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Author Topic: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread  (Read 9032 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #90 on: May 13, 2017, 01:40:49 am »

Revision: Less Evil Summoning Methods Less Evil Seeming Summoning Methods

For some reason you feel as if you have been frozen in time. A thick layer of dust coats you and your fellow summoners. One summoner happened to be speaking and it seems as if a spider built a nest in his mouth halfway through his word. Rather unpleasant for them. Rather stunned at this random hiccup in time, you decide not to think about it too hard, as the more you do, the more your head begins to hurt due to the incomprehensible nature of time. Vowing not to dwell on this inexplicable anomaly, you resume working on your revision.

[16] Demon is such a harsh word. It has so many negative connotations and draws forth images of the world burning in an endless tidal wave of fire, blood, and brimstone. And those aren't totally unfounded conceptions, as your demons do sort of love to rip the entrails out your apprentices enemies and use them to strangle their compatriots while the gutted man watches in horror and agony. And the blood sacrifice required to bring them into this world gives your men terrible nightmares as the demons anchor their being to the bodies and souls of your men. Its really dark powerful shit you all got yourselves into here, and your men are horrified.

So you decide to do a few minor tweaks to the whole "dark ritual" thing so that the men will stop whining. First you ameliorate the actual summoning of the demons. Instead of fire, sulfur, and the distant sound of souls screaming out in eternal pain and agony, you make a few tweaks so the demons appear in a flash of golden fire with bit of ancestral Vunico chanting in the background. Furthermore, the nightmares and general fear that using your blood to tie a demon to this would is done away with entirely. Now soldiers who volunteer for the process have deep restful sleep that leaves them energized and ready for battle. They no longer dream for some reason, but given that a demonic force is partially chained to their soul, you agree that it's for the best.

This seems to have done the trick for now, and your big baby's soldier's worries and paranoia are put to rest. However you hypothesize that if you were to make these demons more powerful, it may reduce the effectiveness of this make-over.

I'm implementing an experimental additional phase: The Strategy Phase.

Basically during this phase you decide which units will go to each theater. Furthermore, this will be the time for you to give any orders/strategies that you'd like to use in that theater. Order rules are changing a little bit due to this. They will get two effectiveness rolls, and will take the average of the two, plus a modifier based on how reasonable I think it is (so an order like "use our archers/[inert ranged unit here] to take our supporting troops" would probably get +2 to +3 because its a simple strategy, but an order like "have our soldiers use their weapons to break shit and litter the battlefield with debris" likely would get a -1 or something like that). I'm still a little iffy on this bit, especially the orders section, but I really wanted to give the players the ability to strategize their actual combat instead of me just doing it for you. So we're gonna give it a go for a turn or two and see if you all like it, or if we should not fix-what-isn't-broken.

It is now the Strategy Phase.

Edit: Basically you just propose which units for each expense tier for each theater and any orders you want.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2017, 02:26:39 am by Roboson »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #91 on: May 13, 2017, 02:24:07 am »

Spoiler: New designs (click to show/hide)

I am vaguely thinking about sacrificing the frozen tunnels and only sending Lesser demons to the other three fronts. But I really don't feel comforatable with that.
For next round I had a couple of vague ideas... Does anyone remember a scene, umm, from Larbyrinth maybe? Where the protagonists are, umm, rscued? By sentient rocks? We could do that...
And we could make the obvious observation and realise that hour shields have been corrupted by demonic influences, and go all-out to makethem full homicidal maniacs that charge into enemy formations, radiating dread auras and using every dirty trick in the book to satisfy their sadistic urges... I mean, we 'could' give them hell-flames and claws and horns and fangs and spines and such, but I think that it would be more entertaining to see an ordinary shield smacksomeone in the face, crush their foot, drive itself into their groin, break the back of their ankle, then charge off behind them to knock a na opponents dart into their chin then push down on the other end of their atlatl...

I guess, for now...
Order: Use volley-fire against the giant slimes to hit them with lots of fire all at once rather than spread out over a while.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2017, 02:48:21 am by RAM »
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I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #92 on: May 13, 2017, 02:45:42 am »

That is extremely convenient. Thanks RAM. Also your pricing is correct. Comical Suicidal Patriotic Flame bolts are cheap. Lesser demons are very expensive. No idea what bobblehead means, but the price is unchanged.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #93 on: May 13, 2017, 06:16:44 am »

Hmm. I'm not 100% clear on what we're supposed to be doing here. Is this like the Intercontinental Arms Race, where we select two fronts to attack on?
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #94 on: May 13, 2017, 08:24:39 am »

As far as I understand, we're supposed to be making attack plans, and deciding what troops should go where.

Spoiler:  Big List (click to show/hide)

The Boiler Room
Cheap : Mechanical spiders
Expensive : Brog, Sentient Sword
Very Expensive : Lesser Demon
National effort :  None

Reasoning : The heat puts our normal forces at disadvantage. Thus, I focus on our summoned and Elite Forces. Their explosive dragons will not have people to attack, and they'll continually be hampered by Ambushes that are excellent for this area.

The Expanse
Cheap : Massed Archers with Patriotic Bolts
Expensive : Sentient Sword and Shields
Very Expensive : Lesser Demons Airdropping via carpets
National effort : Fell Lord

Reasoning : This place here is incredibly open. As such, we deploy massed Archers with Patriotic Bolts, and use Lesser Demons to disrupt the enemy lines. Sentient Sword and Shields are needed to bolster the line.

