading the war effort againt Osmestobûb.
The town pretty much stumbled upon that rôle – but under attack by the empire, and relied upon by the kingdom as a very wealthy trade hub, Kimaeslo Ori bore the expectations of all Mong Kima to lead the counter attack. And leading it would.

Before advances could be made in the war, a couple more elements would have to be gathered : the volonteers would have to be trained and equipped – those two endeavours would take time, ressources and skill labour.

But a good thing had emerge from the interrogation of Axmu, the goblin that was captured a couple months ago : the pits located on the north of the salt lake were poorly defended and could serve as a stepping stone inside Osme territory.

The army  grew up to sixty-three head and the formation of new medium infantry started in early june. Princeling Sothro was given an officer post, as well as the old adventurer Islas and the Thomocemir knight Birod, and the three were tasked with the formation of the new attack squads.

A metal helm, gauntlets and boots, a copper mail, plated greaves, a bronze or iron weapon and a leather shield. In total, two skins and seven ingots of metal were required to outfit a soldier, and at terms, thirty of them would have to be outfitted.

This military expense would probably be the largest investment the city have ever made.

We have the manpower


June was also the month where Kaos decided to start his military training. He was, until then, the only smith in town. Five years spent working the hammer on the army's gear had made him an expert at his craft – but being the only licenced smith in town made him a very valuable asset.

And that asset had to be protected at all cost. Kaos dead, that's five years worth of investments in time, precious fuels and metals that would disappear. He was therefore included into Islas squad so he could learn how to defend himself – the town's way of protecting its investment.

« Alright now ! » Kaos exclaimed. « Where's my sword ?
- Your sword ? »

It was an early summer morning in the hillside barracks. Waves crashed against the fortifications and the recruits started to conglomerate in the training room for the morning drill.
Islas, his instructor, was new in town and was not familiar with the story surrounding the miracle sword of dwarven iron he was reffering to, and stood dumbfounded for a moment.

« But we havn't attributed you a weapon yet.
- Yes, my sword » Kaos repeated. « That razor edge, unbreakable blade I managed to come up with. »

Commander Totten, nearby, came to the rescue of her new underling.

« It's under the possession of sworncaptain Uzu » she said, before adding « We don't give dwarven irons to recruit. Feel free to take any other weapon you want. »

Disapointment appeared clearly on the smith's face. Of course – even though he was the creator of the blade, the blade was ultimately the town's property. Alright, he thought, no need to argue. His eyes swept over the assortment of knives, swords, polearms and axes on the weapon rack. Maybe some of their weapons were his...He could not know. He had crafted so many he would only remind his masterpieces – of which there were none.

In desperation, he picked one at random – a long spicked bronze rod of solid craftmanship.

« This one, I guess » he muttered. It lifted the weapon to his eye level. A good weapon, surely. The redsmith knew his craft. To a normal smith, that would even appear to be a good weapon – the alloy was well made, the craft solidly built.

On the handle, a small personal inscription : Irneerdap.

Although pearlites do not like war at all, they sure love their weapons. Irneerdap, the morningstar, was crafted around 147 in Kimaeslo Ori under the Aconilun. It received its name from a weaponmaster by the name of Erod Miveremetha in 147. Over the years, it was used in war by Erod, then by Hauben, the commander of the Aconilun's defense forces, before being passed on to another weapon master by the name of Omsos.

Omsos died wielding this weapon in 149 when the city was taken by Osme – it was rediscovered on his body when the city was reinvested by the Thaguk Alnos.

Humans live very short lives – they die for little, sometimes just because they lived for too long. Those named weapons, those relics passed on from generation to generations, were not only a medium to pass on the colective history to the next generation – they were, in and of themselves, a tool of history writing. Irneerdap « a second of silence », was both the scroll and the quill.

In a moment, the realizaton hit Kaos. He was not as much the user of Irneerdap than its temporary servent. The tool – not the other way around – was making the smith.

