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Author Topic: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls (DF 0.47.05)  (Read 241962 times)


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1365 on: November 07, 2020, 03:44:18 pm »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


good stuff. lmao


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1366 on: November 07, 2020, 03:48:55 pm »

Yeah we had trained capybara back in Thomocemir. One of them (who died of old age recently) acquired name after he killed a prisonner attempting evasion. I love capis


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1367 on: November 07, 2020, 09:33:47 pm »

This update made my day! <3
Didn't recognize Takru from the other adventure you had! Must have been quite the coincidence meeting her there. ( i love DF for that)
Also really liking that tsundere-dynamic Takru and Kashi have going. ; )

I haven't played adventure mode in a long while, was surprised you could make Takru actually stop fighting those other goblins.
Did you use orders? Or did you just fast travel away?
Because whenever i try to call back my companions away from dangerous foes, they keep running head-strong into death.
(...probably has something to do with their bravery/stubborness traits)


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1368 on: November 07, 2020, 11:32:04 pm »

Honestly, I think Kashi should rescue Athem's grandchild from Osmite captors. Doing this might make Athem see the Pearlites in a better light. But mainly, I just want to see Kashi sneaking into Osmite land.

Honestly I'm quite curious about Prince Ashtal. He's a very interesting character. Could you share more about him?


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1369 on: November 10, 2020, 01:37:24 am »

So in no particular order :

Prince Ashthal of Amegil

(Old picture, sorry)

Prince Ashthal of Amegilis the first son of Queen Kom, and the second historical ruler of Amegil, and was pretty much everything you can put under the umbrella of "gallant knight". He was inclined to arts, expressing the desire to become a musician as he reached adulthood. At age 13, he suppresses with his troops a rebel village neighbouring the capitale city, but is quickly recalled by his mother to defend against the open aggression of the elves of Lubeyuone. Severely outnumbered, the very young Prince scored a crushing victory against their aggressors - the elven general is slain and peace is signed soon after.

The death of the previous great general, combined to his multiple wardeeds and his noble blood would catapult him to the position of war leader, after what he started a ten years companionship journey over the world. When he came back, he had tamed camels and giant wrens - he would make use of both during his future campaigns (a saga could probably be written on his travels tbh).

Asththal would, as an adult ,take the responsability of the nothern expansion, which put Amegil at odds with another elven country, Nelocamoye between years 29 and 30. Once again, Asththal would force the peace and install Amegil colonies on the northern coast.

At the death of his mother in year 43, he then becomes King of Amegil and would not be seen fighting again. The history of his reign still has to be formally written, but a quick glance at the documents seem to indicate a slow push to establish Amegil as a dominant force in the region, opposed at every corner by Lubeyuone and Nelocamoye. While Ashthal would not live to see Amegil triumph of its enemies (he dies of old age in 123), Amegil thrives uncontested in 149 still, despite its diminutive size, despite the decline or straight up downfall of its former rivals.

To break fight, I used fast travel. I actually panic-fast travels when I saw Takru just making a straight line while shouting battle cries
There are other, more straightforward ways to break fights non lethally though (the bandit pikeman I routed earlier was one of them, and I have another of those cases later)

Also alright, we'll try to save the kids. I will probably die in the process tho we can try
« Last Edit: November 10, 2020, 01:41:08 am by Cathar »


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1370 on: November 10, 2020, 10:27:08 am »

Doesn't matter if that's an old picture, it's still pretty good.

Good luck on the rescue mission if you do go through with it.


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1371 on: November 15, 2020, 07:39:51 pm »

I know this comes out of the blue, but a few days ago i had a sudden (and very random) realization just how great of a name 'pearlite' is.

I would have probably gone with something boring like 'pearler', or 'pearl-kin'.
Just a random thought i wanted to share.

P.S. also agreeing with Splint. Old but gold. ; )


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1372 on: November 16, 2020, 01:44:30 am »

lol thanks a lot. I have played and drawn a bit, but I don't have enough content to make a new update yet. I'll play a bit more this evening


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1373 on: November 23, 2020, 07:26:12 pm »

The bordertown

In Konlimones, Kashi and Takru learnt that they overshot their destination a bit - and they were now separated from Bomrek-Laltur by a frozen delta throwing itself in the big northern sea. That mistake would cost them a couple more days in the north. If it wasn't for the unforgiving weather, the dangerous wildlife and the wandering monsters, the travel wouldn't be all that bad. Moreover, now they had the indication from Lord Athem, they knew precisely where they had to go.

They left Konlimones after a few hours spent foraging for food. Half a day walking alongside the icy shores of the nothern sea, and they arrived to Sinaithev, a border village marking the end of Amegil Kingdom. Although they did not need to stop - the road ahead was still quite long, they heard a commotion in the town and decided to investigate.

Three goblin vagabond were following local amegilian peasants, menacingly. The local farmers were avoidant and tried to sput some distance between them and the drifters, but the goblins managed to corner and bully one of them against a wall.

Kashi observed the situation develop, unsure on what to do. First he tried to reason with the goblins - they gave him a desmissive response, ignoring the man without stopping their racket. Kashi was a natural peaceful and non-confrontational, but he wasn't going  to witness a robbery without intervening.

