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Author Topic: (SG) Vassal: Rise of a Pharaoh  (Read 23602 times)

escaped lurker

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Re: (SG) Vassal: Rise of a Pharaoh
« Reply #105 on: March 30, 2017, 07:17:17 pm »

Invitations to consider
Now, I don't know if doing so would spite any of the other attendees, but inviting some of our neighbours, especially the elven ones, seems like a good idea. Even more so for those, which might still be on the fence about the whole affair / only consider non-hostile relations with the clay elves because of us. (Which sounds like they would be the majority, considering our forefathers xenophobic actions). Those who champion the elven cause, surely wouldn't miss that event either, so I guess we will have plenty of elven guests, either way.

While we seem to do quite well on the international stage, we have yet to glimpse the homefront. Tideus starting gift, surely is a step in the right direction for us and our war-torn country - while not holding a traditional clay elf wedding, and taking a bride from another race, is surely a demerit in their eyes. Well, we should keep our populaces' attitude a bit in mind with our decisions, is all I am saying.


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Re: (SG) Vassal: Rise of a Pharaoh
« Reply #106 on: March 31, 2017, 03:33:18 am »

Okay, strongly against the Acid elf bride then for our brother, last thing we need is him to snap and torture her to death then a vast army of suicidally vengeful elves attacking us.  Killing your destined lover is the kind of thing you eventually get someone to not be murderous about, but I doubt that will ever stretch to matrimony.  For now let's have our brother accompany us for now.

I am good with touring the neighbors or going back to the mansion.

I still think we should consider having our brother marry into our own family with the understanding all our children and his also intermarry.  The Pharaoh title and imperial governor title might be broken up later, but that is not necessarily a terrible thing as long as they both stay in our family.


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Re: (SG) Vassal: Rise of a Pharaoh
« Reply #107 on: March 31, 2017, 09:42:30 pm »

I'm really torn for this decision.

Getting our mercantile affairs in order, especially after the prince shaking things up, would be good. A head start on our province and personal hand in planning the wedding would be good.

On the other hand, getting in good with the neighbors would also be good. A Xamut x Whipscale marriage would be godlike, and carrying him around on our adventures might coax him towards that being feasible.

I think I'll very narrowly vote for returning to our mansion to deal with our business, get a head start on appointing minor officials, and help plan the wedding. We can still go adventuring with our brother after we've ascended the throne, assuming a suitable reagent can be found. Well... I guess it'll be more political than "a wandering hero stops by for tea" then, but still.

Invitations to consider
Now, I don't know if doing so would spite any of the other attendees, but inviting some of our neighbours, especially the elven ones, seems like a good idea. Even more so for those, which might still be on the fence about the whole affair / only consider non-hostile relations with the clay elves because of us. (Which sounds like they would be the majority, considering our forefathers xenophobic actions). Those who champion the elven cause, surely wouldn't miss that event either, so I guess we will have plenty of elven guests, either way.
+1 to this. More generally, I doubt there are many downsides to inviting more guests, while the invitation itself should be viewed as a friendly nod at the least.

While we seem to do quite well on the international stage, we have yet to glimpse the homefront. Tideus starting gift, surely is a step in the right direction for us and our war-torn country - while not holding a traditional clay elf wedding, and taking a bride from another race, is surely a demerit in their eyes. Well, we should keep our populaces' attitude a bit in mind with our decisions, is all I am saying.
I'm also a little worried about our domestic opinion polls, but I doubt we're in too bad a spot at the moment. We do have our reputation as a champion of all elfkind, after all, and Xamut's endorsement should carry a fair bit of weight. We're also starting from the truly enviable position of being the physical incarnation of a god, so our more questionable actions will probably go through a healthy grumbling phase before shifting to "maybe there's someone better suited for the job."

If all goes well, we'll also get an unprecedented opportunity to prove ourselves to our people by rebuilding from the war. That going smoothly will probably be more important to popular opinion than any one cultural transgression. Probably.

