Ser Pathril Omaalok
I received your last letter – good news at last. Hazelslide is still peaceful, but such cannot be said of the Nation. Lately, I received the new that eastern elves from the Climatic Nut bypassed Watershield and went straight on Hairyoracle. Lady Luki Usupim stopped their forces in the Ecru Steppes, but they might be back soon.
Allow me to insist on the importance of your mission. While Hairyoracle holds a number of seasonned mercenaries, it remains a city unfit to defend itself against a full on siege. Your orders are more important than ever – become fight capable and stop the entry of the eastern elves into our territory as soon as possible !
Queen Usu Rakedowl, from Hazelslide
Ser Pathril
I write to you in great anger – but fear not for my anger is not directed toward you. Our town of Brokenbronze has been attacked by the western elves of the Poetic Sea. The bastards send one of their marksmen, and had him shoot people at random ! The man – for it was a human - retreated in the Jungle of Leaders, but my men tracked him down and put him to rest.
Elves are familiar with this kind of harassing tactics, and I believe you should do whatever is in your power to prepare against them.
The secens of war are beating as we prepare to fight, but at no cost I want to forget our eastern brothers. Knowing we are not fighting alone brings hope to us all. Hence, as we have more troops than we need, I am sending one of my best student toward you. She is very young, but already an axe-master. She will train your own men into a professional fighting force.
The people of Brokenbronze are with you in heart.
Commander Stipoth Buttervalley, from Brokenbronze
Looks like I catched the fancy of Idla. I am not sure how I feel about that – I saw him as a friend so far... But it's not like I don't have many other things to ponder about. I'll leave that to rest for now.
Spring 131 came to an end. Apparently the eastern elves haven't noticed our presence yet. This will happen eventually, but we're almost ready to give them a warm welcome. The keep is almost closed. And when it is, it will be time to drill the population into taking refuge in it in case of siege. The keep is totally self suffiscient and can withold enemies for years – slits has been made so archers can take their defensive positions. All we need is a last story, and some walls in east side which are still in the open. The hanging gardens too need to be enclosed, but this is a matter of finishing touches.
We have been working on the keep of Watershield so hard we took some serious delay on our other crafts. Fishing and hunting has been totally abandonned, as well as crafting export goods – so when merchants from the homeland came, we had to send them on their way. Next year, however, we will be ready.
Talking about the hanging gardens, we are now reaping the fruit of our labor. Rope reed of excellent quality, aswell as some other various plants, we can mill and cook. Water can be extracted thanks to a mechanism directly from the river, and we're hoping to brew our own mead very soon. Setting a cloth and a brewing industry may be our goals to be reached before next year.
It has to be noted the forest we had to cut down almost completely to have wood for our construction is already growing back. Sapplings – the ground is littered with them. I have no doubt we settled on some sort of sacred ground. The faura is amazing – as soon as we cut it down, it regrows. It remains to be determined if it is some kind of elvish curse, or if this magic comes from the land itself.
During mid-summer, we received the prodigy Commender Stipoth wrote to us about. She is indeed very young, but never of my whole life have I seen more professional soldier. She came not alone, as we have now a lot of new people with us. Among them ;
Usquur, the axe-lady in question, alongside her husband, Thrathnu Blazzedscarred and their three children ; Birod, Ilpi and Lum.
Omli Garnishedjested, Mason.
Cikul Guardedswamp, lumberjack, his wife Hustra and their children, Donu and Duslud.
They gathered around the old chariot for a while, before we gave them some work to do. For now, we still live in spartan conditions, sleeping without individual homes and eating on-the-go. But as population expend, we will need to work on houses for those families.
As it was advised by the Commander Stipoth, I asked Usquur to start training people from Watershield – for now we only have tools as weapons, but it's better than nothing.
I hope the situation will improve soon, but I have my hopes very high.
Give me Loman, dorf me as Ryukan if you can
It shall be done !
Also, feel free to write and draw whatever you want, again the more the merrier :3