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Author Topic: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls (DF 0.47.05)  (Read 242083 times)


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1170 on: July 28, 2019, 07:31:46 am »

Winter 144

As expected, the last part of the year was not different than the rest. Temperature fell drastically, and the group was still out of real housing, still living in a hole in the ground ; however cold was the main danger they had to face and morale was still high.

The interior sea completely froze, to the point a man could walk on it. So – people could cross the passage without a bridge, but only in winter. That would be something to considerate, especially when they would be building defensive walls. The sea, it seems, would not shield the little group all year long.

For now, however, they would have to make do. Since Kimaeslo Ori was still but a project and hadn't attracted any undue attention, the only invader the council would have to face would be bands of rhesus monkeys.

Pushed by the scarcity of ressources in winter, one of them rushed over the sea, running over the solid ice, aiming right for the wooden house. The house, while still in production, was the used to store farm products and alcohol. The group tried to catch the hairy thieves and managed to kill one or two as they fled, but the event made dent in their food supply.

They have to find someway to deal with them.

The rest of the winter was calm. The little group kept on building the first building of their sprouting village ; a large communal house made of white mapple wood. Toki undertook the task of carving small wooden cups so they would not have to drink from the barrel directly, and made a lot of them.

Other than alcohol, distraction was sparse and consisted mostly on looking at children play and sing – and the group kept itself motivated to work with the prospect of having a real house before the winter is through.

Then spring came. In Mong Kima, the first day of spring is usually the time to celebrate the new year festival, but the little group would have to pass, this year. Work was still piling up ahead, and there were only nine working people in Kimaeslo Ori. Yet, the field was attended to, producing enough food and drink so they would not have to worry.

Early in March, they received the visit of the elves of the kingdom of Iferifiyopi.

Because most of our housing is made of wood, Mong Kima has a very bad relation with the elves of its neighbourhoud, being at war with Pilalene in the west, and with Wulemaapasi in the east.

Wulemaapasi would rather make peace with the goblins of Ansgek and Osme, than with the kingdom of Kima – so that is to say hate and misunderstanding goes deep between elves and humans.

Iferifiyopi had a run-in with Mong Kima, 70 years ago, in august to september 73, over the treatment of animals. They waged a single battle in the Ace Forest, near the western settlements. The elves of Iferifiyopi outnumbered the men of Kima almost three on one and won the battle – but their victory was so pyrric they accepted a peace treaty immediately after.

Since then, Kima and Iferifiyopi lived in peace with each other. The group hoped their fortress would not become a casus belli between the two kingdoms.

The elves remained in Kimaeslo Ori for a couple months, presenting they wares. Some jaguars would attract the people's attention – however, asides some wooden cups they wouldn't dare to trade to the elves, the group was still penniless. Efforts would have to be made in that reguard aswell...

When the elves left, tho, it was in good terms and the Council of Shores was more motivated than ever.

Because the trader guild would come in but a season, Toki decided to use her newly acquired woodcrafting skills to start making sellable items for the kingdom. A first step in the creation of Kimaeslo Ori's workshops have been made – and the generated revenues would be used to create more in the future.

Not only that, but six months of training on cups actually made Toki a quite skilled woodcarver. Before the spring is through, she already made her first mastercraft. This may be just wood, but masterfully crafted and sold by a good trader – that is the step taken toward riches.

Oh and – Toki and Gram are now a couple.

At the end of spring, a beggining of defensive organization has been made. While they did not have any metal nor weapons – as their stock were completely raided by the monkey squad – they equipped themselves with wooden cudgels and shields and started training. Esqu trained a dog for war, and between Hauben, Joakim and Kiros – the dog – they had at least something to oppose the bands of roaming rhesus macaques.

At the end of spring, the first house is not yet finished, but is now completely liveable, being comprised of a dining room, a common dormitory and a small food depot. A cellar has been carved out under the building and is currently used to house most of the worshops.

More puppies also have been born – when they have grown up, they shall compensate for the small number of men in the defense force.