Okay, strongly against the Acid elf bride then for our brother, last thing we need is him to snap and torture her to death then a vast army of suicidally vengeful elves attacking us.  Killing your destined lover is the kind of thing you eventually get someone to not be murderous about, but I doubt that will ever stretch to matrimony.  For now let's have our brother accompany us for now.
I don't think we should give up on it entirely. We'll definitely need to put work in to soften him to the idea, and there's no guarantees, but I think we can get him far enough along to marry this particular Acid Elf without trying to publicly dismember her.

I still think we should consider having our brother marry into our own family with the understanding all our children and his also intermarry.  The Pharaoh title and imperial governor title might be broken up later, but that is not necessarily a terrible thing as long as they both stay in our family.
Trying to plan out the marriages of children who haven't even been born yet strikes me as overly optimistic, especially when the combination is deemed necessary because the current generation's planned candidates didn't work out. A bit of an "it's okay if I lose this bet, because I'll win the next one" vibe to it, if you ask me.

Splitting up Pharaoh and Governor is unfortunate because it creates an Overlord-vs-Slaves situation if they ever disagree. This is probably less likely with cousins, but we should still aim to keep them together as long as possible. Though certainly the two being separate would provide incentive for them to intermarry at some point(s) in the future, so I guess in the really long term it might not matter that much.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: (SG) Vassal: Rise of a Pharaoh
« Reply #108 on: April 01, 2017, 01:39:03 am »

Karses II, Friend of Caesar, Heir to the Loam Coast, and Descendant of the Divine Clay Elf Bloodline:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

You set sail for your mansion in Portum. As the quickest route from the Everstorm Lands to the Eastern Provinces travels right past the imperial heartland, you travel with Jericho's fleet and the Breaking Lust for protection. The journey is largely uneventful, but thanks to the fickle winds it takes two months to travel back the way it took you only a month and a half to come. Once you enter imperial waters, your escort breaks away to head to its destination, and the Wayward Clay sails alone for the final few days of its trip.


After getting settled in, and spending a few days to unwind from the travel, you begin to get back to business.

Things are going quite well for The Sons of Caesar Trading Company at present. Although the monopoly busting effort has proven rather expensive, it is going well enough that the promise of long term reward is keeping the investors patient. Confidence is further boosted by the fact that news of your impending wedding and ascension has become public, and everybody now assumes that you will soon be able to open the company up to new markets in both the Loam Coast and the Everstorm Lands. To your mild surprise, there are no issues within the company that demand your immediate attention.

You dispatch a few of your personal boats south to invite various elfish leader who neighbor the Loam Coast to attend the wedding, which is scheduled to take place in six months. The invitations also allow for the leaders south of the Loam Coast to bring any prominent Acid Elf 'protectors' along to the event. Several of the nations whose leaders you are inviting happen to be landlocked, so you also send a request to the large imperial naval installation at the Southeast Cape, asking that transport to the wedding be provided to forigen any dignitary who may require it.


After working on business and wedding planning for a week, you take the half-day coach ride into the capital to get the political lay of the land. You get some awkward stares during the visit, and people seem to intentionally avoid discussing the situation regarding your father's fate, but luckily you only have to hobnob with lower politicians for a short while before you are summoned to see Caesar.

Of the emperor's many titles, the one he often seems to cherish most is Chief Judge of the Imperial Heartland, so it is of no surprise that he choose to grant you an audience at the Grand Courtroom of The Temple of Law, right across the main city road from his palace. The large chamber is empty save for you, him, and a scribe. After exchanging pleasantries, your adoptive father briefs you on the situation in your new province.

"I had to take the liberty of appointing a provincial commander for you," he begins, "as the situation is still unstable enough that somebody needs to be in charge. Hostile forces commanded by resentful members of your family have taken shelter in the southern wilderness of the province, and have taken to indiscriminately raiding neighboring nations, imperial troops, and even their own people. They are few in number, but their hideouts are well hidden and well fortified, so we doubt the issue will be resolved any time soon."

