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Author Topic: Wands Race - [Moskurg] {COMPLETED}  (Read 199481 times)


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Re: Wands Race - [Moskurg]
« Reply #2130 on: June 03, 2017, 01:29:28 am »

Combat for 936

This year sees both sides break out new and powerful weapons.  For Moskurg, it's their Wands of Thunderbolts, thin glass rods with cores of their new Adamantium metal.  They're only good for a single charge, and it's wildly inaccurate, modestly powerful, and has a tendency to explode, but they're also cheap.  Each wizard can afford to have at least one, but they're most effective in the hands of the carpet riders and almost all available wands go up with them.  Each carpet bomber can afford to take several with him on his War Pegasi, and when Arstotzka's trained falcons fly up to intercept they discharge the captured lightning.  Most of the time the wand arcs straight down and strikes the ground, shatters in their thick, gloved hand, or even rarely arcs off and strikes a nearby friendly mage, but on occasion the bolt will strike true and pass through a falcon or two.  A mage can usually fire off one or two blasts before they're intercepted, and if they fail to stop the falcons before then they're often sent tumbling to the ground, but at least now they have some way of defending themselves.  Moskurg still aren't uncontested in the skies, but they're far better off now than they were before.  The lightningbolts also have a nice bonus of preferring to strike HA1 artillery, occasionally causing them to crack, get too hot to use, or go off prematurely.  It's not enough to stifle their artillery advantage, though, because there's simply so many of them and their War Pegasi are still Very Expensive.  Additionally, Moskurgs calvary archers now use bodkin arrows tipped with Adamantium, meaning their arrows can now once again penetrate at point-blank range.  It's not ideal, but they're once again relevant.  Moskurg holds a large skirmish advantage.

Arstotzka, meanwhile, has rolled out a cheaper version of their Tower of Frost, plunging the theatre into yet another level of cold.  It snows year-round now, and it's not uncommon to see Moskurg soldiers freezing to death - it doesn't help that their Adamantium armor (as Adamantium is now Cheap) is fixed at a constant chill temperature and provides no protection.  Furthermore, their Equalizer Anti-Magic artillery shells are now merely Very Expensive.  That's fine, though, as they only need to litter Moskurg positions with a few shells before the effect becomes noticeable.  Near-misses require Moskurg to relocate their artillery, as the shells themselves are buried too deep in the ground to be moved.  This, combined with the fact that they have the range advantage, means they dominate in artillery combat.

All of Moskurgs weapons and armor is now made of cheap Adamantium, a summoned metal that's comparable to hardened steel and as light as leather of similar volume.  It requires special smithing to be usable and can't be repaired in the field, but it's less brittle than Arstotzka's crystal.  Thanks to Arstotzka's new Crystalworks from last year, all their crystal weaponry is now cheaper and permanent, though slightly more brittle.  It doesn't fade in the area of effect of Moskurgs Anti-Magic any more, and holds a sharper edge than their Adamantium.  It's a close matchup between the two materials, but the fact that all of Moskurgs soldiers are now wearing armor made of the divine metal means they have a slight infantry advantage, as the jungle (now once again dying) provides some small cover for advancements.

Ultimately, Arstotzka's ability to shell Moskurg positions from far away and render their ballistas inert has more effect.  If Moskrug could field more carpet-bombers it would have been closer, but as it is they're pushed back a section in the jungle.

Arstotzka gains a section of jungle.

The cheaper Towers of Frost means Arstotzka can all but eliminate Moskurgs temperature advantage.  It's mild during the day, but at night the already cold desert grows freezing.  Moskurg still runs rampant with their skirmishing advantage, but Arstotzka can hit from further away, and harder.  Unfortunately, they're in Moskurg home territory now, and the waters around the desert are flooded with Moskurg ships hugging the coastline just daring them to come in range.  Troops are regularly landed behind Arstotzkan lines in the dead of night, launching surprise ambushes supported by carpet-bombers.  Moskurg manages to harass and raid them until they're ragged, and HA1 artillery firing missions are hampered by the lack of water.  When it rains, it's a mixed blessing - the rain gives them the much needed water to fire their artillery, but with it comes summoned lightning bolts which strike left and right among their lines.  The open terrain lends itself to Moskurg calvary archers, now once again relevant, and after much fussing and fighting Arstotzka is forced back to the mountain line - although just barely.

