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Author Topic: The World of Dwarvemon - Succession Fortress of Pocketball (ENDED)  (Read 61972 times)

Maximum Spin

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Sorry it seems to be taking so long, everyone. This is honestly the slowest fort I've ever played; I didn't even know the FPS counter could show "0 (0)". I'd still like to finish out the year if nobody minds, though.

Also, Nopal: DFWiki says that "Glazedfleshy" is the translation of "Fikodar", so it's the same name, just displayed in English instead of Dwarven.

Excerpts from A Million Little Pichus: A Memoir, by Maximum Spin Spatteredgorges

As summer began, a ray of sunlight appeared. Not in the literal sense, although the surface was sunny as ever. No, rather, Stungin, the fortress mascot, arrived once again for his yearly blessing.

Needless to say, I ordered him killed on the spot.

Of course, I didn't really do anything of the sort at all. It was just a clever marketing ploy I developed to help build my brand. To this day, I'm not sure what a brand is, but I hope I've done well building it. In the meantime, Stungin performed his usual benediction and ran off, although, this time, not crying. I wondered if the crying was good or bad, and whether I should try harder to make him cry next time, but I never found a satisfying answer to this question. I even offered him a gift, but he didn't seem to notice, so I left it out in the field in the hope that he would pick it up the next year.

After Stungin left, I turned my attention back to the second Kite Fiend, which continued to attempt to tear apart an intangible ball of gas, to little success. The thing had accumulated an enormous number of scars during its stay in Pocketball, but seemed to lack any intention to leave any time soon.

It was becoming increasingly clear that disposing of the escaped demons was to become the centerpiece of my reign. Although the Kite Fiend remained the top priority, I began contemplating a plan that could make a sizeable dent in the population still trapped in the closed-off stairway, particularly taking out, I hoped, the most dangerous, fire-breathing demons.

But on the surface, a different sort of fire-breathing took our attention, as the caravan from the Nation of Harvesting arrived and somehow managed to set afire one of the small unburned patches of the surrounding fields.

Pocketball's crack investigative team quickly went to work and discovered the likely culprit, but, once identified, it was no less horrifying and inexplicable.

A strange oily slick with a nauseous odor was found floating on the surface of the brook near where the fire started. It was still hot enough that the water underneath gave off a veil of steam, and we determined that, before it reached the water, it must have been more than sufficient to spark a grassfire. I personally sent for the scholar RedMageCole, the closest thing Pocketball has to an expert, to determine its composition, and his report was chilling.

We were looking at the meagre remains of a molten Charmeleon. Nobody could say quite what had happened, or why, but it was clear that, somehow, a captive Charmeleon brought by the merchants had discovered an innovative, gruesome new form of Selfdestruct. It seemed that we had only been lucky that it did not wait to pass our walls before testing the move.

Before long, Paddywagon Man concluded trade with the humans. He said it was very successful and that we acquired valuable raw materials and pokémon, as well as some exotic musical instruments he wants to use to start his own nightclub. He also said that he learned a great deal about the art and science of passing off ratty hand-me-downs as valuable trade goods, but I figured he was just putting me on in revenge for the whole Stungin thing. He really liked Stungin and believed me for a while when I said I was going to have him killed.

As Malachite rolled in, a small group of immigrants arrived from the west, bringing us to a total of ninety-four non-pokémon heads. This wouldn't normally be notable, except that I was utterly flabbergasted to find FirePhoenix11 among their number! I gaped at him for a while and tried to stammer out a question to the effect of how he managed to be there when he was last seen being torn apart by a shade monster, but he just gave me a smug look and went back to his studies. It seemed that, wherever he had been, he had found a familiar-looking assistant to help document his research.

Somewhat begrudgingly, I also approved the assistant's request for a breeding pair of Ampharos.

