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Author Topic: The World of Dwarvemon - Succession Fortress of Pocketball (ENDED)  (Read 63654 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Almost done with the third turn... Things are stressful. Yet fun! I'm taking your suggestions though; namely trying to get to the adamantine. We need that adamantine.

Also, with all of the redorfings and large amounts of Pokemon we have and with everyone being done with updating Pokemon with posts, I've decided to make a doc to rectify that!

Simply hover over and comment on what Pokemon you want to adopt and I can edit it. And again, with the redorfings, someone might have lost Pokemon they had, so please tell me so I can rectify that! :)

And I'll give future overseers access to it later too!

Also, if you have a Pokemon that's not available but you remember you claimed it, it's probably there; I might have missed it and I'll add it next time I play. Or the Pokemon is dead. Either way.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2017, 11:19:51 pm by RedMageCole »


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I thought I had an alolan golem. Did it die somehow?
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.


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« Last Edit: June 30, 2018, 08:56:22 pm by Nopal »


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Okay, I felt badly especially after seeing Nopal's reaction, so I went to go look. I did see Taupe's redorf had a Servine, but unfortunatly...

Sorry :(

(And if it makes you feel better, Nopal, the rest of Spring does not end in the fort going up in flames.)
« Last Edit: June 16, 2017, 12:00:51 am by RedMageCole »


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Pokemon Updates

Gave MCreeper the Samurott requested, and since I felt badly for Beirus, I gave him an Alolan Geodude.

Spring, Slate 11

I am currently trying to salvage what I can of our adamantine stores as well as our weapon and armor storage.

Unfortunatly, thanks to the dwarves' need to clean rather than save their damn lives while the demons are distracted, they opt to piss their pants instead and wait for the demons to kill them.


Spring, Slate 12

Who doesn't love a good demon party inside of a baroness's tomb?

Also, I notice that the demons can indeed get up through the minecart entry because everyone seems so insistent on plunging themselves to their deaths just to get some pebbles, so I have that boarded up as well.

Spring, Slate 15

Damn it, you idiots! Stop going to your deaths! Stop it!

I'd like to have some words with whoever decided it was a good idea to put our weapons and armor all the way in the pits of the underground when they should be in the fort...

Armok knows we need the extra hands.

More redorfings to be done... Sigh.

Spring, Slate 17

We're preparing for war now. I draft up two more squads.

The Crystal Onixes, composed of dwarves that had some skill, led by the Axe Lord Id (who I subsequently renamed to Taupe)...

And The Weedle Attacks, composed of inexperienced dwarves. They are led by our best troop who I appointed Champion; Beirus. May him and his staunch upper lip (haha) make a dwarf out of them.

The two will have their barracks set in the late arena, where we held the necromancer, in honor of Paddywagon.

Spring, Slate 20

Time for Operation Get Some Of Our Adamantine Back.

Where my cursor is is a straight up shot through the caves to where we are safe in our places. There's only one demon there as of now; a lot of them fucked back off to HFS or are still flying around in the caves, but this asshole's content where he is. What I plan to do is;

-Dig down to this point
-Set up a base where military dwarves can get ready to fight
-Open a portion of the cave so the military can fight the demon
-BUT THEN HA the demons think we're ripe for the picking until they get caught in a Galvantula webbed trap! And hopefully die from that!
-If not, we will have bridges to block the demon off just in case shit goes wrong, also for atom smashing if necessary
-If we kill the demon, immediately board off the cave (note: points of entry being the minecart tracks, and the lava pools) WHILE carrying adamantine up to base
-If a bunch of demons come in, we retreat

Spring, Slate 21


I looked, and once again, the goddamn up/down staircases are what killed us; whoever built them forgot to make the last staircase the Up staircase, so it went right into open space, and now the demons can get in.


I hate my goddamn life.

I quickly try to build a floor, and I have no choice but to send the military in now. It's just two demons and it doesn't look like anything is close by, but I'm just prepared for the worst at this point.


The recruit that discovered the demons (Boiling Banshees) is able to hold them off quite easily.

Rimtar lands the first blow that I am aware of against the demons!

And the military piles in, and... we kill the boiling banshees. We did it. That was awesome!

Our mayor is being attacked by another boiling banshee, but we take it out!

Our endeavors gave me some inspiration, also!

#804 Boiling Banshee
Steam Pokemon
Height - 6'6
Weight - 6 lbs

Boiling Banshees are basically masses of steam with a tail. Because of this, the damage they can cause is minimal, limited to simple pushes and bursts of steam that aren't really that hot in the first place.

Spring, Slate 23

And just when everything was starting to look up...

What the hell is a loris? No, seriously, not even my 4th dimensional self knows.

I'm not sure if I'm supposed to say that it's cute or terrifying.

