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Author Topic: ROGUELIKE 2: Sword of Azirkan Turn 8: Our Heroes Beat-Down One of Their Own, heh  (Read 20090 times)

Ardent Debater

  • Bay Watcher
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*In Quack* "This Lord Crotalus seems to have a good head on his shoulders, that's how I'd handle it... All the same, it's a damned hassle, and one I'd rather avoid. Sigh, guess there's nothing for it."

*In Common with a heavy accent* "Damn da nation! Whaddya say?
Dere's no work ta be done fer da merchants, none 't all? No, not eben a liddle? Fah! I s'pose 't's inta da dungeon fer Ol' Quack Quack."

"If nobody will join me on the basement raid, then the glory will be all mine."
Akashir places a hand on his mask indignantly. "And the day that we listen to a duck in a top hat is truly a dark day."

See if I can possibly get an NPC to accompany me if none of my companions will. Otherwise, start planning for a suicide mission solo trip.

*In Common with a heavy accent* "N' da day the lotta take advice from a clown 'n a mask 'll be da day Ol' Quack-Quack quacks! See dere? Ye idn't da only one wot can make insults wiff no sb'stantiation! Ye wanna banter? Ol' Quack-Quack can keep 't up all day long, jus' ye watch.

But dere'd be na point, ye see? Ol' Quack-Quack's plan dun went tits up n' dere's nuffin' fer 't but 'ead ta da basement, ye see? If the lotta ya 'll put up wiff Ol' Quack-Quack, Ol' Quack-Quack 'd be a-ok ta tag 'long n' 'elp keep da train on da tracks, so ta say. Eh?
How 'bout 't?"

"If nobody will join me on the basement raid, then the glory will be all mine."
Akashir places a hand on his mask indignantly. "And the day that we listen to a duck in a top hat is truly a dark day."

See if I can possibly get an NPC to accompany me if none of my companions will. Otherwise, start planning for a suicide mission solo trip.
Sir Lootington looks at Akashir and the duck. "Teamwork is vital. If you two are going to argue, then trying to work together may as well be a suicide mission. Believe me, I know." He stands up. "However, my ancestor did not sacrafice himself for nothing, and I can understand why Akashir would be mad that some people don't want to help him. Who knows, maybe some of my ancestor's tools are in there. As it is, I suggest we go to the basement. And if noone else wants to go, then I guess it will just be me and Akashir getting the rewards."

Help Akashir plan the trip to the dungeon. Or just go straight into the dungeon. Sir Lootington might be a bit upset if he just runs in with no planning though.

*In Common with a heavy accent* "Ol' Quack-Quack couldna' 'gree more. How're da lotta us ta trust each uvver ta watch our backs 'f da lotta us idn't sure deys not gon' ta slip a knife 'tween our ribs? 'S a gud policy ta be sure, nice n' prudent, 't 's."

If there's nothing else to be done here, then there's hardly reason to stay our hand. Yes, we will go to the basement - but we will be careful while we are there.
Sir Lootington Approves.

*In Common with a heavy accent* "So 't 's, so 't 's."

Quack-Quack accompanies the party into the basement, lamp in wing.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2017, 09:53:42 am by Ardent Debater »


  • Bay Watcher
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((Should probably waitlist me as this sheet is taking me a while, and I don't think I'll have time to complete it today. I don't want to hold things up.))   
There is no waitlist. This game currently does not have a defined limit on character slots.

T  U  R  N      2

Run towards the castle
The immortal wolf takes off running towards the castle, crawling through heather and splashing through the shallow gelid waters of the moor. It's a long way, but the light of the moon illuminates the landscape bright as day in the canine's eyes. [6] Approaching the castle, Theta sees that the gate is open but guarded by a heavy detail of men in munitions-plate armor and thick hooded coats. Theta crouches low in the brush, close enough to see their breath come out in visible gouts of steam that quickly elongate and vanish on the wind. Most of them have polearms, some have crossbows or longbows. A couple are drinking something hot out of mugs. They look tired of this shitty weather.

Also, not far away, Theta notices a small drainage arch in the outer wall; it curves up a foot or two and heavy iron bars divvy it up into thirds. An adult human would never make it through, but a duck or a wolf might be able to wiggle past.

Watch yer step, lardrear.

Get another mug. Drink until the booze is gone and so am I.
The tubby peasant goes off to argue with the old man in the ancient helmet and Deikos keeps drinking. Eventually, feeling pretty buzzed, he notices that his companions are all getting up to something. Might as well roll with it.