The Shade Monster that killed, or seemed to kill, the Pokémon Professor near the end of spring had been harmlessly battering a Magnezone in a back stairway for more than a month, so I didn't consider it a primary concern. That was before DrewLegend, formerly captain of the Rings of Rowlet, went missing shortly after having been seen charging into the same stairway. It was obvious what had happened, even though we couldn't get to the body to confirm his death. Unsure at first how to proceed, I decided to risk sending some of the more expendable military squads to hopefully remove the problem.

While the army continued to waste time, the Shade Monster tore apart an Ampharos (not one owned by anyone important, but still a tragedy), a Delphox, and a Mamoswine before returning to its favoured Magnezone punching bag. On the surface, a human bard was killed by a Reuniclus. Irritated at all the death occurring on my watch, I located the last remaining dwarf of the Rings of Rowlet and informed him that he was now DrewLegend. He did not protest. He and Paddywagon Man were then ordered behind newly-carved fortifications to engage the Kite Fiend. Before they could leave, FirePhoenix11 called me over to let me know that he had learned "a few facts about munchlax training"; no sooner had I finished politely pretending to care than I heard the word that the Shade Monster had finally been taken down with no further losses. It was hard to tell, but I thought the Professor looked grimly satisfied.

Now that the Shade Monster was no longer alive to exhaust itself bashing an inert pile of metal, several citizens had taken it upon themselves to continue the task in an initiative I decided to refer to as No Magnezone Left Behind. Far below, a gremlin appeared in the caverns, then ran off. I was mildly disappointed, since I had no idea what any of Pocketball's levers actually did, and the gremlin could have proven instructive. In any case, ranged fire was still ineffective against the Kite Fiend, so, given the success of this tactic against the Shade Monster, I decided to order a direct engagement. The way was opened just as Autumn began to unfold.


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Re: The World of Dwarvemon - Succession Fortress of Pocketball (PLAYERS NEEDED!)
« Reply #346 on: September 01, 2017, 02:38:15 pm »

I read something about new players so i'll take a turn
Quote from: Robocorn
what do postdwarvenists do with goblins?

Quote from: Andreus
We slaughter them by the thousands.
But... you know, we do it ironically.


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Re: The World of Dwarvemon - Succession Fortress of Pocketball (PLAYERS NEEDED!)
« Reply #347 on: September 01, 2017, 03:02:24 pm »

« Last Edit: June 30, 2018, 09:11:17 pm by Nopal »

Paddywagon Man

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Re: The World of Dwarvemon - Succession Fortress of Pocketball (PLAYERS NEEDED!)
« Reply #348 on: September 02, 2017, 01:33:10 am »

Although I would hate to see FPS death claim the fort, starting a new one could be interesting. Let's at least wait until that Kite Fiend goes down though, it'll be out fort's crowning moment.

And I wouldn't mind seeing that nightclub come together.


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Re: The World of Dwarvemon - Succession Fortress of Pocketball (PLAYERS NEEDED!)
« Reply #349 on: September 02, 2017, 01:36:44 am »

As an average DF player, struggling between 4-0 fps sounds very painful/boring. Kudos Maximum Spin you've done great.
Maybe it's time to start a new fort in a new pocket or small world, if we keep a low population cap it could turn into something epic. *Winks at RedCole*
Anyway I'm pretty sure the fps death is MCreeper's fault. He and his stupid water tower...
Spoiler: h8 (click to show/hide)
Why? It wasn't even enabled for long, it was destroyed in less then a year after i built it. (  ;D?)


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Re: The World of Dwarvemon - Succession Fortress of Pocketball (PLAYERS NEEDED!)
« Reply #350 on: September 02, 2017, 02:32:37 pm »

« Last Edit: June 30, 2018, 09:12:38 pm by Nopal »


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Re: The World of Dwarvemon - Succession Fortress of Pocketball (PLAYERS NEEDED!)
« Reply #351 on: September 03, 2017, 12:28:03 am »

Cole is busy but alive, and a new fort would be splendid! What kind of population cap do you think we should go for on this go-around? Because if we try, a new mega-project could be glorious. At the same time, I totally get the FPS death; it was awful on my end.

