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Author Topic: RTKEOAES, aka Necrothread the RTD (what is happening I don't know)  (Read 32210 times)


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Dwyn swept his lash around himself, careful arcs that covered all sides. It was good to know that the force guiding him had not left him. Everyone was a slave to someone or something, and it was always nice to know at least one master.

Defensive Position with the whip
I have a degree in Computer Seance, that means I'm officially qualified to tell you that the problem with your system is that it's possessed by Satan.
Q: "Do you have any idea what you're doing?"
A: "No, not particularly."


  • Bay Watcher
  • I came for the LNP, I stayed for the RTDs.
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Dwyn swept his lash around himself, careful arcs that covered all sides. It was good to know that the force guiding him had not left him. Everyone was a slave to someone or something, and it was always nice to know at least one master.

Defensive Position with the whip

You assume a defensive stance just as a man leaps out of the nearby grass at you!

(17 + 3 = 20 Draignean parry vs. 9 + 2 = 11 possessed spirit)

The man's blow is deftly parried by an expert crack of your whip!

(12 riposte Draignean vs. 14 - 7 = 7 defend possessed spirit)

You riposte with your whip, knocking the savage back! You notice that their eyes are red and swimming with shadows...

"Why do you oppose me, child of nature? We have no cause for conflict..."

Attempt to reason with the tree. If it doesn't feel like listening, just get out of sight.

You start to try to reason with it, when it lunges at you again. Not wanting to have to harm it, you flee. You're back in the town, but something draws you Southward, be it a hunch or destiny...

((Just going to go with the flow with combat, I assume your using a 1d20 and using modifiers from stats and/or equipment, it was either me missing the rules like a fool or they were intentionally not clarified ;)  )) Anyways...
"You folks seem quite the fools now aren't ya? Couldn't even land a scratch. Well it just what you expect from a pair of walking sushi"

Time to finish this battle. slash my spear against the talisman Octupus-Man, maybe try to get a claw and/or bite attack if I can get close enough

(15 + 4 = 19 attack ShadowClaw vs. 2 - 3 = -1 defend Vagabond)

You finish the battle by driving your spear through the cuttlefish man's skull.

+25 EXP!
+7 Black blood!
You get a: Dirty Talisman (+1 INT, -1 VIT)

(I didn't mention anything about money, but ok.)
"Then that is my goal here. I will put a end to whatever curse holds us in this land. But first, small steps. Who or what are the most troubling creatures or outlaws in this area?"

"There are few outlaws in this land... Hahaha... If it is combat in the name of justice you seek, go Southeast. A great battle between us lost souls and a horde of evil creatures rages on there. Time isn't a constant here, but I'd say the battle has gone on for many millennia...

But if you're seeking combat for the blood of the lost - the most valuable thing here - go Southwest. Men driven insane by evil magic lurk there, and nobody will really care if you kill a few...

If you're brave or foolish, go very far South and then turn West. That's supposedly where the exit to this damnable place is...

But don't go far South and east, no. Great drakes nest there, devouring any who enter.

Maybe death isn't such a bad thing... If only I had the courage to face it..."
In the end, the winner is the one with the most snake venom.


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Follow the call of Destiny and head Southwards.
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


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"It seems blood around these parts is the te old good currency, I kinda like it"

After dusting myself off from the fight, search around the town for a shop, preferably a armory or blacksmith, try to see the cost of a cheap and moderately effective light shield/buckler

Dustan Hache

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"Perhaps I can grant you a reprieve, either through a duel to the death or escape from this place when I discover how to."
offer to duel the fellow patron to the death for the sake of their honor. If they refuse, then I start to march to the southeast in search of battle.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2017, 10:05:19 am by Dustan Hache »
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I came for the LNP, I stayed for the RTDs.
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Draignean, you have 12 hours before I give your spot to the next person in the waitlist, and I'd hate to do that because I like your character already.
In the end, the winner is the one with the most snake venom.

Dustan Hache

  • Bay Watcher
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Draignean, you have 12 hours before I give your spot to the next person in the waitlist, and I'd hate to do that because I like your character already.
can we have a turn in the meantime, please?
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I came for the LNP, I stayed for the RTDs.
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Draignean, you have 12 hours before I give your spot to the next person in the waitlist, and I'd hate to do that because I like your character already.
can we have a turn in the meantime, please?
On mobile right now, so it would be a pain. Sorry.
In the end, the winner is the one with the most snake venom.


  • Bay Watcher
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Draignean, you have 12 hours before I give your spot to the next person in the waitlist, and I'd hate to do that because I like your character already.

