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Author Topic: Fields of Magical Murder: A Perplexicon Game. T20 [Or That Arm] [W0-E10]  (Read 58166 times)


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Re: Fields of Magical Murder: A Perplexicon Game. Turn 11 [Stablemaster]
« Reply #330 on: April 25, 2017, 08:39:30 pm »

Just realized I forgot to update the status block.  That's fixed.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Fields of Magical Murder: A Perplexicon Game. Turn 11 [Stablemaster]
« Reply #331 on: April 25, 2017, 08:52:48 pm »

« Last Edit: April 25, 2017, 08:54:55 pm by Dermonster »
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


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Re: Fields of Magical Murder: A Perplexicon Game. Turn 11 [Stablemaster]
« Reply #332 on: April 25, 2017, 08:55:54 pm »

Work on a potential forum game for my return to Bay12. Figure out parts that puzzled me before. Find more things to figure out that I can't. Work on another game instead of solving them. Get distracted and stop working. Remember it a week or two later. Remember I'm still on hiatus. Illogically, Be too ashamed to return yet. Repeat ad nauseam.

Finally have a game completely ready. Wait a week before posting it out of laziness.


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Re: Fields of Magical Murder: A Perplexicon Game. Turn 11 [Stablemaster]
« Reply #333 on: April 25, 2017, 09:52:27 pm »

Spoiler: West Jet Airlines (click to show/hide)
The Cyan Menace

Went away for a while, came back, went away for a while, and back for now.


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Re: Fields of Magical Murder: A Perplexicon Game. Turn 11 [Stablemaster]
« Reply #334 on: April 25, 2017, 10:56:31 pm »

Spoiler: Eastern Ecocide (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: April 27, 2017, 12:28:11 pm by Shadowclaw777 »


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Re: Fields of Magical Murder: A Perplexicon Game. Turn 11 [Stablemaster]
« Reply #335 on: April 26, 2017, 12:00:38 am »

Spoiler: Eastern Tactics (click to show/hide)
Please don't let textbooks invade Bay12.
The Conquistadors only have the faintest idea of what the modern world is like when they are greeted by two hostile WWI Veterans riding on a giant potato; Welcome to 2016.


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Re: Fields of Magical Murder: A Perplexicon Game. Turn 11 [Stablemaster]
« Reply #336 on: April 26, 2017, 09:01:15 am »

Spoiler: Annoyed West (click to show/hide)
FoU has some twisted role ideas. Screw second-guessing this mechanical garbage spaghetti, I'm basing everything on reads and visible daytime behaviour.

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


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Re: Fields of Magical Murder: A Perplexicon Game. Turn 11 [Stablemaster]
« Reply #337 on: April 26, 2017, 09:41:20 am »

Spoiler: West wind (click to show/hide)
I told you to test with colors! But nooo, you just had to go clone mega-Satan or whatever.
Old sigs.


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Re: Fields of Magical Murder: A Perplexicon Game. Turn 11 [Stablemaster]
« Reply #338 on: April 27, 2017, 08:18:54 am »

Spoiler: Adam West (click to show/hide)
Does that make scientific sense? No? Well it's Earth IV and he's a giant crocodile-man. Use your imagination.
Ongoing Forum Thingamajiggers:
Wikipedia Wars: Revengance


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Re: Fields of Magical Murder: A Perplexicon Game. Turn 11 [Stablemaster]
« Reply #339 on: April 29, 2017, 12:29:26 pm »

*pokes ATHATH*
The Cyan Menace

Went away for a while, came back, went away for a while, and back for now.


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Re: Fields of Magical Murder: A Perplexicon Game. Turn 11 [Stablemaster]
« Reply #340 on: April 29, 2017, 05:14:25 pm »

Spoiler: Overdue East (click to show/hide)
Seriously, ATHATH, we need to have an intervention about your death mug problem.
*slow clap* Well ATHATH congratulations. You managed to give the MC a mental breakdown before we even finished the first arc.
I didn't even read it first, I just saw it was ATHATH and noped it. Now that I read it x3 to noping


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Re: Fields of Magical Murder: A Perplexicon Game. Turn 11 [Stablemaster]
« Reply #341 on: April 30, 2017, 06:04:47 am »

Might be tomorrow before I can update.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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What do you get if you cross an elephant and a rhinoceros? Elephino
« Reply #342 on: May 01, 2017, 03:41:18 pm »


[Derm Speed:1]

Before you can attack, Larry tries a spell on you.


Quickly stumbling back, you barely avoid being trapped in a plastic cage he summoned.  On your back foot, you can't react before he tries to push it over on you.


That you dodge with ease, opening you up to return fire.


Opening wide, you let forth a torrent of sound. Larry bends under the sonic assault, giving you an opening to strike!


It's not a hard blow, but it's a direct hit; he sinks to his knees.  Smiling, you follow up with another spell.


This gets you a rather massive steel tower shield.  It's the kind you plant in the ground then fight behind; trying to maneuver it with one hand is asking a whole lot.  You grab it anyway, propping it on the ground a bit.