But I'll be more than willing to start a new fort! And I'll want everyone in it, too! Yes, even you, MCreeper, but if you rush anyone again I'll lock you in a room filled with Magcargo.

What would our goal be for the mega project? Would it just be Archcrystals with Pokemon or something else?

(Also, I'd like to wait til Phoenix finishes the next Pokemon update)
« Last Edit: September 03, 2017, 12:55:15 am by RedMageCole »

Paddywagon Man

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Re: The World of Dwarvemon - Succession Fortress of Pocketball (PLAYERS NEEDED!)
« Reply #352 on: September 03, 2017, 01:48:27 am »

At the risk of sounding as defeatist as a Timid Archeops, I don't think we have it in us to make another Archcrystals -Sethatos is truly a legend in his own time.

We could make an even bigger gulpin tomb though...


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Re: The World of Dwarvemon - Succession Fortress of Pocketball (PLAYERS NEEDED!)
« Reply #353 on: September 03, 2017, 09:52:07 am »

If before artifact release - no, just no. I don't want another sucession game on version must unfit for succesion games.


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Re: The World of Dwarvemon - Succession Fortress of Pocketball (PLAYERS NEEDED!)
« Reply #354 on: September 03, 2017, 11:55:23 am »

At the risk of sounding as defeatist as a Timid Archeops, I don't think we have it in us to make another Archcrystals -Sethatos is truly a legend in his own time.

We could make an even bigger gulpin tomb though...
Fair, fair. Maybe we could aim to Catch 'Em All? Like; create a room with 821 little rooms for each Pokemon to be put in (plus nestbox and grass for grass-types). But that'd require having to make sure every species of Pokemon spawned in the world...


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Re: The World of Dwarvemon - Succession Fortress of Pocketball (PLAYERS NEEDED!)
« Reply #355 on: September 03, 2017, 03:11:58 pm »

« Last Edit: June 30, 2018, 09:12:57 pm by Nopal »

Maximum Spin

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Re: The World of Dwarvemon - Succession Fortress of Pocketball (PLAYERS NEEDED!)
« Reply #356 on: September 03, 2017, 09:56:50 pm »

The good news is, the FPS is higher than it was, and clearing out the rest of the demons would probably bring it back to normal levels. Also, Paddywagon Man, I finally got the dwarves to reinstall the gold sarcophagus this season, and I assigned the Gulpin Tomb to the Sexy Goblin Mayor. Autumn follows.

Excerpts from A Million Little Pichus: A Memoir, by Maximum Spin Spatteredgorges

Just as Ber, the miner, broke through the wall and the army began to advance on the Kite Fiend, Stungin was spotted on the surface! At the time, I chose to interpret this as a good omen. He was even reported to be crying, which bolstered my spirits immensely. Surely, with a sign like that, the foray in the depths could never fail.

And, despite all this hubris, I was correct. Although one expendable human had his arm ripped off and another's ankle was broken, the human swordsmaster Imo Strankawe, previously slayer of miscellaneous goblins and a forgotten beast, clove the demon's head asunder with no losses on our side.

In this final, definite,  and, dare I say, slightly anticlimactic way, one of the greatest threats Pocketball has faced was laid low. I will always believe that it was Stungin's blessing that allowed our success.

I decided that, before starting my incredibly dangerous plan of caving in the ceiling directly over the demon stairs, it would be wise to fix Paddywagon Man's trap and try running that properly. In the meantime, Autumn seemed much calmer now that the demons were secure again, at least for the moment. I decided to branch out into more traditional projects, and ordered the mining of new areas... however, the demon war had taken such a toll on the population that it was unclear whether it would even be possible to finish anything.