He kept his sword in his sheath - if he can submit them without killing anyone,  and grabbed the weapon of the goblin lasher - he identified as the most dangerous. The bandit turned to him, Takru cracked her fingers and then it was on. Kashi was fully expecting the bandits to assault him with their weapons - a maceman and a hammerman were still fully armed. However, they did not and the fight did not escalate over an exchange of body punches and unceremonial throws.

Kashi and Takru suffered a couple of bruises, and the brawl brutally stopped when the lasher convuled on the floor and die - probably his heart malfunctionning. Kashi felt no triumph, but it certainly did stop the racket. The remaining two goblins backed away and left the village.
The population was in shock - since the beggining of the brawl they took shelter in their houses.

Left alone with Takru and a dead body, Kashi had the time to ponder over his decision. Was he right to act as he did? Transforming a painful situation into a lethal one was it the right thing to do ? Surely, the end did not justify the means - no eathly possession could possibly worth the life he just ended.
A bit bumed up, he went to the local manor to report the events to the local lord.

After a lifetime of war in the service of Amegil, Lady Nique Ubhuthtumwist was one of the best marksmen of the kingdom.
She was very old - old enough to have known Prince Ashthahl personally. Her garment was made of high quality undyed cloth, and was decorated with bones - some of them opalized. Her hair was snow-white and her face was covered in deep wrinckles. However she looked in good health and walked freely in the manor, needing no servent for her daily tasks. All in her person inspired an eery feeling of awe.
Notoriously, Lady Nique and the previously encountered lord Athem are in very bad terms due to a dispute ove rthe ownership of the waters between their village. Though it is not valuable water - unpracticable by boat and with no life in it - the two old people are bickering over them out of principled stubbordness.

"You are truely a pearlite" she said to him. "Starting brawls willy-nilly and flogging yourself with guilt afterward"
"Don't trouble yourself with the death of a bandit, she continued, that will teach the others not to harass my people. And now that I think about it..."

She marked a pause. "Actually, you said there were three of them ? That means the other two are still alive - don't you happen to have some violence in you still ?"

Kashi quickly escaped from the conversation and the travel resumed.

Kingdom of the end of the world

With Amegil behind, Kashi and Takru truely were in dwarven territory. Snow covered hills sheltered dwarven hamlets and the whites expanses seemed not to end. Everwhere they looked was the same white hilly landscape, making the whole region a gigantic wall-less maze.
Kashi never saw a Bomreki castle - he actually never saw a dwarven stronghold at all ! Somehow, he'd have to find their capitale city...but how ?

After a day of travel and unfruitful search, the two travellers ended up in a dwarven hillock near the icy shore.
There, they asked for hospitality in a very cramped room digged in the dirt - where bomreki dwarves were huddling each other for warmth.

The travellers squeezed themselves in a spot where they spent an uncomfortable night. In the morning they asked for directions ;

"If you're looking for the nobility, they are in Rithrir" a farmdwarf answered. "We don't go there very often in this season- though : it's a long, long walk in the east."

Kashi and Takru spent the day foraging for food and water in preparation of their journey - they slept in a Dencothi village on the shores - and only the day after, they started their long, long walk toward Rithrir.

Two days of travel do not seem that long, until you are in the middle of them. It was freezing cold and the road was snow encombered. Only some dwarven constructions - such as a bridge here and there, reminded them they were on the right track.

Then came the dreaded moment when the sunset would reddish the snow and it would be time to camp. The travellers cut some dead wood and made a afire that should survive the night. A fire would give away their position and mark them for robbers and predators,but surely the danger of sleeping without was too great ; not only they would have to pass on the heat, they also could not drink as their water was completely frozen.

Luckily, they did wake up the neaxt morning, alive and missing no piece of their bodies.

Lost in Rithvir

Exhausted by another day of walking in the snow, tne travellers arrived at their destination at last. A large group of goblins with pale green skin and violet hair was travelling in and out of the fortress alongside dwarves with brown skin and taupe gray hair. The sight would be very unusual outside Bomrek-Laltur.

The travellers quickly entered the fortress to try and get out from the cold. The heat of an inhabited place and the prospect of finishing their mission gave the travellers a new energy.
They were at the entrance of the fortress - a place that traditionally Dwarves carve to accomodate their guests. It had a small tavern and a place to commerce. No doubt he could find dwarven iron there !

No dice. Not the smallest shred of metal to sell - mostly trinkets, cloth, food and souvenirs. Nothing that would come close to satisfy the importance of his diplomatic mission.
Over the trade center, the two met a goblin of the same ethnicity as Takru ; his skin was dark green and his hair deep red. He identified himself as the Baron of Athelomet, Lorbam. A dwarven name - no doubt it would take some time to Kashi being used to see goblins named in dwarven language.

Kashi explained the situation to the goblin nobleman who seemed undertanding.
"So you want to check our dwarven iron and possibly ask for a trade agreement ?" he asked. "Perhaps you should go deeper inside the mountain, where the nobles reside and ask them ?"