Moskurg control of the desert.

In the plains, Arstotzka pushes further south.  Plentiful water, open fields of fire, static trenches, and the lack of Moskurgs naval advantage means their artillery is king here.  Moskurg can skirmish them to death at night, but during the day the bombardments just don't stop.  Taiga-levels of cold freeze men to death and prevent thunderstorms from being conjured to strike at the enemy, and Moskurg must pull back a section.

Arstotzka has secured a section of the plains.

The oceans see a new weapon steaming out to compete with Moskurgs Sirocco.  An entirely crystal ship, replete with three HC1-E's, two steam engines, and a plentiful fleet.  Their new "Crystalclad" ship is merely Expensive, cheaper than wooden ships and just as fast as the Fog-O-War.  Firestorm shells have little effect on the hard crystal, and with three cannons aboard they can out-shoot Moskurgs out-dated ballista.  The Adamantium hull is resistant to HC1-E's shells, but a sustained barrage by the more plentiful ship will crack the wooden hull underneath and send the ships to the bottom of the ocean.  Moskurg sailors are forced to flee when confronted with the enemy Crystalclads, and send up their War Pegasi with their new Wands of Thunderbolt to deal with the crystalline ships.  The Wand of Thunderbolts proves to be effective here, happily striking the exposed steam engines and often causing critical explosions that shatter the crystal hulls.  The on-board apprentices can rarely patch the cracks in time, and more often than not the ship goes down.  Carpet riders can't fight for long, though, as they're required to land and replenish their enchantments or fall into the sea.  This, combined with their lack of numbers and the overwhelming number of Arstotzkan ships means Moskurg must pull back a section of coastline in both the East and Western Seas.

Arstotzka gains ground in the Eastern and Western Seas.

Research Credit!!!
The leader of your country demands a new emblem to represent the country, in face of the new era of combat the continent has entered.  The old, plain, solid-colored blue/red emblem is no longer fit for a country with such a glorious command of magic, and he asks that you design a new emblem to reflect the supreme nature of the side.  Whichever side produces the more noble emblem will inspire their researchers, gaining a Research Credit.  A Research Credit allows two dice to be rolled each the Effectiveness, Cost, and Bug aspects of a design, with the higher die roll chosen for the trait.

It is 937, the Design Phase.

Spoiler: State of Forenia, 937 (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Moskurger Spells (click to show/hide)

Behavior Rules.  Please Read.
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Re: Wands Race - [Moskurg]
« Reply #2131 on: June 03, 2017, 01:49:30 am »

Okay, from what I'm reading we need to do the following:

 - More War Pegasi
 - Cold Resistance
 - Take back the Artillery War
 - Counter the Crystalclads

War Pegasi can be done with a revision, and I think whatever we do with the artillery war will help our ships too.

I'm still an advocate of Mirage Shield. This will path the way for invisibility spells, another game changer. It will also hide our ships and armies, meaning they'll have to go back to blind-firing us even when our ballista are in range, assuming they even know what direction to shoot in. Our horse archers can now screen our army against scouts and spotters as well, so they'll be able to prevent the enemy sighting us.


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Re: Wands Race - [Moskurg]
« Reply #2132 on: June 03, 2017, 02:14:23 am »

Combat for 936Near-misses require Moskurg to relocate their artillery, as the shells themselves are buried too deep in the ground to be moved.

Umm, our artillery is non-magical.


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Re: Wands Race - [Moskurg]
« Reply #2133 on: June 03, 2017, 02:16:23 am »

Okay, from what I'm reading we need to do the following:

 - More War Pegasi
 - Cold Resistance
 - Take back the Artillery War
 - Counter the Crystalclads

We could also develop antimagic shells of our own.  That would one-hit kill their crystal boats and destroy their artillery.