« Last Edit: August 02, 2019, 08:33:18 am by Cathar »


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1171 on: August 05, 2019, 03:34:26 am »


The Elves are probably going to be a worry for us in the future, if we’re to build anything at all. Human games in general are just not going to go down well with Elves. Art is incredible as always!
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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1172 on: August 05, 2019, 04:27:58 am »

The Elves are probably going to be a worry for us in the future, if we’re to build anything at all. Human games in general are just not going to go down well with Elves. Art is incredible as always!

I give it ten years tops before at least one ambush. Maybe less if the logging is especially prolific.

Would be interesting if that turned out to be a factor or not, but those wood buildings alone are enough to rustle their jimmies as it is, assuming the wood was locally sourced.


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1173 on: August 05, 2019, 04:46:10 am »

I like how Gram is like "yes very good, a sceptre is just what I needed, good woman.


Are you free to get a drink?"

In the same vein : do not spam/derail. If you want to have a conversation that does not tie to the current story, please have it elsewhere. This thread is about MK and its currents happenings.
Not sure whether this counts as a spam or derail? Is story-based banter (see above) allowed?
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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1174 on: August 05, 2019, 09:23:00 am »


And Hasbun even made it to a screenshot! Fame eternal!
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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1175 on: August 06, 2019, 12:32:56 am »

Relieved to see the thread unlocked! *whew!*

Man, Toki is awesome!
I know cups aren't required for anything hygiene-related in-game, but happy thoughts for our dwarv- humans is a good thing.

I like how she'll be able to combine her new found crafting skills with her knack for trading as soon as there'll be more... open minded merchants.

But the best thing?
She fell in love with the dwarfiest-looking guy around! (Must be her love for dwarven wine, eh?)
-And he's even the expedition leader!

Atta girl!!

Btw, Esqu deserves the nickname 'Monkey Punch' for his heroic deed of fighting off those vermin. ; )
« Last Edit: November 04, 2019, 08:08:35 pm by HakuryuVision »


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1176 on: August 08, 2019, 06:46:21 pm »

Not sure whether this counts as a spam or derail? Is story-based banter (see above) allowed?

It's all good, just exercice judgement and in general, be reasonable and we're good. I really don't want to write rules nobody will read anyway. MK is my escapism, I have a difficult life atm ; just don't make posting here a chore to me, thats all I ask.

Atta girl!!

Btw, Esqu deserves the nickname 'Monkey Punch' for his heroic deed of fighting off those vermin. ; )

Holy snap, that's quality right there. Absolutely love those, thanks so much. Would you mind if I ink/color some of those ?
If SQman doesn't protest, kinda want to give him that title yes. But we need a more permanent solution to our monkey problem - luckily, dogs do breed fast and are enough to ward the macaques away. Soon we should be safe.


Summer 144

New faces

As Kimaeslo Ori's anniversary is approaching, the situation seems to stabilize in the area. One year after the arrival of the small group of friends on the rocky beaches of the interior sea, they could at least leave their troglodyte shelter and, at last, live under the sun, in a real community house.

Of course, the house wasn't finished – it was lacking a real roof and its last story was yet to be built, but it was now inhabitable and would prove far more comfortable than the hole dug up into the hill they were using until then.

Finishing the house was still the priority, but it had to be balance with other pressing matters, namely security which was seriously lacking. Hauben and Joakim were kept into their makeshift militia and spent their days between training in the soon-to-be discarded underground shelter and warding off rhesus monkeys with their new dog. Gram had to replace them in the carpenter's workshop, which slowed down the construction, but allowed him to spend more time with Toki.

It's not like we're in a hurry anyway.

Then, the 23 of June, three more people showed up to Kimaeslo Ori. Their names were Thratpin, female mercenary, Ivak – a strange man with a lot of unrelated skills, including poetry and tactics – and his wife Cusith, dancer and weaver.

But the real happening of the season happened a bit later, in July. As expected, the merchants from the guild visited, and as expected, Uquur was leading them. But even if this was expected, it remained impressive for the small group of settlers.

Uquur was more than a member of the royal court at Asuciro and the mistress of the guild. She was one of the most well known figure in the whole kingdom. At only 35 years of age, she had already done everything – wed to Thratnu, himself swordsman of incredible skill and son of Lord Ulet of Lemhuhqihu. she was trained to the art of war by the defunct but legendary Commander Stipoth, then bringed her incredible skills to Thomocemir, where she trained the man who would then become Commander Pathril Carry-Their-Memories, and participate to each and every one of their battles.

