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Author Topic: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game  (Read 359942 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #2595 on: May 28, 2020, 01:53:29 pm »

50 Mana. Left 40 short of maxing all stats. BibleThump
Teach Salt to knife-fight.
Obtain a high-quality dagger (d6?) and enchant it to passively glow with sunlight, and optionally project a beam of sunlight from the point like a flashlight. Make the enchantment permanent, with a mana storage of 5 / d10.

Spoiler: ... (click to show/hide)
[3v2] Salt learns to knife fight! Well, to use a knife while fighting.

-30 gold.  [13v5] Alright. It has 6 mana storage. We'll assume it only glows when unsheathed and will drain 1 mana every hour or so while being used as a flashlight.

((My character’s at Old Kaolin attempting to not fall to her death.))
Speaking of that,

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Hold a torch near the ice to melt it, climb to the newly uniced stair, repeat prices until reaching the top
The real issue here was you not being strong enough to lift yourself up this has gone on too long already.

You melt the ice along your path and make it to the top. Immediately next to where the old path ends is a big stone gateway, now mostly destroyed. Next to it is a backpack, which you recognize as the one that was being carried by that adventurer you were going to meet. Its open and tipped over, apparently ransacked. The ruins cover most of the mountain top, and some area down each side. They've been flattened, only partial walls and foundations remaining like stone tree stumps. The rough stone streets are heavily covered in snow and hearty moss. The only sound you can hear is wind blowing across the peak.

Start at Fearce and examine surroundings

 Fearce is odd; built into a crater created when some manner of war machine of great size slammed into the hard packed dirt of the wastes. The machine was the site of the earliest scavenging and everything of any value had been torn from it, leaving only the metallic skeleton, upon which much of the town has grown. At this point you can only make out the vague shape of the structure, iron ribs and braces hundreds of feet wide rising up and peeking out of the myriad of scrap metal shacks and complex but crumbling catwalks erected during the initial scavenging. The slums and machine shops and scrap cutters stretch out below like spreading rust, the flicker of their thundercutters like purple blue stars in the early evening. Fearce is the mechanical capital of the kingdom, sustained by a constant trade in scavenged metal from the plains to the north earth. Almost any machine in the kingdom has its roots here.

You are sitting on the steps of a mechanics shop somewhere in the lower wards, turned down for work yet again.

Follow plan Spirited Away as laid out by Darwin. Make sure my sombrero is on my head at a rogueish angle and be on my best birb behaviour.
Spoiler:  Écalir Speedwagon (click to show/hide)
You climb to the top of the nearest tree. From here you can see the roof of the temple. The Coiled tail is that of some kind of massive lizard: you can't place exactly what though. It doesn't look like anything you've ever seen. You can only see the back half from here, but you're fairly certain it has at least 6 limbs. Judging from what people have told you up till now, this looks like a spiritual convergence, a meeting of all the spirits bound to this land. A normal person getting close would probably not survive- not all spirits are friendly after all -but with this staff you hold some authority. You get the feeling that the Goddess wouldn't let you get wiped out without at least meeting you.
Ok then, spirited away here we go!

Climb back down, tell our guide he can leave and take the cart with him. If we don't return in a week or two he can keep the cart as his payment.

Once he's gone, take the sunbro staff out of its cover and carefully make our way to the temple. Announce that we are here to speak with Alizarin and hold the staff clearly visible so that hopefully no spirits will try to mess with us.

If we make it there unmolested, lay out the honey, homebrewed alcohol, and the game we caught before the goddess and make it clear this is an offering to her and that we humbly request an audience.

You send the guide away and after he has disappeared into the jungle you remove the staff from the carrying case. You place your offerings on Eclair's back, in full view, and stride forward with what you hope is confidence. After another 40 or 50 meters of jungle you come out into a clearing, the site of the ancient temple ruins. There are many small ruins scattered around, but only the large central stepped pyramid remains totally intact, if badly eroded. Spirits and animals of all kinds cavort and dance on the ruins and in the air, a shimmering dreamworld of impossible beings in uproarious celebration. They eat and drink with abandon, swaying to music that seems to have no source. As you step in, they look your way swarm around you like piranha, apparently their curiosity and animosity held at bay only by the staff in your hands. You hold it with both hands in front of you, as though using it to physically part the crowd and move towards the central pyramid. Upon that pyramid, clinging like some sort of colossal gecko, is the being you assume is Alizarin.  She looks most like a Crocodile to you, thinner and with a more frightening grin of exposed teeth than an Alligator. But she is more than that, aspects of monitor lizards, exaggerated length like a snake and with the horns of a viper.  You shout to be heard, declaring your intent to meet with the Goddess.   After a few shouts she suddenly opens her great yellow eyes and focuses one down on you.  The party goes silent.

