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Author Topic: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread  (Read 9040 times)


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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #30 on: March 24, 2017, 05:47:33 pm »

So it's between bigger carpets and more docile shields? Hmm.

So, the carpets are pretty much just for troop transportation right? I think the shields are a better idea.

+1 to the shields
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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #31 on: March 24, 2017, 07:23:07 pm »

Shields are a distraction regardless, and after two hits they go carting off any slime they accumulated and make themselves more distracting. Carpets seems sort of pointless, they are still exposed and this makes them a larger target and might make them more expensive, but ehh, at least we can drop enraged shields from great heights with them... +1 carpets.
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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #32 on: March 24, 2017, 07:39:32 pm »

But we already have something that attacks autonomously. The swords. The shields are meant to defend, at present its not going to be very effective
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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #33 on: March 24, 2017, 07:58:20 pm »

But they still take a couple of hits first, and some of them may not berserk? hopefully they will survive and accumulate...

The shields are pretty bad really, they are not really better than existing shields, are expensive so their numbers are not that great. They are certainly useful, but a couple of hits seems about as much as can be expected of them.
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I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #34 on: March 24, 2017, 09:46:10 pm »

The point of the shield is to act as active ranged defense though, so my vote is for Taming the Shield which leaves S34N1C the deciding vote I believe.

I thought we had less people, I was mistaken.

The point of the shields is to block ranged shots where needed, such as in our unarmored Flying Carpets or to provide additional cover from ranged slimes/darts. Our troops edge is Small but Skilled, so we want to keep our guys long enough to get into battle and to keep them going throughout the fight. Taming the Shields will help with that.
"As to why you'd want to [throw your sword in combat] at all? The answer is pretty simple: There's someone you want to stab, but they're all the way over there, and walking is for peasants." - Starke of How To Fight Write


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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #35 on: March 25, 2017, 01:24:56 pm »

Revision- Larger Carpets

[14] It takes you a few months, and the lives of half a dozen tailors, but you manage to find a way to make the magic carpets larger. While before they could only carry three or so troops per carpet (four in a pinch), now they can carry six people and have a max capacity of eight people. The carpets are not any more expensive to summon, but you find that they are slower due to the extra weight.

Combat phase is up next.


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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #36 on: March 25, 2017, 01:57:48 pm »

That went well.

If we need speed, we can simply half load the carpets.


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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #37 on: March 25, 2017, 02:51:23 pm »

I believe that our combat strategy should be to roll high.
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I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #38 on: March 26, 2017, 12:03:08 am »

Combat Phase 513 A.A.

After months of preparation, the time to return to battle is upon you. You ready your men and summon your minions. You march into the dungeon, only to find strange magical symbols blocking your path. It seems the dungeon is doing something strange and beyond your control. With no way to get into the dungeon, it seems you may have gained more time to design new weapons to slighter those foreign bastards.

(This power outage has left me without a computer and little battery on my phone. So we're going to do another round of design and revision before returning to combat. Sorry for breaking the pattern, but I figured it would be better to reopen design than simply do nothing. Keeps it interesting at least).

It is now Design Phase for the year 514.


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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #39 on: March 26, 2017, 12:52:07 am »

spider Queendom: grant the queen the ability to magically generate egg-sacks and spider-generals and the mental faculties to command them.
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #40 on: March 26, 2017, 01:31:29 am »

We don't have a spider Queen.

Ballista A decently sized siege weapon that should be able to destroy enemy forces at range.


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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #41 on: March 26, 2017, 02:52:34 am »

Oh, right, I keep forgetting that somehow, I already came up with this idea once and then realised we had the demon instead and now it has happened again. I guess I just really loved that idea...

Back to my firebolts idea...

Flamebolts: These are technically monsters, but their only action is to burst into flames. They appear in piles and must be carried into battle by others (typically crossbowmen). The flames largely overcome the shortcomings of piercing attacks against gelatinous bodies, the summoned bolts reduce logistical issues, and them being monsters allows them to burn enemies who touch them or materials that they land upon. This would be pretty bad for slimes who are ill equipped to destroy hard little metal bolts which don't offer much leverage and are constantly burning them. Enemy soldiers could bend them to death with a good stamp, but having to watch the floor is an unwelcome distraction on the battlefield and letting an angry bolt destroy your shoes and burn your feet is a great loss of combat ability.
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #42 on: March 26, 2017, 10:02:56 am »

Spiderlings: A smaller version of the mechanical spiders, these are designed to infiltrate enemy formations and assassinate leaders. It should be less than an inch tall, painted a dark color(so it is harder to see), and have a "stinger" on the bottom with which it injects deadly venom. Be sure we have the antivenom before we start testing the effectiveness.
As always, life is brief and transient, your posting history lasts forever, so always prioritise forum games.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #43 on: March 26, 2017, 10:16:48 am »

More design time? Sure, why not.

Back to my firebolts idea...

Flamebolts: These are technically monsters, but their only action is to burst into flames. They appear in piles and must be carried into battle by others (typically crossbowmen). The flames largely overcome the shortcomings of piercing attacks against gelatinous bodies, the summoned bolts reduce logistical issues, and them being monsters allows them to burn enemies who touch them or materials that they land upon. This would be pretty bad for slimes who are ill equipped to destroy hard little metal bolts which don't offer much leverage and are constantly burning them. Enemy soldiers could bend them to death with a good stamp, but having to watch the floor is an unwelcome distraction on the battlefield and letting an angry bolt destroy your shoes and burn your feet is a great loss of combat ability.
I like this. I was going to suggest explosive crossbow bolts myself, for the same reason- piercing damage doesn't kill slimes, but fire damage should.
I think we should focus on making them cheap, so that they can be widely deployed- so maybe just make them burst into flame on impact with anything, rather than imbuing them with a degree of sentience?
Other than that, +1
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #44 on: March 26, 2017, 11:28:33 am »

+1 Flamebolts
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