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Author Topic: "Simple" Dwarven Fort, It's cold here (succession fort) Grab the save!  (Read 31098 times)

Alpha Loves You

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ok, here we go

1st of Granite: well, the place looks roughly the same as I left it, our militia is looking a little bear so I've expanded it to 10 Guards, just to give us an edge against the Gobbo's.
14th of Granite: almost instantly, the elves arrived, lets see what they're brought
17th of Granite: turns out our broker has no understanding of economics or trading, so like a pleb we guesstimated a decent trade for Barrels, fruit and splints.
9th of Slate: Expanded our dorm, everyone deserves a bed :(
Also some migrants arrived:
1 x Trocadero :D
1 x Chef Cookie :D :D
1 x Lead zeppelin :D :D :D
8 x Mooks
2 x children
1 x Spinner
1 x Miner
1 x Fish cleaner
1 x Fisherdwarf
1 x Alpha  8)
1 x Glazer

That's right baby, Alpha's here to party, a total of 88 of us now, capping the population so we don't die to lag

3rd of Felsite:

Pretty cool
19th of felsite: I've noticed that several of our dwarves have lost the ability to walk and didn't bring a crutch, so they refuse to move on their own and have to be carried, lazy plebs.
1st of Hematite: a vile force of darkness has arrived!!!
4th of Hematite: We won, although not without casualties. A mother and child were killed in the chaos and one of our guards were killed, although they went down fighting. 85 dwarves remain with 10 slain goblins.
19th of Hematite: we constructed a second hospital and nursed our surviving dwarves back to full health. We have survived.

More to come tomorrow, stay tuned

Alpha Loves You

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Lets finish the year

25th of Hematite: A couple of migrants:
1 x Woodcrafter
2 x Mooks
1 x Train
1 x Miner Leonardo
Population is now at a full 90.
11th of Malachite: Bedrooms have now been finished, unless we get more births or something
20th of Malachite:

23rd of Galena: our swordsdwarf has given birth to a girl, lucky them.
27th of Galena:

Now we're saving this for a special occasion :)
13th of Limestone: fam.... something happened....
The infected mayor transformed, as it did every month. Somehow Tribute and Lead Zeppelin managed to get through a Forbidden door and massacre it. On one hand, one less warebeast to clean up but on the other, i'm confused as to how they even accomplished this. At least neither of them were bitten.
18th of Limestone: The traders arrived, we bought a ton of Weapons, food, armour, Booze and even a couple of books. Oh, and cloth, lots and lots of cloth.
3rd of Sandstone: our new library is complete!

It's not much now but we'll write history from that room.
24th of Sandstone: A migrant, singular has arrived. Foo Fighter from our last site.
15th of Timber: Farmer Jane gave birth to a girl, our second this year
28th of Timber:

3rd artefact this year
9th of Moonstone: Our new Scholor is pumping out books like crazy, 2 in a week! They're not very good but I guess it's the thought that counts.
25th of Moonstone:

What we see here is a troll trapped in a flooding room after it broke down the floodgate. Nothing of value is lost.
8th of Opal: And here is where my year ends, it's been a fun year, to whoever comes next. Take care of the fortress as best you can, the Gobbo's will return...

Here's our stats:

And the Save:

Sorry for not finishing the whole year, work has been pretty rough lately. Good luck whoever takes it next


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Okay, I will try the fort. Is there anything I should know now?
dwarf 4tress from scratch
The Pikachu revolution!
Thank you NatureGirl19999 for the avatar switcher at

A warforged bard named Gender appears and says"Hello. I am a social construct."

Alpha Loves You

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Besides trying to keep the population at 90 or under, nope have fun


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2th Opal, 136.
  So, I get this letter, saying I won the "Overseer" sweepstakes. But, thing is, I don't remember entering such a contest. Oh, well. It appears that for my prize, I have won one year of Overseership over some hole-in-the-wall fortress named Cloisteredsoldiers. I see no reason not accept this position. It will take me about one week to get there.