Soon, the caravan from our own Scholarly Rags arrived. Paddywagon Man took this opportune moment to wander into the caverns looking for some piece of equipment, and apparently stumbled into a nest of Lampent who set the place on fire again. Luckily, he survived with only a smashed spine and a slightly melted head, but it meant that trading was delayed while he recovered.

While we prepared to trade, of course, mandatory rag-dragging duty left Pocketball's industries and expansion paralysed. It also obstructed medical care for Paddywagon Man and two other injured citizens. Musing about how the human who lost a hand in the battle was already back to work, while the one who shattered an ankle remained useless in the hospital, I briefly considered the merits of declaring a universal amputation policy for all wounds. Sadly, it was clearly impractical without a demon to perform the procedure. It was at this point that I noticed that the third injured citizen was in fact Pocketball's best bone doctor, hospitalised with a broken bone. The irony was one thing, but it was even more clear that Pocketball desperately needed to replace its many losses if we ever wanted to get anything done again.

With that in mind, I personally sutured Paddywagon Man's spine with some adamantine thread I found in the hospital's stocks. In no time, he was ready to get back up and... wander around the fortress putting away all his stuff. Nevertheless, eventually he got around to making an appearance at the depot, and began to trade. As usual, the caravan brought little of use, but Paddywagon Man was able to acquire some food, pokémon, raw materials, and, most importantly (to him), more instruments for his future nightclub.

Soon after, a brewer was beaten on Paddywagon Man's orders for not making enough flashy jewelry for Paddywagon Man. He survived. At more or less the same time, numerous furret began to ambush our galvantula while hunting on the surface; each was inevitably killed when dwarven or human soldiers became involved, but the galvantula generally did not survive. A wild mimikyu interposed itself with predictable results; I elected not to inform RedMageCole.

Deep below, an excadrill killed one of our more useless peasants, a mediocre trader whose life theretofore had been dedicated mostly to standing around being jealous of Paddywagon Man's job. Frankly, I was mostly just relieved to have dwarves dying from something other than a demon again. A while later, a rampaging roggenrola killed one of our pet feraligatrs underground, which was mildly irritating, as I've always had a fondness for feraligatr. Not as much as for mareep, of course.

Finally, I received word that some migrants had decided to brave this terrifying place, knowing it may be their tomb. Melodrama aside, we could have used all the hands we could get at that point. Some of them were even vaguely useful. As Timber rolled in, our population reached an even 100, considering all dwarves, elves, humans, and goblins together. Over the next couple of days, it swelled to 102. Mayor Paddywagon Man wasted no time acquainting the new arrivals with the delights offered by Pocketball in his own typical way.

It occurs to me here to note that, in the aftermath of the demon rampages, the population demography of Pocketball had become perhaps just a bit skewed.

Still, our nobles and administrators - myself included, I'd like to imagine - were at least more useful than the average. Our children less so, but they at least promised that the future of Pocketball would be brighter than its present. At least, that's what I hoped.


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Re: The World of Dwarvemon - Succession Fortress of Pocketball (PLAYERS NEEDED!)
« Reply #357 on: September 04, 2017, 12:57:33 am »

Man, I sure wish I had another Mimikyu to my collection.
Hey, I thought I saw another Mimikyu outside; what happened to it?

Paddywagon Man

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Re: The World of Dwarvemon - Succession Fortress of Pocketball (PLAYERS NEEDED!)
« Reply #358 on: September 04, 2017, 12:03:46 pm »

How many demons are left? And what kinds?

Maximum Spin

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Re: The World of Dwarvemon - Succession Fortress of Pocketball (PLAYERS NEEDED!)
« Reply #359 on: September 04, 2017, 02:58:03 pm »

Letter to Paddywagon Man Blizzardpeaceful, Sexy Goblin Mayor
from the desk of Maximum Spin Spatteredgorges, overseer

Please find enclosed my collected list of all confirmed demons occupying Pocketball. I hope you find it enlightening. I have also included the Badger for scale.

Maximum Spin Spatteredgorges, overseer.
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