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Author Topic: Magical ASCII Mine-diving Adventure, Day 20 - At Rest  (Read 233140 times)


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Re: Magical ASCII Mine-diving Adventure, Day 19 - In a Wound
« Reply #2565 on: August 09, 2018, 05:26:11 pm »

((I'm wondering if they're forgetting about me..! :P))

Go check on/get tohil back with the group

Sir Knight

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Re: Magical ASCII Mine-diving Adventure, Day 19 - In a Wound
« Reply #2566 on: August 10, 2018, 04:57:56 am »

((Don't forget the burial!))


((I'm wondering if they're forgetting about me..! :P))

Go check on/get tohil back with the group

Well, I remember.  I also remember that earlier discussion (over private message) had a comment or two about distributing loot, and so, although again it's not too critical right now, I'm including any looting actions.

Could be a big-ish update.  Hope to have time soon, but . . . vacations, you know?

Sir Knight

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Re: Magical ASCII Mine-diving Adventure, Day 19 - In a Wound
« Reply #2567 on: August 12, 2018, 03:26:36 am »

((Don't forget the burial!))

I had a moment (only one), so I started putting things together.  Would you include the one dead magician in the general burial inferno?

And I could still use some commentary from Alyssa (Rautherdir).  For, well, whenever I have the time.


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Re: Magical ASCII Mine-diving Adventure, Day 19 - In a Wound
« Reply #2568 on: August 12, 2018, 06:35:48 am »

Of course not! Heretics deserve to rot.
The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.


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Re: Magical ASCII Mine-diving Adventure, Day 19 - In a Wound
« Reply #2569 on: August 16, 2018, 12:20:31 am »

((Sorry about the wait))

Guess we’re just waiting on them to get back.

Make sure everything is ready for heading out

Sir Knight

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Re: Magical ASCII Mine-diving Adventure, Day 19 - In a Wound
« Reply #2570 on: August 16, 2018, 05:09:43 pm »

Great, then that's everything and everyone.  I've had a few evenings and interim moments to write, and I have a great big heap of material that's just about ready to post.  I'll get on that!

Sir Knight

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Re: Magical ASCII Mine-diving Adventure, Day 19 - In a Wound
« Reply #2571 on: August 16, 2018, 06:42:19 pm »

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With this, I take the occasion to update some things in the first posts.  I've added rock salt to the "minerals" section since you've finally seen it in the walls.  This is the second-to-last real-world mineral I intended to make a meaningful appearance--I will not yet disclose how many fictional ones remain unmined.  I've updated the "adventures complete" section, because, as you'll see, you're finishing one more.  (Further commentary on that below.)

I haven't updated your inventories (despite mentioning them below) because that's a lot of fiddly work.  It's not as fun as doing the update itself.  And, sadly, today I will be posting the final update: I am moving house and beginning a new job in a matter of days.  But I had time, so it's a multi-post!  As I've said, perhaps in the future I will be able to share details that hadn't been played in the game proper.  This world is fun, and I enjoy relaxing with a bit of creativity from time to time.  (A lot of the time, really.  (Almost all of the time.))  So I will see how my new life goes and keep visiting the forum.

Oh, and I'm about to post publicly the events for Tohil (randomgenericusername) and Dwain (Starver) while they are away in the tunnel: even though the rest of you wouldn't see such details immediately, the two of them are about to return and so they could share whatever information.

Much shuffling of goods occurs.  Solde seems satisfied with events and has begun pacing a circuitous route of the mines, presumably noting points of status in a mental checklist.  With some water kegs empty, the wheelbarrows brought by the warriors are lighter now, and they have more capacity to carry very heavy objects--like carcasses.  The prisoner, apparently resigned to his fate, twists into a semi-seated position and merely provides snarky commentary as you go.

Beyond the crevice in the north wall of the mines, far from the group, Tohil uses the handle of the roaring axe to knock on the shale.  You listen carefully.  The tunnel wall doesn't sound hollow at any point in the hole you blasted, or nearby for that matter.  You could blast another hole if you wanted, but you'd be stuck doing complete stabs in the dark.

With pursuit thus frustrated, you two turn and walk back toward the mines.  Dwain lags behind, every now and then turning to keep watch into the distance, and occasionally bumping into the shale walls as he gets near the limits of Tohil's lantern light.  When you finally feel the dry atmosphere you associate with rock salt, he seems to remember the merit in lighting his own darn lantern.

