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Author Topic: Tengoku no Owari SI IC: Yuki Is (Not) Fine  (Read 223460 times)

Powder Miner

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Re: Tengoku no Owari SI IC - Back to the Landfill
« Reply #2130 on: August 20, 2018, 04:01:20 am »

Eventually, Faith’s sobs slowed and stopped, though she kept clinging onto Minato for the moment. She sniffled, and then eventually she took a look at Yuki (presently getting herself dressed, thank God), and mumbled a ”M-Minato I need you to not look at me for a second... though... God, fuck, it’s too late for that...” Faith lowered her face into his shoulder for a moment, but managed not to cry again. ”Please look away, though...”

Faith waited until he did, and then finished the process of getting dressed. Then, with a long sigh, she stood up, wincing a bit as her sock-clad feet were dug into by the uneven ground of the crater she’d created. She was utterly humiliated but she wasn’t blushing, just looking beaten down and tired, her gaze locked to the ground. ”...I want to go home...” she said, quietly. She couldn’t look up to meet anyone’s eyes, and doubted she would be able to any time soon.


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Re: Tengoku no Owari SI IC - Back to the Landfill
« Reply #2131 on: August 20, 2018, 05:43:12 am »

Later that day

Faith and Minato
Okay so, Faith's you're heading back home having gotten a full change of clothes. Minato, you're walking by her side. It's sometime in the afternoon, school's almost out so no point going back there to catch whatever's left, not that either you are in the mood for it anyways. Vendelin had prepared boxed lunches for everyone, maybe you ate them on the car ride back, maybe not. If you did, hopefully it wasn't in the last five minutes.

The city's busy as usual, streets bustling with people. Well right up until now. A murmur goes through the crowd, people start shouting. The crowd begins to part and you begin to see the source of the commotion. It's a girl, she's naked, she's covered in blood, she's, a lot of things really.

First thing's first, the blood? It's probably hers. Girl's haemorrhaging it like a fucking garden sprinkler. Also she's bleeding from the eyes. And the mouth. And, a lot of places really. One of main ones being y'know, the exit wounds in her torso. The fact that she hasn't gone into shock yet is almost certainly a sign she's Awakened. She's stumbling, staggering, her gait unstable, unsteady, posture absolutely fucked. She's disoriented, confused, sedated, and of course, desperate. She's running, running from something, probably not anything pleasant.

You see figures in the crowd. Her pursuers most likely. Roughly humanoid, looking like animated mummy wrappings with a striped pattern of red and white, accentuated by their attire - tactical armor and plexiglass visors modelled after the knights of old. There's six of them total. Four of them are in loose formation and pushing their way through the crowds. One of them has an smg, two have assault rifles, the last a handgun. Other two are positioning themselves on nearby rooftops, levelling DMRs on the girl.

So here's what happens. First, the girl seems to notice you two. Or more specifically, she notices Faith. You see a flash of recognition in her eyes as she starts running towards you. The marksman to your left begins to aim, a magic circle tracing around the barrel of their weapon, orbs of arcane energy taking form around it, they do not fire yet, instead opting to sweep their weapon across the crowd and assess the situation. Marksman to the right takes the shot however, discharging a single of energy aimed at the girl's centre of mass. Harder to tell what the other four are doing. The two riflemen break off to each side, both moving towards cover behind cars, if they're taking aim you don't see them doing it, not like they have too clear a shot with the crowd yet to disperse. The other two continue to advance, the one with the smg pulls out some sort of cylindrical device and throws it towards the girl, it looks like a flashbang before quickly shifting to a crouching position as their partner draws what appears to be a laser designator and fires into the sky. A crimson beam surges from the designator, rising into the air before halting and expanding into a magic circle that looms overhead.

The crowd is still dispersing. You do not have a clear shot on the ground team, but can hit the marksmen from here with ranged attacks. Your enemies most likely do not know you are Awakened. Not yet at least. If they figure out who the girl is running towards, they might jump to the conclusion however.