Derp. If you see that I have a post somewhere else, just kick me. I probably thought I posted and buggered off somewhere.

Use Lash of the Whip on the savage, remind him of the place of his species.
I have a degree in Computer Seance, that means I'm officially qualified to tell you that the problem with your system is that it's possessed by Satan.
Q: "Do you have any idea what you're doing?"
A: "No, not particularly."


  • Bay Watcher
  • I came for the LNP, I stayed for the RTDs.
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Draignean, you have 12 hours before I give your spot to the next person in the waitlist, and I'd hate to do that because I like your character already.

Derp. If you see that I have a post somewhere else, just kick me. I probably thought I posted and buggered off somewhere.

Use Lash of the Whip on the savage, remind him of the place of his species.

You crack your whip on the ground once before attacking!

(9 + 4 + 2= 13 vs. 7 + 2 = 9)

Your foe screams in pain as they stagger backwards from the blow from your whip. In their staggered state, they fail to attack you!

Spoiler: Possessed 1 (click to show/hide)
"Perhaps I can grant you a reprieve, either through a duel to the death or escape from this place when I discover how to."
offer to duel the fellow patron to the death for the sake of their honor. If they refuse, then I start to march to the southeast in search of battle.

"Hah... you new arrivals tend to have quite a bit of cheek. I may be an old soul, but I could defeat you in a handful of seconds. Never challenge someone with more blood than yourself to a duel... unless you want to be one step closer to fading away into nothingness. Besides, I'm far too much of a coward to fight any more... It's so tiring..."

You exit the tavern. and go southeast in search of battle. After all, the man said you need blood, and you're sure you can acquire some of that through battle...

The southeastern plains are about a 5 minute walk from the tavern. A few beleaguered guards walk idly by, wearing crude armor and wielding barely intact weapons. The sound of battle isn't far off, and echoes in your ear. You walk up to the nearest guard and ask how you can join them.

"There is no joining. If you want to go and fight, go and fight."

Well, that was quick. You press eastward, and it isn't long until you find a huge wall, manned by at least 200 archers. From outside, the sounds of battle echo. A ladder leads to the top of the wall, which you climb. You observe the combat for a few minutes.

What you see is terrifying.

A huge mob of monsters of all shapes and sizes surges against a small group of guards, who are fervently defending the wall. After about 20 seconds of combat, the monsters retreat, rest for a few minutes, and then return, and the combat resumes. It's a strange pattern of horrific death and respite. You climb down a ladder leading to the other side of the wall, where the combat rages. A small group of reptilian monsters about 3 feet long and 1 foot tall are attacking three soldiers to your right, while four other guards are fighting off a large tentacled beast to your left. Straight ahead of your current location, a horde of men with the heads of cuttlefish are fighting with a squadron of pikemen.

"It seems blood around these parts is the te old good currency, I kinda like it"

After dusting myself off from the fight, search around the town for a shop, preferably a armory or blacksmith, try to see the cost of a cheap and moderately effective light shield/buckler

You search around town, but find nothing. However, a small talk with some of the locals reveals that a large shop and tavern lies to the south. A short trek takes you into this shop. Only one patron sits at the bar, a sad looking grizzled soldier. The tavernkeep nods you way as you enter.

"Need anythin'? We've got booze, shields, and weapons. We've only got basic armor at the moment, though, yer gonna want to see the smith way down south if that's what you're lookin' for. Anyways, here are my wares.

20 black blood - Helot’s shield (1-handed shield, -1 block) - This weak shield, used by slaves and conscripted soldiers, is really just a plank of wood with a handle. It’s shabby and not particularly fit for use in any situation. Ever.

40 black blood - Wooden parrying buckler (1-handed light shield, +1 parry, -1 block) - This small yellow wooden buckler is okay for parrying due to its low weight and small size, but not so good at blocking. It’s also made of cheap wood, further reducing its blocking capability.

50 black blood - Wooden round shield (1-handed light shield, +0 block) - This round shield is painted with a black X. It is a quite versatile basic shield, being okay at both blocking and parrying but excelling at neither.

50 black blood - Wooden Varangian shield (1-handed heavy shield, +1 block, -1 parry) - This heavy wooden shield is shaped like an upside down teardrop, and is similar to those used by northern raiders. It is decent at blocking damage, but its weight impairs parrying.

80 black blood - Parrying dagger (1-handed dagger, +2 parry, -1 block, -4 power) - This parrying dagger easily deflects the blades of opponents due to its stout, sturdy blade. It isn't optimal for attacking with, but can be used as an offensive weapon in an emergency.