Except of course it's permanent now, so that's pointless.  It might knock them out from firing.

How big is the AoE on those shells, anyway?
« Last Edit: June 03, 2017, 02:41:32 am by Devastator »


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Re: Wands Race - [Moskurg]
« Reply #2134 on: June 03, 2017, 02:20:22 am »

Umm, our artillery is non-magical.

Your ballistas are enchanted to boost their range from Very Long(?) to Extreme.


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Re: Wands Race - [Moskurg]
« Reply #2135 on: June 03, 2017, 02:26:37 am »

Mirage Shield.

Yeah, lets go with that.  Being a weather spell, though, it's useless because A, they have better weather control than we do, and B, because they have huge AoE antimagic that would render our troops visible.  Shields would at least allow for the possibility of blocking some of their shells by main force.

Again, though, it won't matter because they apparently revised their crystals into permanent constructions, rendering two turns of work and an expense chit invalid.

I'm sorry guys, I don't have an answer for this.  I think I've lost us the war, because everything I design takes them no more than one turn to counter.

We could try for smoke bombs, except the enemy now has superior infantry, because they have crystal everything too.

And how much artillery do they have, anyway?  Theirs does require a mage per cannon, right?
« Last Edit: June 03, 2017, 02:47:18 am by Devastator »


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Re: Wands Race - [Moskurg]
« Reply #2136 on: June 03, 2017, 02:58:10 am »

By the sounds of it, their artillery is both more and better, whereas we've hit an engineering dead end with ballista.


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Re: Wands Race - [Moskurg]
« Reply #2137 on: June 03, 2017, 03:00:02 am »

Pfft. Pessimism gets us nowhere, mate. We can still turn this around.

Mirage Shield would be weak to their AM shells. They just blindfire them into the area, dispelling the mirage. If we really want to reduce their artillery advantage... ooh, how's this for a crazy idea:

'Resistance' Point-Defence: The Resistance is a large carriage, upon which are mounted a dozen large lightning wands. A crystal ball to the rear of the vehicle uses divination magic to signal incoming projectiles, whereupon the attendant mage primes the system. The upwards-facing wands are set to discharge in the direction of incoming projectiles, and automatically fire when the divination magic indicates that they are in range. Each wand fires in turn, filling the sky with arcs of electricity (which arc upwards due to magic), which pass through enemy shells and shatter them.
The wands of the Resistance system are far more solidly constructed, making explosions far less common, and allowing them to discharge several times before needing to be recharged. When they do, a second cart filled with spare wands allows them to be swapped out quickly, ensuring that the system is only offline for a minimal time.

Like I said, that's a crazy idea. An airship would be a far better idea, clearly.

The Alsamma Safina: What's better than a flying carpet? A flying ship! The Alsamma Safina (Sky Ship) consists of a thin wooden hull clad in Adamantium plating, suspended by ropes below a massive 'balloon' made of flying carpets. The balloon lifts the ship into the air, and innovative 'propellers' move the ship forwards (driven by wind magic, of course).
The Alsamma Safina carries a dozen crewmembers, including a master wizard who captains the vessel, and three apprentices- one to maintain the lifting enchantments, one to provide propulsion, and one to perform miscellaneous spells, such as casting Lucky Strike on the ballista, or use a staff of Tubikh Rrahim to protect against enemy magic. The rest of the crew are mundane, albeit highly skilled soldiers, who man the ballista, fire arrows and throw grenades at the unfortunates below, and pull ropes and twist levers and whatnot to keep the ship flying. Also included are a skilled tailor and carpenter, who can fix the balloon and ship respectively.
The Alsamma Safina can be used to perform devastating raids on artillery positions, with the passengers protected from enemy fire by the ship's Adamantium hull. It can also be used to ferry troops behind enemy lines.

