Download on DFFDTested versions of Dwarf Fortress:
0.43.03 32bit with DFHack (Masterwork 1.23) (Ruby version 1.8.7)
0.43.05 64bit with DFHack (Masterwork 1.24a - unofficial ) (Ruby version 2.0.0)
Populate.rb features:
Add/Modify world region and world location animal populations
Add/Modify/Delete site animal populations and the animal's trade goods
Before modifying any populations,
make a backup of your save by running "quicksave" in the DFHack console, and copying the most recently modified region# folder in "Dwarf Fortress\data\save". All changes to populations, and trade goods are final.
To use hack/scripts/populate.rb extract it into Dwarf Fortress/hack/scripts, and hack/ruby/optparse.rb into Dwarf Fortress/hack/ruby.
Add Kea birds to 3 regions and 10 locations:
populate -s BIRD_KEA -r 3 -l 10
Now only add to 10 locations in up to 3 regions where Keas already live:
populate -s BIRD_KEA -r 3 -l 10 -e
Or drop some wild populations on the Elves by requiring sites with ForestRetreat:
populate -s BIRD_KEA -r 3 -l 10 -n ForestRetreat
Or maybe just increase already existing populations:
populate -s BIRD_KEA -b 1000 -i 100
Or maybe you want (tame) ones in Elven trade caravans:
populate -s BIRD_KEA -o ELF -a
Or maybe you don't want (tame) ones in Elven trade caravans:
populate -s BIRD_KEA -o ELF -z
And you don't want (tame) vermin either:
populate -s BIRD_KEA -o ELF -z -k
Or you think the Elves need MORE (TAME) KEAS:
populate -s BIRD_KEA -o ELF -p 1000
Maybe you just want to see what a command WILL do:
populate -s BIRD_KEA -o ELF -p 1000 -d
You really want lots of text printed to your screen:
populate -s BIRD_KEA -o ELF -p 1000 -d -v
You want Humans to have Keas, and to set all import agreements on Keas, and Kea products to maximum priority
populate -s BIRD_KEA -o HUMAN -a -y 4
All command arguments:
Mandatory arguments:
-s, --species CREATURE Raw creature name to [re]populate.
Population Filters:
-r, --regions # Maximum number of regions to limit creature to.
- Regions are collections of orthogonally connected locations (x,y coordinates)
on the world map that share their major Biome type.
-l, --locations # Maximum number of locations to limit creature to.
- Locations are x,y coordinates on the world map.
-e, --existing Add populations only to regions where a regional population already exists.
-n, --need-site [TYPE] Restrict habitable locations to those with sites.
Valid TYPEs: PlayerFortress, DarkFortress, Cave, MountainHalls,
ForestRetreat, Town, ImportantLocation, LairShrine, Fortress, Camp, Monument
Population Modifiers:
-b, --boost # Increment region populations by the specified amount.
-i, --increment # Increment local populations by the specified amount.
Site Filters:
-t, --site-id # The ID of the site in memory.
-c, --civilization-id # The ID of the target civilization in memory.
-o, --civilization-race CREATURE The raw creature name of the founder of the civilization.
Site Modifiers:
-a, --add-creature The creature [-s] will be added to the filtered site(s) that do not already have any.
-m, --set-amount # The creature [-s] will have their population(s) at the filtered site(s) set to # amount.
-p, --add-amount # The creature [-s] will have their population(s) at the filtered site(s) increased by # amount.
-k, --all-vermin All vermin creatures will be matched on operations for the target civilization's pet list/trading goods and site populations.
-z, --remove-animal The creature [-s] will be removed from the target civilization's pet list/trading goods and site populations.
-y, --trade-priority # The creature [-s] that was added [-a] will have all of their trade goods set to this priority.
Special options:
-x, --extinct # Remove the extinct flag from populations of this species,
and set the population amount to the specified number.
-f, --fortress Force adding a population to the current fortress location.
- Will show a warning if the surroundings/biome don't match the creature's raws.
-d, --display Display only. Do not do any additions.
-v, --verbose Print extra information to the console.