Thank Muta for all the information, and wish him luck on that gods-damned weasel farm he never shut up about. Then see which of the other mercenaries are thinking about a basement excursion.
You exchange farewells and he invites you to stop by if you're ever in the southlands. You get up and head back to your group, who all seem to be making their way back to the table and discussing a very clear intent to enter the basement. How convenient.

"If nobody will join me on the basement raid, then the glory will be all mine."
Akashir places a hand on his mask indignantly. "And the day that we listen to a duck in a top hat is truly a dark day."

See if I can possibly get an NPC to accompany me if none of my companions will. Otherwise, start planning for a suicide mission solo trip.
It looks like they're all on board with accompanying you, actually! The wizard is cautious but eager, the knight seems affably intoxicated enough that you could probably bumble him down there Cask of Amontillado style, the dwarf is chalking his javelins with the look of a man who is preparing to actually use them, and the snow elf insists that everybody be careful. He doesn't sound like he's being sarcastic, either.

"If nobody will join me on the basement raid, then the glory will be all mine."
Akashir places a hand on his mask indignantly. "And the day that we listen to a duck in a top hat is truly a dark day."

See if I can possibly get an NPC to accompany me if none of my companions will. Otherwise, start planning for a suicide mission solo trip.
Sir Lootington looks at Akashir and the duck. "Teamwork is vital. If you two are going to argue, then trying to work together may as well be a suicide mission. Believe me, I know." He stands up. "However, my ancestor did not sacrafice himself for nothing, and I can understand why Akashir would be mad that some people don't want to help him. Who knows, maybe some of my ancestor's tools are in there. As it is, I suggest we go to the basement. And if noone else wants to go, then I guess it will just be me and Akashir getting the rewards."

Help Akashir plan the trip to the dungeon. Or just go straight into the dungeon. Sir Lootington might be a bit upset if he just runs in with no planning though.
Sir Lootington pulls up a chair and starts leading a planning session for the basement trip.

If there's nothing else to be done here, then there's hardly reason to stay our hand. Yes, we will go to the basement - but we will be careful while we are there.

Quack-Quack accompanies the party into the basement, lamp in wing.

The adventurers all sit down and share what information they've gathered from the patrons of the tavern, voicing their individual concerns and ideas. The planning session is concluded quickly, and the group gathers their equipment and heads out of the bar and down one of the many grand staircases of the castle down to a sprawling lower level. They search for a while, eventually coming across a heavy iron portcullis set into a passageway sloping down into the darkness. They grab a few complimentary torches just in case the duck's lamp fails, and they walk through the open gate into the notorious basement.

The party enters a large room with a high ceiling that arches off into darkness. Dust coats the floor, but there are footprints and signs of recent travel. A pile of smashed crates is heaped in the far corner. An arch in the far wall opens onto a corridor that goes for some distance before turning. A stout wooden door is set into the west wall.

Decide marching order, if you want to.

Don't expect too much consistency, but currently:
Akashir is red.
Sir Lootington is blue.
Quack Quack is orange.
Fath is purple, because he has a huge bright purple plume on his helmet.
Jacob is green, because I decided that these colors actually corresponded to players after I already put them on the map, and because green looks good on light grey.
Sir Deikos is dark gray, because he is covered in gray metal. And he's at the back because he's pretty drunk right now.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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Green does look good on light grey.

First off: look for traps.

Second off: whichever way we choose to go, I will attempt to scout ahead a bit.

Which way do the footprints lead?

At this moment, I personally recommend taking a peek through the door.

EDIT: I am wielding my hook sword, with the parrying dagger in the off-hand.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2017, 05:01:25 pm by Glass »
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Hmm... they might be able to help me. Well maybe if they weren't doing stuff already. Well I guess I'll just go in and... oh if I go in the main door they'll probably just throw me out and chase me away. And then they wouldn't be guarding the gate. And then something else might get in and wreak havoc inside there. So I'll definitely have to go in the long way to keep something like that from happening.

Try to get into castle through the drainage arch thing.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I came for the LNP, I stayed for the RTDs.
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Knock down the door. Be drunk. Kill anything that moves and isn't nice.

Just because I'm drunk doesn't mean uuurp mean that I can't do stuff y-you guys. Urgh.
In the end, the winner is the one with the most snake venom.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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Knock down the door. Be drunk. Kill anything that moves and isn't nice.

