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Author Topic: Omega Legion: horses and spiders  (Read 80533 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion: horses and spiders
« Reply #451 on: August 21, 2017, 06:51:23 pm »

((Thrips is completely awesome))


  • Bay Watcher
  • DiceBane
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Re: Omega Legion: horses and spiders
« Reply #452 on: August 23, 2017, 07:45:48 am »

Gnaw gnaw gnaw. Subtly test my bindings for weak points.
(6) you pull a hand out of your bindings, remove the gag from it's uncomfortable position around your face, and begin chewing on the leather in earnest. It tastes like sweat and ... leather. And when the red mist fills the room, the leather takes on a spicier flavor. It's not the strongest taste, but it sure beats the boring fare you've had so far.

Wait a minute for the dizziness to pass.  When feeling slightly better, move my head towards/between my feet, and try to pry my muzzle off between my claws and the stone floor.
(2) you paw stupidly at your face. After a time, you realize that something is wrong with your claws. They are soft and blunt? You paw at your face, but only succede in rubbing your cheekbone and nostril.

Start struggling, not in an agressive kicking and biting kind of way but in a I-want-to-stay-here way. Start blurting out the speech (the one above) as fast as I can.  If I have enough time blurt out at the end: "You can't silence the truth!". If no revolt  happened by the crowd yet and I'm about to be thrown out I say: "I have one more point!"
Then I puff up with Demon Dust I try to cover the entire courtroom with it.
(3) you manage a quick summary, shouted between the arms of the burly guards as some of the crowd eggs you on, and some attempt to shush you. As you are lifted physically by the guards you begin to swell, and they back off suddenly, eyes wide. Looks like the guards know that something is not right here. You puff out, and the room is filled with red mist and the shrieks of the affected. The mist is primarily in front of you, so the guards go down first, followed by the court attendants, attorneys, jury, defendants, and first couple of rows of audience.  the judge is affected, but manages to back away before being incapacitated, along with a few bailiffs at the back of the room.

"Now now, Yer' honor. Let's hear the man out. I think he makes a few solid points, don' 'e? Right? Waddya think? We oughta take this case up the ladder to High Court, eh? Very interestig points of discussion on the finer points of law, innit? If a rebel rebels against a rebellion, is he a 'ero? Or a villian? Shall we find out?"

Alright, plan 'B' I guess.
Head back towards the door, summon up a miserable sniffle or two, then clutch my bowl as though it's all I have left in the world and go in search of some important-looking person, doing my best to look as wretched and pitiable as possible. It shouldn't be too hard. Once I locate some guard, preferably one who looks like they might be in charge around here, tug at their sleeve and say the following:

"E-erm, excuse me, [SIR/MISS]? I w-was walkin' me da's camel ta the market when, wh-when..." Thrips wipes a gross string of mucus from his face with a balled fist, stifling a (pretend) sob in the process before managing to continue, "The... the dragon! It burnt things an' grabbed me an'... an'... d'you reckon it et me da's camel? One a' the guards what brang me here said they found 'im, an' brought 'im in the stable, but I cain't find it nowhere... please, [SIR/MISS], me da will kill me if'n anything 'appened to that camel, dragon or no! C-can ye show me to th' st-stable, so's I can see if 'e's there?"

That said, sniffle a bit more and go back to slurping sadly at my soup as I await their response. Hopefully my performance was sufficient to melt the stoniest of law-enforcer hearts. Try and think up a suitable name for a camel, in case that comes up at some point. If it looks like they've seen through my act and are about to seize me, do my best to at least finish my soup first.          
You approach an officer with a tidy uniform and some kind of shiny badge. His boots are shiny too, like he spends a lot of time caring for his appearance. (1) The man frowns at you, especially when you mention your camel, Barry the Bactrian. "What do I look like, some kind of babysitter? Stables' off limits to civilians, camel or no." He pointedly returns his attention to the paperwork on his desk, and you seem to disappear from his universe altogether. (4) You catch sight of another officer, off to the side of the room, looking your way with a more relaxed attitude. He seems rather amused, and is decidedly not paying attention to his paperwork. His eyes dart quickly to a side hallway and back (like, he looks that direction. His eyes don't actually leave his face or anything) before returning his attention to whatever conversation is going on near his desk.

Vlad B team. Kick the guy in the nuts and tell him slavings bad, mkay.
(6) the guy drops like a rock and you yell "Slaves are bad! Tehy are terrible! Awful! Are you listening to me?!" The others look confused, but murmur their agreement, nodding emphatically when you turn your glare on them.

Upon noticing the metalcat anger the lizards, doing low damage and drawing the ire of a group of them, Valyrie sees both a danger and an opportunity.
Fly above the cat, keeping myself clear of the fighting but easily able to join in quickly.