The emperor frowns, and gives you a solemn look. "That is not even the worst of it though. We have heard rumors that two terrifying Wyrven Clans are attempting to push south into the Loam Coast. One is said to be made up of remnants of the wicked army your father and I vanquished over a decade ago in the Tall Ears War, and likely intends to take advantage of the provinces' weakened state. The second is said to belong to a war queen that worships your bloodline, and intends to drive my forces out. As it stands, the clans surrounding the Loam Coast are defending their territory and not letting either party through, but our lines of communication to the south are not great, so the fear is a Wyrven Clan could show up on our doorstep and start raising hell without warning."

You sigh. This is troubling news indeed. Wyrven Clans are the largest and most feared of the acid elf tribes, taking their name from the fact that they maintain breeding populations of acid spewing lesser dragons, which their soldiers use as mounts, and their priestly-caste use, through secret rituals, as mates when it comes time to birth a terrifying new war-monarch. Even at its height, the army of the Loam Coast would have been hard pressed to repel a single Wyrven Clan; The prospect of two against an already battered and war-torn province rather terrifying. The good news is that one of these clans is very likely Whipscale's, but getting in touch with her before her forces push across the border to slaughter everything remotely imperial might be a tough prospect with a second, far less friendly, Wyrven Clan lurking somewhere out there.

"So... anyway... As I said, I appointed a commander for you. Bufo Fidelis will be in command of all imperial ground troops in your province, and he is to answer to you. Bufo will hold the position until Brutus Canis is ready to retire from the senate so that your sister may take it, or one of her sons is old and educated enough to hold the position."

Bufo Fidelis is normally somebody you would be glad to have fighting for your cause; The man is a childhood friend of yours, and a competent soldier to boot. The potential problem lies in the fact that he falls into the clique of military officers and politicians deeply loyal to Caesar Prudens. With Bufo at your right hand for the next decade or so, the highly prudeish and traditional presumed future emperor will likely get a full account of your indiscretions... And there is also the issue that Prudens' minions could very well be plotting against Caesar Menas.

The emperor goes on to explain that you will need to appoint imperial citizens to the offices of Provincial Naval Commander, local judge for each of the Loam Coast's three major cities, and perhaps High Provincial Judge if you don't care to take on the duties of that position yourself as governors often do.

Caesar then speaks briefly on the rights afforded to you by the office of Pharaoh, noting that occupied populations are usually allowed an army and navy no greater than a quarter the size of the nearest Imperial installation, but so long as you are both Pharaoh and Governor, that rule will not be applied to the Clay Elves of the Loam Coast. Although Caesar officially disbanded what was left of Xamut IV's military, both captured gear and records of Clay Elf veterans have been carefully preserved, so the emperor speculates that in addition to whatever your brother has, you could quickly and easily raise a Navy of 33 Ceramic Warships and an army of about three thousand battle-hardened elves. Obviously either your wife or brother would be in charge of any Loam Coast Navy, but you would need to appoint somebody, likely a local, to command the army of your people.

Rising from the judge's seat, Caesar Menas calls for wine to be served, and sits down across from you at the barrister's table. You have a private audience with the world's most powerful man. Surely you have some questions or requests for him...


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Re: (SG) Vassal: Rise of a Pharaoh
« Reply #109 on: April 01, 2017, 04:51:25 am »

Request: Additional aid to rebuild the Loam Coast, particularly building materials. The sooner it gets back off the ground, the sooner it can be useful to the Empire, and our lack of building materials to produce building materials with promises to be a difficult pit to scramble out of.

-What's the state of the empire as a whole?
-What's his opinion on our immediate neighbors, both imperial and otherwise?
-Is there anything he needs from us?
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.

escaped lurker

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Re: (SG) Vassal: Rise of a Pharaoh
« Reply #110 on: April 01, 2017, 01:48:33 pm »

Request: Additional aid to rebuild the Loam Coast, particularly building materials. The sooner it gets back off the ground, the sooner it can be useful to the Empire, and our lack of building materials to produce building materials with promises to be a difficult pit to scramble out of.
Might want / need to sweeten that for him with giving him a good deal on future ceramic weaponry and giving priority to getting those lines of our industry back on track. Ultimately though, we have "Cash Reserves (Aproximately 4.7% of Imperial Coin in Circulation)". We aren't exactly in need of charity.

