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Author Topic: The World of Dwarvemon - Succession Fortress of Pocketball (ENDED)  (Read 63632 times)


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Can I get dibs on that Larvitar?
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.


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*lays down*

Very stressful times for me, indeed. But just knowing I have two Mimikyu to get through it makes me a little happier. Thank you, Paddywagon Man.

Paddywagon Man

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okay, shock update with big news - Queen arrived! We're the mountainhome!

And looks like Baroness Paddywagon Man was already of royal blood! I feel so justified in all my actions!

(Not joking, old Paddywagon Man is the youngest daughter of the queen! I love this narrative, and it happened entirely by chance, but the presence of new Paddywagon Man confuses things so much. Especially because new Paddywagon Man is... actually a man.)

Paddywagon Man

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Right on cue with the arrival of the queen, our moody mason finishes his artifact. It's a table, and a magnificent one. Clearly this is a gift from Armok for our royalty. I mean, hanging rings of human bone! Badass!

I'm still reeling a little from the queen's arrival as I go back to my tasks. It's all such a shock! On the one hand I'm a little peeved... it's hard to really consider myself the leader of Pocketball anymore. I'm just a steward under the Queen's watchful eye. I do sort of miss the absolute autonomy - if it hadn't been for a complete lack of oversight, how would I have justified the expenditure of gold and nickel required for my tomb?

But at the same time, it'll be nice to see mom and dad again. I'll make a point of giving them an official welcome in a moment - right now we've got demons to squish. The bastards were nice enough to crowd the corridor, unaware of the crushing doom awaiting them!

The final support is stripped away, and tons of rock descend on the demons, re-sealing the corridor and killing six demons, including both of the Scorpionfly Fiends. Those were always the biggest threat, and the main reason I was unwilling to send our soldiers against the demon horde. And to top it off they were immune to the sticky webs of the Galvantulas, so having them out of the way solves a lot of problems.

The area right around the crush zone is sandblasted with dust and gravel. Some of it mixes with the pools of molten metal, creating some truly bizarre sights.

Anyone for a salted copper?

In sadder news, our manager did not survive the cave-in. There was a bit of an oversight on my part, causing the quantum-stockpiled body parts and refuse in the dump to fall along with the rock. Poor Tekkud was gruesomely crushed and battered to death by a wave of death and decay.

Several demons still remain on this level, and will have to be killed if we are going to reclaim the trap corridor. There are still a good number of unmelted weapons there, and the two trapped demons, which I plan to put on display as a testimony of our strength. Digging begins again, a much larger project this time. My new plan, rather than revolving around galvantulas and traps, is a bit more sporting. I plan to chain up a good number of Probopass (they're made of steel, and can take a lot of punishment) to distract the demons while our marksdwarves fire at them from cover. I also set the superfluous training catapults to good use - I'll turn them around, carve some fortifications, and pelt the demons with stones from our stockpile.

While digging begins on that, I also turn towards making a proper welcome for our queen, her husband, and her mighty royal guards.

Oh, and the outpost liaison. He seems pretty useless but is still demanding a throne room.

As construction continues, the caverns begin fighting back against the demon incursion! Two flare spectres are killed in battle against geodudes.

Take that you demons! I remember when it was us down in the caverns, bleeding out in a war of attrition with cave pokemon. I'm much more pleased with the new arrangement. Write that down, Professor! Looks like rock is good against fire.

Meanwhile, the queen's quarters take shape...

« Last Edit: August 05, 2017, 12:43:59 pm by Paddywagon Man »


  • Bay Watcher
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Write that down, Professor! Looks like rock is good against fire.


Also, Tekkud was killed by hair? I know it can be quite strong, but dang.
Dwarvemon Mod (For all your Pokemon needs)

Paddywagon Man

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That awkward moment when you realize the expendable miner you sent to open the wall for demons was the eldest daughter of the queen...

Update coming soon.


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Oh, I see. Getting rid of the heirs ahead of you, huh?

Edit: Oh wait, that was the old Paddywagon Man. You should marry into the royal line.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2017, 10:17:20 pm by Beirus »
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.

Paddywagon Man

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My reign drags onward, the demon problem first of my concerns and my dear mother the queen second.

The ceiling crusher trap having been such a success, I make ready to take back the rest of MCreeper's minecart track. There are a lot of bodies down there that deserve to rest in our graveyard.

A small bunker is created in the hallway, Probopass and Geodude chained up in front to hold back the horde. Marksdwarves fill the bunker to bursting, a pool of water in the hallway leading to it in case a flare spectre should light our brave forces on fire.

The hall is opened and the demons swarm in!

Bolts fly and battle begins. The one remaining scorpionfly fiend, a legendary demon with many dwarf skulls to his name, is the first to reach our cordon of Rock and Steel pokemon.

With a cry of vengeance he picks up a Probopass, throws it at himself, and promptly dies.

Our marksdwarves can barely hold their crossbows for laughter, but maintain a withering hail of bolts. The demons are cut down by a rain of adamantine. Two Probopass, Two Geodude, and one dwarf are our losses, and a dozen or so demons are killed.