He took Kashi and Takru down very long stairs which led them very deep below the mountain, where they discovered the real Rithvir : a gigantic and endless stone maze with enough rooms to fit an invasion army. Maybe that is how Bomrek-Laltur manages to fight off the Osme Empire - by combining the architectural prowess of the dwarves and the large numbers and fighting spirit of goblins - and perhaps dwarven iron is just, in the end, a trinket.
There, the group was led to a military depot that accepted to sell them some supplies.

Still, no dice. There was iron, sure, but it was the same quality iron humans can produce - no magic armor piercing dwarven iron.
Kashi left the store, disapointed and very tired. THey walked in the corridors and quickly found themselves completely alone

"No need to stay awake for now, said Kashi while opening an empty room and cramming himself into a bed. "We'll find a better solution with a rested mind"

And they slept.

The murders

Eight hours of sleep - Kashi and Takru were now back on their feet. Well, thought Kashi - if they don't have dwarven iron to sell, maybe we can sign up an agreement and have them make some ! Let us find the noblemen and discuss the matter with them.

And so they walked back to the main gathering area and...

Corpses. Two noblemen. The kill were fresh. Something just killed them an hour ago - trails of blood were still visible !
Kashi didn't thought twice and followed the trails. He found more corpses along the way. He didn't count them - but eight dwarves had died at this point. Who killed them...and why?!
The splattering of blood became fainter and fainter, but the clerk managed to follow them to an empty, but very large room.

Alone in the room was a last dwarven corpse, and a gray skinned goblin that introduced herself earlier as a peddler...but most certainly wasn't.

Kashi interrogated her throughly. She swore she wasn't acting on anyone's order and hadn't any plan in mind, but did not denied the murders. She actually seemed pretty proud of them. Inspecting her attire revealed she was wearing an Osmite war gear. She was certainly an osmite soldier. He pike was still oozing the blood of her eight victims.


Okay, now I'll need some user input. I know it's her. The name of the death are on the pike, she's wearing armor with Osme symbol on it, she brags about the kills when I ask her profession. She wants to leave the place - understandably.
I don't want to kill her - or anyone in this run- but I want to stop the murders. But I fear taking her as a companion would anger the dwarves. ... but so would killing her, as I'm not a policeman, but just a travelling foreigner.

If anyone has a bright idea I'll take anything.


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1374 on: November 23, 2020, 08:20:14 pm »

I think at this point it can easily be spun as an act of counter-espionage carried out on Bomrek Laltur's behalf by a Pearlite agent as a gesture of good will, assuming the local nobles are still alive. An Osmite soldier slips in under the guise of some travelling peddler, kills a bunch of people, only to be kept from escaping by a pearlite diplomat? Sounds like some perfect story-telling happenstance to me. She doesn't look or sound like the local flavor of goblins (it could be said she has the wrong accent, fumbles words goblins born under Bomreki rule would have no trouble with, etc.) With this in mind, it's entirely plausible she was an assassin, sent to dispatch some craftsmen and other laypersons of note to undermine local authority.

It's likely others have seen her, and in the confusing confines of the dwarfhold, if she's alone then she can be dispatched easily. Even if it's just a fight that started over an especially ugly argument, if caught she'd be sent to a hammering block anyway and almost certainly wouldn't survive the.... "Tender attentions," of a skilled hammerer. Hell she wouldn't survive jailtime - I know from expierience goblins are especially susceptible to being in lockup in punitive cells like what I make (going to jail is going to jail, not a vacation, criminal scum.)

And worst case scenario her death can be pinned on one of the victims - a mortal blow landed in thier dying moments.

I also love the mental image of Kashi noping out at a noble trying to goad them into fighting a gang of bandits. :P


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1375 on: November 23, 2020, 09:51:51 pm »

My educated guess is - she's a soldier as a main profession and Osme and Bomrek-Laltur are at war. So she sees enemy citizen and go full goblin on them, forgetting that she's meant to infiltrate enemy positions. Well. She killed a couple of counts and barons, so she served her function rather well I'd say.
It bums me to kill her, I really don't like killing things in DF, but if people think it's for the best, I'll do it.

Else...yeah, the Amegilians will have to deal with banditism themselves or learn to live with their (now pacified) neighbours because I'm not policing their town for free lol


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1376 on: November 23, 2020, 11:17:12 pm »

Well seeing that you're using stonesense. Why not use adv-fort to set up a cage trap then have her walk over it and bam! After that you can hand her to the Bomrek-Laltur justice system where she will be tried, found guilty and sentence to death.


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1377 on: November 23, 2020, 11:27:30 pm »

This is such a cute scene. :D I love it so much.


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1378 on: November 24, 2020, 12:01:21 am »

Can you spread rumors about her murders? Getting her to drop the pike and then telling the locals about her crimes might be the best you can do. A shame that random murder is still the primary way to interact with the world in adventure mode.
Life is, in a word, volcanoes.
                        - Random human lord


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1379 on: November 24, 2020, 06:13:40 pm »

Did you witness any of the murders? If so, you could tell the other dwarves what happened and let them decide.
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