Alright, I am very reluctant to write this update because not only a few happened over a rather large period of time, but it also was disastrous, engaged the SNAFU mode and so, limited the amount of screenshots I got from the whole ordeal. It was like if until now, the game was simply laying down its pieces and unleashed a massive wombo combo that will need some time and skill to clean after.
But I can't stall forever, so here we go.
Fall 146 started out relatively well. With the tavern now being fully functionnal, the people of the Aconilun could at last begin to relax, recite poetry, sing and dance. Because Kimaeslo Ori had now a significant part of its population being members of the trader's guild, imported forms of art were also performed. During the days, work was bearable, and people were having fun in the evening. At last, it appeared, Kimaeslo Ori was on its track to become the happy bridgetown it was meant to be. Let what happened during the second half of year 146 be a cautionnary tale on the dangers of laszyness and alcohol abuse for the generations to come.
First of all, the rhesus macaques attacked again. While this isn't usually too big of a deal, the current state of the bridge is so that a confrontation on it would likely result in drownings. To avoid unecessary casualties, the warbell was rang and people ordered to rejoin their houses. Eventually, things turned out well : the group of monkey managed to encircle and kill a puppy who was playing on the other side of the bridge, but as soon as they crossed, they were ambushed by a group of civilians and promptly dispatched.
Hasbun ripped the throat of one of those barehand, while Ebkusa, a wandering knight who served in in Thomocemir's army, crushed the head of another. Surviving macaques ran away on their tiny legs and the crisis was lifted.
The next days were carefree, and passed without really thinking about anything but the daily meniar chores, patrols over the limits of our territory to prevent ambushes, and evening spent hammered at the tavern.
Then disaster struck.
There was indeed a variable that was neglected by the Aconilun. They were so accustomed to their relatively luxurious train of life that they never thought they could, one day, lack the bare necessity of life. This however happened one day of mid fall ; Bannic came in the tavern, walking as fast as he could on his crutch : the alcohol stock wete almost empty.
This was an absolute disaster ; as Kimaeslo Ori was a seaside town, it had no access to clean drinking water. Emergency solution were devised and for a few days, the village looked like an anthill – people were collecting plants in the forest, fields were extended, additional stills were installed. That alone, however, proved too little too late to counteract the now acquired habits of a drunken population …
However the subterran world was forbidden, a couple of villagers braved the interdiction. A couple did not came back – Hasbun and two kids were soon declared dead. They were killed by alcohol, if you will.
Bodyless burials have yet to be ceremonialized.
The winter was mostly spent trying to prevent this set of events to snowball into a complete destruction of the village ; as it very well could.
With Hasbun's death and the disappearance of two kids, that is now three families that are grieving in the village. The mood was just getting better in the summer, now it's reaching rock bottom at high speed.
Luckily, at the end of winter, alcohol supplies were growing again. We now need to make burrows to insure people stop throwing themselves into the subterran river, as apparently simply locking doors do not function.
This is not Kimaeslo Ori's proudest moment, but we'll push through.