The Mushroom caverns
Cheap : Mechanical spiders + Archers on carpets
Expensive : Sentient Swords
Very Expensive : Large Carpets With Lesser Demons
National effort : None

In this area, our archers are still decent, especially by attacking from above. We deploy our strong Lesser Demons via large carpets because the enemy can slow down our normal forces too much, and use the flying sentient Swords  as well as Mechanical Spiders to hold the line. Neither are easily affected by slime or suicide frost dragon.

Frozen tunnels.
Cheap : Normal axe soldiers, + occassion crossbow.
Expensive : Shields + Swords + Broadswords
Very Expensive : Lesser Demons + Armored Officers
National effort : None

Here we have no option to effectively deploy our ranged forces or our aerial forces. Hence, focus on strong melee troops, with officers, swords and everything else.

Order: Use volley-fire against the giant slimes to hit them with lots of fire all at once rather than spread out over a while.
Order : Attach Flaming bolts to our shields. When the shield is hit and goes on it's rampage, the bolt can guide it, and then they can go out together in a blaze of glory.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #95 on: May 13, 2017, 11:58:33 am »

I'm not sure about the implementation of the Strategy Phase in this game. You probably got the idea for it from Sensei's game, which has like 8-10 different theatres. Since this one only has three, I don't really see the need for it.
As always, life is brief and transient, your posting history lasts forever, so always prioritise forum games.

Glory to United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #96 on: May 13, 2017, 12:11:14 pm »

I haven't seen Sensei's game. I mostly wanted to implement it as way to allow players to direct their forces better, which was a major source of salt in Wands race.

10ebbor10 is correct. That looks pretty much perfect in terms of what I was looking for. Basically an outline of who you want in each theater and what you want out of them.

I'm not super sure I'll do it again after this phase, unless people like the idea.

Also, I'd like to direct your attention to:

Strange glowing symbols have appeared in the expanse. They are on the walls, the floor, and some even float midair. It seems some long forgotten artifact is activating in the Expanse next year. You have no idea what it means, but some of the symbols are similar to those you found in your notes.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #97 on: May 13, 2017, 12:23:42 pm »

I knew about that. It's the reason I threw our Fell Lord in the Expanse, compared with Lesser Demon airdrops to conquer stuff.

I'm not super sure I'll do it again after this phase, unless people like the idea.

I would only do it if you keep a convenient list of all designs. It would not be fun to have to filter through all updates to figure out what troops we actually have.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #98 on: May 13, 2017, 12:37:24 pm »

I haven't seen Sensei's game. I mostly wanted to implement it as way to allow players to direct their forces better, which was a major source of salt in Wands race.

10ebbor10 is correct. That looks pretty much perfect in terms of what I was looking for. Basically an outline of who you want in each theater and what you want out of them.

I'm not super sure I'll do it again after this phase, unless people like the idea.

Also, I'd like to direct your attention to:

Strange glowing symbols have appeared in the expanse. They are on the walls, the floor, and some even float midair. It seems some long forgotten artifact is activating in the Expanse next year. You have no idea what it means, but some of the symbols are similar to those you found in your notes.
Ah, ok. Also, I apperantly misunderstood what the Strategy Phase actually did. Please disregard my previous comment.
As always, life is brief and transient, your posting history lasts forever, so always prioritise forum games.

Glory to United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #99 on: May 13, 2017, 01:30:28 pm »



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #100 on: May 13, 2017, 01:31:01 pm »

Ignore all this.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #101 on: May 13, 2017, 05:52:13 pm »

Dropping some design ideas while I recall them.
Summoning bolts that summon demons using enemy blood. The demons may be loyal to the summoner, so make them the most rampant demons possible so that they kill whatever is closest regardless. Also, with the summoner gone in a burst of flame and the sacrifice reduced to a cloud of gore, tune the summoning to self-sustaining but temporary. Like running on batteries after the power goes off...

Rocket-bolts. Try to make the flames work as jet-propulsion. Give them standard animated object mobility, train their combat skills and have them built out of some sort of mystical heavy-and-strong material. "VUNICO STRIKES FROM ABOVE!" The soldier raised his shield, happy, at least, that he can hear them coming. The shield creaks and his arm is battered. He hears clattering as a chunk of his shield and bits of metal fall to the ground. "VUNICO SHALL ALWAYS RISE!". He looks down to see steam billowing from flames pouring out from behind an erect crossbow bolt, gleaming with an unnatural sheen and donning a crudely-hooked head, as though the bolt had taken its perfectly-shaped head to a grindstone to better torment its victims. A great and terrible yelp erupted accross the battlefield, as though a dog had been cloven in two, and given one final cry before falling. So goes the tale of the last time a Gorian was glad to hear those bolts...

Such things would obviously be more expensive specialty ammunition...

Summoned imps with short-range long-recharge teleport, minor fire powers, and a habit of going for the eyes?

Enchanted helmets for our commanders. They could communicate with one another by using coloured wings, or very high or low frequency sounds or both. They could observe the surroundings for ambushes, snipers, or signs of invisible foes. And they could act as an advisor and critic, observing the battlefield and commenting on possible risks to a plan. Done well they could serve as communications, bodyguard, scout, and assistant...

And the previously mentioned animated rocks and demonic shields. Rocks would be a step towards golems and would be difficult to kill, even though all they could do is roll into/over people. Also they would be good at ambushing, given that they are, well, rocks, not exactly the most unexpected of things to find in a dungeon... Could serve as cover for archers too... I mean, it is just a rock that rolls, but it would be surprisingly versatile and would not lack in force once it got its momentum up.

I like 10Ebbor10's plan, but I worry that the Brogs might not do well without handlers.
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
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