8th Opal, 136.
  So, I finally get to Cloisteredsoldiers, and what is the first thing I see, you ask?
A bloody corpse stockpile just sitting there, waiting for just any necromancer to come and raise the lot.
  What do I see after that? The unguarded, and unfortified stairs to the Fortress.
  And in addition, we have no temples.
Why do we have a freaking library, but no temples? We hardly need access to books, but you can only pray in a temple.
People are probably going mad over the lack of temples.
  There's at least two legendary soldiers who are not in a squad.
It's like someone decided that since the fort itself has a relatively simple design, the rest should be as complicated as possible.
(sorry for my in-character rant, it is not intended as an insult, so please don't take it as one.)

11th Opal, 136.
  Okay, I've started work on a better entrance. First, they walk through a passegeway right next to fortifications that our rangers will fire through, then they walk through a series of tight passages designed to slow them down enough that reinforcements can arrive, then they turn a corner right into our soldiers.
  Admittedly we'll have less access to the surface, but what self-respecting dwarf goes to the surface a lot?

24th Opal, 136.
Happy Birthday, Nish Lolukusan! How does it feel to be a whole years old?

1st Obsidian, 136.
The Wardwarf 'Lead Zeppelin' punched 'Olin Talinkel' in the head, for an unkown reason, instantly killing him.

12th Obsidian, 136.
A dwarven boy was born on this day.

1st Granite, 136.
A vile force of darkness has arrived.
The first casualities are our rabbits.
I'm regretting taking all the animals outside.

2nd Granite, 136.
  Holy Carp. Because, I forgot an important part of the defensive structure, I thought we were goners. Turns out we are not. Our soldiers, WHILE VOMITING FROM THE SUN EXPOSURE, are routing the goblins.
  Also, the mayor apparently thinks now is a good time to ponder reproductive behaviour.
I mean, granted, the mayor is a scholar, but Seriously?
  Anyway, we killed 32 goblins without a single casualty. Well, dwarven casualty. We lost 3 sheep and 2 rabbits.
  Although the new recruit did take an arrow to the knee.
Good thing he was already a guard, and not an adventurer.

Actually, I think this is the first goblin siege I've ever had.
dwarf 4tress from scratch
The Pikachu revolution!
Thank you NatureGirl19999 for the avatar switcher at

A warforged bard named Gender appears and says"Hello. I am a social construct."


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Arrrrgghhhhhh..... I missed my turn...  :'(
23rd Felsite, 137.
The mayor is pondering reproductive behaviour again.
At least it is not in the middle of an invasion like last time.

Alpha Loves You

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You can always go next if you want Awearerofscarves


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8th Granite, 137.
I have built a nice garbage compactor, to get rid of the unnecessary corpses.

9th Granite,137.
I have decided to kill two keas with one bolt by putting the artifact coffin in the mayor's room.
The mayor is happy because he has expensive furniture, and the tomb owner, likewise. If the coffin would be better elsewhere we can just move it.

12th Granite, 137.
WARNING, I have made a minimum skill level of adequate for all workshops I could find, except the forge, as no one has adequate skill in armor or weapon forging.

17th Granite, 137.
  The lookout has informed me that she saw an elven caravan in the distance.
I hope they are carrying useful creatures.
  One of the first 7 has been attacked by a cave crocodile.

18th Granite, 137.
That first 7 I mentioned yesterday?
She beat up the cave crocodile, made it feel terror, then just calmly walked away from it in search of more webs, leaving it to warn the rest of its kind.
She didn't even start the battle with any combat skill, so what is it about our dwarves being badasses?
In any event I'm renaming her "Crocodile Dundee.

21st Granite, 137.
  When I heard Kubuk Adilgoth was a 'legendary' Engraver, I was skeptical, but after I commisioned him/her to make some engravings in the mayor's room.
Later, I went to the mayor's room to see how Kubuk did.
I gasped as I entered the room, for I had never seen a beautiful sight before in all my seventy-eight years. The whole room was like a masterpiece.
  The moment was slightly spoiled by Alpha announcing that he had grown attached to a steel battle axe.