Airships bypass their artillery, their ships, and their tiny falcons. Since the balloon is made of regular flying carpets, not War Pegasi, the cost should not be extravagant.

Mithril: Following our development of a divine metal, our forge-imams have proposed a new project, one which they refer to as Mawdue al'Iilhi, 'Divine Thread'. The idea is to use a similar technique to Adamantium to summon flexible threads of metal instead of ingots, which can then be woven into a nigh-impenetrable cloth. Our less poetic researchers have taken to referring to this hypothetical material as 'Mithril'.
Mithril could be used to make cloth armour that is impenetrable to arrows, sails that deflect fireballs, and many other intriguing items. A feature our soldiers will appreciate is that, like Adamantium, Mithril will have a fixed temperature. However, rather than being fixed at a low temperature, Mithril is fixed at a comfortable (to men used to the desert) 30° Celsius. We shall use this to make garments for our soldiers that keep them warm no matter the weather.
Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: Wands Race - [Moskurg]
« Reply #2138 on: June 03, 2017, 03:01:07 am »

By the sounds of it, their artillery is both more and better, whereas we've hit an engineering dead end with ballista.

Well, we could make a new one, but theirs would still be more and cheaper.

Lets just design the airship.  We should get an extra range category from being in the air, and that might actually do something.

Then rev the War Carpets to be faster and cheaper, and that should help some.

Still though, I really am dissapointed.  Why is everything they make always so much better?  How do they get to pack three cannons per cheap ship?
« Last Edit: June 03, 2017, 03:06:46 am by Devastator »


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Re: Wands Race - [Moskurg]
« Reply #2139 on: June 03, 2017, 03:05:28 am »

If we do the airship, it needs to be able to fly for prolonged periods of time,in a scale of weeks rather than the current minutes. I don't think it'll be effective enough otherwise.


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Re: Wands Race - [Moskurg]
« Reply #2140 on: June 03, 2017, 03:06:07 am »

Revving the carpet enchantments should theoretically do that.

I really think I need a break, though, I'm just too emotionally distraught.  We had good rolls this turn, but that was for nothing, as they simply have infinite unstoppable magic cannons.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2017, 03:09:46 am by Devastator »


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Re: Wands Race - [Moskurg]
« Reply #2141 on: June 03, 2017, 03:11:21 am »

If we do the airship, it needs to be able to fly for prolonged periods of time,in a scale of weeks rather than the current minutes. I don't think it'll be effective enough otherwise.
Well, I figure the reason that mages can't recharge their carpets in flight is due to them needing some space to do the ritual in, or whatever. My hope is that the airship's flying enchantments can be recharged whilst flying, by an apprentice dedicated to doing nothing but that.

Still though, I really am dissapointed.  Why is everything they make always so much better?  How do they get to pack three cannons per cheap ship?
Come now, you're starting to sound like ebbor. They spent more design actions on ships than us, presumably they revised their crystal to be cheap and easy to use, letting them just conjure an entire hull out of thin air, and their steam engines are more powerful than mundane sails, letting them carry more weight.
Seriously, we're not doomed yet. We just need to revolutionise warfare again. Airships it is!

The Alsamma Safina: (2) NUKE9.13, Devastator
Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: Wands Race - [Moskurg]
« Reply #2142 on: June 03, 2017, 03:15:37 am »


(With our luck, they'll shoot them all out of the sky with their magical steam cannons the very turn that we deploy them. But at least it will be an awesome failure.)


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Re: Wands Race - [Moskurg]
« Reply #2143 on: June 03, 2017, 03:19:55 am »


(With our luck, they'll shoot them all out of the sky with their magical steam cannons the very turn that we deploy them. But at least it will be an awesome failure.)

Of course they will.  They have antimagic shells with massive AoEs.

(/me is weeping at the four turns and four revisions to get up to medium range powered-by-mages antimagic.)


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Re: Wands Race - [Moskurg]
« Reply #2144 on: June 03, 2017, 03:28:47 am »

If their arty is really so much better than ours, the obvious solution is to steal their tech like the bastards we are.
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