Ah yes. One more for the half finished tech pile. Truly, this is a brilliant strategy. Once we have enough, we can start pumping out game changing designs every turn, and there will be nothing they can do to keep up!!
To cover our asses until that time, we need to use the revision to make penetration rounds to kill those sky skiffs. It's pretty obvious we are going to have to sink a design into this thing to get it to a useful state. We might be able to get it working with a revision, but it wouldn't be useful.
Edit: Scrap tech for the scrap tech God! Salt for the salt throne! - official war cry of Arstotzka.
A design only becomes half finished tech if we just drop it and never try to fix it and instead opt for one-use revisions to temporarily "patch" other problems.
Which is
exactly what you want to do. Yet you're complaining about half-finished tech?
We just have to fix 7 different issues! I am sure one revision will be enough.
On the other hand, if we can drop an Interceptor onto an enemy ship its a great bomb!
At least it proves the theory of a group of aethergems working as a high explosive.
One issue.
Guess how we fix this issue? Better Aethergems. Remember that the Better Magegems revision rolled a 4 (or worse) and for that 4, we got AA Magegems that could store the same amount of power as
two old A Magegems. That's what, a 400% power capacity increase?
So if we
just get a 100% increase in power generation for Aethergems, that
halves the size and weight of the F43. Which means a much smaller target, that can actually fly, that's less volatile, and that we can armor its Aethergems more. (And that's disregarding hopeful Aethergem volatility improvements this revision.)
Oh it also means Aethergems will be more useful in the future
and it means that the mistake which is the Mundane will fire
much faster.
*sighs* I told you to focus on the technology and not the device. Now we don't have the one thing that the design actually needed in order to work. There really isn't any point in fixing this because we will still be fighting air supremacy and environmental control with an unstable prototype. At least with the force film it could have attempted to brute-force oppose their control, now we have to balance thrusts against constantly changing wind patterns... And we still need living magic to perform those sorts of rapid precise pressure shifts over the frame of a whole aircraft... We still need to solve this situation by denying the sky as a theatre, which should be pretty easy given our massive-huge-megacolossal-scale thermal-magic.
RAM. It got a 1.
If we had tried for a jetpack, we'd be in an even worse situation. We would have still gotten a 1. (And Evicted doesn't count modifiers resulting in a total value below 1 or above 6.) But we would have done less with that 1 due to the scale of the design.
And now we have the KPD which will make future efforts tremendously easier, and we have a F43 which can be fixed with a single revision.
EDIT: I'd also like to point out that this is our
first ever aircraft and we're just one revision away from it being useful.