23rd Granite, 137.
I mentioned a few days ago that elves arrived.
Today we traded some things we didn't need for a yak bull, a raven( who, needless to say, quoth Nevermore.), a giant mink, a giant wolf, and a giant loon.

24th Granite, 137.
Sixteen migrants have arrived.
Among them were 'Pretender', 'Yes'( who was injured.), 'Moby Dick', and 'Zas Quell'.

3rd Slate, 137.
A bone raver has withdrawn from society.

9th Slate, 137.
Dakost Abanduthnur has Dingstambukst, a giant rat bone bracelet!
This is wonderful! After all, he may have created something that would actually be used, like a bone weapon, but fortunately he created a bracelet instead.
It bristles with spikes of giant rat bone, and clear tourmaline.

11th Slate, 137.
Today I got a repor from the cavern lookout.
"The Forgotten Beast Dirlu has come! A gigantic blob composed of mud. It has a spiral shell and it squirms and fidgets. Beware its deadly spittle!"
It was easy killing it, although some haulers were injured.

18th Slate, 137.
Some dwarves were secretly working with goblins to undermine my rule. However, they were found out.
Three of them were executed today. Three are in the hospital from injuries sustained when they were arrested. No loyal dwarf was injured, though one of the criminal's pet lambs was accidentally injured in the arrest.

21st Slate, 137.
Two more of the traitors have been executed.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2017, 06:39:06 pm by pikachu17 »
dwarf 4tress from scratch
The Pikachu revolution!
Thank you NatureGirl19999 for the avatar switcher at

A warforged bard named Gender appears and says"Hello. I am a social construct."


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Besides trying to keep the population at 90 or under, nope have fun

Also, I should've asked this earlier, but may I have a dwarf?

You can always go next if you want Awearerofscarves
The writer of the above quote was the one I wanted to thank. I apologize, Pikachu17.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2017, 04:34:21 am by AWearerOfScarves »
23rd Felsite, 137.
The mayor is pondering reproductive behaviour again.
At least it is not in the middle of an invasion like last time.


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Besides trying to keep the population at 90 or under, nope have fun

Also, I should've asked this earlier, but may I have a dwarf?
The quote you have "Thanks!" under was said to me. Did you think it was for you, or else why did you say Thanks under that quote?
dwarf 4tress from scratch
The Pikachu revolution!
Thank you NatureGirl19999 for the avatar switcher at

A warforged bard named Gender appears and says"Hello. I am a social construct."


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Er.... sorry. I accidently copied the wrong quote. I'll change it.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2017, 04:31:47 am by AWearerOfScarves »
23rd Felsite, 137.
The mayor is pondering reproductive behaviour again.
At least it is not in the middle of an invasion like last time.


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Er.... sorry. I accidently copied the wrong quote. I'll change it.
It's okay, mistakes happen, and it is not like this was a bad mistake, anyway.
dwarf 4tress from scratch
The Pikachu revolution!
Thank you NatureGirl19999 for the avatar switcher at

A warforged bard named Gender appears and says"Hello. I am a social construct."


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10th Felsite, 137.
A cave blob and a flesh ball are in mortal combat.

12th Felsite, 137.
  Ineth, First 7, has given birth to a healthy baby boy. When seeking the infant, she canceled a 'Dump Item' job.
 "Stoat Jack"? Is that anything like Samurai Jack?

23rd Felsite, 137.
The mayor is pondering reproductive behaviour again.
At least it is not in the middle of an invasion like last time.

5th Malachite, 137.
"Mosus" has named his steel battle axe "The Reclusive Bowels".
It has killed five named goblins, one gremlin, one giant olm, seven unnamed goblins, two crundles, but no partridge in a pear tree.

2nd Galena, 137.
  Migrants! Oh, and if someone does have a useful skill, but only very small level of skill(say, adequate) in it, I will list his proffession as X Mook, where X is his useful skill.
Anyway, the migrants include: "ABBA", "Radio Star", and five other anonymous migrants.
6th Galena, 137.
Some childrens' corpses were found. I don't know what did this, but whatever it was, it shall feel my wrath.

