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Author Topic: COVEN: Gulled Goldsmiths and Lost Locomotives  (Read 153932 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: COVEN: Mission Three - Rivals
« Reply #930 on: November 27, 2017, 02:07:16 pm »

"Fuck it, let's solve this in the silliest way possible!"

Crack out the old smartphone and make some wonderful fanfiction about how BELLA THE SPEED WITCH totally slays a giant macroslug with dark carapace which had disguised itself as a building. Mail it to Nanami asking if she'd be willing to endorse it if I posted it to the internet, which I'm pretty sure is how that works.

(Make sure to include cutting a big hole with the machete and climbing inside the creature, because that's really what I want.


You hunker down next to the beast and write a three thousand word essay about Bella the Speed Witch cutting open a giant creature and butchering it from the inside.

Nothing happens. That's funny.

"Okay, fine, I'll let you kill it."

"I want half of the loot, though."

Take half of the loot. Then head back to the banana tree spirit. Distract the man at the stand with a mesmerizing flame, then burn the banana tree spirit's string (for a pyromancy) in exchange for the winning lotto numbers of some big lottery drawing. Once the spirit has departed, burn the tree that she used to reside in for a pyromancy. Then leave before the man behind the stand awakens from the spell of the mesmerizing flame.

Claim/buy my winning lotto numbers, then use my practicality skill to covertly get back to base. I'll need a change of face to hide from the ghost-mafia soon... How fortunate that we have a member of the team that can change the appearances of others at-will.

Not quite sure where this loot is coming from, given that Bella has managed to poke at her phone for all of twenty minutes. You leave as nothing continues to happen.

You go back to the market where the bannana tree was, and look around for the stall Nohime was lurking in. Although several stalls sell plants, there's no bannana tree. Looks like its been sold at some point in the last two days. Finally, you manage to identify the stall her tree used to be in. You concoct some excuse for asking who bought the plant, and get a surprising answer from the hipster guy in the turtleneck running it.

"Funny you should ask that, someone else had the same question just now. Big guy, he's right over there."

You turn around, just in time to see a looming figure block off the stall's exit. Not that you couldn't burst through the sides of the hapazard tent in a moment, but its intimidating all the same.

Eight feet tall, built as thick as a sumo wrestler, the massive stone golem tilts his head to one side and looks at you. Half-formed eyes sockets regard you cooly, while blocky grey limestone fists curl and uncurl expectantly. Strangest of all is the suit and trench coat carved over his block torso, an unexpected approximation to human clothing. A gruff Los Angeles drawl emerges from the depths of that rocky form.

"I thought my employer warned you off already. I were you, I woulda quit town for good. But now you're trying to mess with his business further. Are you stupid, or just completely fearless? Guess I'd better make sure this is the last he hears of you."

The golem cracks his knuckles. It sounds like a mining operation. Sen stands next to you, looking decidedly awkward. Fighting this thing would be pretty difficult.

Don will go to the area near his old apartment and see what magical creatures abound. He's looking for chalice/talisman materials. Also, before he leaves the neighborhood that base is in, he'll draw the Caustic symbol on a brick or concrete fence/wall in two spots, one big one small. Goal is to understand how fast it works/size limitations.

To Vince: "I'll be back, looking for some of these materials you talk about. Let me know if you need anything."
Talisman materials are mundane: a non-magical object(s). Make a talisman, it become a holy relic of a nonexistent god.
Chalice materials on the other hand need three things: the base chalice (a container), the banal medium (some non-magical stuff) and the occult medium (magical material, the stronger the better).

Right. Hanging around the so-so area where your rather nicer than usual apartment was, you come across a great deal of magical stuff.

First off, you meet a guy who specialises in manipulating the minds of mortals, smoothing over the cracks in their perception to make their flase interpretations of magical events less terrifying or motivating. Good for damage control or robbing mortals. He gives you his card, safe in the knowledge that the Coven will screw up disastrously sooner or later.

Going a little further, you come across what seems to be a giant line of takeaway places, except they're only serving one thing, and its all the same price. The mortal words on their signs swim and reshape into foot-high letters as you come closer: "Wotansbroth Served". There's only one price, and its £40. More magical beings than you've seen in one place throng around the row of cheap eating counters. There are people wearing octopi, people wearing golden armour, people wearing nothing at all. There are humans with the heads of fish, insects, wolves and in one case, lettuce. And some beings are completely inhuman, like the pile of levitating books, or the whirling storm cloud that rumbles with laughter and flashes lightening grins at their date, a giant wearing an evening dress and a five-foot hammer. The food itself is hard to see, shoveled hastily into styrofoam food trays and eaten at speed or carried away furtively under coats. What you do see is a little disconcerting: some of the servings look back.