With a lumbering grace she climbs down from the temple towards you; her size is so great that she only has to get down half way to reach you and even loom over you. She tilts her head to keep one eye focused on you.

"A human has come to speak with me? It has been many years." Her voice is so low it rattles your teeth but is still somehow feminine. She spies the offerings on Eclair and carefully picks them up between three of her huge claws, dropping the whole package into her mouth with a single bite.

"You know, in the old days they'd bring me much more. I could swim in honey wine if I wanted too." She reminisces, before focusing her attention on you again. She reaches out with a single giant claw and very carefully presses against the bottom of your chin, forcing you to tilt your face so she can get a better look at you. "You have returned my dominion to me, I see. I doubt you simply did this of your own generosity mhm? You wish to use it still, do you not? Want my blessing to use that power of mine as you please?"

I think I'll plan on using Sound magic as a vent if necessary, pumping overflow mana into increasing the duration of a silencing effect immediately surrounding the crystal. If the crystal absorbs the overflow mana, that's fine by me, since it's also where it's coming out of so it has no reasonable way to overload itself. I also will start on the crystal that likely is the least charged, to try to get a feel for how much mana I'm going to be trying to handle here in the lowest risk way I can. I don't want to completely empty the things, I just want to make sure they have no risk of being overfilled.

I would honestly prefer to let Adam take any excess mana if he can and he's comfortable with it over using the Sound vent method. But I'm not sure if he can or wants to. If he thinks that's a bad idea then I can just use the Sound magic vent plan anyway, but if he's up for it then giving him some extra power can't be a bad thing in my book.

Spoiler: Nina (click to show/hide)
Adam would actually work as a good vent. He, like all spirits, is effectively made of mana so more would just make him larger if anything.

[4v1] You return to the surface and find the nearest crystal that appears to be overloading. You put your hands on it and try to drain some of the mana. Not a lot, just enough to lessen the strain. You gain 33 mana, setting this crystal to a  reasonable level. With that done, you check around to see how many more of these pillars there are you'd have to drain similarly. You find 9 more.

Take the deal.  Take the directed artifacts, (partly-complete bioshaper, 4kg of biometal, and rejuvenator) and ask for five pieces of word-jade and the "Readers Digest".  What does it look like, and is there any description of what it does?

Attempt to trade the permanent see-through anything spyglass for another piece of word-jade.

If possible, try a Strengthen Grow Expand spell to double the remaining biometal, if it acts like mundane material and doesn't take mana to upkeep it.  Do this for another piece of word-jade.

After that, head back to Ekrov, and give him fifty gold for his shopping spree. Follow it up by copying down that Transmute word onto a crystal, to free up the mind slot, and summon him some steel plates for his in-progress power armour.  Then hit the town, and see if I can find a good time and some mana-hugs.

I'll get to the auction after this.

Spoiler: Saeko Hirahara (click to show/hide)
Alright. I showed ya the reader's digest yesterday. Basically what we're gonna do is have it run on Will tests like normal. Stronger monster, stronger will test. You can assume they tell you what it does.

Sure, they'll take that.

-5 mana. You manage to expand the biometal a bit, but it seems to "eat" most of the magic.

Alright, 50 gold. Alright. Minus 15 mana for summoning multiple rounds of steel plates. [1+2v3] You wander around and try to find a good location to have fun and hug strangers. The best you can get is to hug a few jovial drunks, but it gets you 9 mana.

And to the auction site ya go. How ya wanna handle this auction?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #2596 on: May 28, 2020, 02:05:14 pm »

((How should I randomize the magical material I picked during character creation?))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #2597 on: May 28, 2020, 03:18:19 pm »

Nice. This looks like it's very workable. Adam as the vent will be the plan, and if he starts having trouble with it then I'll have the silencing magic plan as plan B.

I'd like to spend 30 mana to raise my senses, will, and endurance to +1 each before continuing on, (will put my mana at 6/100), then go ahead and drain the crystal in the most danger of being overloaded to a safe level. no reason to put it off.

Spoiler: Nina (click to show/hide)

((How should I randomize the magical material I picked during character creation?))
((Leave it unspecified, PW will tell you what it is during your first turn or via PM.))
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #2598 on: May 28, 2020, 03:39:48 pm »

Go up to one of the people selling inventions in the market. Pretend to trip and knock some of their wares off the table.
I am so sorry! Please, let me help you pick this up.
Steal some of the inventions while they are distracted.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #2599 on: May 28, 2020, 06:23:49 pm »

Wonderful. Give Salt a standard dagger and a sheathe.