Fortunately, it seems you were not split away from the group by the bizarre forces of underground geography, for Dustan soon meets you.  Ah!  All is at peace in the mines!  And one magician was captured, how nice.  You report to the group that the one you had been pursuing disappeared into a solid wall, and your efforts to extract any of the secrets of the depths were stymied, even though you had splitter wands on your side.

Well, now Tohil can tend to burial.

You gather the bodies of the deceased and lay them out beside each other near the entrance, where apparently there had been an older operations building.  Some warriors assist.  They seem to have secured (and looted) as much as they're going to, and the underground is quiet again.

(Depicted before the blaze so as not to obscure with smoke.)

You do not include the dead magician (heretics don't deserve such ceremony) and you don't know those who were lost before you arrived (it doesn't look like there's much on their remains that would burn, anyway), so you ready to honor those who fought beside you.  In the name of Sol you set them alight.  In the name of Sol you recite the holy words.  In the name of Sol you ignore the horrible, horrible smell made by burning bodies, concentrated here because you just started a fire in a confined space.

Solde frowns at this.  But then, he frowns at Gary's use of the newer operations building for a butcher's shop.  Look, you never promised to make him happy all the time.

And then!  Ah, yes, time for you exiles to load your own goodies and go.  The warriors from Salt seemed to acknowledge Tohil's violent roaring axe use as a claim on one wall tiger, so you can wedge a wheelbarrow under that carcass.  And Gary's rock hydra, of course, needs attention.  You have to empty your other wheelbarrow to make room for it, so you move the soulshine lantern into your backpack, and . . . you throw away that horrifying mass of unidentified meat, why were you still lugging it around?


Dwain, technically, mined out those rock salt slabs up north, and you also find some interest in the "thumbing rocks" laid out beside the dead magician, so you stuff your backpack.  Your friends killed some bug bat birds to sell in town.  The rest of possessions and remains are gradually distributed, at least to the limit of carrying capacity.

Then, at last, you are ready to leave.  "To Rock Bottom!" says Solde.  The prisoner is led with his hands behind his back, (John re-dons his amnesiac robe,) the wheelbarrows full of dead and salable beasts commence rolling, (Gary tries to remember his place on his carving task,) and you depart.

(Up next: final words and things.)

Sir Knight

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Re: Magical ASCII Mine-diving Adventure, Day 20 - At Rest
« Reply #2572 on: August 16, 2018, 06:43:37 pm »

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Welcome to the final update in contiguous play of the Magical ASCII Mine-diving Adventure!  Day 20 sounds like a fine time to rest.  Plenty more was planned--goodness me, plenty more.  Because I believe in being thorough, I will post here all the same progress and setup and new information that I would have posted were I intending to continue.

The group marches down the long and winding tunnel in the eastern end of the salt mines, retracing the route you came, or at least trying to do so in these ever-changing depths.  The group is, by violent events, smaller in some respects, but significantly heftier in others.  You imagine that Solde, the representative of the Salt family who hired you to do all this, is plenty smug at the prospect of future profit; he doesn't seem to care about the warriors who died for him.  The survivors are getting paid; what else merits concern?

For their sake, the warriors seem much as they did on the way in; whether they march with more of a sense of grimness or achievement you cannot tell.  Perhaps they are just like you, a group of exiles accustomed to seeing your traveling companions drop one by one, and continuing on in the name of . . .

What are you accomplishing down here, again?

The magician you captured remains glum.  He seems to know what awaits him in Rock Bottom.  Gary remains eager.  You have new boots and gloves to make!

Though the whole exercise is equal parts absurd and gory, you keep hollowing out the wall tiger paws while you walk.  You get several chances at the rock hydra remains whenever the wheelbarrows slow, and particularly when the whole group pauses to inspect a mineral deposit found in a bulge in the tunnel.  (It's hematite; no one cares.)  You already wear the mildly-smelly remains of other creatures upon your head; by goodness, you will wear things on your hands and feet that rot!

As nighttime approaches, you declare success!  Ahh, these must be looks of jealousy coming from your traveling companions as you fit improvised double-hide covers around your fingers and toes.  So squishy.  Yet so strong.  And the slipperiness surely will fade with time.

And now night falls.  The walk back seems to be longer than the walk out.