« You're good ? » Islas asked him, as the barrack was now filled with new recruits. « We'll start the drilling exercice now. »

The redsmith the the Thaguk Alnos

Because it was decided that Kaos would spend the next seasons in boot camp, because he was the only licenced redsmith in town and because the demand on metal military gear was as high as ever, replacement smiths would have to be found.

Lady Desli therefore made that annoucement : more workshop would be open and new second-grade licences would be delivered to anyone with a bit of prior experience.

Training redsmiths is a notoriously expensive endeavour. Metal is rare and precious, and training a smith from scratch takes a big toll on reserves – it is the reason why until then, this profession was the town's most regulated.

It wasn't very long before a pair of people came to lady Desli to ask for their licence. The first was a big bearded blonde man and a large beer belly, the second a much smaller girl with bright yellow hair  looking nervously aroud her.

« I'm Idil » the fat man said. « And this is Ocna. We are armorsmiths – we heard there was a collection of wargear to be made, and we can fulfill the order. »

There were given a room each in the underground, a small furnace, a pair of anvils, a set of tools and were told to work their magic. Because the town did not know them – nor, franckly, expect anything from them at all – they were given Osmite copper to make scale and mail. Idil and Ocna  went to their underground workshop without protest and started to work.

During the course of the season, a number of military gear pieces popped out from the workshop. Gauntlets, helmets, decameters square worth of scalemail, ready to be assembled in shirts and leggings. Some of these articles were extremely good, masterpieces even. A shame they were only made out of weak osmite copper.

It turns out that the man – Idil – was actually a master armorer. He had arrive last summer without fanfare, and due to the trade restriction on smithing, he couldn't have practiced his craft, and instead plowed the earth – a very wasteful use of his arms all things considered.

If anything, Kaos' holidays have been an opportunity to discover hidden talents among our population. It may be possible, also, to open a small guild hall in the old mines, so the smith masters could teach the less experienced without wasting metals and fuel.

This remain as an idea for now.

Public baths are complete

Another development in the bridge building has been complete before the end of summer : the public baths  could come in use. The stone roof, held by four strong pillars, have been mostly completed.

Those baths have been through a lot of trouble during their construction.  At first, it was designed as a water tank holding enough water so people could wash themselves, relax, socialize and familiarize themselves with the basis of swimming.
However, the logistics of bringing the water up to the baths started to pose some issues. What solution to adopt ? Maybe a system of pumps or should water be manually carried from the sea ? Then, a system of sliding doors could be used to open and close the drain to evacuate used waters back onto the sea. Though it would be a mechanical accomplishment in and of itself, it is not what prevented the design to be eventually selected.

Indeed : the architects soon realized the dangers that that system would create in winter – with water freezing and transforming the bath into a seasonal death trap.

In the end, it was decided that the system would only use low technology. Two wells were made into the tank, with a mechanism that would allow the bather to pull water directly from the sea, wash themselves with soap stored nearby and socialize around statues made of glazed stoneware.

Dug into the stone roof, a small greenglasss windowallowed for constant illumination without the use of fire.

While it was not the design we hoped for, it was still functional and a grood compromize with our technical limitations.

Haps and mishaps of summer

The18th of August, an Osmite force led by a human woman by the name of Ozud was repelled by Thomocemir. Ozud was captured alive. Relieving Thomocemir might become a pressing matter in the short term – their defenses have been successful so far, but since the fall of Tetzobsha, we know that a single defeat is all it takes.

We are surprized and a bit distraught not to have heard from Toki in a long time. We suppose he's still in charge of Edetledir, but we were (maybe wrongly) expecting a tribute in summer – but the season came and went without anymore news.

Summer market was profitables – they now always are. Fuel and metal are always extremely precious, and trade alone is not enough to counteract the Thaguk Alnos'  very high consumption, forcing it to drain its own reseves. Nothing we can do about it as there is no metal in the ground, but this is not an urgent problem for now.

The merchants came with a large escort, this year

There was also an explosion of silt near the pasture, between the bridge's feet. We have no idea what caused it, but it made no victim.