One of the Probopass even survives, battered and beaten though it might be.

The minecart track reclaimed I cancel the militia's orders and they file back to their training. Dwarves flood the track, collecting the corpses and possessions of our many dead.

I turn to my mother our queen now, trying to settle her in our fine fortress. Gold thrones and chests are forged and put in place. The magnificent artifact table is made the proud center of her Royal Dining Room. I visit her in her temporary quarters for a little heart-to-heart, mother to daughter, Baroness to Queen.

Her first words take me completely by surprise. "Who the hell are you?"

I'm quite taken aback, and can hardly get the words out. "I'm your daughter! The Baroness! Your dear little Paddywagon Man!"

She looks quite horrified, looking me up and down. "What is this? My little Paddywagon is dead! And you're... you're a man! Not my little girl at all!"

I turn to dad, the King Consort, but it's clear he doesn't recognize me either. And suddenly it dawns on me. I am a man. I've always been one... haven't I? But I was the Baroness. I had a husband, dead in the zombie invasion. His likeness is on the statue in my room. Only... I look back through my muddled memories, and can't remember ever having been married.

Confused and choking back tears, I take my leave. There's a mystery afoot, and I do mean to solve it.

Meanwhile the queen, horrified by my display, strips me of the little authority I had left.

Work in the fortress happens somewhat outside my control or awareness for the next month or so, aside from one more strike against the demons and an unexpected counterattack.

A couple of Snail Fiends are heard, clinging to the side of a rock pillar that we'd already done some mining in. A miner is sent down to open the side of the pillar, and the militia ordered in to ambush the beasts.

Come at us, demons!

The column is opened and the miner slain, but our troops make short work of the demons as they top the stairs. Demon ichor staining my spear, I bend down to collect the sorry corpse of the disposable miner...

And start retching in horror. It's my big sister Astesh! The heir to the throne! Armok take me, I've made a horrible mistake! The rest of the militia cheers and laughs at the victory as I lie fetal in the corner. This has been a really rough month.

« Last Edit: August 09, 2017, 11:45:49 pm by Paddywagon Man »


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« Last Edit: June 30, 2018, 09:04:18 pm by Nopal »


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Okay i admit, i laughed at that one.

Paddywagon Man

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Pretty epic, yeah. My very own comic! I'm very proud.

Next update should be by the end of today. In the meantime, here's a little list of newcomer pokemon.

« Last Edit: August 12, 2017, 10:55:27 am by Paddywagon Man »

Paddywagon Man

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Things turn very sour as my reign nears its end. As if to herald the doom soon to come, chanting begins to echo upwards from the deepest pits up Hell. Ceaseless, senseless chanting, singing the glories of some dark place I've never heard of. Through day and night this litany of evil carries through our fortress and assaults the senses. At considerable risk to my own sanity I have tried to listen in, and transcribe this dark chorus of the underworld.



The endless distraction makes me irritable and short-fused. Cocky. To top it off, a flaw in my previous assault (beyond the death of my older sister) is realized.

Because the dwarves could not get to the caverns through the minecart track, I assumed the demons could not get in. But they can fly and we can't. A previously unnoticed hole in the shaft is discovered when a snail fiend butchers a Mawile and a small child.

The militia, hastily deployed, easily kills the lumbering beast.

But it makes me nervous. There are still a lot of demons in the caverns, and I don't want to be constantly watching my back like this. I begin devising a plan to kill off the remaining demons and take back our fort for good.

Meanwhile - Stungin! For a second time this year! That cheers me up a little.

The royal palace is finally complete! The dining room is centered around the priceless artifact table - you can see the queen going for lunch in this photo. The king is having a snooze in the bedroom and the outpost liaison (useless bugger) is sleeping in the side wing of the palace I dedicated to him. The mausoleum is to the south - I had big sister Astesh buried there with full honours.

One of the statues in particular makes me shed a tear of joy. I can't imagine a better tribute to our glory.

Dear Kadol... dead now, but not forgotten. Also impressive are a statue of Beirus admiring a halberd and a statue of TheImmortalRyukan killing a Boiling Banshee.

And here's a statue I commissioned myself to commemorate the battle our brave Probopass fought in the corridor.

Still not feeling entirely welcome in the palace, I turn my attentions downwards again.

The demons might seem to have all the advantages over us they might want. They're massive, and they're dangerous fighters. Some breath fire and some spin webs. But our advantage is mobility. Redmagecole trapped them in small enclaves and pockets to be taken care of individually, while we can tunnel to wherever in the caverns we want to.

The tunnel-and-ambush strategy having worked so well against the Snail Fiends earlier, I decide to try it again on a slightly larger scale. A group of four Kite Fiends is located on the side of a pillar, and digging begins.

I stand ready for the ambush, confident but still a little daunted by the task in front of us. Nopal stands at the stairs, polishing the bismuth bronze axe he's so attached to. TheImmortalRyukan wields a masterwork adamantine axe and Zefermcdwarfpants a masterwork copper sword. I heft my trusty spear as my squad-mates troop into the pillar.