Spoiler: Camping overnight (click to show/hide)

Day 20, Morning

When the group continues in the morning, soon enough you reach your destination.  The tunnel slopes upward, the air freshens, and you come out onto the floor of the vast sinkhole.  You are back in Rock Bottom!

"Excellent!"  Solde sweeps to the front of the group and regards you all with smiles and cheerfulness.  "The Salt family commends you for your hard work.  You have your pay, of course, and we have our scapegoat."

The magician looks downright miserable.

"Perhaps there is another term.  'Debtor'?  Debtor.  We will restart mining operations presently, and all who had been employed as guards on-location will be welcome to resume duties.  Final clean-up will be needed at the site, regardless, but--"

Here he looks at your group of exiles.  "Don't you worry yourself about such details.  Not your family, not your business, yes?  Meanwhile, as you are somewhat new here, you are all invited to witness our fine town's system of crime and punishment!"


You completed an adventure: SALT THE EARTH!  All survivors gain +1 to current and maximum HP.

Spoiler: GM commentary (click to show/hide)

You have shopping to do.  You have healing to do.  You have relaxing to do.  But a complicated and possibly unwholesome system of justice meted out in the darkness of the underworld?  Who would miss that??

You follow Solde, who has his sword-bearing warriors hand off the captured magician to the axe-bearing warriors at the edge of town.  He calls to someone named Neala.  Apparently you are witnessing another form of inter-family cooperation: he decidedly presents the exchange as a handoff "from the Salt family."

"We'll get our Swift cousins to handle it." Neala replies.  "They know the accounts and the schedules."

After some time of messages going back and forth--during which Solde stands with an impenetrable smile--more armed guards arrive to set the magician on a roughly-handled march right back out of town.  No, sort of an arc: you and Solde follow behind at a leisurely pace as the prisoner is pushed around the exterior of several thick stalactites.

There is a steadily intensifying smell.

"The Swift family and the Svarog family form the town guard, you see." Solde explains, not asking if you are interested.  "Many in Svarog are weaponsmiths, so of course they have the raw capacity to arm guard regiments.  Swift, however, performs the most labor directly in this area.  They sweep the streets, clearing refuse both material and human every morning.  They protect the water supplies and the people.  And when criminal justice is needed, they dump the criminal element in the same pits as the rest of the garbage."

You stand now on the lip of the first of several pits, stinking to what would be "the heavens" if only there were sky.  Inside, the town's garbage rots in a crater in the shale, its walls pockmarked with hundreds upon hundreds of small tunnels.  Crawling everywhere, exactly the diameter of those tunnels, are thick teal-colored worms with equal propensity to burrow through garbage and carcasses and solid rock.

Supervised by members of the Swift family, your captive is "checked in" and prodded down into the pit to join a small number of other criminals.  They are, for lack of a better term, processing the worms: scooping up a well-fed worm, squeezing it at one end, and wringing through to the other, extracting great gobs of waxy fat.

"Some call it 'Swift justice.'" Solde chuckles.  "Criminals work the shale worms and the Swift family sells the product for wax seals, candles, or, in an emergency, food.  Versatile stuff!"

You are reminded of the seal on the letter of credit given to you by the Cornu family back at the Halfway House.  The magician apparently has seen these pits before and nods along as the Swift guards direct him.  He tries not to step on anything . . . too unpleasant.

"One day, by Swift's accounting, our friend will have paid off his debt.  Which reminds me; I must renegotiate the terms of our accounts.  I trust you can find your way back to the town limits."

And you do.  You do right then and there.

. . . All done!  Ending on a note like that, why not?  The last time you heard the name "Swift," others nearby looked disgusted.  I've got plenty of little stories like this prepared or launched; I wanted to get this far so I could at least expand on one of them.  And even then there would be more to see if I could get us to future scenes.

Ideally, I would rather we had the time to go one scene further, as I wanted to launch the next "adventure" while you were still in town.  But, well, time has run out.

(Aaaaand this next bit got so long that I guess I'll just have to triple post!)

Sir Knight

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Re: Magical ASCII Mine-diving Adventure, Day 20 - At Rest
« Reply #2573 on: August 16, 2018, 06:44:33 pm »

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. . . Is this really a "game update?"  I dunno.  Might as well use that same navigation header, though, so it looks "official."