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« Last Edit: August 20, 2018, 06:53:33 am by Empiricist »
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


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Re: Tengoku no Owari SI IC - Back to the Landfill
« Reply #2132 on: August 20, 2018, 07:21:23 am »

A few city blocks distant from the safehouse, a small hole opened in a wall, about a foot over from the door to a third story apartment. It wasn't a physical hole, made by a drill or a bullet; maybe not even a hole in any proper sense of the word. It was simply a direct connection between two coin sized circles on either side of the wall, a fundamental reshaping of the geometry of the area such that the space of those locations was seemlessly woven together. The portal sat there unchanging for five seconds, nothing visible through it except the far wall of the hallway. After that short wait, an eye appeared at the hole, flicking around the empty apartment. This also went on for near five seconds, ceasing when space reshaped itself into it's more natural state, the interior wall returning to an unblemished surface. Another brief delay, and then the sound of a key sliding into the lock, and the muted metallic thunk of a bolt retracting into the door. Said door inched open, and when it had done so enough, Shef stepped through into his living room and carefully latched and bolted the door behind him.

With the exception of himself, the room was, unsurprisingly, empty of people. Nothing under the table or behind the couch, nor behind the blinds. For the most part, said room was clean. Nothing on the floors, the bookshelves were orderly and occupied only by organized books, CDs, and files, the couch was also clean. The table stood out as slightly cluttered though, remnants of a meal, napkins, small tools, and a few sheafs of paper scattered across it. A glance into the kitchen and the bathroom confirmed them to be empty, the bedroom too. Not a full sweep, but Shef rarely did that; too tedious for the small likelihood of discovering something. In the bedroom, Shef removed a set of metal plates and polished spheres from his pockets, and tossed them into a drawer. They'd been completely useless for that battle, but. . .they were rather fun, and he felt there'd be some use for them in the future. Everything else in his pockets got tossed onto the bed, and he hung his coat in the closet next to a few others.

Shef headed back over to the bed, and stared down at it, eyes unfocused. "Deal with those later," he mumbled. He was exhausted, drained, more than he had any right to be. Needed some rest before anything else, but. . .no, he wasn't going to deal with the pile of guns, magazines, and other tools just to sleep on the bed. Picking up one of the guns and a pair of glasses from the bedside table, he first stopped at the bathroom to remove his contacts, then headed into the living room. There he promptly laid himself down on the couch, pushing the gun underneath it. He drifted off quickly, into a light doze.

After just under an hour, Shef found himself conscious again, staring at the floor over the edge of the sofa cushions. His mind was clearer, a bit. He yawned, rolled over to face upwards, putting a pair of glasses on his face and staring for a few moments before anything else. It didn't take long for him to decide to review the day's events in his head. A sort of internal debriefing. It needed to be done since there hadn't been a full one, and he'd made mistakes, and he needed to address them. They'd arrived at the mansion without incident, nothing to note there. They'd spread out to search the mansion for the sanctuary, and he'd gone to the basement. That itself had been something of a mistake in retrospect, too suspicious, an odd place to start. He could have asked for a tour immediately and avoided numerous potential problems. Nothing major had occurred, thankfully. But it had led to the maid, Evi, managing to approach him entirely unnoticed. He'd been certain he was more aware than that, had made efforts to keep himself constantly aware. Admittedly a basement would likely have had concrete floors, easier to sneak on in soft shoes. . .It was still a failure, something to note for the future. Green hair too, something he'd only seen a few times. On the whole, that event had been more than a little unnerving on a few levels. The tour, for what it was, had gone mostly without incident. It was when Shef had arrived back with the others that the next incident had occurred. He grimaced as he thought back on that. The scryer. He'd overreacted, obviously, but it had just been such a spontaneous bewildering event that he couldn't fathom even now how he should have reacted.