"Would you like some help getting clear of the lizards?"
You fly, below the circling vultures, a long flight from the birds that attacked the Wing so long ago (only this morning?) And fail to feel the heat of hte day beating down on you.

"Insistant remark: Dear teammates, please do not forget to also interrogate the caravan guards while hurting them. This one currently has its hands full with the children, and cannot do it itself."

Let's put the water into seperate containers and space them out a bit, so everyone can get a share. If that isn't enough to get them to calm down, just stride in their middle and very very gently break them up. Also carry some water to the kids who have gone catatonic. Try to be as non-threatening as I can be.

Also ask them if any among them knows info on the caravan, as typed below. Surely there's one cocky urchin who's talkative inside this gaggle of kids.

"Mollifying statement: Children, please, don't panic. The legion will provide you all with water, food and accomodations in due time. Meanwhile, please stay calm and take some water in an orderly fashion. If any of you can tell this one what happened to you and what these people were planning to do with you, this one would be most appreciative to hear. Please, don't panic."
(3) you begin physically separating the children and giving them water, on at a time, placing the watered kids to one side with a stern rebuke to stay put. You get through about five or six kids this round, but are unable to ask about the caravan and stuff like that due to the chaos.

Dar'yajira doesn't pause to look at Valyrie as he leaps away from the lizard.  "No!" is all he says.

Activate one of the blur gems, and if this is possible, draw on the nature of the sand and become the same color as it.  If it isn't possible, just buff with the wind's speed.

Then, sprint full-tilt away from the lizards, preferably towards the cover of the wagons if the lizards aren't between them and Dar.  If the lizards are in the way, sprint directly away from them for about six seconds before juking to the side and circling around.

(5) you disappear, skitter away, and circle back. the lizards rampage off into the distance a few hundred feet before they start to slow. One Blur gem is expended. I forget what we discussed about their duration and recharge.

All told, the chaos around the carts is lessening, but the children are still being difficult, with fighting and crying and all. None of the sickliest children have been watered, and your healer is busy violating all kinds of medical oaths with hapless abandon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion: horses and spiders
« Reply #453 on: August 23, 2017, 12:35:07 pm »

Confusion? Perfect! Do by best to free myself from my other bindings.
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion: horses and spiders
« Reply #454 on: August 23, 2017, 01:36:55 pm »

Examine my lovely claws, what happened to them?  Also, feel for what materials comprise the muzzle, with face, foot, and tongue.  What does it taste like?  Make another attempt at removing the muzzle, if it's rigid by putting my head on the floor and pressing the muzzle down with a foot, while pulling my head out of it.  If it's soft, by finding a hinge or a nail, or any sharp bits that happen to be on my tail, and try to cut the material or getting leverage to pull it off.  If this is the case, put some heavy force into it, my scales are probably tougher than a soft muzzle.

((I'd also like to know how big the room is.  If this fails, the next try requires freddie to be able to elevate himself off the ground by his wing-joints on the walls, if the room is narrow enough for that, or to put his feet into the ceiling while lying upside down on his wings, if the ceiling is low enough.))
« Last Edit: August 25, 2017, 01:39:43 am by Devastator »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion: horses and spiders
« Reply #455 on: August 23, 2017, 02:01:37 pm »

Now tell them this:
"You all have committed horrid acts against your kind and others in support of slavery among other actions, you may either seek death by the blade or serve me and the Omega Legion to find pennance and redemption. Those who wish to join shall bend the knee and pledge their loyalty."

((Totaly not trying to get a personal army or few soldiers here :D))
« Last Edit: August 23, 2017, 02:03:41 pm by spazyak »
The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Ravioli Ravioli, the old broad died so now I play a Demon Loli.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion: horses and spiders
« Reply #456 on: August 23, 2017, 02:12:49 pm »

Clunkers turns around from herding the feral kids for a moment when he hears Vlad make his speech.

"Annoyed statement: Legionnaire Vlad, before you start making promises to prisoners of war, how about you do what you are asked and grill them for information about the caravan already? This one is rapidly losing its patience, and this gaggle of tiny humans is not helping this one's mood.

Addendum: Once you have acquired the required information from our prisoners you are free to proceed however you wish, of course. "


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion: horses and spiders
« Reply #457 on: August 23, 2017, 02:14:48 pm »

"Will do sir, but I wish for their loyalty and honesty first, to let them know the consequences of deciet and betrayal of the offer of mercy I am granting."
Vlad looks to clunkers giving him a quick wink
The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Ravioli Ravioli, the old broad died so now I play a Demon Loli.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion: horses and spiders
« Reply #458 on: August 23, 2017, 02:25:08 pm »

Clunkers, being unable to roll his eyes since he has neither eyes nor a real face, just stares at Vlad.