This RTD RPG has run for 1 1/2 years and 206 updates.  According to Imgur, there are 190 play maps, wherein you have explored 9 revisitable underground locations (of course there are more) and 4 "civilized" locations (of course there are more).  You have killed 171 enemies and I just have no idea how many tiles you've mined and minerals you've sold, but you have encountered a little more than half of my bestiary and mineral-iary.  By my measure, you've definitely earned the bronze user lookup badges, and probably silver.  (Gold is for if we managed to catch up to the really long-running forum games.)

I had fun.  Did you have fun?  Because that was important.

And now some thank-yous and what-would-have-beens.  In order of appearance, to you I say:

Dustan (Dustan Hache): Ah, the group doctor.  I had no idea you'd live this long.  Do you think you would have gone back on the waitlist if you'd died?  Certainly, since medical powers turned out to get more use than others, I expect that other gamers would have taken up the medical role if you bowed out.  Then again, since we never saw any claim medicine on the waitlist, maybe you frightened them.

Frank (Coolrune206): Ah, the group lunatic.  Don't know how you lived so long in your first iteration; and I must thank you for trying absurdities including stabbing other players and crafting . . . uh . . . crafts.  I'm glad you came back for a second run.  I think.

John (ziizo): How is it that an alleged chicken thief became the motive force behind so many of my adventure/plot developments?  You were about to do it again, you know; the "one scene further" to which I alluded above.  Remember the handful of cavereed seeds you gathered?  You were told that the Hlaf family might buy it off of you.  And you know how the families of Rock Bottom have been key to many of my adventures, so yes indeed, your casual idea to make some money was about to open another avenue of plot and information.  I may discuss that sometime.

Lazlowe (Shadowclaw777): The first to die!  Thank you for your helpful demonstration of my yes-you-can-kill-your-friends-with-a-bad-roll system.  I'd been waiting to get the group back to the region of the underground where you died, but apparently this never happened.  Also, though you declined to go back on the waitlist, one day I would have hoped to ask all lost players like you to come back and contribute a bit.  Again, I may discuss that sometime.

Sir Lootington (TankKit): Blacksmith!  I definitely wanted to see more come of your characters.  I mean that both in terms of your alarming intentions for the team and in terms of your profession.  We'd just gotten to the point where the direct worship of mystic minerals was coming to the forefront, and I'd have liked it if someone who knew how to work the stuff saw more activity.  Ah, well.

Durenadal (HugeNerdAndProudOfIt): Your character was an interesting one.  I already knew that I needed to accommodate medieval brewing in this world, but with you as a brewer it encouraged me to go and learn more stuff promptly.  In the end, the story was cut a little short, but you too would have been someone to start on the adventure thread I mentioned for John; in your case, your contacts with the Aegir family would have initiated it.  They compete with Hlaf in running the eating and drinking establishments.

Helmacon (Helmacon): Thanks for demonstrating that players will try to abuse any system, anywhere.  I keep being reminded of your flying leap out of the scaffold to steal goodies from the prospector we later came to know as Elena.  I don't know whether people drew the connection there, but I was trying to form connected threads with familiar faces, and your criminal actions gave more life and motivation to later interactions with the prospectors and town guard.  How thoughtful of you.

Overseer (FallacyofUrist): Well, well, well.  By asking to open up the world of meditation, you opened a new avenue of investigation into the world I'd set up here.  Yes indeed, there was something waiting; it just was going to take more time than you had in order to explore it all.  It was going to take most of the game.

Alyssa Alpine (Rautherdir): How have you managed to get this far without establishing your character's gender?  How?  That letter "a" at the end, you know, automatically triggers the "female character name" stereotype.  But you never said anything, so I've watched players engage in linguistic leaps to avoid stating a gender for you.  Fine work.

Dwain (Starver): Ha ha!  Such secrets we have, don't we?  The other players wouldn't know that you and I have been holding exchanges over private messages for awhile.  They have been very entertaining.  In general, I'd like to encourage players to spend more time talking about "what's really going on here?" in the game, but the format doesn't encourage that.  Still, I had a plan to encourage it more explicitly once we got into the next big adventure.

Ragnarok / Ragnarek (PaPaj): Clever character!  I got the impression you were displeased to have died so quickly, but I did try to give you a complete gaming experience.  I particularly appreciated the fact that someone other than Dustan got a player kill; I would gladly have had you back on the waitlist.

Sir Looty (TankKit): You again?  Speaking of player kills.  But though your character was shortlived, the disruption itself was appreciated.  And then I was able to cycle the waitlist more quickly!  Woo!

