I have admitted to being wrong on numerous occasions. It is not a skill that I possess in any quantity but it does occur. If you can cite an instance of me being wrong please quote the specific passage and explain precisely, with detailed descriptions of the semantics, precisely how my statement was incorrect. My standard of explanation seems much higher than yours, though, so you will likely need a much deeper chain of reasoning and more consistent data than you are accustomed to. But if you put in the effort then I am glad to admit that I am wrong, because you will have actually demonstrated such rather than attempting to drop a witty one-liner and then claim that I am wrong by default.
Now, you, however, very clearly made a misleading remark. The statement that was effectively made was "Aethergems get affected" and the statement that you extrapolated from this was "increase the capacity of Aethergems". Do you admit that the first statement could mean anything, and in context it supported the latter less than it supported "aethergems become cheaper" as that would have been applying the same effect to both items as a direct result of their interaction, rather than trying to get a free revision by actually modifying the things in a way that makes it very clear that they are two separate units which is the polar opposite- ugh, can't go five steps without stumbling over another wrong, if you can just pull out the magem and plug in a different one then there is no reason to keep the magem as a part of the design. If we can do this much...Order: Replace the magems of the aethergems with circuits.
Normally this would be difficult and have a risk of failure, but apparently we can just hotswap the whole lot from small magems that fit easily to larger magems(that fit like a large peg in a small hole, which is apparently quite well actually?) without an action, so an order to just remove the things entirely out to be free...Anyway, "aethergems become cheaper" is the most likely scenario in context, given that cheapness is what is happening and a component of the aethergem is becoming cheaper. "aethergems gain incrased capacity" is possible, but unsupported. "aethergems all explode simultaneously and the technology to produce them is permanently lost" is also consistent with "aethergems are affected" asthat would, indeed, be them being affected by the change.
"2.) Cheaper Magegems does indeed increase the capacity of Aethergems." is not vague or conditional. It "does indeed" state that capacity is the specific thing that is happening. Do you admit this much? Do you admit that this is not supported by the statement "aethergems are affected" and that you did, at that time, have nothing else to go on? Do you further admit that you still do not have any reason to believe that we will not be dealing with larger aethergems due to the inclusion of larger magems(A cheaper A is still A-sized regardless of how cheap it is, expense credit doesn't do anything to their size) and thus, with a larger unit, with identical generating power, they will be less effective in the aircraft, which already has problems with size and weight of its magic-generating apparatus and has not demonstrated any issues at all with respect to magic storage, and, indeed, I challenge you to cite a single instance in which increasing the storage of an aethergem would help any single one of our large projects.
Instead of asking numerous vague ambiguous questions, try asking just direct and brief ones:
I want to use cheaper magems(from an expense credit) to increase the storage capacity of our aethergems by implanting, for example, A magems into AA aethergems as the A magems would now be abundant enough to do so.
1: Is this possible as part of the expense credit with no revision or design?
2: Will the resulting higer-storage aethergems still be usable in their former roles without any revisions or designs?
3: Will this result in a worse "power to weight" ratio from the affected aethergems?
Had you asked that then you would actually know(or been politely informed that such information was not appropriate or available to disseminate), but you didn't, so you don't.
You do not know if the high-capacity aethergems would fit in the same slots, but we know that they won't, because we know that larger magems are, in fact, larger, and your plan would involve placing larger magems into existing aethergem designs. Maybe if we had space-warping magic that would not be the case, but we don't. the sum total of this idea is "take out a small component and insert a large one".
You do not know if they will be less efficient at generating power in th e same volume and weight, but we know that they will be, because it is taking the same generator, and hooking it up to a bigger battery. Surprisingly enough, when you add a larger, heavier component without increasing the performance, then your performance becomes worse relative to volume and weight. Again, maybe if we had space magic we could put all we wanted into a small package with no external changes. But we don't, this is a mechanical proposal with a mechanical outcome.