Blastoises open fire, yet keep missing.

If he doesn't die, remind me to arrange an unfortunate acident for Morul Dorennish.

Somehow the thing got into the Blastoise's cage. Huh.

Eventually, the Blastoise dies, but now the Wereloris is trapped. Not sure how it got in there in the first place, but hey. Now we just have to wait for him to turn back...

Spring, Slate 25

He's a real boy!

I was gonna be funny and post a picture of the guy dying, but look at this. I never understood this. He's trapped in a little box. There is nothing he can do to you. Why are you so damn afraid of him!? Just kill him and STOP BEING PUSSIES!

Doesn't help that the marksdwarves refuse to shoot through the fortifications...

Spring, Slate 29

Finally! I had to make a staircase, but now the human can be ki- GOD DAMN FUCKING TYPHLOSION.

THAT'S OUR DAMN FOOD SUPPLY, YOU STUPID... BADGER WHATEVER THING. That's just great. Now I have to try and salvage everything I can...

At least the human's dead. Finally.

Spring, Felsite 1

Thankfully, not much food was lost. We're still hanging on, boys.

Spring, Felsite 5

The Mayor comes up to me and tells me he demands I make 3 flasks. I tell him that I have been busting my ass off these past two months trying to fix my mistakes and I had to save his life more than once and he wants me to make flasks. He misses my point entirely and says he wants three flasks. Damn it.

I put in orders for flasks behind the mass orders of picks I put in. Did I mention we lost a good chunk of our miners from the HFS incident and I just lost more by drafting them into the military? I'm just picking at random who gets to dig to the adamantine. Unfortunatly, nobody I pick (haha puns) seems to want to listen. Thanks, assholes. I might end up having to do this myself...

Spring, Felsite 17th

Here comes a special boy!

We're gonna need him.

Yeah, I know, nothing's been happening. Doesn't help that out of the like 50 dwarves I've enlisted to mine with the 500 picks I've created, only one goddamn dwarf is actually good enough to work on the adamantine retrieval project.

Godspeed, Bomrek Idoslolor.

Spring, Felsite 21st

God dammit! I am NOT going down by a stupid were-thing plague!

Had a near heart attack when I saw this, but thank god it didn't break skin.

He then proceeded to bleed to death thanks to the previous Typhlosion that almost destroyed the food supply. This makes up for that.

Battlelog -
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Summer, Hematite 1

Jesus christ, finally!

Time to strike the earth, boys!

List of Pokemon
« Last Edit: June 16, 2017, 11:39:45 am by RedMageCole »


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Hey, if one of wereloris survvived can you send me save with them? I want o try to make werefortress, but have bad luck with this things.  ;D
And why typhlosion decided to explode right in food stockpile?
And why first wereloris didn't get out of cage when he become human? Isn't werecreatures get out of cages when they transform? Pehpas i missing something from new versions again.  :-\
Rest of the sigs
The helicopter is rent apart by the collision, its steel unable to resist its inevitable reunion with the ground, and the meat within is smashed by the crumpling cockpit beyond any practical hope of recovery. What comes up, must come down again. Ore and ape, returned to mother planet's embrace.


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« Last Edit: June 30, 2018, 08:57:27 pm by Nopal »


  • Bay Watcher
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Love how Beirus is just in a constant state of grinding his lower lip; he's my favorite to see drawn. Though your mourning made me sad. ;-; Little Mimikyu on my imposter's gravestone...

Also, there are Boiling Demons as well; would those be the dreaded Perfect IV Gengars... with Levitate?

Paddywagon Man

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If I die in the upcoming demon battle and my new character is thus no longer the baroness, write it off as some sort of hostile overthrow.

"You bastards buried that impostor in my tomb? IN MY BEAUTIFUL TOMB? I'm the baroness I tell you! The baroness!"

Armok knows I upset enough people during my reign...


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Did..did we just survive a demon apocalypse just now?
"Men! On my count!"
"Wait!" A waitress comes running out from the kitchen. "He is the new leader!"
"Why should we believe you?"
The waitress picks up the plate of waffles, and hands it to the man.
"The flag is in the waffles."
"Oh. That works then." Zefer becoming Leader of IHOP


  • Bay Watcher
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If I die in the upcoming demon battle and my new character is thus no longer the baroness, write it off as some sort of hostile overthrow.

"You bastards buried that impostor in my tomb? IN MY BEAUTIFUL TOMB? I'm the baroness I tell you! The baroness!"

Armok knows I upset enough people during my reign...
Gotta admit, the thought made me laugh. My dwarf probably would have been the first to notice everyone burying the imposter Paddywagon and knowing that wasn't Paddywagon, and wouldn't necessarily be inclined to help them after the badass testicle-explosion, but not enough to stop them outright.


