Looks nice. Will you be publishing a Linux build?
Yes I definitely plan on doing a Linux build. It may take a couple months because I need to actually get and set up a Linux test bench for it and then do some research. If I connect with a publisher (no idea if that will happen) hopefully that will become easier.
if i buy something from the shop, it buys some random stuff i hadnt selected. not clicking the item directly but in the same line far right beside the item seems to do the trick, but its a big source of frustration.
i have no idea how to use my equipment screen. i have not found a good way to change out an equiped weapon for one i have not equiped. i found out i can drop something with d from that screen by smashing my keyboard against my head a few time. but i think you must have another way in mind to do it. maybe it would help to list the keyboard commands at the bottom of the screen.
the hud will sometimes block me from interacting with the game.
Sorry, UI is the biggest annoyance right now for sure! Working on it, with my UX guy sketching out a revamp of the hud completely.
Oh, two more questions: What is the game written in, and will there be modding support?
I'm using Unity (which is why the Linux port shouldn't be toooo bad...) and C#.
There will be some level of modding support. The game reads most of the key data about items, monsters, abilities, NPCs, rooms, maps (etc) from external files. With a bit of effort I should be able to let players create and import their own files to create new content. The main barrier is just making sure the data is properly validated before importing, so I might write a few simple tools for that.
In terms of code modability, like rewriting monster AI or something like that, it's not on the to-do list at the moment. But it IS theoretically possible. I would probably use Lua or something to let players safely import new code.