A congregation of insect being swarm towards a HGV entrance round the side, and you look on with interest as the termite people carry in a giraffe two sizes too large and with far too pointed teeth and hooves. Studded with spears and drenched in blood, the megagiraffe is terrifying and hypnotising even when dead. You fall into conversation with a zweihander-wielding man standing beside you, his simple leather armour red-soaked. After a moment, you realise its not him but the sword that's talking, as he stands mute and at ease while the blade vibrates conversationally.

"Hell of a fight, that bastard. Psychofauna's more trouble than its worth to my mind, but the termite queen pays well and her soldiers don't hang back. Good clean fun, hunting with those boys and girls. Here for the nosh, are you?"

You seem to have located some magical beings alright.

You draw the symbol in some chalk you scrounge up. The smaller one eats into the brick faster, but does less damage overall. Vince mentions to you that getting a better marker might be an idea, like some spray paint.

(Clots cannot be transferred between people.  Still, if you're around when it dies, I'd expect you'd get one.)

"Don't worry.  Once the glowy thing is out of the canal, there should be no reason for them to bother you."

Go find a place to rent diving gear.  I'd want two sets, one for myself and the other for Ben, or someone else to come with me.  Then, proceed to the magic market and look for magical items that can fulfill a similar purpose.

"Oh, and do try not to start a firefight before we have to.  I'd very much not get the cops involved until we've got it out of the river."
You get the diving gear for a couple of days (not that you're likely to return it): masks, suits and some scuba tanks. £150 all told.

The magical market... someone's selling a water gem, which you could make into a ring that prevents drowning and other forms of water-based hurt, but that's at the edge of your price-range. Someone else is selling intravenous flowerbeds: pills that transform into gardens internally. Among other things, it can convert your CO2 into oxygen for a few hours. £50 for a whole bunch of lawns, the more expensive varieties on display all seem to involve narcotics. The owner does relate that he has some very powerful goods, "shit that should probably be banned", in what is probably a natural overcompensation for an itinerant seller of botanical oddities.

"Sure, I can do that"
Search the nearby area and the river bank for any hostile creatures. Try talking to the river spirit and ask what is the problem.
The river spirit talks about a big shining thing that fell in the canal, making the water hot and weird-tasting. It als complains about odd people, near the shiny thing and the place where you helped win a battle. You have a look round.

Stealth: 4+1

You walk nonchalantly but in cover. There's nothing immediately dangerous, but you catch a glimpse of someone in a lot of leather clothing, with a bunch of machinery on their back. They're standing further along the canal, near where the big hot bright thing would be. Competition? Certainly.

Look for another witch that might need a bodyguard
You wander about near the canal everyone is so concerned with, until you bump into Zamenis Paen ((randomgenericusername, above)), a rather unnerving chap. The pale skin and lack of blinking doesn't put you off, as you clap him on the shoulder, greeting the guy you saw onetime at Vince's. You note his spear with approval: nothing like a stabbing device if things get sticky.

Zamenis points out a man in a large brown leather coat and hood standing about down a street. He hasn't seen the two of you yet. Your companion explains that the leather-wearer's after something the Coven wants, and is probably working with others you haven't seen yet. A delicate situation.

Spoiler: sheets (click to show/hide)
One wheel short of a wagon


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: COVEN: Mission Three - Open World
« Reply #931 on: November 27, 2017, 02:23:41 pm »

"I think we should kill the man."
I'm in stealth and the guy has not noticed us yet. If no one stops me, shoot from hiding with my wand using my spell 2 (invisible flesh-removing blast) four times at the guy, then wait for my puissance to recharge and shoot again. Repeat until it dies from blood loss or lack of meat.
The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: COVEN: Mission Three - Rivals
« Reply #932 on: November 27, 2017, 02:25:22 pm »

Well obviously just writing something's not gonna do anything, I'm not an idiot. Stick that shit on the internet, where the followers of Nanami's tale will see it! It might not really do anything, but any future power gains will be improved if people think I'm cool.

It would probably be a good idea to go steal another blade that's not brittle like my slaughter machete. I kinda doubt there's much mortals can do about someone grabbing a thing and then flying off on a level 4 broom.

Once I've got that, go steal a barrel of powerful acid from a chemical plant or something, and pour that down on the slug. I'm not super strong, but my broom is, so make sure to secure it well. If the acid works, the slug will probably start acting aggressively, and I don't know its capabilities, so I'll want to dive down quickly and cut into the part weakened by the acid with my non-slaughter blade. Hopefully the combination of acid and a dive will be enough to pierce the shell. If there's enough room to get inside and kill it from within, do so. Otherwise, flee. Can probably use that wound to poison it later.

If I can't climb inside, I'll probably want to go to the magic market to buy some strong and/or bulk poison.

