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Author Topic: An Alturkian Mage  (Read 1344 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Urist McCarpenter
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Re: An Alturkian Mage
« Reply #15 on: April 27, 2017, 02:08:28 pm »

You decide on the Southern road, but it seems quite soon that you made a terrible decision. That is if you were not a sand mage. The desert, almost as soon as you stopped seeing the tower from your position, began to storm. The sand storm moved at velocities of great heights, and you think to yourself that you have hardly ever witnessed such a storm in your life. Lucky for you, you have the Basic Sand Repel spell, and you cast it. No sand seems to hit you, as all of it tightly passes you without touching. This is due to the nature of the field you have built surrounding yourself. Basically you are telling sand' essence to be repelled by you. How exactly these processes work does not really occur to you, but you were never the type to go deeper into the studies of hypothetical earth magic. On the next three days the storm does not end, and while passing through the desert you realize that your spell has some flaws in a situation like this. For one, you cannot uphold its effect while asleep, which forces you to remove a whole lot of earth from it every morning. Another issue is that due to the force field surrounding you, you still get held back by the sand as it is moving in high velocities against you. This slows down your movement. You think it over, and you guess with a knack or two you could improve this spell.

After said three days you seem to come to a savanna, and you can see a huge lake across you. This is lake Kalidiya and on the northern end of it you can already see some of the village. As you enter the village you see an unsettling fierceness in the eyes of the villagers. They simply muster you, not speaking to you, but only in hushed voices amongst themselves. You wander towards the decorated chief's hut.
As you enter you can see two people. One of them old, a man dressed in ornamental clothing, of brown and orange, with a skull headgear. He carries a long bone that has been painted with red dots and adorned with spiked bones hanging off of it. The other man is a clear Alturkian chief. He wears the chiefband and the sash with pride. They both look sad and scared yet they seem to try to hold it together.

The chief looks up at you and says, "Who is it who enters? State your names and your affairs in Kalidiya." The man in ornamentals takes out a small glass and holds it between thumb and index finger and looks through it at you.
"Greetings, my name is Walker. I come from the tower out west, and am here looking to make a dime."
The ornamental guy nods, "He speaks the truth. He is like me Raduk, he is gifted."
The chief looks at you, "He, haven't seen a sharkman in my life, you are the first. Interesting how you show up at a day like this. Maybe it is the tapestry of Granuk that brought you here." At this the ornamental guy shakes his head softly. "Afterall," chief Raduk continues, "You are looking for work and I happen to have work for you. FIND MY DAUGHTER!"
You wait for him to continue, when the ornamental guy says: "There is a problem. The sandstorm... It was not natural, it came... It came from a place that was disturbed. A tomb so to speak. It was opened so it must be closed again. I fear that the deserts wrath "Jarumaa" has awakened, possibly he has Patjala. Travelling to the tomb could be dangerous, so maybe it was better if you take advise from one of the wizards north and south of here. I believe Usma of the South knows about demonology, though she says she is a medium only. I do not know much about the foreigner up north, not even his name. He comes here once a year and buys out the market to supply his tower, and leaves. Very distant character, with yellow hair." At this he chuckles. "The tomb is to the northeast in the more rockier heights of the Rijal Hills. When you see the pond you are halfway there, a small road has been build there. Though its more a dirtpath."
Amazed at how willingly he shares so much information with you, you still ask, "If you know so much about it how come you don't do it yourself?" "Ah I am too old for such adventures, I will aid you when the time is there. You don't look like one who can deal with bindings."
"If you bring back my daughter, I will give you 120 gould, that is all I can gather in these meager times." "And if you find the gold figurine of a well dressed skeleton with a sabre, bring it here, but be careful."

You don't know if you want to agree to this or not. But they have given you quite much information and you were looking for some action.

Spoiler: Walker (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Kralec (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Spells (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: An Alturkian Mage
« Reply #16 on: April 27, 2017, 02:34:47 pm »

Accept. We're a sand mage, we should be able to handle this. Also, could we  find out a little more about Kralec?
« Last Edit: April 27, 2017, 04:45:13 pm by Mardent23 »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Urist McCarpenter
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Re: An Alturkian Mage
« Reply #17 on: April 27, 2017, 04:44:04 pm »

The travels to the tomb or the towers would be 2 days each. If you want to take action during that course state so. Kralec is silent unless spoken to, if you want to find out more about it go and talk to it. Ask it questions it will answer honestly.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: An Alturkian Mage
« Reply #18 on: April 27, 2017, 04:45:44 pm »

"So, how did you come to be, Kralec?"