-What's the state of the empire as a whole?
-What's his opinion on our immediate neighbors, both imperial and otherwise?
-Is there anything he needs from us?
Sounds good. But aren't we forgetting something. Or someone?
With our wedding coming up, we can ask about Jericho and his exile to be ended. How averse he would be to the idea, or what it would take for that to happen. Either way, the hyenas politicians will be quite busy soon, making it easier to hush hush the whole thing if need be. The climate of the big wedding, might also allow such moves to be made somewhat easier.


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Re: (SG) Vassal: Rise of a Pharaoh
« Reply #111 on: April 01, 2017, 03:28:26 pm »

Request: Additional aid to rebuild the Loam Coast, particularly building materials. The sooner it gets back off the ground, the sooner it can be useful to the Empire, and our lack of building materials to produce building materials with promises to be a difficult pit to scramble out of.
Might want / need to sweeten that for him with giving him a good deal on future ceramic weaponry and giving priority to getting those lines of our industry back on track. Ultimately though, we have "Cash Reserves (Aproximately 4.7% of Imperial Coin in Circulation)". We aren't exactly in need of charity.
Possibly, but remember that we've already promised half of that to insuring a different kingdom's reconstruction, and if the empire/Caesar is willing to give us a boost for free we should take advantage of it.

-What's the state of the empire as a whole?
-What's his opinion on our immediate neighbors, both imperial and otherwise?
-Is there anything he needs from us?
Sounds good. But aren't we forgetting something. Or someone?
With our wedding coming up, we can ask about Jericho and his exile to be ended. How averse he would be to the idea, or what it would take for that to happen. Either way, the hyenas politicians will be quite busy soon, making it easier to hush hush the whole thing if need be. The climate of the big wedding, might also allow such moves to be made somewhat easier.
Haha whoops. Yes, we should inquire about Jericho's pardon.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.

escaped lurker

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Re: (SG) Vassal: Rise of a Pharaoh
« Reply #112 on: April 01, 2017, 04:25:29 pm »

If the Caesar is willing to give us a boost for free we should take advantage of it.

Oh, don't get me wrong. We decided to marry the daughter of freaking Tideus, which puts at the very least amiable relations with him on the table. At a time, at which someone is obviously plotting against Caesar Menas, his adoptive son pulled a move which will benefit the empire greatly - and him in turn. We can allow ourselves to ask him to indulge us a little. Still, the empire just waged a war, and if we thus can only eke out a good deal, we should at least put some options on the table.

Acid Elf Incursion
I say, how about we do our best to get a simple message out throughout the border provinces and beyond - preferably in several languages common to the region; That Karses the II has been appointed as ruler over these lands, and that we won't tolerate anyone harming or plundering our citizens nor domain. Further, that we will inflict retribution on anyone doing so. That won't do much directly against the "hostile" groups of acid-elves, unless our fame has reached even those savages, but has a good chance of stopping the Wyvren war-queen from any rash actions. In turn, most of the acid elves should be aware of Whipscale's infatuation with us, and see the bottom line - a possible war against us, and her (with the later surely not disinclined to take over their lands and roosts, either).


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Re: (SG) Vassal: Rise of a Pharaoh
« Reply #113 on: April 01, 2017, 08:59:13 pm »

Still, the empire just waged a war, and if we thus can only eke out a good deal, we should at least put some options on the table.
This is true. I was kind of thinking the empire would have a lot of resources to burn, but depending on what else is going on they might be struggling themselves in some ways.