We're still puzzled

All in all, it was a very uneventful summer – but all our projects are following their course.

Over the coruse of next seasons, Kimaeslo Ori should focus on the following projects : making the water palace inhabitable by the nobility, starting a new functional barrack on the bridge, and possibly starting the fundations of a western outer wall, which would allow to occupy the western bank. And of course, reinforcing the military until the point we can start attacking osmite pits.


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1511 on: May 01, 2022, 01:46:37 pm »

lovely as always


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1512 on: May 06, 2022, 07:33:21 pm »

'nothing happening' is bliss in DF.
Another good update! : )

-i do wonder about that silt explosion though.


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1513 on: May 06, 2022, 08:20:05 pm »

When the Osmites come in force, we can only hope the find a fortress spanning the waters. One that will make the surrounding woods the tomb for the foolish ones.

Everything's coming along nicely though. Very nicely indeed.


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1514 on: June 23, 2022, 03:18:19 pm »

First of all, let's akwnowlege the absurd time this ubdate took me. I am sorry. Life threw me a lot of lemons, and I had to make a lot of lemonade. I have not abandonned that fort and you will see that bridge finished and completely documented during your lifetime (assuming you don't get run over a car or otherwise die before your time).

Anyway, comic pages coming right up

Fall 154

September came and went – temperatures were still sweet and the town would start to transition to its annual winter rythm. Past the upcoming visit from the Nishtiz dwarves, there would be no further deadline until next year. Lady Desli was showing signs of frustrations not to have her dwarven iron sarcophagus in her room. Still, she kept producing high quality bonecrafts – the slaughtering of a couple of possums and an old goat gave her a lot of material to work with.

Redsmiths – especially the master armorer by the name of Idil – churned out high quality metal armor pieces, which immediately were bought by the army to equip its new squads.

In the meantime, a couple projects could be properly worked on – Lady Desli could now sleep in her room in the water palace – and altho it still lacked the sarcophagus that tickled her fancy, it was order of magnitudes more luxuous than rooms of other noblemen of her condition.

Similarly on the bridge, next to the public baths, a new barrack have been started. It was planned to provide three training rooms – two for infantry, one for archers – an extended dormitory, a dedicated granary and surelevated shooting position for a roof. That project, reasonably ambitious, was expected to take a couple years to be totally completed – rooms would start to function as soon as they are individually finished.

Macaques attack

Troubles started to emerge late in september, precisely in the night from the 26 to the 27. Pushed toward the town by coldening weather, a pack of rhesus macaques roamed the western shore in search of food. Although macaques – creatures endemic to the region – are usually opportunist and scavengers, they can be driven to hostility by starvation. Either that or, as the macaques are beasts of superior intelligence, are also capable of recreational violence.

Whatever this is, that night, the pack descended upon the vagrants camping on the western shores. Loud barks from the dogs guarding the checkpoint woke the vagrants just in time – a couple of them unsheated their knives and could repel their furry aggressors. Experiencing resistance, the primates retreated and turned their violence on the checkpoint dogs.

Their alpha – who received the name of Scalebasic – killed one of the wardogs before disapearing into the night.

The draft

At dawn, Lady Desli met with representatives of the vagrants, who exposed the situation to her – one dead dog and an injured looter, the danger was real. Even if vagrants were not citizen of the town and were not covered by the Lady's duty of protection, it was in her best interest to extend it to them anyway, as they do provide an additional layer of protection to her own people. Every attack conducted against them is an attack that is not conducted against citizen, keeping them alive indeniably served her interests.

She passed the order to Commender Totten to pacify the western shore, and in turn, the Commander designated Islas and his conscripts to carry out the operation.

Islas squad was mostly in its early stage of training, but the recent developments of the forge could equip all of its members with medium armor, enough to fight small primates without putting their lives in danger.

They crossed the bridge in the morning and settled in the abandonned checkpoint, where they would benefit from the protection of the dogs nearby.