Enki is quicker on the draw.


He shoots a wide stream of acid at you, which you fail to dodge. It stings like hell especially where it's already burned, but you grit your teeth and ignore the pain.


Your return spell just gives you a vision of a world of destruction, where things are exploding and burning; a world of chaos and impermanence.  Not really what you wanted.

Spoiler: Eastern Ecocide (click to show/hide)


Before you can cast your spell, there's a sudden burst in the air.


It knocks the two of you down; it takes all of your grip to maintain the lock.  Now on the ground, you try your spell anyway.


A magical sparkle covers your whole body, then suddenly bursts to light.  Your skin takes on a metallic hue, and you notice the cold of Johnny's flesh less.... and the two of you stick together hard.  Uh oh.  Think you can move to get a grip going?


Nope: you're stuck fast.

Spoiler: Eastern Tactics (click to show/hide)

Let's try this one.


This gets you a hilariously tiny guisarme.  Lacking a need for a toothpick, you leave it and keep moving.

Spoiler: Overdue East (click to show/hide)


As you move in, you ready your first spell.


It's too far to see any result, but that doesn't stop you trying again.


The rush of power you feel tells you this was a success!  One more for luck?


Something tells you that was less successful.  You advance regardless.

Good Guy Greg has one point to spend!


Spoiler: Best Western (click to show/hide)


You get up and start to move toward the scrimmage, which something happens nearby.


Something bursts in the air nearby, knocking you backwards again; this time you stumble at the ledge.  Panicking, you make a desperate recovery attempt.


You just manage to grab on to the edge... when it happens again.


This burst knocks you clean off.


Jefro has died!

Spoiler: West Jet Airlines (click to show/hide)


He's already holding you.  You try to break out instead, since your sword arm is secured.


Nope.  Still hard with one arm.

Restrained as you are, there's no way to dodge the sudden burst in the air.  It knocks both of you down, but Johnny maintains his grip.  He then takes on a metallic aura... which results in the two of you sticking together hard.  Oh dear.

He tries to shift his grip, but is unable to do so.

Spoiler: Annoyed West (click to show/hide)

Maybe you should summon a stick for fetch?  Regardless, you feel your power returning.

Spoiler: West wind (click to show/hide)


It's probably that East guy walking up on you now.  You assume your best finger gun.


An unusually wide stream of acid streaks out and splashes over your target.  You clearly hit him and it hurt him, but it didn't appear to do appreciable damage.  Unless that point where he sort of zones out counts.

Spoiler: Adam West (click to show/hide)



A large plastic cage appears in front of you, which Derm barely dodges out of.  Thinking quickly, you try to push it over on top of him.


He dodges it easily, looks at you, and opens his mouth.


He lets forth an unnatural scream, not unlike a banshee.  You slap your hands over your ears and grit your teeth, but it's enough so you're unprepared for his charge.


Though it's not a strong blow, it's square on your head and you lean in to it.  It drops you to your knees and leaves your ears ringing even more.  {-1 rolls all next turn, further -1 initiative}

Oh, lovely knockoff kill there!  The crowd loved that one!

It's always a favorite!  It's nice to see solid melee attacks as well!

If it had only been a bit more solid.  We want to see grey matter!

Assuming there's any in there, of course.  Ha ha ha!

Quote from: Team East, 0 Points
ATHATH: Good Guy Greg - East Grassy Field, South (Steel Aura, 1/6 Pool) [Huge Steel Lance] [+1]
Person: Person - East Grassy Field (5 Pool)
Derm: Derm - West Capture Point (1/5 Pool) [Steel Mace, Leather Gloves, Steel Barrier Shield]
Shadowclaw: Bastien - South Capture Point (Steel Aura, 1/3 Pool) [+1]
OceanSoul: Poe Pello - North Capture Point (1/5 Pool)  {Chest burned}

Quote from: Team West, 0 Points
FallacyofUrist: Mr. Smith - West Steel Pits (Steel Cage Right Leg, 4 Pool) [+1]
AoshimaMichio: Enki - North Capture Point (1/3 Pool) [Druidic Dagger, Druidic Gloves]
Dolosus: Larry Laffer - West Capture Point (4/5 Pool)  {-1 rolls all next turn, further -1 initiative}
Flabort: Johnny - South Capture Point (Gaseous Icy Magnet Aura, 2/5 Pool) [Druidic Steel Greatsword]  {Right leg burned, Left arm gone} [+1]
Coolrune:  Jefro - DEAD

If Derm has rolled better on strength, we may have seen our first one hit melee kill.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2017, 03:02:22 pm by Toaster »
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Re: Fields of Magical Murder: A Perplexicon Game. Turn 12 [Whack]
« Reply #343 on: May 01, 2017, 03:46:32 pm »

« Last Edit: May 01, 2017, 03:58:38 pm by Coolrune206 »
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


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Re: Fields of Magical Murder: A Perplexicon Game. Turn 12 [Whack]
« Reply #344 on: May 01, 2017, 03:54:20 pm »

I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.
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