I say, how about we do our best to get a simple message out throughout the border provinces and beyond
If the message is only going to persuade Whipscale and only then because she likes us, we might as well skip the grandstanding and go straight for diplomacy. More specifically, contacting the Acid Elves bordering us, both because they should be able to get into contact with Whipscale's clan and because we'll want to be on good terms (or be aware that we're on bad terms) with our immediate neighbors anyway.

From there, we should have a wide range of diplomatic options, possibly including siccing Whipscale on the other Wyrven clan with Xamut in tow. If we're lucky, fighting alongside her and against the remnants of the army that tortured his sister to death will alleviate his loathing for Acid Elves in general, and increase his fondness for Whipscale in particular.

Even if we don't get quite that lucky, actually contacting Whipscale should give us a lot more than a public warning we might not be able to enforce.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: (SG) Vassal: Rise of a Pharaoh
« Reply #114 on: April 03, 2017, 05:00:25 pm »

Karses II, Friend of Caesar, Heir to the Loam Coast, and Descendant of the Divine Clay Elf Bloodline:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

You spend several hours talking with Caesar, getting his view of things.

He considers the state of the empire to be pretty damn good. Between the fall of the Loam Coast and your impending marriage to the daughter of Tideus, the central and northern seas are now safe for imperial ships. He is a bit worried about politicking at home in the capital, and fears tensions in the Eastern Provinces might get out of hand again someday soon, but is confident he can deal with both of those issues when and if they arise.

Caesar seems a bit uncomfortable giving you diplomatic advice on your neighbors, as you are likely better connected to most of them than he is. He does note that the nearby High Elf Citystate of Silvershoes and the Lion Elf Tribes of the Warsand Coast both participated heavily in the war against your father, and should have a good number of veteran soldiers that you can call upon if needed.

The Emperor personally endorses High Chief Redmane as a great leader of ground troops, and Prince Tiiecieus of Silvershoes as a worthy admiral; Both are indebted to the empire, and have fought alongside Caesar personally. You know Tiiecieus already, mostly through his mother Maideflia who is a great financial supporter of the elf rights movement within the empire. The Prince himself is supposedly a promising admiral, albeit one with an ego befitting a high elf. While you were with Xamut V's fleet, your twin had described him as somebody who could have been a worthy adversary if Tiiecieus' fleet had been able to match those of the Loam Coast in numbers and ship quality.

Redmane is the de-facto leader of the Lion Elves, the only remaining warrior race of the Southern Continent to not have been exterminated or assimilated by the Acid Elf Hoards. He is known as a mighty warrior and beast master, and a staunchly loyal friend to those who have earned his trust. Sadly, Redmane's relationship with you can be described as cordial at best; Although it would reflect poorly on a leader to outwardly speak ill of an elfish hero such as yourself, beloved even by his own subjects, you know he despises your species in general and your family in particular. Your marriage to Tsunamia is also unlikely to help matters here; Her chief underling and part time bodyguard, Morg the Manslayer, is the only person to have ever bested the Lion Chief in single combat, and you have heard that this is a very sore subject for him.

Next you get around to asking Caesar what he might expect from you as governor. The emperor gives you a straight answer; Assuming peace can be made with Tideus over the wedding, he wishes to use the Loam Coast as a staging area to launch a campaign against the pirate and rebel controlled ports on the east coast of the southern continent, which represents the last true obstacle to imperial naval dominance. Although Caesar would be fine with the mere compliance of your people towards imperial troops using their land as a base, any actual ships and sailors the Clay Elves might provide towards the campaign would be much appreciated.

Caesar is also aware that you are uniquely tied to the Acid Elves, and although he is well aware that it would be difficult to achieve, he thinks it would be a game changer if you could broker a deal that would allow Imperial Legions to march across the Southern Continent unhindered and attack the hostile ports by land.

Caesar suspects it will be another half decade or so before he is ready to launch this Southern campaign, but admits Tideus, who must regularly wage war to keep his homeland habitable, might wish to sail south and start the fighting early, an action which Caesar would not oppose.

