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Author Topic: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread  (Read 9033 times)


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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #76 on: March 29, 2017, 03:27:04 pm »

Maybe make better crossbows this revision, faster/auto reload etc. I mean if by some miracle the demons/whatever is made come out with no issues to fix.

Edit: or would auto be more of a design? In which case probably not worth  it. Either revision might jack up the price, which would run counter to the idea of getting more bolts flying.
Probably, it might be possible to give them the ability to jump? They could jump onto crossbows and jump towards enemies when in flight... Still probably need a shield revision though, either a heat enchantment to make them slime-resistant or tame them...
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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #77 on: March 30, 2017, 02:09:10 pm »

Design Phase- Lesser Demons

[14, 9, 6] After much discussion, ritual, and reading, you find a way to summon lesser demons. However, theyre not exactly the same kind of demon as your Fell Lord. These rank-and-file demons have that same burnt skin and evil fire combo that you all know and love from your Fel Lord. Their skin is a light cracked grey, and they only have fire instead of eyes, whereas your Fel Lord has fire burning across its entire body. Summoning these guys is easier, but not a simple matter. This is a very different kind of magic than your enchanting magic, which (hypothetically, as your mages have been unable to prove this definitely) probably summon some sort of spirit to inhabit or wield the item. These demons require a blood sacrifice to summon, and a goat wont do the trick. In order to get one of these guys into your army, a soldier has to give some of his blood to summon the demon and bind it to this world. This isn't a lethal amount, but the process is obviously evil, and whispers have spread among the general army that the mages plan on sacrificing the god men of Vunico to demons. You manage to get enough volunteers to get a fair number of these demons summoned. They are truely potent killing machines, but the men are worried about and distrustful of your new warmachines.

It is now the Revision Phase.


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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #78 on: March 30, 2017, 02:30:54 pm »

Hmm, hmm. Summoning demons is evil, you say. The men don't like it, you say? A shame we can't revise the men like we did the flamebolts.
We have two main options for revision this turn; either

Shield anger-management: Teach our sentient shields that violence is not the answer... at least, not all of the time. Instil in them a love of blocking projectiles that will overpower any other emotions.
(Increased effectiveness for sentient shields)


Demon image-makeover: Demon is such a loaded term. They aren't evil, just misunderstood. In fact, they are, in a way, servants of the gods. Sort of. Look, it's for the good of Vunico, alright? We don't need a lethal amount of blood, just a pint or two. You'll get a cookie to munch on afterwards.
(Reduced morale penalty from lesser demons)
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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #79 on: March 30, 2017, 02:38:55 pm »

Demon image-makeover: Demon is such a loaded term. They aren't evil, just misunderstood. In fact, they are, in a way, servants of the gods. Sort of. Look, it's for the good of Vunico, alright? We don't need a lethal amount of blood, just a pint or two. You'll get a cookie to munch on afterwards.
(Reduced morale penalty from lesser demons)
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #80 on: March 30, 2017, 03:02:02 pm »

Demon image-makeover: Demon is such a loaded term. They aren't evil, just misunderstood. In fact, they are, in a way, servants of the gods. Sort of. Look, it's for the good of Vunico, alright? We don't need a lethal amount of blood, just a pint or two. You'll get a cookie to munch on afterwards.
(Reduced morale penalty from lesser demons)

+1 while we need to revise the shields soon, this is more important. Emphasize that we will never sacrifice the lives of our men (in a nonmilitary sense) nor of any Vunician. This is entirely a voluntary duty, which does receive additional pay, and we will never force any Vunician to participate. In fact, the King himself has volunteered to assist in this, to both help bring more support to the field while also assuring the troops thar this is entirely safe. Follow up, is the civilian population interested in making some extra money?
"As to why you'd want to [throw your sword in combat] at all? The answer is pretty simple: There's someone you want to stab, but they're all the way over there, and walking is for peasants." - Starke of How To Fight Write


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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #81 on: March 30, 2017, 03:55:41 pm »

Revision: not a typo.
god men of Vunico

Revision: Channel that anger into something productive: The anger that the shields feel causes their temperature to rise.

Shield anger-management: Teach our sentient shields that violence is not the answer... at least, not all of the time. Instil in them a love of blocking projectiles that will overpower any other emotions.
(Increased effectiveness for sentient shields)

I don't think that evilness is much of a concern. Honestly, we might want to sacrifice the living at some point, preferably war prisoners... Actually, acquiring prisoners should be part of our next design, demon-summoning farms are all for the good! In the long run, what was once evil becomes comfortable tradition and if the soldiers are unwilling to accept a few difficulties then we are better off replacing them with more enthusiastic warriors. I mean, sooner or later we are going to convert our entire population into half-demons so lets get it over with quickly by properly ripping off the proverbial bandage.
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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #82 on: March 30, 2017, 08:47:09 pm »

I agree with RAM. The shields are a bigger priority. The demons already work reasonably well, while the shields are still pretty bad.

(+1 to shield anger management if that wasn't clear)
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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #83 on: March 31, 2017, 11:08:02 am »

My thinking is that a reputation of Evilness within our own ranks will lead to desertion and signficant moral penalties. If we cut the problem off now then we can prevent signficant difficulties later. I agree that the Shields are important and need to be fixed, but if we don't cut off the head of this snake now then we might have a bigger problem on our hands.
"As to why you'd want to [throw your sword in combat] at all? The answer is pretty simple: There's someone you want to stab, but they're all the way over there, and walking is for peasants." - Starke of How To Fight Write


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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #84 on: April 04, 2017, 08:15:27 pm »

Demon image-makeover: Demon is such a loaded term. They aren't evil, just misunderstood. In fact, they are, in a way, servants of the gods. Sort of. Look, it's for the good of Vunico, alright? We don't need a lethal amount of blood, just a pint or two. You'll get a cookie to munch on afterwards.
(Reduced morale penalty from lesser demons)

+1 while we need to revise the shields soon, this is more important. Emphasize that we will never sacrifice the lives of our men (in a nonmilitary sense) nor of any Vunician. This is entirely a voluntary duty, which does receive additional pay, and we will never force any Vunician to participate. In fact, the King himself has volunteered to assist in this, to both help bring more support to the field while also assuring the troops thar this is entirely safe. Follow up, is the civilian population interested in making some extra money?


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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #85 on: April 08, 2017, 08:04:14 pm »

Pfft, such deserters don't have the stomach for battle in the first place. Besides, what do you normally do with deserters during wartime? And they are in a dungeon of all things! Dungeons are difficult to desert from... All the better for our continued demon summoning!
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I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #86 on: April 19, 2017, 05:56:27 pm »

+2. We need to preserve the image of  Vunico. We're not evil, we're just progressive. Whenever angels appear in armies, no one complains, yet as soon as demons show up, everyone looses their minds. These are just another form of divine servants.


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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #87 on: May 05, 2017, 10:37:05 pm »

*sighs* I kinda wanna give up and go look through the enemy thread now... Should we just give up?
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #88 on: May 05, 2017, 11:19:03 pm »

Nope, read my sig.


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Re: Dungeon Race: Vunico Thread
« Reply #89 on: May 05, 2017, 11:56:31 pm »

Oooooh Shiny!!! I didn't mean to rush you, I just felt the despair and thought I would see the other side of things while I still remembered. But a return is much better!
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
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