Best idea yet. No shit. Only question is will they be able to drag themselves into bed to heal upon reaching the new pillar. Each one would have to be a brewer/farmer as well as their chosen profession, in order to stay fed/drunk.
Put in a lever which floods the entire ground Z-level with water to kill any goblins that come along, maybe put a wall around the entirety of the map with floodgates, some kind of a holding tank system with screw pumps, so that when the gobbos arrive, the map is inundated.
The only problem could be dragons coming along and turning the dwarves into crispy critters one by one; Make them all ballista masters so they can down any flying beasties. These will have to be rather large pillars for each dwarf.
Side thought: has anyone ever tried using a river and screwpumps to fill the map with as much water as possible? Like more than 2-3 Z-levels higher than the ground level in walls? It might be fun to do this, and have your dwarves underground totally submerged by the water but in an airtight fortress. Have a central shaft 1 tile in size which is open air above the fortress, and route the water so that it comes into the fortress from below and watch as water pressure sends the dwarves flying into the sky.
Brainstorming... the bane of our little digital dwarven friends.. but I think they get as much enjoyment out of it as we do, firing their crossbow bolts at random with a couple of empty eye sockets and what not. It's all fun and games until the fortress ends, and then you start another one.
I need some sleep.