With questions out of the way, you turn to requests. First you ask for supplies and resources to help rebuild, and the emperor promptly laughs you off. Caesar tells you that one of the reasons he made you governor is that your understanding of shipping and logistics vastly surpasses his own, and he suspects the rebuilding operation will run quicker and smoother if you manage the whole affair yourself.

"That said," the emperor admits, "I've taken the liberty of ordering the walls and fortifications of your major cities rebuilt at Imperial expense. If Acid Elves do attack, you will need those to survive until reinforcements can be sent for... A Wyrven Clan would whipe the floor with what few soldiers you presently have available, but luckily the savages do not excel at Siege Warfare."

He then smiles, and adds that if the reconstruction poses any challenges that prove too much for your wealth, network, and business skills, that the empire will consider stepping in on your behalf.

Next you bring up the matter of Jericho, requesting that his exile be ended. This causes Caesar to frown. "I know the man has his talents... You must think him quite a friend if you keep pestering me on his behalf, no? Well my father considered his grandfather a loyal ally, and was repaid with treachery. I trusted his father against his uncle, and nearly lost my life when the wretch lead my own left flank against me in battle. That whole blasted bloodline will put a knife in the back of an ally merely for the adrenaline rush... You can't trust them."

You pause to reflect on Caesar's words. Jericho's actions against Vulfhorn, although in your favor, seem consistent with the picture that Caesar is trying to paint you. Generally a mercenary who betrays his employer like that is not a trustworthy individual.

The emperor sighs, and downs half a glass of wine in a single gulp. "I... I suppose it is not entirely fair of me to judge a man by the actions of his ancestors. If you want Jericho back, have him. I know he is well traveled in Acid Elf Country... and I may have use for him in the Eastern Provinces myself if unrest explodes there again."

You don't respond right away. Perhaps Caesar is right, and Jericho is not to be trusted. If so, you would have to find a way to get rid of him, as he is currently embedded with Tusnamia's fleet in the Eastern Provinces.


As you ride back to Portum from the Capital, you consider spreading word of your ascension to the Acid Elves. You are sure the rumor will spread to the savages on its own, especially considering you just sent wedding invitations to many of the leaders who pay them tribute, but rumors spread slowly south of civilization (you suspect the two mobilized Wyrven Clans are finally responding to reports of the war between the Empire and the Loam Coast from two years ago), and Acid Elves don't put much stock in hearsay.

The best bet to get word out would be to take a brief trip to the Southern Continent, either to the Loam Coast or a friendly neighbor, try to get a good idea of where these would-be invaders are set up, and deploy brave messengers directly to their camps. You could also, of course, write to your family back home or one of the neighbors recommended to you by Caesar, and ask that they take charge of sending the message on your behalf.

Your thoughts then drift to the positions Caesar said you were responsible for filling: Three to four judges and a commander of the Provincial Navy. You are not terribly worried about hireing an unqualified Naval Commander, as you could just order that person to follow the lead of Xamut, Tsunamia, or another Clay Elf Admiral in battle.

As things stand, the only obvious and likely willing candidate that springs to mind is the former senator Lacert Agilis. Lacert is an older gentleman, and one of the many responsible for teaching you the ins and outs of the business world. His corrupt dealings played a major role in the early growth of the Sons of Caesar Trading Company, to the point where he could no longer hide his conflict of interest from his senate colleagues, and decided to resign to take a corporate role. Lacert takes great delight in using the law to aid a business or harm its rivals, and would surely be more happy in a governmental position, and as an old mentor and friend, you are quite sure he is trustworthy.

Assuming you offer Lacert the position, and he accepts, that leaves you looking for two to three judges and a naval officer, and since the appointees must be Imperial citizens, that means heading home and recruiting family is off the table. Luckily, you have a few other ideas.

You could, for starters, set up shop in the Imperial Capital for a few days, and publicly announce you are seeking applicants for the positions. Recruiting at the Capital might not be the best way to find naval officers, and you would likely have to weed out a few people who want nothing more than to crush the Clay Elves under the boot of Imperial authority, but you would at least have an easy time finding people who are well versed in legal matters and well connected to the Imperial Government.