14th Galena, 137.
Zon Kubuksinsot, Miner has created Betannimem, A.K.A: Calmlonely, a galena quern!

15th Galena, 137.
Today I battled a giant olm. It was quite easy. Finally, we knocked it out, then left it, as no one got hurt, and it was not worth our time.

27th Galena, 137.
"Corset" was found dead, crushed by falling rocks. He will be missed. He was rather injured, with no use of his legs, nor one hand, and he had a head infection.

17th Limestone, 137.
The Dwarven Caravan has arrived. Oh, apparently the outpost liason is a goblin.

9th Sandstone, 137.
Migrants have arrived. Just seven anonymous migrants. And... they are all useless. Haulers, the lot of  'em.

23rd Sandstone, 137.
A poor, poor child has stricken by melancholy. Nothing we do seems to improve it's manner.
Not even the most expensive toys.

26th Sandstone, 137.
A child has gone beserk. I cry as I order the military to kill him.

28th Sandstone, 137.
  The Forgotten Beast Ayanu has come!  A towering quadruped composed of vomit.  It has two long, straight tails and it undulates rhythmically.  Beware its poisonous vapors!
  Velvet apparently thinks the time to name your steel short sword is while running to a FB.
 The FB is just sitting near the magma forges. I don't know whether I should risk locking it in, or just rush and attack it. Eh, I'll try attacking it, and if that doesn't work, I'll lock the civilians away from it.

28th Sandstone, 137. (Again. Damn crash.)
(I crashed to the 24th of Sandstone, then the child didn't go beserk, now a different FB has appeared.)
The Forgotten Beast Zabip has come!  A huge one-eyed caddisfly.  It has a spiral shell and it has a bloated body.  Its slate gray exoskeleton is waxy.  Beware its webs!
Thank the gods I got the walls up in time, It's got WEBS.
Oh, and it can fly.

3rd Timber, 137.
Velvet has named her/his sword "Murderpraises"( What a creepy name.), but at least s/he's not running to an FB this time.

12th Timber, 137.
Lead Zeppelin has named his spear "Fountainfrozen", even though it only has two kills, and none were from him.

19th Timber, 137.
Farmer Jane our most bad-ass hunter, has just given birth to a boy. Happy birthday!

Dear Next Overseer,
Okay, this is the end of my turn.
We have 88 citizens, and 60 Livestock. You may wish to butcher some of the livestock.
At level 96 is a suspended down stair. Unsuspend it if goblins or other surface-dwelling invaders are coming, so they will be forced to walk through the long way.
At level 93 are two things of interest. The first is the execution chamber, which is to the southwest of the stairs. Read the note for instructions.
The second thing of interest is the quantum stockpile at the northeast. It has a garbage dump on it, so just select dump on items to get them there, then use d-b-c to unforbid them. There is also a garbage dump on the 95th floor, but that one is of the atom smasher variety. Do not have both garbage dumps active at the same time.
At level 89 are some children locked into rooms. If you want them to die, keep the doors locked. If you want them to live, unlock the doors.
At level 89, there are also up stairs built on natural up/down stairs. If you think you can face the forgotten beast, you may deconstruct the stairs. Otherwise, keep them there. Oh, the FB is dead. so nevermind this particular instruction.
At level 95, many of the buildings have a minimum skill level on them.


« Last Edit: August 15, 2017, 10:19:54 am by pikachu17 »
dwarf 4tress from scratch
The Pikachu revolution!
Thank you NatureGirl19999 for the avatar switcher at

A warforged bard named Gender appears and says"Hello. I am a social construct."


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Can I go next? Also:

23rd Felsite, 137.
The mayor is pondering reproductive behaviour again.
At least it is not in the middle of an invasion like last time.

May I sig this?
« Last Edit: August 15, 2017, 11:43:59 am by AWearerOfScarves »
23rd Felsite, 137.
The mayor is pondering reproductive behaviour again.
At least it is not in the middle of an invasion like last time.

Alpha Loves You

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R.I.P corset

Only got a name because you murdered an ettin with a copper axe that first time.

Also, awearerofscarves, sure, go crazy
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