Ask some Flesh-Scroll 'Breakers if they'd be willing to trade words.

I think I'm about ready for a mission now, large or small.

Spoiler: ... (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: May 30, 2020, 09:03:04 am by Egan_BW »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #2600 on: May 29, 2020, 02:43:21 am »

Begin the auction.  Three mana is to be spent demonstrating the magic items for sale.  Try to help sales with my Will.

Spoiler: Saeko Hirahara (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: May 29, 2020, 03:03:26 am by Devastator »


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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #2601 on: May 29, 2020, 05:39:38 am »

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Take the backpack and travel the streets listening and looking for anything

Radio Controlled

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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #2602 on: June 01, 2020, 03:25:48 am »

Talking with snekladies for fun and profit. PW said we could post it, so have fun with it.
Spoiler alert: we look very silly. But! We learned things!
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Take a look at that compass that pointed towards the sundered pieces of the sunbro staff (show it to Alizarin as well in case she knows more). Could we perhaps edit this compass somehow to make it point toward the thing we are now looking for?

Oh, and out of curiosity, before we leave ask what the purpose is of a spirit conjunction like this one or why one was called at this time. 

If we showed the sunbro staff and my shiny covenant symbol, would the beasts of the jungle leave us alone even without a wagon of food to bribe them with? If yes, set out on foot back to Ipecacuanha, if not teleport there.

« Last Edit: June 01, 2020, 03:29:41 am by Radio Controlled »

Einsteinian Roulette Wiki
Quote from: you know who you are
21:26   <XYZ>: I know nothing about this, but I have strong opinions about it.
Fucking hell, you guys are worse than the demons.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #2603 on: June 01, 2020, 01:38:09 pm »

((How should I randomize the magical material I picked during character creation?))
Your randomly selected words are "Mammal" and "Spider".

Go up to one of the people selling inventions in the market. Pretend to trip and knock some of their wares off the table.
I am so sorry! Please, let me help you pick this up.
Steal some of the inventions while they are distracted.

Do me a favor and repost your sheet when you post an action. Having players keep their own sheets prevents me from making mistakes.
[2v3] You intentionally trip into the display and, while showering the owner in apologies, attempt to subtly pocket some of his wares. However, he keeps his eye on you the entire time and you find no good opportunity to take anything. In the end you have to return everything to the table and walk away with nothing. At least you're walking away and didn't get caught stealing anything.

Nice. This looks like it's very workable. Adam as the vent will be the plan, and if he starts having trouble with it then I'll have the silencing magic plan as plan B.

I'd like to spend 30 mana to raise my senses, will, and endurance to +1 each before continuing on, (will put my mana at 6/100), then go ahead and drain the crystal in the most danger of being overloaded to a safe level. no reason to put it off.

Spoiler: Nina (click to show/hide)

((How should I randomize the magical material I picked during character creation?))
((Leave it unspecified, PW will tell you what it is during your first turn or via PM.))
You gain 139 mana venting the remaining crystals. We can assume you shunt enough off to leave you at 100.

Wonderful. Give Salt a standard dagger and a sheathe.

Ask some Flesh-Scroll 'Breakers if they'd be willing to trade words.

I think I'm about ready for a mission now, large or small.

Spoiler: ... (click to show/hide)


There aren't a ton of flesh scrolls here, oddly. It doesn't seem a popular method among the breakers. The words that you do find are
Black Sulfur

There are two missions currently recruiting. The first is an expedition to the lands east of the Kingdom, in order to assess the threat posed by forces massing in that direction. The second is to the remnants of Sky's kingdom, in the void above this one. This one is a pure combat mission, an attack run to try and deal some decisive damage to the forces up there. With the core of Gravid it will be possible to reach it without directly relying on the King's assistance.

Begin the auction.  Three mana is to be spent demonstrating the magic items for sale.  Try to help sales with my Will.

Spoiler: Saeko Hirahara (click to show/hide)
Alright. I'll do some rolling in the background here....

First set doesn't sell at the minimums you set

Second sells at 135

Suits sell for a total of 238

Cotton stuff for 106

King's for 437

Silver rods don't sell.

Sabres for combined 130

Rifles for 195

Tools for 507

Gold wire spool doesn't sell for minimum you set.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Take the backpack and travel the streets listening and looking for anything
You scoop the stuff back into the bag and walk around for a while, looking for clues. After an hour of searching you still can't find anything.
(You've been having some pretty bad luck recently with these rolls)

Talking with snekladies for fun and profit. PW said we could post it, so have fun with it.
Spoiler alert: we look very silly. But! We learned things!
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Take a look at that compass that pointed towards the sundered pieces of the sunbro staff (show it to Alizarin as well in case she knows more). Could we perhaps edit this compass somehow to make it point toward the thing we are now looking for?

