Breaking news: While talking about rumors with Beirus in IRC, he said he liked the beast hunting one the most, if he could get there. Earlier, Piecewise had laughed when we were talking about the possibility of FIST and Zerthel Zentol clashed--both Beirus and ER said they had gotten the feeling that laugh meant both teams had started on top of each other. Later on, after both these events, Piecewise said that "You guys are literally in one already" in reference to a rumor, seemingly (but not definitely) referring to FIST.
This may or may not be nothing, but it's good to be ready for the possibility. An early engagemdnt with FIST would be bad, and we would be pretty much guaranteed to lose some people, though I doubt we'd lose entirely. We should stay attentive for warning signs of their presence.
Prepostedit: Piecewise said in PM that he was indeed talking about us when he said that we were right on top of a quest. He also said that they didn't know he was talking about us... but said he was not talking about them. Which either means that they can easily figure it out by realizing they aren't on top of a rumor themselves, or that they are on top of a rumor and he could have been talking about them but wasn't. Either way, one team has been told that the other is on top of a rumor right now--hopefully Beirus doesn't take note and tell FIST this fact.
Edit: Toaster has said multiple times that he thinks Derm would start near the Artifacter Grave, because PW talked it up around Derm. One of the quests is in Fearce, right on top of said Artifacter Grave. In a world benevolent only to us, that's where Derm is--but we can't really act on this anytime soon, and possibly might never get value. Derm has stated many times that he wants to have a traveling Cabal, unlike our strategy of sitting and fortifying.