3 black blood - Cheap arrow (arrow, -1 power, -1 accuracy) - A crudely made arrow with a bone tip.

6 black blood - Flint arrow (arrow, -1 accuracy) - A crudely made arrow with a sharp flint tip.

10 black blood - Iron arrow (arrow, +1 power) - A decently made arrow with an iron tip.

10 black blood - Well-fletched arrow (arrow, +1 accuracy) - A well-made arrow with a sharp flint tip.

40 black blood - Slave’s Morningstar (1-handed club, +2 blunt, +2 power, -1 accuracy, -3 parry, +1 additional power and accuracy if wielded with 2 hands) - The morningstar is the weapon of choice for clerics and monks who go to battle. It’s heavy, easily breaking bones and pulping foes, but it’s heaviness impedes its accuracy. This morningstar is not exactly in tip-top condition, having a bad case of rust and a worse case of being terrible.

70 black blood - Wanderer's Scimitar (1-handed sword, +2 sharp, +1 accuracy, -2 power, +1 additional accuracy if wielded with 2 hands) - This scimitar is short but very sharp. It’s a slashing weapon, meaning it’s good against unarmored foes.

100 black blood - Varangian Handaxe (1-handed axe, +1 sharp, +2 power, -1 parry, -1 speed) - This brutal hacking weapon is used by northern raiders terrorizing coastal villages. It's heavy for a 1-handed weapon, giving it a slightly higher chance to stagger foes.

130 black blood - Varangian Greataxe (2-handed axe, +3 power, +1 sharp, +1 blunt, -2 parry, -1 speed, user must have at least 2 END) - This greataxe is a weapon to be feared. It's tremendous weight makes it ineffectual at parrying and blocking, but also gives it power unmatched by most lighter weapons. It can crush most light armor, but it's user can't be weak.

150 black blood - Wanderer's spear (1-handed spear, +1 sharp, +1 accuracy) This iron tipped spear is used by the guards of caravans that cross expansive deserts. It is both light and deadly.

200 black blood - Tachi (2-handed sword, +2 sharp, +2 power, +1 speed, -2 parry, -1 block, user must have at least 2 END and 2 STR) - This deadly curved greatsword is sharp and deadly, as well as long. However, it's great weight means that it's user must be in good physical condition. It's thin blade is easily damaged, making it less than ideal for parrying and blocking.

150 black blood - Indran Knight's Longsword (1-handed sword, +2 power, +1 parry, +1 sharp, -1 speed) - This longsword is the standard for knights of the republic of Indrus. A few of them must have entered the Resonance, explaining the presence of this sword. It's a balanced weapon with a decent parrying ability,

170 black blood - Light Infantry Halberd (1-handed halberd, +2 power, +2 sharp, +1 accuracy, -2 speed, -1 block, +1 additional block and speed when wielded with 2 hands, 3 END or 3 STR required to wield with 1 hand) - This halberd is heavier than most, making it hard to use when wearing heavy armor. It can stagger foes and has reach over short swords.

100 black blood - Thief's Dagger (1-handed dagger, +3 speed, +1 parry, -2 power) - This dagger is a quick weapon, being able to pull off attacks quickly. It lacks power, though.

120 black blood - Hunter's Shortbow (2-handed bow, -2 power, +1 accuracy) - This shortbow is used by hunters to take down small game. It isn't particularly effective against any target larger than a small deer, but at least it's accurate, right?

150 black blood - Soldier's Shortbow (2-handed bow, -1 power, +1 speed) - This shortbow is used by soldiers to hold off enemies when not at melee range. It's easy to wield, and once you get the hang of it you'll be able to fire off multiple arrows in rapid succession.

70 black blood - Dirty talisman (1-handed talisman, +1 INT, -1 VIT, +1 poison) - This talisman is covered in a layer of toxic grime. It casts spells well  but just looking at it is painful, let alone clutching it. Why would anyone in their right mind use this?

120 black blood - Elm wand (1-handed wand, +1 INT) - This wand is carved from an elm tree and inscribed with basic magical runes. It's a must for any novice magician who doesn't want a staff.

130 black blood - Acolyte's Rod (2-handed staff, +1 block, +1 INT, -2 power) - This magical staff is really just a quarter staff with various magical symbols carved on it.

140 black blood - Quartz Orb (1-handed orb, +2 light) - This quartz orb boosts the power of light magic, such as Hone and Light Ray.