In very short, Uquur was kind of a big deal. Her escort was wearing metal armor – a rare sight in the country, and hopefully a sign of the its growing prosperity.

Her merchants soon unpacked their wares in the depot.

The first thing she discussed with Gram was the quality of Kimaeslo Ori's wood products. After only a season of training, Toki has become a master at her art, and had done a collection of wooden wares, earrings, scepters, crowns, made of bright persimmon wood, which immediately attracted the eye of the guild.

As she was also in charge of selling the settlement's wares, she did so quite expertly.

Against a part of her newly made collection, she acquired a lot of otherwise unavailable raw materials, namely stone and metal, a few animals and kid toys. The idea was, originally, to smelt those for their content of bronze, but Ari-Taskmo's the kids picked them immediately and the ground didn't had the heart to take them back.

Uquur bringed some news of the kingdom – but they were few and far between. The major issue, at the moment, was the health of the aging queen Usu and the lack of a self evident heir, but all things considered, it was not a big concern. Pearlites are notorious for their ability to solve this kind of problem peacefully, and did so numberous times in history.

Osme, Pilalene and Wulemaapasi did not attack this year and Mong Kima was steadily recovering from its war damage. Maybe, at some point, Kimaeslo Ori would have to carry its share of the war effort, but in summer 144, this possibility was a very, very distant one.

The other important new – for Uquur that is – was the wedding of her only surviving son, Birod, knight of Thomocemir. The boy – age 19 – was married to one of her mother's workers and Thomocemir celebrated a full week.

Summer came and go – soon, the merchants would resume their travel, and temperature would soon become acceptable again. With the stone bought from the guild, a kiln was built and clay deposits were exploited. It allowed the Aconilun to quickly build the roof of their communal house, and opened the possibility of cooking bricks, which in turn would allow for the creation of glass and metal furnaces.

What more – when the guild left, Uquur decided to stay a little longer in Kimaeslo Ori, and would be received as a guest of distinction. When summer ended, things were looking bright in the bridge-town-to-be.


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1177 on: August 08, 2019, 08:00:34 pm »

That second page is every surface fort I've ever done summed up painfully accurately - never enough hands to do everything that needs doing, and production is seldom able to match construction speed, and that's for the basics, never mind actual defenses. If we have some random livestock around, might be worth it to picket them near the map edges as distractions in case anyone gets caught out during a night critter attack. Could make the difference between disposing of a goat or cow and burying someone going by the lack of armor our dudes have.

But then, that's just me being paranoid. Watershield seems to have taken out a fair few of them so maybe nowadays it's less of a hazard to be concerned about. Their tally was what, five in 8 years? Six?

I also like the look of the main building there in the SS screenshot. The longhouse look intentional, or just a happy accident?


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1178 on: August 08, 2019, 09:00:24 pm »

Ah, yeah - everything takes time and we're pushed forward by the migrant waves, which forces us to more or lest haste our designs. But DF is about making the best of a bad situation, and right now everything is dandy in Kimaeslo Ori. As for Thomocemir (Watershield), it survived under my control for 12 years, and fought off 11 invasions. I'm very confident on our chances right now.

As for the longhouse design, it's totally chance. The roof is made of fireclay, which is very easy to gather compared to other materials


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1179 on: August 08, 2019, 09:08:50 pm »

Well I wasn't counting invasions, but were creatures. I distinctly remember 4 at least which those boys and girls put down like the rabid animals they were.

And oo, fireclay, that explains the color! Still, looks good at a glance and looks pretty distinct from that big manor-looking main hall Watershield had. +1 for happy accidents.


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1180 on: August 08, 2019, 10:24:03 pm »

Haha, same.
Above-ground settlements are super tedious in DF, but also kinda rewarding in the long-term run. (...that is IF they survive that long.)
I would've suggested to capture some wildlife so we could tame & train them (guard animals/live stock), but that would mean even less workers and focus on the bridge, so yeah, dogs should suffice.
...and i'm not sure if those monkeys would make for practical pets.

-Speaking of wildlife, has there been any interesting wild animals?

