Design: War Pegasi [1+2, 1+2, 2]
Well, we've run into the same problem again.
Applying more than one spell enchantment is something we've never tried before, so it's a bit difficult getting the (now rather complex) prayers, hymns, legends, verses, and holy words woven into the carpet. The spell weaving is also time consuming, and requires golden thread to be woven throughout the carpet. We can do it...but the more of Allah we call into the carpet, the more independent they get.
Much like the Spear of Allah, we have difficulty getting the carpets to obey their masters. They will obey more mundane orders - rise, lower, forward, back - but more complex orders result in the carpet literally bucking their riders off. This occurs when the carpet moves at more than a walking pace, rising too high, or when the rider attempts to turn or stop. After much philosophical debate, our Researcher Priests conclude that much like lightning, a carpet has no problem performing its function; it's when we attempt to exert more control over the divine nature of flight it rebels. That's not to say we can't get it to do what we want...probably. We just need to figure out some way to...trick it into doing what we want.
Preliminary tests show that the carpet could perform much better than we want - perhaps even rising above longbow range, or moving without the rider casting Gust of Wind. They just rebel when we attempt to control them too heavily.
The additional spellwork makes the new carpets Very Expensive.