10 blue blood - Spell Scroll: Stoneflesh (+3 physical defense, +1 elemental defense, END bonus that scales with user's INT, lasts 3 rounds, drains 5% of users HP or 1 blue blood, terromancy) - This spell is a must for most battlemages, who tend not to wear heavy armor. It increases the users physical defense significantly, and also slightly boosts their elemental defense.

10 blue blood - Spell Scroll: Life drain (deals low damage that scales with user's INT, restores HP equivalent to 1/2 damage dealt, costs 1 blue blood, necromancy) - Life drain is a basic necromancy practiced by novice dark mages. It isn't very powerful, but it can heal some of the caster's wounds using energy drained from its target.

10 blue blood - Spell Scroll: Hone (adds +3 power to weapon of choice, drains 10% of users HP or 2 blue blood, bonus light damage that scales with INT, lasts for 3 rounds, photomancy) - This spell is used by those who only dabble in spells and trust their weapons more than any wand or talisman. It increases the power of the user's weapon for a short period of time.

10 red blood - Memory: Arcing slash (A regular attack that deals 75% damage to two foes, drains 1 red blood or 5% of user's HP) - This is the memory of a fallen knight who died keeping many foes at bay. It deals lesser damage to multiple foes, making it effective against hordes of weaker enemies.

10 red blood - Memory: Ferocious charge (A powerful attack that is guaranteed to stagger whomever it hits, drains 1 red blood or 5% of user's HP) - This is the memory of a berserker who was struck down while charging a powerful foe. It allows the user to deliver a powerful staggering blow at the cost of some blood.

20 red blood, 20 blue blood, 100 black blood - Memory: Firesword (An extremely powerful melee attack that is also enhanced with fire magic. Damage is based on the user's STR, INT, DEX, and END.) - This is the memory of a heroic soldier who fell in battle fighting only with a sword and a torch. It deals both physical and magic damage, making it useful for spell casters and warriors alike.

"Come back when you have more blood, n' I might have something new for ya. Also, lemme give you a little tip. Spell scrolls are used by magicians to learn spells. Memories are fragments of a destroyed soul that contain parts of said soul's last moments. Eat them, n' ya might learn something new. Spells use blue blood, and memories red. If ya have none, they'll drain your own blood. Till' later, lizard."

Follow the call of Destiny and head Southwards.

You head south, and stop at a tavern. To the southeast is a plain with a wall visible in the distance, and to the southwest is a grassy plain looming with purple stormclouds. Directly south is an even larger conglomeration of these purple clouds. Of course, there's also this tavern here. Perhaps the tavern keep has some useful info, or maybe someone inside will help you...
In the end, the winner is the one with the most snake venom.


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Step inside this den of iniquity and ask the "owner" about happenings in the area.
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


  • Bay Watcher
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((No Dustan don't go after my reptilian brethren but instead join the crusade of prejudice against the scourge  of the aquatic/molluscan humanoids) Anyways...
"Wait evolved ape, I have a few questions for you. Some of these spells utilize's one own vitality to utilize them, my physiology because of my reptilian nature gives me innate regeneration of my own vitality. Can I passive regenerate my wounds after these spells are casted? Next, how does one acquire red blood or blue blood compared to black blood?. I'd acquired some black blood after I cannibalized... I mean defended myself against a couple of low life's, so I'd also assume red blood and blue blood comes from stronger foes. Finally, does sharpness for weapons just mean armor penetration?"

After asking these three question to the Innkeeper, make a glance if any PC arrives in the inn than leave and head southeast where the talk of all this fighting is happening. Also try to see if I can dual wield my bone spear and talisman together. 0 Vitality here I come!
« Last Edit: February 27, 2017, 01:39:59 am by Shadowclaw777 »

Dustan Hache

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Shouting a battle cry as he charges into the fray, he would rush up to and try to skewer one of the cuttlefish-people on his polearm, then toss them away into another in hopes of disrupting their formation or stalling the escape of any injured ones.
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


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Dwyn moved forwards inexorably, the lash striking out with each forward step. A storm of lashes to bring the savage to his knees, a storm of lashes to wash away the madness and teach him the nature of a soul.

Aggressive Flurry of Whip Attacks
I have a degree in Computer Seance, that means I'm officially qualified to tell you that the problem with your system is that it's possessed by Satan.
Q: "Do you have any idea what you're doing?"
A: "No, not particularly."


  • Bay Watcher
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I'm going to give a clear description of attack and defense mechanics here, because I failed to explain it the OP.

The defender rolls 1 to 3 times to defend - once to dodge, and once to either parry or block (or both, with certain special shields) Unarmed opponents will never attempt to parry or block, and stationary and prone opponents cannot dodge.