Not in the way he had, that much was certain. What a fucking stupid set of circumstances-- He forced his thoughts prematurely away from that incident, didn't really want to think about it right now. "Moving on." Yoake had stolen the panties without problem, nothing to review there. The train battle was next. That had gone mostly well. He wasn't sure whether to be pleased or disturbed that he'd been able to independently determine the targetting of the system of the missiles though. "Fucking gaydar guided missiles. . ." he grumbled, yawning. Battle had ended without much incident, then Tsukasa had shown up. This wouldn't have deserved mention save the fact that, once more, she'd gone immediately to flirting. With him. It had been almost the first thing she'd said. Perhaps she was just a flirt with everyone, and since there'd been no men present except Minato, he'd been the target?

But there were other possibilities. In both cases, flirting had been so immediate, with Tsukasa focusing on him within seconds. Did she know him from somewhere back in France? Was she being paid off by someone? It certainly wasn't that he was naturally irresistable. He barked out a laugh that rang through the empty apartment. He'd need to gather some more information before coming to any conclusions regarding her, to be done another time. Next event of note was the sparring matches. Nothing to say about Vendellin, he'd seemed cautious, hadn't had many questions or seeming interest in trying out his powers, and in return, Shef hadn't said much to him. The man might have been content with observing, not a bad thing, but Shef really couldn't say. Fleur had been. . .distracted. He wasn't certain what to think about the fact that some people's abilities apparently involved a great deal of porn, except that he was rather glad that hadn't been the case for himself. Mary was meek, but her powers seemed promising in their own right. Yoake was better suited to teaching her, she needed someone to surprise and terrify her into fighting. It was for her own good, no need to feel guilty about that, right? Evi had been, honestly, fun. It had been stimulating to go up against another godslayer rather than Aramitama and the like, which took teams. It let him experiment more, without the possibility of endangering anyone, allowed a bit more creativity too, of a different kind. The strategies were different against a single person also focusing solely on figuring him out and defeating him. Thinking about it, probably something to be stressed again to her, that Aramitama or mononoke battles would generally not be like that.

Also, christ, what the hell was up with her? How had someone who'd never been in a real fight before not been completely traumatized by being riddled with bullets, then having her chest cavity collapsed? Not that he wanted to traumatize someone, but it was frankly disconcerting. Had to be some kind of masochist or something. Not that a big deal though.

Next event had been entering the sanctuary. Nothing important until they'd entered the sun and met Hitler. Faith had gotten the shit kicked out of her again, and had broken down. Fragile, both mentally and physically. Couldn't be helped, with her abilities focusing that much on offensive power, but still. Then Yuki'd been stripped. Once more, Shef berrated himself, for the fact that he'd stared, however briefly. It was seriously disturbing that he'd reacted as he did, no matter how natural. She was a teenager and a teammate, goddamnit! It would not happen again, he told himself vehemently. If such a situation came up, he'd be prepared, both mentally, and with perhaps a new tool at his disposal. Not going to happen again. For this solution, Shef would need help, not something he thought he could figure out on his own. Best to get the help sooner than later, but he wasn't looking forward to it. He could probably put it off two days or so, right? It'd be useful when he got it though, he'd be able to prevent anyone from abusing that same distraction against him, might even be a measure to immobilize enemies.

Well, that had been the day. Not all of it, but the most pertinent parts. Even after the nap, he was still feeling worn out, but Shef pulled himself up anyway. Put on some dinner, turned on the TV to a news channel, then sat down at table with his gun. Dissassembling it wasn't necessary, it didn't wear down when used with his power, but he liked to keep in practice, and it helped relieve the stress. Stay familiar with the mechanisms, keep his fingers quick too. The full pistol was arrayed on the table in all its component parts in about twenty seconds. One by one he went through the formality of checking the pieces for scuffing, any powder marks, warping, until he came to the slide. He breath caught briefly.

On the inside near the slide release, normally concealed against the frame, was a series of small etchings. Numbers. Not a serial number, it was out of place for that, and he would have known about it. He'd designed the gun. By the spacing, Shef figured the numbers were probably a phone number. But placed there by whom, and why? Who'd have had access to the internals of his gun besides himself, and who, in accessing it, would decide to leave a signature rather than sabatoge?

