Too long have the city-dwellers lived their lives of soft luxury and peace. Their evil magic, their slave legions, their palaces of marble and gold. Beneath, they are rotten and soft below the shining luxury. It is time! Time for the strong! Time for the nomads and the reavers, the raiders and the warriors, the free, to come, and to conquer. The barbarians!
I need volunteers, five of them. And some waitlisters, as the life of a barbarian is nasty, and short.. but it is glorious. And as it is known, glory shall live forever.
Currently accepting waitlisters.
Character sheets:
Your chosen weapon type. Has to be melee, as you are a BARBARIAN!
Lastly, your chits.
There are only three stats in Barbarverse. All rolls in barbarverse are subject to the will of the gods, and will succeed or fail on the flip of a coin. However, barbarians, being the free men and women they are, have the ability to force their will upon the world.
Barbarian Strength!
Everyone knows barbarians can beat any mortal man in combat, but some foes and situations may require truly heroic might. For these, you may spend a chit to automatically succeed.
Barbarian Cunning!
Everyone knows barbarians are not civilized men, and as such, are capable of sneakiness and dirty tactics that no civilized man can understand. However, there may be something great in your way that requires something truly heroic. For these, you may spend a chit to automatically succeed.
Barbarian Companions!
Although every barbarian is free, some choose of their own will to follow others. When they do so, there is no greater loyalty than that of your fellow barbarians. If you are in a situation where another barbarian is needed to help you, you may spend a chit to automatically succeed.
In addition, as barbarians are heroic figures, they take three blows to fall, and have three hit points. Failing in a deadly situation will cost only one. You may heal at the end of a day, by telling stories about your might and accomplishments to your fellow barbarians.
Also, note that the soft living of the grasslanders will blunt your sharp edge. If you should choose to rest for a second time in the same spot, you must spend one of your chits due to the soft living.
Who is in? Put your sheet up, and choose a distribution of eight chits.
Players. 5/5
Barbarisan: Egan_BW 1 companion chit, 1 cunning chit, now at 2/2/2
5 treasures, including a sponge opal bracelet with images of horses.
"Knives" Beorn: Ozark treasures.
Ramses Apophis Memphis Set: Aigre Excaliber Tyrant Leviathan one cunning chit, now at 4/3/0
2/3 Hitpoints, stomped by a mob.
Urs: NJW2000
Currently Empty!
Hall of Heroes: