Kick sand in Barbarisan's eyes then headbutt her.
Use 1 cunning Chit.
Simply evade and let him use his chit.
king Crow inspects the walls of the palace for an undefended climbable spot, then waits for his peers to draw attention while he sneaks in unnoticed (use cunning chit)
why don't you both shut up and fight someone we can actually take some shines from. I'm sure the palace has lots of shinies.
slice a palace guards head off
Barbarisan, having won the initial clash of arms, attempts to negotiate an end to the battle. Niximos the Defiler, however, is not assuaged. In a move too fast for the eye to see, he takes the powerful woman off-guard. One moment she is blinded with a blast of sand, and in the next, she is stunned by the impact of a head harder than most, and a curl of blood, red as the setting sun, begins leaking down her face.
Barbarisan has taken a wound, and is at 2/3 hitpoints.
As the two warriors return to their readied stances, they notice that civilians are starting to come out of their houses to watch the two duelists.
King Crow, strong in mind as well as heart, calls attention to the battle, and slips quickly over the unguarded wall. He drops to the ground over the other side, silent and undetected. Next, King Crow uses his sharp senses to identify an unguarded window, and slips inside the upper level of the palace. He enters in an unused bedchamber, well decorated with much dark, rich furniture thick with varnish, and fine artwork on the walls. There is a closet the size of a stall for a horse, and a carved wooden door with silver fittings.
BARBARBARBAR is not watching the battle. He is trying to find someone to kill, looking to quench his limitless thirst for battle once again. Unfortunately, no guards are in evidence, with the wall keeping the barbarian from the inside of the fortress. His eyes fall again on the gate, and this time he spots a small postern door, for individuals to enter and leave without opening the doors in the cart-sized archway. There is a viewing slit there, and the warrior espies an observer on the other side. Swift as a rabbit, his hand reaches out, with his mighty sword.. that clangs upon the view-plate that the coward has managed to close in time, temporarily evading the rage of the barbarian.