Oh. Right. Tsukasa. Was she serious? Face warping into a scowl, Shef marched over to the bedroom, and grabbed his phone before returning and began punching in the numbers, while muttering under his breath.

He sent off a text, brief.
. . .Don't carve stuff on my gun.

He tossed the phone down on the table and waited.

« Last Edit: August 24, 2018, 09:02:51 pm by Strider03 »
Within that world, she was God. But here, outside of it, her name was Yoake o-Shiri. That was unimportant. She was a Godslayer. That too was unimportant. But what was important, was that she had a motherfucking boat.
And by God, was she going to use it.

"But deceleration is for pansies. We're headed for the stars. Bye, Burnsie. Bye, Mission Control. Bye, Sol. See you at heat death" -Blindsight

Powder Miner

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Re: Tengoku no Owari SI IC - Back to the Landfill
« Reply #2133 on: August 20, 2018, 07:29:05 am »

Faith had been walking miserably, and mostly silently, back home. She was exhausted, she was humiliated, she felt like total shit, and she wanted nothing more to get home and collapse into an unmoving ball. Minato was accompanying her, as was pretty much expected when he was so presumably concerned for -- something she hadn't rejected even though the fact that Minato had probably seen... things had added to the utter horribleness of her day. He cared for her, and she liked him, and after everything that had happened, someone looking out for her was a comfort she really needed. She still wanted to go into her room and never come out, though.

Then she heard the crowd in the city murmuring... then she heard the murmuring get louder. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no," she began to mutter, to plead to noone in particular. Please, no more, please no more, hadn't it been enough? The crowd's murmuring turned to panicked shouting and Faith let out a whining noise -- apparently, it wasn't enough. Faith didn't want to deal with this, she couldn't deal with any more, she wouldn--

And then Faith saw the girl naked and coated in blood on the ground, and she knew that she had to go in and help. She didn't have a choice, this girl looked to be dead unless they did something. That's when Faith noticed that the girl, even in as horrible a state as she was, appeared to recognize her. Faith couldn't tell who it was, but... dammit, she really couldn't leave her like this. So, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes, Faith muttered a "D-dammit...! I'm going to help her...!"

Faith ran directly at the bloodied girl, and when she got close enough she withdrew the two graviton field devices at the same time she had left (at least these had survived, if not her clothing) into the air to deflect the shot and the grenade. Then she continued covering ground towards the mystery girl, and promptly knelt on the ground. See, Faith had already decided that she wouldn't be using any of her bright light attacks -- she felt horrible and hollow enough that she didn't think that any of them would even work. So instead she went for the kind of magic she'd been using when she broke down. It came easily, of course, but that was just a dull, sad note in the back of Faith's mind right now, as she was focusing on using the relevant spell in a way that WOULDN'T cause horrific collateral damage, instead blasting an entire Desperation Break at an angle away from her and the bloodied girl into the ground, hopefully surrounding them with a massive plume of dust.

Faith runs to Sakurako, tosses her two defensive devices to defend against the shot and the grenade, and fires a Desperation Break directly into the ground to make a large dust plume! Alteration to 5!
World Line: 4 4 1 3 6 3 5 1 4 1


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Re: Tengoku no Owari SI IC - Back to the Landfill
« Reply #2134 on: August 20, 2018, 10:32:13 pm »

Meanwhile, at Saltfest 2018 or whatever the fuck the maid cafe's called...
Eliseo Cox was not a fan of maid cafes. That is not to say he had a particular distaste for them or that he found them inherently repulsive, rather in his eyes they were simply another part of Japan's eccentricities, another piece of scenery on his commute.

Cox was of a strange and elusive breed, a most unusual pedigree, he is, as one would say in the vernacular, a morning kind of person. He wakes early, works early, leaves early. The kind of man who preferred dawn to dusk, the early jog to the late night life.

It thus was not unusual for him to be passing by this time, nor was it unusual to glance if only for an instant into the cafe. A trivial motion, one that always meant and should have meant nothing. He never did understand the appeal of such establishments, save a perhaps as a tourist trap or as some strange manner of front for the Yakuza, which, judging by the general appearances of some of the patrons, is something that would honestly be of little surprise to him.