Another idea would be to do the same in your current home town of Portum. Recruiting in Portum would yield a good number distinguished naval officers, many of whom respect your race as worthy opponents. Judges recruited from the ranks of the navy might not be the most qualified, but establishing a reputation as a friend to Imperial sailors and sorounding yourself with people who have connections to the fleet may give you pull over parts of the imperial armada that wouldn't otherwise answer to you.

Recruiting in Portum might yield a good number of merchant sailors looking for appointments as well, but the best way to get officials with the skills and mutual interests to support your business endeavors would be to call a shareholders meeting and divvy up the appointments among those invested in the Sons of Caesar Trading Company. Although finding a skilled military leader this way would be by no means guaranteed, (Sons of Caesar prefers to hire mercenaries like Tsunamia rather than take responsibility for the actions of their own warships), you wouldn't have to worry in the slightest about judges hired this way undermining your business endeavors.

Lastly, you could call a meeting of your fellow prominent elf right's advocates, and find your appointees from among their ranks. Thanks in large part to your efforts there is a growing number of elves, including a fair number of Clay Elves, who have managed to obtain Imperial Citizenship. Some of these long-eared citizens have managed to learn much about the law in the course of their efforts to have it changed. There is a real chance your people may be a bit happier if they were not subject to the will of a human on a regular basis.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2017, 05:50:07 pm by Weirdsound »


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Re: (SG) Vassal: Rise of a Pharaoh
« Reply #115 on: April 03, 2017, 05:16:10 pm »

Can we sell of positions in an auction, or is that too openly corrupt?


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Re: (SG) Vassal: Rise of a Pharaoh
« Reply #116 on: April 03, 2017, 05:26:37 pm »

I won't say you can't. Karses has the connections and skillset to pull that off with at least some discretion.


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Re: (SG) Vassal: Rise of a Pharaoh
« Reply #117 on: April 03, 2017, 06:15:48 pm »

Okay, so no direct help from the empire. That's fine, we're fabulously wealthy for a reason.

Staging area for a pirate war. Easy enough, we were planning on building ourselves into a naval juggernaut anyway.

Acid Elf diplomacy. We were planning on trying anyway, we'll see if imperial ground routes becomes feasible within half a decade.


Jericho. Damn it. Caesar's probably right about him, but he's also our good buddy for the moment. I say we request his pardon, but admit that we'll be keeping an eye on him. With luck he'll either never get around to betraying us or it'll be vastly outweighed by his service until then.

For Wyrven Clan communication, I say we send and receive messages through Silvershoes. The prince's mother, presumably the queen, is an elven rights advocate, and being high elves they'll no doubt appreciate being entrusted and involved in major diplomatic happenings.

For our officials, I say convene an elf rights meeting. Our business interests probably don't need the boost, and while getting in good with the imperial navy is super tempting, making sure our own subjects are happy and boosting our elf cred is probably a better use of capital here.

With luck we'll be building up some kind of economic elven union in no time.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (SG) Vassal: Rise of a Pharaoh
« Reply #118 on: April 03, 2017, 08:48:23 pm »

+1 to the elf rights meeting.

Having judges who understand both imperial law and the customs and practices of the Clay Elves is super important.  A big bonus if they are people who will want the positions to actually create fair results.

Lets have Prince Tiiecieus of Silvershoes as our admiral, with our wife and brother commanding their own fleets as well for now.

We can not have Redmane as our Admiral if he despises Clay Elves and the Pharaohs.  Maybe we can earn his trust or whatever, but that is for later.


  • Bay Watcher
  • If you wait long enough, it moves.
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Re: (SG) Vassal: Rise of a Pharaoh
« Reply #119 on: April 04, 2017, 11:44:54 am »

+1 to elf rights meeting.

We should keep Jericho and ensure that he is nearly always away from our court.
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
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