Would you mind if I ink/color some of those ?

I wouldn't mind at all!
Please do! i'd be flattered! : )
« Last Edit: November 04, 2019, 08:23:24 pm by HakuryuVision »


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1181 on: August 09, 2019, 12:09:35 am »

Kill all the wildlife.

Especially those damn macaques.
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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1182 on: August 09, 2019, 05:10:34 am »

And cook them, of course.
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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1183 on: August 11, 2019, 11:45:37 am »

I didn't realise this series was still going. Last time I read was back at water guard when it finished. Looks like I got a bit of reading to do.


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Re: Mong Kima - The Nation of Pearls
« Reply #1184 on: August 13, 2019, 07:10:28 pm »

So ; about werebeasts, I am not TOO concerned, considered the fact that we killed a lot of them when we were at Thomocemir. To be frank, I...Think we killed them all. I think. If we havn't, we have an embryo of militia and a growing number of dogs. We are as prepared as we can be, without turtling.

As for animals, from time to time we spot some opposums and some mundane creatures like horshoe crabs. For now, everything is calm and happy and we'll work so it stays like that for the longest possible. If we can remain at peace, I would prefer that : those last ten years took a toll on the kingdom's ressources and population, and Mong Kima is a very small country, all things considered (2000 souls)

Autumn 144

More than a year in, and the longhouse was finally constructed. It was, all things considered, a quite precarious place to sleep – but it was better sleeping in that glorified wooden shack than in that emergency underground shelter.
Still, it was no time to rest – as migrants were expected to keep coming in Kimaeslo Ori, one single collective house would not suffice. More houses would have to be built, and more importantly, the bridge had not even been started yet.

Wood was a hard material to work with. Everything was taking too much time. As long as the Aconilun would be stuck working with wood as a primary construction material, demand would increase much, much faster than supply. A solution would have to be found.

Some temporary workshops were installed, including a couple furnace made of stone they brough from the guild. And with that, they would start to experiment.

Different tests were conducted – charcoal was produced and served Gram first attempts at potery. They were reasonably successful – two statues could be made, looking like Pasmug, goddess of jaleousy respectively weeping and screaming.

One could have thought Gram would be in a better mood, considering luck was pretty much smiling to him currently, but maybe he just like the idea of Pasmug looking miserable.

In the meantime, Joakim worked to the metal smelter, where he melted some useless metal trinckets they bought from the guild, and achieved a reasonably good quality bronze with them. He then used that bronze to create some weapons to equip Hauben and his soon-to-be militia squad. That with some armor made from leather, and the militia's loadout was starting to look halfway decent.

Hauben and Thratpin, another maceman
They still use the shelter as a makeshift barrack, tho.

The 28 of october, they would be joined by a new migrant wave, putting the number of souls in Kimaeslo Ori to 28.
This wave would be composed of :
• Cek, twenty four years old girl of unknown origin
• Escu, glazer but more importantly, talented old pikeman
• Amkash, papermaker
• Ecen, farmer and talented lasher
• Kamloc, extremely talented farmer
• Mospar, herbalist and talented maceman who only lack a weapon to join the army
• Ramet, farmer, archer and Mospar's wife

With the number of farmer starting to pile on our little field, it its maybe time to offer a new, more prestigious position to Hasbun and Bannic

However, the real – and litteral – breakthrough would come a bit later, from Gram. Having worked for a time with fireclay and made various crafts out of heaten earth, then having received instructions from Escu the glazer, Gram would come to understand how this wonder clay worked.

A tunnel was indeed pierced inside the fireclay, and before Autumn was through, and dolomite could be extracted from the ground. The acquifer was pierced, absolutely effortlessly, held securely by a layer of waterproof earth.

With their newfound infinite reserve of stone, the Aconilun had at last a reasonable chance to complete their mission.

OOC note : I had to check if I hadnt deactivated acquifers or anything, because I was totally surprized by the fact we pierced right through the acquifer layer. After verification, it is actually a property of fireclay, never to have acquifers in them. This is probably the most unexpected good luck we're going to have, ever. Not only can we craft very good quality stonewares, but we have now access to underground ressources. This will be far easier than expected.
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