Points for awesomeness. Though your suggestion didn't win, you get a fist-sized diamond. Drop it wherever and whenever you like.
Ah, yes. You are a massive rocky planet... too close to your star. This doesn't make you happy. Relatively imminent doom doesn't much appeal to you.
Speaking of which, what is your star anyway?
A: Basically Sol
B: A pulsar
C: A white dwarf
D: A brown dwarf
E: A red giant
F: A blue giant
G: A red supergiant
H: A blue supergiant
I: A black hole
J: Something else?
K: A binary system(pick two others)
You do have some neighbors. Some focus brings the two you're jealous of and your companion to sight.
Your moon is...
A: A rocky moon.
B: A gaseous moon. A trail of gas is flowing from the moon to your atmosphere.
C: A captured asteroid.
D: You have a moon? No, you don't.
E: A volcanic moon.
F: An icy moon.
G: You have several moons, actually(pick two to four others).
H: Something else?
Ah, the other planets in your system. You're jealous of them because they don't have impending doom hanging over their heads. Bah.
Repeat twice:
Your enemy is...
A: Gas Giant
B: Supermassive Rocky Planet
C: Earth-Size Rocky Planet
D: Dwarf Planet
E: Something else?
How close are they to you... they look...
A: Pretty close, actually. They're doomed just as much as you are. They just have a tad bit more time to live than you do.
B: Some distance away. A stable orbit.
C: Far, far away... outer orbits.
D: Far, far... far, far... far away(close to Oort Cloud equivalent).