((Couldn't argue my case before because my laptop was going to run out of battery.))
Regenerative crystal is probably a good action idea (whether it's a design or revision), but it doesn't really solve any problems. It'd be nice to have for our stuff, sure, but we could do much more with the revision this turn. What if they introduce something new at sea? Our Crystalclads are doing well, but Moskurg's carpets are still a very large advantage at sea and combined with a new design or revision, could swap the advantage yet again at sea. Better falcons could prevent that from happening.
Regenerative crystal will solve a serious problem we're facing, will improve our entire line of crystal products (machinery especially), and will be an absolute boon for explosive projectile weapons.
Please read this:
The on-board apprentices can rarely patch the cracks in time, and more often than not the ship goes down.
Regenerative crystal is not only meant to do self-maintenance, but also significantly increase the ease and speed at which our apprentices can do manual repairs. In doing that, our apprentices can patch the cracks our crystalclads' armour sustains and allow them to keep going, or at least not sink.
In terms of what it'll do for our crystal products, individually it's very minor, but on a large scale it is very beneficial. As it is, every single crystal item we ship out will need to be repaired by our apprentices. Our crystal is very tough, but it inevitably suffers from cumulative damage, to the point where maintenance is required from our apprentices. With this revision, cumulative damage will not exist any more. Only major stresses can damage it to the point where it requires more than the base regen to fix itself, and considering the toughness of our crystal, that stress would have to be major indeed.
This is especially useful for crystal machinery because in most cases cumulative damage is the
only damage it takes. With regenerative crystal, the only cases where maintenance on our machines will be needed is if something major happens to stuff it up, such as enemy fire. Logistically speaking, the idea of machinery that doesn't need regular maintenance is huge.
Cannons and firearms work using explosions. Every explosion weakens the gun, requiring maintenance or in the worst case eventually being entirely useless. This is cumulative damage at work. Regenerative crystal means cumulative damage stops existing, because the damage accumulates only in very small increments, increments which crystal regen is specifically designed to deal with. In the future, it will allow for our cannons - and ESPECIALLY our firearms - to fire at much higher rates of fire with
extremely great reliability when combined with cooling circuits.
I admit that regenerative crystal perhaps wouldn't win us any battles
this turn, but it allows us to, with great confidence, build better things next turn and the turns after. Whatever we do next turn, whether it's making a firearm, getting crystal engines, redesigning our cannons to use crystal, or whatever, they will benefit greatly from this revision.
Glory to Arstotzka.