Gary (Coolrune206): And so does one lunatic owe another lunatic for getting cycled back into the game.  It seemed like you were trying to become more . . . coherent for this time, but your recent efforts to turn raw flesh into clothing implies we were going to be in for another ride.  You wacky character.

Bob (magmaholic): The fact that you had a proper crafting talent was great from a gameplay perspective, as now we had more chances to use the crafting mechanic.  And, as with blacksmith characters, I could imagine that your character would have more to do now that the worship of minerals has come to the forefront.

Louis (dustywayfarer): And you finally, finally, took Elena up on the offer to pitch a wheelbarrow through open space at a living human being!  Ah, the complete experience.  There was to be more to come with the prospectors, of course; has it occurred to any of the players to leave Rock Bottom along the floor of the sinkhole?  Anyone?  That's where the prospectors are, after all.

Tohil (randomgenericusername): Lastly, though it seems like I needed more thorough game mechanics to meet your expectations, it looks like you were having fun.  I thank you for purchasing expensive equipment.  The Salt the Earth adventure was supposed to earn you lots of cash so you could do even more.  If I get the time, naturally, I will be glad to share what other interesting magical items were waiting for discovery.

. . . And I say "thank you" to everybody who jumped on the waitlist.  Sorry I couldn't kill 'em fast enough for you!  I hope you enjoyed the show.

If there's anything I forgot I was going to do in this update, and, uh, somehow you people know what it is, go ahead and remind me.  I'll have a few days before my move.  Afterwards, hopefully, one day I can post my unused material; perhaps get general group voting on what you would have done.  And I have ideas for another lighter-intensity game sometime in the future, in addition to other time-heavy stuff.  Not knowing my career trajectory right now, anything's possible!

Any recommendations for other games I could be reading right now?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Magical ASCII Mine-diving Adventure, Day 20 - At Rest
« Reply #2574 on: August 16, 2018, 06:59:06 pm »

I lost interest after the character died, well real life clocked up my remaining time, so I think I didn’t get back to you?, anyways have a good journey through your new job and stuff; as well for new games maybe Phantom Doctrine, X-com Tactical System meets CIA during Cold War; Espionage and Xcom-2 Stealth System make a perfect blend of a interesting game


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Re: Magical ASCII Mine-diving Adventure, Day 20 - At Rest
« Reply #2575 on: August 16, 2018, 07:46:27 pm »

Thanks for putting up with my characters' lunacy - it was fun. It's a shame the game has to end before Gary could be  fully kitted out in the rotting flesh of creatures he had either slain or stolen, but such is life.
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


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Re: Magical ASCII Mine-diving Adventure, Day 20 - At Rest
« Reply #2576 on: August 16, 2018, 08:56:16 pm »

More than mechanics not meeting expectations was seeing how "similar" characters like Overseer and Dwain would also get their own stuff like meditation powers while Tohil didn't get anything and also how NPCs acknowledged other characters and sometimes ignored Tohil. Despite that, I still loved everything about the game and I hope to be able to play again in the future. I definitely had lots of fun playing as an insane sun cultist knight lossely inspired on Solaire.
The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Magical ASCII Mine-diving Adventure, Day 20 - At Rest
« Reply #2577 on: August 16, 2018, 09:03:26 pm »

Games you could be reading?

Roll to Magic. Special People. The Warrens of Oric the Awesome.

... Sword Art Online? GURPS? Dwarf Fortress?

Thanks for running the game. I really liked playing.
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

Would you like to play a game of Mafia? The subforum is always open to new players.


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Re: Magical ASCII Mine-diving Adventure, Day 20 - At Rest
« Reply #2578 on: August 16, 2018, 09:12:26 pm »

It was pretty great seeing how almost everyone had some kind of mental disorder and how would they interact with (or murder) eachother.
The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.

Dustan Hache

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Re: Magical ASCII Mine-diving Adventure, Day 20 - At Rest
« Reply #2579 on: August 16, 2018, 09:18:18 pm »

I am suitably satisfied with my survival, and proud that I managed to keep John alive to the end as well. Never underestimate the murder-doctor.
I probably would have returned to the waitlist if I did, especially during the wastrel camp ambush. I would have had trouble with a name, though.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2018, 09:28:03 pm by Dustan Hache »
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.
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