It was simply another tiny detail to his routine. Was. Past tense. Today was different.

He did not know what came over him. Was he not thinking straight? Still burdened by the tired aftermath of the weekend? Did he himself change in his time here in Sendo, slowly, imperceptibly even to himself? Cox blinked. The girl he saw there on the other side of the glass was unbelievably cute! She was absolutely adorable! Was she a new hire? Was she working there all this time? Did he simply not notice that the quintessential quality of the cafe was sheer cuteness, surpassing even that of harp seal cubs and newborn infants?

Whatever the cause he had to enter.

And so our man finds himself here now, sitting down at a table being served cake by the prodigiously endearing Noriko. A girl, a vision of sweet perfection, her immaculate uniform perfectly complementing the subtle curves of her blasphemous protoplasmic form that bubbled with the countless ravenous maws that seemed to form and uniform with each passing instant, their blasphemous screeching serenading him with the crushing weight of eternity as her unspeakable, indescribable motions set his heart aflutter with existential dread as he hallucinated the twisted mockeries of his entire genealogy in great detail weeping tears of blood and screaming with unearthly laughter beckoning him towards joining them in the primordial void, leaking, clawing outwards from the imperceptible delineations between infinitesimally small instants from which time itself was assembled.

The cake was pretty good too.

You're back home. Kouta's not there yet, he's probably just gotten out of school and probably heading back right now. You got a text from Ren asking how the mission went, and another text from Winter saying that the paperwork for your salary has been done and to chat with her and Enn about it when you're feeling up for it.

You also received that text from Winter. Also your mother continues to be catatonic and everything continues to be pure suffering. Also the guy sent to look after her is currently addressing you, a boy looking around the age of twelve yet clad in a tailored suit and carrying the air of someone much older, a boy for which that quote about the abyss gazing back seems perfectly fitting given the madness and malevolence that flickers at the very edges of his eyes complementing the intensity of his cold gaze.
"Your flesh puppet is broken."
« Last Edit: September 17, 2018, 06:48:58 pm by Empiricist »
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


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Re: Tengoku no Owari SI IC - Back to the Landfill
« Reply #2135 on: August 22, 2018, 12:12:31 am »

"Up for it? Yeah, no. . ." Noriko collapsed facedown on the couch, trying to get the numerous images she'd been presented with earlier somewhere other than burned to the insides of her eyelids. Just. . . why, why did it have to be like that? It was like there was some cosmic force actively trying to embarrass each and every one of them. Really she should be feeling bad for Faith, but she was trying fairly hard not to think about the busty American girl at the moment. She groaned into the battered cushions and then lifted her head enough to look at her phone. She tapped out a response to Ren before retreating into her couch again.
We succeeded. A bunch of weird embarrassing things happened and Faith almost died.
GM of Trespassers V2.
If you like my work, consider becoming a patron. (Since apparently people think this is a requirement: no, my game(s) are free to play and always will be.


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Re: Tengoku no Owari SI IC - Back to the Landfill
« Reply #2136 on: August 22, 2018, 03:38:04 am »

Quote from: Ren
Wanna talk about it?
« Last Edit: August 22, 2018, 09:53:28 am by Empiricist »
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


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Re: Tengoku no Owari SI IC - Back to the Landfill
« Reply #2137 on: August 22, 2018, 05:15:57 am »

Minato processes the situation quickly.

He remembers the face from somewhere, but with all the blood on her, he can't quite figure out who she was. She wasn't badly wounded, not really; if she was Awakened, she could take far, far more than a normal human being could. Minato learned THAT lesson many, many times. Even Awakened could only take so much, however, and she looked like she was about to hit the very edge of what she could take.

Her pursuers were mercless. Trained, clearly. They had her cornered like a badger in a trap. Two of them were above her, the other four chasing her down, possibly marking her in sync. Whoever wanted this girl dead, they wanted professionals, and they got them. This would make Minato's job a whole lot harder than it had to be. He files through what he could use.