The attacker rolls a d20, the defender a d12 for dodging, blocking, and parrying rolls. Attack and dodge speed is modified by DEX.

Critical fails in dodging result in the attacker getting a critical hit in. Critical fails in attacking result in getting staggered. Critical fails in blocking and parrying simply fail to block or parry, with no penalty.

Dwyn moved forwards inexorably, the lash striking out with each forward step. A storm of lashes to bring the savage to his knees, a storm of lashes to wash away the madness and teach him the nature of a soul.

Aggressive Flurry of Whip Attacks

You bring your whip down on the brutish creature's back.

(5 + 4 - 3= 6 attack vs. 11 defend)

The creature jumps aside, and the blow glances away! Not easily deterred, you attack again!

(15 + 4 - 3 = 16 attack vs. 8 defend)

Your second blow lands, and the savage howls in rage and pain as it's hit again. It lunges at you! Instinctively, you try to dodge.

(6 + 4 = 10 dodge vs. 11 + 3 = 14 attack)

You grimace as the savage cuffs you with inhuman strength.

-6 HP!

The savage is moving unsteadily, and is breathing with difficulty. It seems that this fight is soon to draw to a close.

Shouting a battle cry as he charges into the fray, he would rush up to and try to skewer one of the cuttlefish-people on his polearm, then toss them away into another in hopes of disrupting their formation or stalling the escape of any injured ones.

((pls no more for honor references k thx, also knights r teh gayz hhahahahaahahahah))

You valiantly charge into battle with a shout!

(13 + 2 = 15 vs. 7 + 2 = 9)

You impale your foe on your halberd, and a spray of inky blood covers your armor. You then swing around your weapon in a circle, using the centrifugal force generated to launch the corpse of your fallen foe at your other attackers!

(3 + 2 = 5 vs. 6 + 2 = 8)

It's not as effective as you thought it would be, but you're able to bowl over one of the cuttlefish men. Better than nothing, I guess.

You feel refreshed as your foe's blood drips into the visor of your helm.

+12 black blood!
+20 EXP!

((No Dustan don't go after my reptilian brethren but instead join the crusade of prejudice against the scourge  of the aquatic/molluscan humanoids) Anyways...
"Wait evolved ape, I have a few questions for you. Some of these spells utilize's one own vitality to utilize them, my physiology because of my reptilian nature gives me innate regeneration of my own vitality. Can I passive regenerate my wounds after these spells are casted? Next, how does one acquire red blood or blue blood compared to black blood?. I'd acquired some black blood after I cannibalized... I mean defended myself against a couple of low life's, so I'd also assume red blood and blue blood comes from stronger foes. Finally, does sharpness for weapons just mean armor penetration?"

After asking these three question to the Innkeeper, make a glance if any PC arrives in the inn than leave and head southeast where the talk of all this fighting is happening. Also try to see if I can dual wield my bone spear and talisman together. 0 Vitality here I come!

The tavernkeep chuckles.

"Yer new here, ain't ya? Well, there are a few ways to get red n' blue blood. Far to the southeast, there's a great rocky field chock full o' dragons n' drakes of every variety. A few of 'em have red n' black blood, but most of 'em bleed as blue as the sky! As fer red, a few of them drakes do bleed red blood, but ye'll do better to find that to the far southwest, where giant tentacled fiends prowl the lands. They're hard to take down, but they've got enough red blood to last ya a while.

'Course, there's one other way to get red n' blue blood, n' it's a helluva lot easier than killing dragons n' horrors.

Kill another spirit, another soul lost in the Resonance."

The tavernkeep goes to take care of another customer who enters, leaving you to think about what you just heard.

Step inside this den of iniquity and ask the "owner" about happenings in the area.

You enter. Inside, you see the bartender chatting with some kind of humanoid lizard, while a human soldier sits glumly in the corner. You bow to the owner of the tavern, who walks over to you after ending his conversation with the lizardman. You greet him and ask about any things of importance you should know about the nearby area. He nods.

"Battle to the southeast. Lots of black blood there. Possessed and evil men to the southwest. Dangerous. Go far south, past the battlegrounds, and then east, dragons. West from there, and you'll find demons. I sell gear, magics, and memories, if you find yerself in need of any of that. A good day to ye.

Oh, wait, one more thing! If yer heading down past the battlefield, you'll find a smithy. He makes some damn fine armors, and he lends his forge to any skilled enough to use it. I'm quite sure he'll know how to work obsidian, like that sword yer got there. Speakin' of which, I'm always buyin' new gear, if you have any."
In the end, the winner is the one with the most snake venom.
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