magmawells and waterwells have always been buggy... their settings are persistent to a point across reloading maps. to turn them off you had to turn them off on each direction not the turn off all sinks option which never worked as far as I can remember.
Now that explains why there was a single-tile level 6 magma aquifer on a sand layer floor on one of my embarks.
Fun times were had.
Yeah, the list of bugs with this that I have heard were many:
1. once a tile area is designated as magma/water its nearly impossible to get the opposite to spawn in same location - in other words lets say you messed up and put down a magma well and spawned a tile of magma where you wanted water... Then you go back and switch the well, and try to put down water... It would come out magma again.
2. even if you go and dig out a new floor above it/below it and try to put water there... it would still come out magma, it seems to extend vertically about 3 levels up and down from its initial drop point.
3. but there is hope. If you place it high enough above the floor say 10 above an underground chasm... well you can drop both water and magma from that spot as long as you give enough time between the two for all the water/magma to get at least 5 levels below you.
4. try to build a magma well 2z above water has same issues.
5. all stop never works... and I looked at the code several times no clue why, I think its the work around to make sure it doesn't stop natural spawns that keeps it from working. stop the spawns individually.
6. all spawns are not guaranteed to be still going if you exit and reload.
7. if you pull the well before stopping the spawns... You are never going to be able stop that spawn... even putting the well back down, may not work 90+% of the time.
8. If you retire a fortress with one on, you may open a new embark and have a spawn going at the same x,y,z as the one you left on.
9. Wherever your spawns were on the map in the previous embark, even if they were off, and emptied (always build an emptying system is advisable...). If you try to spawn the opposite at that location, you will get the previous spawn, most likely. (Really noticable if you build embarks in similar ways causing this issue, to occur a couple of times for me).
10. occasionally left over spawn data will cause all sorts of weird things such as random magma rain.
This is why I prefered the orc fluidcaster to all the others... It was a fixed amount, that after you learned the pattern you could control... no spawn points. If you had at least 1 floor drop between the fluidcaster and the place you put lava, you could use the fluidcaster to spawn the opposite on same location:
z=0 Fluidcaster
z-1 empty space for fluidcasting
z-2 empty space to provide room for fluidcasting to escape.
z-3 water room on top of...
z-4 lava room that is now a casting floor...
add in runoff control to 3 and 4, 4 could run to tunnels to fuel magma shops and 3 could run to a well basin to provide water.
with careful planning and a few obsidian to start the process an orc fort had all the magma it needs, generally I would have z-4 have a channel down path on one edge to fill my magma shops through z-5, than my z-3 would extend opposite direction a tunnel that would then drop into a fill room for excess water with an over fill tap to edge of map with an engraved fortification to allow out flow. even would build my farms their along that tunnel then put up walls after being mudded and enter from other side. About 3 months of digging and operating fluidcasting and I'd have a fairly decent source of lava, water, obsidian, etc.