  • Bay Watcher
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Did..did we just survive a demon apocalypse just now?
And yes.
Yes we did.
But tonight... we fight back.



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Redorf me under the same parameters. Overseers choice and random Pokemon.
"Men! On my count!"
"Wait!" A waitress comes running out from the kitchen. "He is the new leader!"
"Why should we believe you?"
The waitress picks up the plate of waffles, and hands it to the man.
"The flag is in the waffles."
"Oh. That works then." Zefer becoming Leader of IHOP


  • Bay Watcher
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Pokemon Additions
Gave Glass Excadrill, Lampent, Solrock and Bronzong.

Summer, Hematite 1

Started the season with an idea I had; setting up a 'cage room' of sorts so the Pokemon stockpile can be uncluttered and tamed Pokemon can be let out of their cages as well as getting the seeds out of the cages (I hate that so much), and then we can reuse the cages.

We also have an excess of mechanisms since someone forgot to turn the repeating off on making them, so we have a ton. I decide to make some wood cages and make lots of more cage traps.

We're understaffed, so I put our three most well-trained squads (The Geared Gulpins, The Attic of Mimikyu, Legion of Druddigons) on only half-training duty to give us 15 extra hands. The three squads requiring training are still on 10 training.

Summer, Hematite 12

What, no caravan?

There it is!

They had a Litten and a Charmander for sale.

Summer, Hematite 17

Congrats to Asteth; people really like that guy.

Summer, Hematite 19

Oh, Armok be praised! Perhaps he's actually going to get a damn pickaxe and mine! Praise the miners! Praise!


I hate my life.

Later, I realize this was a glitch brought on by there being inaccessible mining designations at top priority. There we go!

Summer, Malachite 1

You can not get ye flask.

Summer, Malachite 2

Come on in! We got 50+ demons to handle; we got shit to do!

They bring a gem cutter, wood burner, Turtwig, clothier, animal dissector, engineer, stonecrafter, planter, jeweler, siege engineer, and Litwick.

Summer, Malachite 5

Ooh, spooky!

...But now I just feel sorry for it.

It lived for about 5 seconds to hurl a Shadow Ball at the demon before getting propelled into a wall and immediately being mangled.

Summer, Malachite 7

Oh no! Our troll (not sure what Pokemon that is) escaped!

Much like the Misdreavus, I just feel sorry for it. Though at least it lasted a whole 10 seconds longer than the Misdreavus did.

Summer, Malachite 9

You guys actually helped this be a learning experience for me, I didn't even know you could put in work orders; makes things a lot easier!

And we really need those caskets.

And probably some slabs, too.

Summer, Malachite 12

You know, it'd be so easy to kill that badger. He probably would just be too busy humping the water tower. But I can't, dammit. He's like our mascot now. He's not hurting anyone; he's just having a good time. Might be disturbing, but still.

Summer, Malachite 18

Child probably gets the idea to carve something out of all of the hell he's had to witness. Bet his parents were murdered by the demons.

Summer, Malachite 24

After taking some leather, carnelians, opals, cloth and lead, he begins his project!

Summer, Malachite 25

With some stairs and chains, I turned MCreeper's fixer-upper water tower into a nice little set of three wells.

Summer, Galena 1

Hooray; it's useless!

Summer, Galena 9

Finally got around to killing that human corpse that we had in a cage sitting there and smelling.

Imo is a badass.

Summer, Galena 10

The demons still manage to torment me even when they're trapped. My reports pop up, and I get excited, and then I just see this.

I try to ignore it, but I want to look at the reports.

This has gone on for about 5 pages straight.

For 5 different snail fiends.

Kill me.

Summer, Galena 12

Dwarf came up to me with the Dugtrio and Charmander proudly claiming his name to be Fluffe9911. I told him to get back to work.

Summer, Galena 13

Yes! Time to put the plan into action, boys!

Summer, Galena 16

HEY, BEAT IT! How are we supposed to have Galvantulas for the plan if you kill them?!

Lucky for us, a passerby Serperior was there to defend the Galvantula until a Macedwarf came in and immediately bashed its face in, killing it instantly.

Summer, Galena 18

Come to papa!

Autumn, Limestone 1

My second reign is halfway over, and I plan to make the best of the second half. I have done a lot of planning throughout this summer, and with my three Mimikyus, I plan to fix the horrible mistakes that I have made. Mark my words.

Pokemon List


  • Bay Watcher
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Can I be dorfed as a Male Hammerdwarf?
If I end up with a pokemon, let it be... Um... Er... I don't mind, actually. Not a zubat, that's for sure.
Imic's no longer allowed to vote.
Quote from: smyttysmyth
Well aren't you cheery
Quote cabinet
Regrets every choice he made and makes, including writing this here.
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