No time to use the Luin; even with its speed, Minato wouldn't be able to take them out before they landed a shot on her. Rho Aias wasn't going to be enough to defend against all the shots, not all at once, and he didn't have stockpiled weapons to take the blows either. Durandal and Gungnir were only useful against single opponents.

Something tugs in his mind. A loose thread. He recognises it.

It was the same Regalia that had called to him when he needed to stop Stalin from hitting Faith, the chains that he'd instinctively formed. Only thing Minato could think about doing at the moment. He couldn't use it yet, not until he was sure, not until he had a clear shot.

He needed to buy time. Rho Aias was going to be useful, but he needed something more. He needed to improvise.

>Nothing for it. Here goes nothing.<

Minato rushes forwards, his armor forming around his body as he does, his arms extending forward to tackle the girl to the ground and cover her with his own body.

Alter to 4, use Rho Aias. Push Sakurako to the ground, cover her with Minato's body and Rho Aias, protecting her from attacks from above, to the side or in front of Minato.

[1 3 3 [4] [4] 2 6 4 6 1]

After what seems like hours, Tsukasa finally replies.

<Got your attention, didn't it? ; ) >


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Re: Tengoku no Owari SI IC - Back to the Landfill
« Reply #2138 on: August 22, 2018, 05:54:47 am »

It wasn't actually that long of a wait. Enough that Shef had finished his dinner by the time the scientist wrote back, but no more. When the phone buzzed, Shef delayed a bit, placing his dishes into the sink before bother to go over and check the message. He read with a weary half scowl on his face. She was sort of right, he had to admit: it got the attention. Had she just given her number via a slip of paper in the box with the tracking bullets, he'd have likely thrown it away, same for most other disposable methods. Here, well, given time he could remove the numbers. But they were etched in such away that simply sanding or filling in could disrupt the function of the slide. So, it'd be a while.

Alright. Fine. So tell me, why? What do you want?

Shef returned to washing the dishes, pondering the ways in which he could remove alterations to his pistol without needing to make or obtain replacement parts.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2018, 09:02:25 pm by Strider03 »
Within that world, she was God. But here, outside of it, her name was Yoake o-Shiri. That was unimportant. She was a Godslayer. That too was unimportant. But what was important, was that she had a motherfucking boat.
And by God, was she going to use it.

"But deceleration is for pansies. We're headed for the stars. Bye, Burnsie. Bye, Mission Control. Bye, Sol. See you at heat death" -Blindsight


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Re: Tengoku no Owari SI IC - Back to the Landfill
« Reply #2139 on: August 22, 2018, 07:56:47 am »

Faith and Minato
Spoiler: Rolls (click to show/hide)

A grand circle traces in the sky, and so the battle begins.

[Now Playing: Sis Puella Magica]

Faith, you're the first off the mark rushing over to Sakurako's side and tossing your field projectors into the air, twin hexagonal fields ripple into existence, and not a second too soon, Snipe B's arcane beam halting against the field. Wasting no time you swing your aim down and let loose, blasting away at the pavement, not enough to crater it, but enough to get a nice little debris screen. Somewhere in the back of your mind you realize who the girl is, Sakurako, the girl you saved before. Minato transforms and sprints forwards, forcing your classmate to the ground and deploying his shield protecting the two of you with his body. A shame that won't work against the cylinder. Not completely at least - it's a flash bang. The dust, the shield, it protects you from the flash. The bang? That's still a bitch. A thunderclap right in your ears, it leaving both of you unsteady and disoriented.

The dust goes both ways. Your enemies can't see you, but you can't see them either. Good enough for now. Their weapons are projectile in nature, a poor match against Rho Aias.

That being said, it might be a little trickier if you get blasted from two directions. Not sure what's going on, but a pink plane of energy is now sweeping through your plume right now and all your instincts are screaming it might not be so safe here after all. That circle above you is about to unleash a barrage of arcane bolts, thank god the civvies have run the hell of away.