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Re: An Alturkian Mage
« Reply #19 on: April 27, 2017, 05:09:19 pm »

It's probably a good idea to get some information first. We know that the wizard to the south knows somethings about Demons so visiting the Southern Wizard sounds good to me.
.... You've doomed us all. Granted. Everyone except for traps are executed. Random sci-fi nonsense is required to be taught in schools.
A cute intersex harem with everyone in love with the androgynous king and smart and useful enough into pushing the kingdom forward.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Urist McCarpenter
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Re: An Alturkian Mage
« Reply #20 on: May 01, 2017, 06:55:33 am »

You decide to rescue the princess Patjala and to check out the tomb in the northeast. Not after trying to obtain some knowledge about this from the mage in the south, that is.
You pack your stuff, and just as you are about to leave, the town's shaman, speaks to you again: "I haven't introduced myself, I am Halume, the shaman. Take these provisions for
your travels." He gives you food and water for four days travels.

You head out. Kralec who follows you on every step has remained quiet during the entire trip. Funny, you think, he is apparantly aware, but yet he acts like a slave. As the only slightly
weaker storm howls around you, you walk the dunes of Raksha desert. The area is beautiful, reddish sand meets black rocks here and there, and there is some birds like vultures circling above
you. From time to time you meet long eared foxes known as Fenecs, rodents and insects, but the bigger animals seem to hide during the day. Your Basic Earth Repel spell has helped and hindered
you again, as you are slowed down, but protected from the sand.  At your first night rest, you light a fire with some materials you brought, as your mind wanders to Kralec again. You decide to
break the silence and aproach him, afterall he is your servant.

"So. How did you come to be, Kralec?"
He looks at you with crystals of green eyes and begins to speak in a deep voice.
"Well, it is quite a story, master. It would be better if you took a seat, it will take a while..."
You follow his advice after finishing lightening the fire.

"Your old master Springsteen is a very educated man. His knowledge of Earth Magic and evocation as well as hieroglyphs is astounding. He is a great Theorist in the fields of Mana Studies and even has atained knowledge in the fields of water magic. He as a deep understanding of the nature of magic, due to his openness and curiosities of magic. Unlike many others of his kind, he has travelled alot and began to meet all kinds of people. For a while he lived with monks at the edge of desert, not so far away from the capitol. There he learned about divine magic and the nature of it, though he wasn't to reproduce their effects. He made many friends there until he felt he had learned enough.

After that he travelled to the sharkmen of the western shores. He managed to gain their trust, over a period of several months. At first he studied them from afar, learning their culture bit by bit. Later on he began to emulate their behaviour and as they saw his dedication and his will to learn and behave as they do they decided to let him live amongst them. Quickly he gained friends there as well,
and he helped them with several problems they had. It was while he lived there, that he learned more about spirits. They are chaotic beings living in seperate realms from here, though the veil of some realms is thin... Anyway, he and the villages shamans shared alot of knowledge.

A demon threatened the village, and while Springsteen made a stone more able to store manatic energies, as he called it. The shaman bound it to said stone. The stone became aware and living, but they managed to trap it in a subterranean cave, eventually.

Springsteen started thinking for a while and came to the conclusion that a well planned ritual involving a befriended monk named Tzartan, and the shaman Rakusha. Your master believes that humans are ordered grandchildren of magic. Spirits however are the raw chaotic children of magic. The divine are somewhat matured spirits one could claim, and they are still chaotic but more interested in culture than nature. If one found a spirit, but baptized him to be more inclined for order, you could create a feasible machination with a soul AND knowledge of spiritual and divine matters. So they did just that. They found a spirit of the desert, a Dune spirit, who was very curious after being impressed by Rakusha's mastery of the holy rites. After the cleansing of Tzartan was finished, the spirit was bound into a well created sandstone rock sculpture with the right amount of different mana storing crystals, and I was born... I have a different name for I am a different being. I am new." He seems to smile at this.

You are quite overwhelmed by this all, and decide to meditate.
You feel quite relaxed, though the storm will hold you here for an entire day, as the next sector of the desert is to dangerous to handle even with your spell, maybe think of a new spell?

Spoiler: Walker (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Kralec (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Spells (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: An Alturkian Mage
« Reply #21 on: May 01, 2017, 06:58:05 am »

Control Sandstorm, of course. Also, "Kralec, can you teach me water magic?"


  • Bay Watcher
  • Urist McCarpenter
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Re: An Alturkian Mage
« Reply #22 on: May 01, 2017, 07:10:13 am »

"I have no knowledge of water magic, but I can tell you that water can be felt for by earth magic.
How do you want to go for the spell?"

(Okay this is ooc, creating spells will be three rolls, efficiency, size of effect, cost. thank you evictedsaint... The more into details you go with your spell, the more likely it will succeed as I will grant boons. Control sandstorm is an ambitious plan, as it will most definitely involve wind magic as well as relatively easy earth magic. If you describe the ritual of your spell and a more detailed version of how it will work that would be cool. Also regarding the story, if you have a detail question baout the creation of Kralec ask in ooc. The text was long already---)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: An Alturkian Mage
« Reply #23 on: May 01, 2017, 07:16:15 am »

Alright. This may take a while.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Urist McCarpenter
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Re: An Alturkian Mage
« Reply #24 on: May 01, 2017, 09:19:04 am »

If i can answer you any questions id be glad.  Are you enjoying yourselves
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