"Statement: Just...Just get it done."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion: horses and spiders
« Reply #459 on: August 23, 2017, 06:04:30 pm »

Dar will lay down beneath a wagon, drop his buffs, and just rest while quietly observing.  Just letting others complete the social part of the mission, though I'm increasingly wondering whether he actually is the most socially impaired character here.

Oh, and the blur gems are once-a-mission.  The enchanter recharges them when Dar returns to base, IIRC.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion: horses and spiders
« Reply #460 on: August 24, 2017, 07:16:25 am »

"Hehehe, oh well..."
Valyrie lands near Vlad and Clunkers, and intentionally speaks to them loud enough for the slavers to hear.
"I think you're making things far, faaarrrr to complicated."
"Kill one now, just as an example, then keep killing down the line until you get all the information you want. I'd be happy to help..."
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion: horses and spiders
« Reply #461 on: August 24, 2017, 10:49:48 am »

Clunkers stares at valyrie, while holding onto the scruff of one kids neck.

"Exasperated reply: This one fears if it lets its teammates kill one caravaneer, its teammate's baser instincts will kick in and they will end up killing them all before completing the objective.


Statement: But by all means, go about it in any way you wish. This one merely asks that its teamates complete the information objective while this one salvages what it can of the search and rescue objective. Use whatever means you deem necessary."

Continue herding the kids with a gentle, though firm, hand. Occasionally ask question about the caravan to them: Where it came from, Who's it is, Where it was going, Where it picked up the kids, etc.

"Request: Tiny organics, please, remain calm and comply with our requests. There will be water, food and shelter for all of you soon enough when you are transported to our base. If you have any questions, this one will answer them promptly, but please remain calm and comply."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion: horses and spiders
« Reply #462 on: August 24, 2017, 11:32:50 am »

More quietly, without intending for the slavers to hear this part:
"I've gotten the death I require already, any others now, though they will aid me, are not critical the way that first kill was. I'm simply serving as the contrast, the alternative, the bad cop, for the questioning. They need have no doubt that we are willing to follow through on our threats."
"And hey, if they choose defiance, I will enjoy having the extra strength granted by their death."
"But most likely, they will cave quickly, for nobody wants to die."
((I don't think heating something that is right above us to a ridiculous degree is very smart. Worst case scenario we become +metal statues+. This is a finely crafted metal statue. It is encrusted with sharkmist and HMRC. On the item is an image of HMRC and Pancaek. Pancaek is laughing. The HMRC is melting. The artwork relates to the encasing of the HMRC in metal by Pancaek during the Mission of Many People.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion: horses and spiders
« Reply #463 on: August 24, 2017, 04:17:02 pm »

Vlad speaks quietly to the others
"Patience, I have already made an example that will be built upon should they not cooperate. We need not drop to brutality yet, if they fight back then I've no intention to stop their deaths should they not complie. They fear us, they do not fight back as of now, especialy after I beat up the one. B3sides, they wil ni doubt be useful to use if we have their loyalty and help. "
Vlad speaks to the group once more
"I would hold their words dear. Act with honor and work with us and you shall be rewarded and taken care of, by my cost if needed."
The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.
Ravioli Ravioli, the old broad died so now I play a Demon Loli.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Omega Legion: horses and spiders
« Reply #464 on: August 24, 2017, 11:49:37 pm »

Noticing the second guard as he slinks away from the desk, Thrips frowns uncertainly at the man before comprehension dawns across his face.
For a moment he pauses mid-stride on his way back to where he'd been sitting, then, after a glance in the unfriendly first guard's direction to make sure he's not observed from that quarter, he sidles quickly over to enter the side hallway he'd been directed towards. He looks back on his way out to flash a surreptitious smile of gratitude towards his unexpected benefactor, although that expression is quickly replaced by a distasteful grimace as he steps through the doorway and out of sight.

Even at his young age and despite his lack of worldly experience, Thrips was not entirely unaware of what a low act it was to prey upon such kindness. Not for the first time, as he makes his way quickly along whatever corridor he finds himself in, he asks himself just why he's doing this. The only answer he could come up with - that he is an Omega now - is hardly satisfactory.
Realising he's getting distracted, he pushes such thoughts from his mind and focuses instead on scanning his surroundings for any sign of a stable, or a doorway or staircase leading to one. He takes another swig of his remaining soup to fortify himself as he does so.

Check and make sure Guard 1 isn't watching, then sneakily make my way through into the hallway Guard 2 indicated, smiling thanks at him as I go. Then explore this new hallway for a way to the stable(s), whilst drinking my soup and/or avoiding any guards who might disapprove of my being there, of course.

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