Spoiler: World Lines (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Notes (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Inventories (click to follow link)
« Last Edit: August 24, 2018, 09:06:49 pm by Empiricist »
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


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Re: Tengoku no Owari SI IC - Back to the Landfill
« Reply #2140 on: August 22, 2018, 09:00:17 am »

<It's probably occurred to you by now, but getting my number into your gun is about the only way you'd actually have paid attention to it. If I just put it in a piece of paper, you'd have thrown it away or forgotten about it by now. Also, knowing what little Minato's told me about you and having met you, I know you're the type to check your gun thoroughly after a check-up to see if anyone put bugs in. It was the best place to put it.

As for why? Two reasons. One, so you can call me without asking Minato if you need anything checked or that handy exoskeleton of yours upgraded or something. Two, because as much as I love working on my babies like the Gaia Driver, it gets boring getting HQ on my tail to pump out more stuff or something.>


  • Bay Watcher
  • A knight, returned from a journey weary and long
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Re: Tengoku no Owari SI IC - Back to the Landfill
« Reply #2141 on: August 22, 2018, 09:37:44 am »

Noriko sighed. Did she want to talk about it? Not really. It played into too many personally embarrassing and confusing things for Noriko, and she wasn't really sure it was fair to talk about the greater shame inflicted upon the other girls in the party. Well, except Yoake, but Yoake did an excellent job of embarrassing herself and didn't seem to particularly care.
I guess? I don't get why fighting demons has to involve so much nudity.
GM of Trespassers V2.
If you like my work, consider becoming a patron. (Since apparently people think this is a requirement: no, my game(s) are free to play and always will be.


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Re: Tengoku no Owari SI IC - Back to the Landfill
« Reply #2142 on: August 22, 2018, 09:47:19 am »

Quote from: Ren
People are more durable than their clothes
Quote from: Ren
Can get combat outfits and wards I know some good places
« Last Edit: August 22, 2018, 09:54:00 am by Empiricist »
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


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Re: Tengoku no Owari SI IC - Back to the Landfill
« Reply #2143 on: August 22, 2018, 10:16:19 am »

If it'd been the number in isolation, fine. I don't deny it. But upgrades and niche devices are useful. Would've made contact if you left a number, along with that offer, on a piece of paper.
Shef wasn't entirely sure what to make of the boredom comment. He wouldn't have input on much she did, nor would he be able to do anything about her overseer's demands.

It was good to have made contact. In part because of the new addition to his arsenal that he wanted--he had no clue where to start on that--and in part because it made determining the woman's motives a bit simpler. If she'd been paid off, if she was working for someone, or trying to get something out of him for herself, it'd be difficult to discover from a distance. And she didn't seem the most skilled at the ingratiation game, so perhaps she'd let something slip if asked directly.

I can't do anything about boredom, you'll have to deal with that yourself. Have got something I'd like some input on though. Specific type of attack, bullet based of course, have no idea how to actually do it. But I'd rather be able to actively create it than have to deal with a limited supply. That feasible? You make an engineered version, then me attempting to imitate the enchantment or setup on the spot?
It was a little difficult to clarify what he meant in text. Partly because he wasn't entirely sure how her creations worked, partly because he didn't really want to reveal that much information if this wasn't feasible, and partly because he himself wasn't exactly sure what he wanted.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2018, 09:01:55 pm by Strider03 »
Within that world, she was God. But here, outside of it, her name was Yoake o-Shiri. That was unimportant. She was a Godslayer. That too was unimportant. But what was important, was that she had a motherfucking boat.
And by God, was she going to use it.

"But deceleration is for pansies. We're headed for the stars. Bye, Burnsie. Bye, Mission Control. Bye, Sol. See you at heat death" -Blindsight


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Re: Tengoku no Owari SI IC - Back to the Landfill
« Reply #2144 on: August 22, 2018, 10:20:46 am »

<Possible. A little difficult, though.>
You get the vague sense of disappointment through Tsukasa's reply.
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