try to get work for the day at the brewery, and see if I could purchase from anywhere a tube bent at a ~75 degree angle about 3 inches from one end, and a ~115 degree angle at the other, a sauce-pan, something to keep the pan elevated above the fire, and see if I can get a water-vapor tight lid with a hole that I could attach one end of the tube to. Thats about all I would need. put it all together, attach a water skin to the other end of the tube, and bob's your uncle. that's about what I meant when I send portable still. I recognize that several of these things may be specialty parts, namely the tube and lid, but I am willing to pay a premium for a rush job.
Interesting, though I'd need more information. How many of these components are made out of metal?
An iron skillet exists already (5 opal, weight 3 kg). The lid would go on the pan, correct? Covered pans are easy, and people often want a vent in their cookingware. I've been glossing over the "suspending a skillet over a fire" thing, assuming that you could prop it up with shale on a moment's notice. I can make up other details so long as nothing requires materials
other than metal or leather, as those are the primary resources.
John will probably just refill the keg then walk around getting random information like types of ores, animals, plant-based food and what kind of sickness people get here due to the lack of sun.
All day, dude? All day? Remember that you have to work here if you want to earn a place to sleep at night; either that or spend money at a tavern, like it looks that Frank will be doing.
(Also, I checked inventory and you'll be over capacity with the water keg completely full. I'll just fill it to your carrying limit.)
Hey can i be added to the Waitlist?
Name: Ragnarok/Ragnarek
Icon Colour: Maroon
What you did before coming down here: Crazy Scientist/Inventor/Something like that,with a Double Personality Dissorder
Welcome! The waitlist is overfull, but I'm trying to kill people as quickly as I can . . .
Edit: Oops! Maroon is already claimed. Could you pick another color? See the existing players and waitlist.