Just because I'm drunk doesn't mean uuurp mean that I can't do stuff y-you guys. Urgh.
Someone restrain him, please.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Now with 20% less sanity and trans fat!
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I guess it comes down to the professional to decide marching order.

Establish marching order as myself and any fighters in front (Myself foremost unless someone objects) and everyone else behind, in order of decreasing defensive capability. Except maybe one strong guy at the tail in case of ambush.

Me/Strongest guy in front.
2nd strongest in rear
Everyone else in between following defensive ability order as noted above.

Knock down the door. Be drunk. Kill anything that moves and isn't nice.

Just because I'm drunk doesn't mean uuurp mean that I can't do stuff y-you guys. Urgh.
Someone restrain him, please.
Also keep an eye on this idiot
Oh look, I have a steam account.
Might as well chalk it up to Pathos.
As this point we might as well invoke interpretive dance and call it a day.
The Derail Thread


  • Bay Watcher
  • Probably writing something.
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"Be carefull everyone, I would rather we didn't all get slaughtered by owls." Cast Detection on everything nearbye, then study the pile of crates in the corner.

Knock down the door. Be drunk. Kill anything that moves and isn't nice.

Just because I'm drunk doesn't mean uuurp mean that I can't do stuff y-you guys. Urgh.
"What did I literally just say?" Trip him over if he starts doing anything bad or stupid. "Moron."
“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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Knock down the door. Be drunk. Kill anything that moves and isn't nice.

Just because I'm drunk doesn't mean uuurp mean that I can't do stuff y-you guys. Urgh.
Someone restrain him, please.
Also keep an eye on this idiot
You referring to me, or the idiot?
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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"Be carefull everyone, I would rather we didn't all get slaughtered by owls." Cast Detection on everything nearbye, then study the pile of crates in the corner.

Knock down the door. Be drunk. Kill anything that moves and isn't nice.

Just because I'm drunk doesn't mean uuurp mean that I can't do stuff y-you guys. Urgh.
"What did I literally just say?" Trip him over if he starts doing anything bad or stupid. "Moron."
You have to actually specify what you're trying to detect for this to work. It can be something like "wood" or "gold" or "orcs," or it can be something absurdly broad like "danger" or "valuables," or it can be something vague and hard to pin down like "The American Dream," but it has to be something.

Also, it should probably be noted that wizards (at least at this level) use something sometimes referred to as Vancian magic, named after an ancient wizard who developed and popularized the system. This pretty much means that you can cast Detection once, and then you have to study your spellbook and take a nap or something before you can do it again. This might sound like it sucks, but the spells are all (situationally) really powerful, especially if you get creative with them, and wizards aren't as bad at fighting as you might expect.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Probably writing something.
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Fine, forget using detection and just examine the crates... and trip the drunk dude over.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2017, 02:10:41 pm by TankKit »
“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.

Ardent Debater

  • Bay Watcher
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*In Quack* "Hmm, I wonder what could be under that scrapped box. Treasure? Doubtful. Snakes? Probable... It's worth a look, despite the risk. Then again, maybe not... A Duck's life is short, might as well see."

*In Common with a heavy accent* "Oi, Ser Loot'Town! 'f dere be any wands er staves un'er dere, mayhap Ol' Quack Quack could put 'em ta use!"

Quack-Quack examines the box rubble for magical items.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2017, 07:12:01 pm by Ardent Debater »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Now with 20% less sanity and trans fat!
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Knock down the door. Be drunk. Kill anything that moves and isn't nice.

Just because I'm drunk doesn't mean uuurp mean that I can't do stuff y-you guys. Urgh.
Someone restrain him, please.
Also keep an eye on this idiot
You referring to me, or the idiot?
I suppose I didn't make that clear, did I? :P

I meant the drunk that clearly needs restraining.
Oh look, I have a steam account.
Might as well chalk it up to Pathos.
As this point we might as well invoke interpretive dance and call it a day.
The Derail Thread


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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Knock down the door. Be drunk. Kill anything that moves and isn't nice.

Just because I'm drunk doesn't mean uuurp mean that I can't do stuff y-you guys. Urgh.
Someone restrain him, please.
Also keep an eye on this idiot
You referring to me, or the idiot?
I suppose I didn't make that clear, did I? :P

I meant the drunk that clearly needs restraining.
Ok. Good. Agreed.
Now, let's kill the quote pyramid before we are overwhelmed in the death throes.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Waiting on Akashir. So far, this is shaping up to be pretty interesting.
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