If it's a trick and the merchant leaves with the steam engine (probably the steam engine, at least): We don't really lose anything and the merchant disappears.
If the merchant gives/sells it to Moskurg, then they get the steam engine. Assuming that we sell the merchant the new steam engine, then Moskurg
may be able to get a jump start on fire magic, and on the steam engine. Fire stuff completely depends on how evictedSaint views it. The way I see it, one can't really learn how to utilize fire magically based solely on the steam engine, design or no design. But who knows how the GM may spin it. Though they definitely would get the steam engine. They'll either find it useless, or try to adapt it to their own technology/magic techniques. This would take them a decent amount of revision and design credits and cost them quite a bit to get up to the level where we are now with it. Worst case scenario, they waste quite a lot of credits on the steam engine, deploy it, then we revise ours and don't get an advantage for it. Not the end of the world and again, it's the worst case scenario.
@stabby, yes. This is the second time they've done it, and I'm pretty sure it's the same punishment. THIS TOTALLY COUNTS AS ESPIONAGE AND DESERVES EXTREME PUNISHMENT.
And lemme update the vote count:
1 Sell Wand of Fireballs: Azzuro
1 Seize ship: Azzuro
2 Sell crate of crystal weapons: Roboson, 10ebbor10
4 Sell steam engine: FallacyofUrist, stabbymcstabstab, Turant, Chiefwaffles
2 Sell original steam engine: Chiefwaffles, stabbymcstabstab
2 Sell original steam engine & crate of crystal weapons: Chiefwaffles
(I added two separate things for original engine and "original engine & crystal weapons" to be even more precise)
evicted: Can the original steam engine just be amended onto the winning "sell steam engine" action? After all, if you remove stabby and I from the "Sell steam engine" action then the two things are equal.
EDIT: Further thoughts, since I can't help myself:
We should definitely revisit the anti-magic bomb arrows soon. They have huge potential if we can improve them enough. Imagine if they were both cheap and only reacted to enemy magic. That would be a
huge boon for us. Hell, we could save the expense credit if we win it and do something about mathemagics/some kind of "identifying signature" Identify-Friend-Foe part in our spells, like a radioactive isotope identifier used in science, to make the anti-magic bombs not respond to our magic.