Oh, and out of curiosity, before we leave ask what the purpose is of a spirit conjunction like this one or why one was called at this time. 

If we showed the sunbro staff and my shiny covenant symbol, would the beasts of the jungle leave us alone even without a wagon of food to bribe them with? If yes, set out on foot back to Ipecacuanha, if not teleport there.

It was magically enchanted to point to those parts in particular. You could enchant it to point to anything else, but it would be a new spell.

"We convene to discuss the dead things massing all about us. The Old Fire and his blessed will defend this land as they did before. If we will aid them, that is the purpose of this meeting. You, however, may offer new opportunities. New avenues."

You return to the city, carrying the staff in the open. The great creatures of the forest respond differently, some with deference, others with annoyance about not being able to eat you. But they leave you be regardless. The question is, do you want to return into the city itself with the dominion? Your appearance is hint of your blessing enough that some might recognize it among the priests there, but that staff is a dead giveaway. There are statues with it in the city.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2020, 06:56:44 pm by piecewise »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #2604 on: June 01, 2020, 04:02:40 pm »

I'd intended to handle the crystals one at a time, and to give Nina a +1 in each stat by the time she's done by taking breaks in between each crystal. instead of shunting off 42 mana, could she have mid-process used 30 of it to raise her other stats to +1 as well and only shunted off 12 of it from the final crystal drain over to Adam?

remain for a couple nights to make sure that the problem is actually handled and that the crystals don't instantly refill as well as verify that I properly identified the problem. Additionally make sure the village has a record with the leader that tells them the crystals protect against interference from spirits, and will eventually require maintenance from a Magebreaker or other Channeler, but that they SHOULD be good for decades.

I've never had this much mana before. What's it feel like?

Spoiler: Nina (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: June 01, 2020, 04:04:40 pm by Lenglon »
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #2605 on: June 01, 2020, 07:16:51 pm »

I'll take the mission to the East.

Spoiler: ... (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #2606 on: June 02, 2020, 02:08:27 am »

Lets get a description of the jewelry recovered from the palace.  I'll probably keep it.

Today sell the looted art objects.  There are twelve of them from the core hideout and a noble mansion.  There are also an indeterminate number of extra ones removed from clearing the palace.

Looking for a minimum of 100 gold each.

Second is the magicoal.  Selling two barrels, each with 3d20+10 pieces each.  Looking to raise a minimum of 6000 gold for the total.

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« Last Edit: June 03, 2020, 01:28:41 am by Devastator »


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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #2607 on: June 02, 2020, 09:15:54 am »

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Check for any spirits, maybe some may know what happened


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #2608 on: June 02, 2020, 11:42:10 pm »

Complete the powered armor exoskeleton.  Really, the last piece is just attaching the steel plating that Saeko summoned, layering it over the anti-magic silver lining.  It's supposed to be powered armor, to lift the heavy plating.

As Dev mentioned for me, I want to retroactively include one of the fully assembled Gravid robots in the auction.  500 gold minimum bid, and it comes with the offer of enchanting it to have a new, customized command system, whatever the buyer requests.

Also as Dev mentioned, buy sculpture mats.  They are:
1. A book (just get something small and cheap)
2. Honey
3. Skin containing an old scar  (As Dev suggested, buy some off a tanner, they've probably got some worthless bits that they'd be happy to sell for a gold coin.)
4. Something of perfect roundness (Don't go buying specialty things for this.  If there's someone selling ridiculously good marbles, that's perfect, but don't go hunting down some dude with the Eldest Orb of Platonic Ideation or whatever.)
5. Something that came from beyond the skies  (Meteoric iron.  Ask around if anyone's selling this specifically, should only need a bit, and I figure there's probably some silly trinkets using a bit.  Don't buy stuff if there's no way to prove its origin.  Use a kno-based iron scrying spell to find some, if just asking around doesn't work.  Maybe some peasant has a spoon with a little bit of meteoric iron in it.)

Aaaaand finally, use know to go ask around for another source of invoker words, with the specific goal of finding "cat", or "feline".  Or just look directly for the word if that would work better, I guess?  I could see "feline" appearing in a city, since cities tend to have a lot of such things.

Spoiler: creepy oracle kid (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cabal: Wizard Open World Game
« Reply #2609 on: June 03, 2020, 09:49:54 am »

Quickly leave and head to the nearest tavern to play a card game for money
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