so he did what any man in his shoes would: he sells his old, useless mining helmet, and the pick (if it was a spare, if it was his only one he keeps it) and uses the money to buy booze at the cheapest tavern in town.
Ahhh, thank you. This thread usually makes me smile. (Yes, it's a spare.)
"I feel conflicted. I am already one with the sunlight, so would becoming one with the underground forever taint my soul in the eyes of the Incandescend One? What if this is the test of faith I have been expecting during these dark days?"
He he he. I can't answer that question for your character, but I can definitely share more info on religion in the update. A question: do you feel your cult is common enough, or persecuted enough, that others among it would have been exiled before? With that, I can see what the chances are of anything having been set up in this temple by now.
So what do we get for completing quests after 20+ maxhp? Higher monetary rewards?
You get bloodbinding. People at this level are the wizards of the party, spending quest-health on magic. Would you care to partake?
You might as well: everyone in the party at the moment of quest completion gets an equal amount of max HP, so if you hit 20 (like you are doing right now), you'd better sink it into bloodbinding or it is wasted. Continuing with that idea . . .
accept the Glowstone bloodbinding. Then go to sell the sickle and my etherstone.
You're at 19 max HP, you're about to gain +3, and this will expend 1 point. There is still 1 further point which would be wasted. Would you like to bloodbind a second time, either with more
glowstone or with a different mineral?