Five years ago, that checkpoint was manned by all the forces of the Aconilun. At the time, the strategy was to simply mass all available troops between the village and the enemy to serve as a screen. That strategy, extremely simple, was first developped and tried with success by the Riverguard at Thomocemir ….However, meeting the empire of Osme with brute force required manpower and equipment the Aconilun did not have.

Stronger fortifications, ranged support, massified army and, of course, metal armors would hopefully prevent history from repeating.

The squad stationned in the checkpoint until the end of the day. As the rain was starting to pour over the bridge, they would rather stay inside.

The checkpoint was ransacked, but the building itself was still sound. The team kept a door open so they would not suffocate, then made a fire, boiled some rainwater, and settled for a short hold.

The plan was to simply wait for the pack of macaques to manifest itself, then to ambush and to reduce it as much as possible.

Their call to action arrived in the late hours of the night – the remazining checkpoint dogs started to bark aggressively, promping the team into action. Like a single man, they bursted out of the building and found exactly what they were bargaining for : a small pack of rhesus macaques coming to scavenge food.

Laspar – a middle aged spearwoman with some fighting experience – engaged one of the macaques, and Kaos, circling around her trying to find a way to help, spotted another wild one nearby. He charged immediately, his mace Irneerdap over his head.

The macaque skid on the wet sand, propelled by the force of the strike. Kaos stood over it, saw it was still alive, and hit it again. The macaque lived still – or at least it was still moving – it may have been the nerves, the wind, or something else. Kaos started to panic and lifted his weapon again – at this point he lost count of the number of strikes he gave it.

The rest of the squad found him staring into the void, after the skirmish, standing over the corpse of a dead monkey.

« Are you alright ? » a voice asked behind him. The heat of a torch warmed his back, but with the adrenaline leaving his system and the chilling rain intensifying, he was so cold he could not feel it.

« I'm fine » he answered. He tried to say something else – but forgot what after his last sentence.

« What did you expect ? » the voice behind him asked.

« I don't know. » a short pause. « I suppose I thought he'd just roll over and die » Until now, it never occured how horrible it would be to give death with a weapon like Irnerdaap.

He marked a second, longer pause. With hinsight, of course, it felt a bit idiotic to think that rather large mammal would just cease to live just because he was wacked a couple times with a spiked metal club. Now, the macaque was really dead. Kaos kicked him, and the body felt limp.

« It's just a beast » he rationalized. « But what if it was a goblin ? Or a man ? »

« The shock, you recover from » the voice answered « The guilt you have to live with »

Kaos silently rejoiced to be the maker of weapon, and not their user.

Trade and future planning

Trade with Nishtiz has been excellent as always, but when excellence is the norm, there is little to say every year. Nishtiz has so much dwarven grade iron they make it into slabs and use those slabs to make anvils – and what is, for the people of Mong Kima, a luxury good worthy of reverence, may actually be a very common good for the western dwarves.

Most of it is kept to be made into bars – swords made of of dwarven iron would, at terms, become standard in the army of the Thaguk Alnos. Less noble metals would, of course, continue to be used to make armors, low-grade weapons, craftgoods maybe, and to train our junior smiths.

What else : the worldmap has been updated !

The update mostly reflects the geopolitical change which occured mostly in the north those last 11 years. Kind of funny that the most dramatic event in the world for pretty much my whole playthrough – the death of Tarem, empress of Ansgekstozu – have only tangantly been covered by this dairy, but is a good exemple of the butterfly effect sending ripples through the world. 

It set in motion a large power vacuum which was filled in great hurry and violence by Bomrek-Laltur and Osme, strenghtening dramatically the power of the two northern kingdoms and, in the case of Osme, freeing troops which went on marching on and defeating the Aconilun.

Speaking of which, our counteroffensive is almost ready. We need to find a decent infantry captain to accompany Ipan and Histamine, and we'll launch a 3 squad attack on their border settlements this winter, if everything goes our way, to soften their garrison before conquering the walls with a smaller team.

That's pretty much it. Wish us luck !

« Last Edit: June 23, 2022, 03:23:22 pm by Cathar »
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