Beirus's absence feels wrong, but I made the decision to leave his squad to its training. While Beirus is our finest warrior, his pupils are still green recruits. If I ordered The Weedle Attacks in, many of them would die senselessly.

And with all of us here, as well as the Queen's bodyguards, we shouldn't have any trouble... right?

The pillar is opened, the first Kite Fiend charges, and Nopal and TheImmortalRyukan rush to meet it. Nopal begins hacking away at the creature, hobbling it and slicing off its trunk. Then suddenly disaster strikes, a lucky hit from the demon crushing Ryukan's skull.

Nopal and I gasp in shock to see our friend fall. And the Kite Fiend is still coming. I got careless after all the easy victories and forgot just how deadly demons could be - the monster in front of us is no sorry Snail Fiend.

Nopal keeps fighting, and more of us come down the stairs to back him up. But something goes wrong. He dodges a swing from the beast, and rolls away deftly. But his roll takes him away from our phalanx, with the Kite Fiend cutting him off from the rest of us.

And that's when two more Kite Fiends rear their ugly heads and attack. Cut off from help, Nopal begins bravely fighting the two monsters while the first one crushes the head of one of our human mercenaries.

This is disastrous. Two dead already and all four Kite Fiends still standing. And poor Nopal fighting for his life while we try in vain to fight our way past the beast in front of us.

Finally the beast - named Nitigingtak after slaying Ryukan - falls. I look up, spear raised -

And my heart is torn from my chest.

I watch Nopal's last moments, shocked and filled with grief. It was thanks to his antics that living in Pocketball was even tolerable. And he's been here since the start. Since before I was. He was truly the best of us.

We charge forward to attack, but we are betrayed by our lack of wings. I had hoped to lure the demons into the dugout like I did last time, but now we're fighting at the edge of a cliff. A macedwarf is slain and four other soldiers either stumble off or are hurled off the precipice.

The Blastoise in front of me lets out a torrent of deadly water from its cannons, but one kick from the towering demon turns the mighty Pokemon into a crushed ruin.

And I suddenly realize that I am alone.

I look up at the behemoth in front of me. It bleeds and limps from a dozen or more wounds, but looks towards me with malice.

As I look into its taunting eyes I realize... it knows. It knows that all this death is my fault. Nopal, Ryukan, Zinga... If I hadn't gotten cocky, underestimated these demons, they would still be alive. We could have simply left the monsters to hunt the caverns in peace. But my pride and overconfidence has brought me here, alone, with an eldritch monstrosity slavering for my blood.

I charge, spear in hand. In the back of my head I know I'm not going to survive. And... maybe I don't deserve to.

I turn my thoughts to the battle, and put Nopal and Ryukan out of my mind. There's no need to feel vengeful - anger makes you foolish. I cripple the beast's wing with my spear even as it tears my toe off, toying with me in a slow, torturous manner. I ignore the pain and pierce its lung, my adamantine spear biting deep. This is my doing, there can be no turning back. If I let it past more will die.

I have a part in this.

I sink my spear into the beast once more. It will not get past me. I cannot just stand by.

Then it catches my arm in its jaws, venom flowing and blood gushing, and tears it from its socket. I surrender to the merciful sleep awaiting me.

My soul free of my broken body, I watch the crippled beast drag itself past me. I feel Armok's hand pulling me away, but resist. I need to see what happens.

Zefermcdwarfpants and Kadol the mace lord, late for the fight, throw themselves at the monster. Despite the many it injuries it has sustained from Nopal, myself, and others, the monster - Bardumast - tears Zefer to pieces. It seems unstoppable, a juggernaut sent by Giratina itself to bring ruin to Pocketball. Kadol keeps fighting, losing his shield arm to the beast's tearing jaws.

Then the humblest of dwarves, a simple Fish Cleaner, does what all of us could not. He bravely throws himself at the immortal terror, and it falls from the cliff. It flaps its crippled wing weakly as it falls, then is smashed to pieces on the cold stone floor.

Those soldiers that had fallen from the cliff had been fighting their own battle. All four had survived the drop, but had been set upon by Snail Fiends. The Snail Fiends all lay butchered and dead, though, at the cost of two more warriors.

So with Bardumast's death the battle was won. But at a terrible cost.


Paddywagon Man

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OOC - I screwed up, I screwed up bad. But redorfings are done and the named dwarves who died now lie in gold sarcophagi in the queen's own mausoleum.

Still, that's nearly the end of the demon infestation.

Those Kite Fiends were monsters - my dwarf destroyed its spine with the first stab, and then it went on to get two more kills and one maiming while only able to drag itself around and bite.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2017, 05:10:39 pm by Paddywagon Man »


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« Last Edit: June 30, 2018, 09:05:14 pm by Nopal »

Paddywagon Man

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Then with heavy heart I un-redorf you Nopal.

Hope you'll stay with us!
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