Oh, and while I'm doing things, cast the bullet-making spell whenever my mana is full, on whatever is handy. Until I have one full spare magazine, not counting the organic armor and benflesh I already have.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2017, 02:27:47 pm by Egan_BW »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: COVEN: Mission Three - Rivals
« Reply #933 on: November 27, 2017, 03:00:20 pm »

"Too much.  I might need to get a tow truck to actually pull the glowing thing out of the creek."

Check around the magic market for weapons that would function underwater.  After that, go get a tarp large enough to wrap around the underwater object, with metal rings for a cable to be attached, and try to reserve enough cash to get a tow truck callout.  (about 50 pounds, IIRC.)  Then head back to the canal, to drop off the gear.  Call Vince and tell him about how big the glowy thing is, how it's likely to get very hot, and ask if he can arrange for a vehicle to carry it inside.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2017, 11:13:18 am by Devastator »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: COVEN: Mission Three - Rivals
« Reply #934 on: November 28, 2017, 03:55:54 am »

Wait a minute- I still have my/Vince's end of the string; shouldn't I just be able to follow that to get to the banana tree? Is my string visible to others (who I don't want to see it)? I'd assume not, but I'm asking just in case.

"So they brought a stone golem to counter a pyromancer, eh? Smart. But not smart enough."

Acid worm the Stone Golem (the thing digs through earth- it should be super-effective). Burn what reagents/life force/magical stuff I can from his now-broken-into-tiny-pieces body, but keep a piece of his torso and a piece of his arm for later use (put them in a closed container and put that container in a sack, though).

Then follow the string to the banana tree and do the stuff that I outlined in my previous turn. Before doing anything at base, ask Vince to see if he can get someone to remotely sweep my golem parts for "bugs", so to speak (connections to some outside force). If he can, get that someone to do that (and scan the rest of my (and Vince's) body/gear, while he's at it).
Seriously, ATHATH, we need to have an intervention about your death mug problem.
*slow clap* Well ATHATH congratulations. You managed to give the MC a mental breakdown before we even finished the first arc.
I didn't even read it first, I just saw it was ATHATH and noped it. Now that I read it x3 to noping


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Re: COVEN: Mission Three - Rivals
« Reply #935 on: November 28, 2017, 09:09:23 am »

"My fine sword friend, do you know if the soldiers would accept one of these Belial vouchers?"

If he says no, then ask him for a sample. Either way, use the ticket to get some psychogiraffe sample from him.

Then, go and buy a bottle of wine (20 pound price range), a cheap wine glass (must be glass), and pour them both into the glass. Add 1 clot to create a chalice, do this in a quiet alley. Also buy a Roman, Japanese, or Chinese coin with a hole in the middle, time period doesn't matter. (Maybe from a money changer booth? Largest denomination possible, must be genuine.) String it around a stainless steel chain, and add 1 clot. Test talisman after the summon has calmed down. If I need a target, try for inanimate objects first.

Once I am done, return to Vince. Ask him where he would like assistance and if he knows anything about human sacrifice and summonings. Mainly looking for a mentor.
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Re: COVEN: Mission Three - Rivals
« Reply #936 on: December 03, 2017, 09:05:04 am »

Quote from: Devastator
Check around the magic market for weapons that would function underwater.

((Oooh!  I know this one!  See if you can find one of Russia's amphibious rifles!  Yes, it's London, and that's a super-niche cutting edge gun, but hey, we see lots of crazy stuff in this game!))

NJW, since I bet Dev won't actually say anything, look at that link?  Pretty please?

...Ah, Ben will head to the canal area while Nanami's away.  To scout it out.  He'll bring all his guns, of course, "concealing" the M249 in a duffel bag.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: COVEN: Mission Three - Rivals
« Reply #937 on: December 03, 2017, 02:57:31 pm »

((The gunfarmers may also sell flechette rifles. Needlegun))
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Re: COVEN: Mission Three - Rivals
« Reply #938 on: December 03, 2017, 11:52:04 pm »

((The gun I linked--the ADS--actually is a needlegun, at least in the sense of it firing an unusually long projectile.  The dart, at "only" 53mm long, is far shorter than the APS' 120mm projectile, but the shorter size allows it to have the same dimensions as a normal 5.45x39mm cartridge.  So, the ADS is fully amphibious, capable of firing both above and below water with just a mag change, and without the complex configuration of the ASM-DT.

A strictly aquatic firearm, while useful for this particular issue, would be mostly useless after, since we're unlikely to do much underwater in the future.  An amphibious rifle can at least keep being useful as a normal gun.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Re: COVEN: Mission Three - Rivals
« Reply #939 on: December 04, 2017, 12:46:36 am »

((The gun I linked--the ADS--actually is a needlegun, at least in the sense of it firing an unusually long projectile.  The dart, at "only" 53mm long, is far shorter than the APS' 120mm projectile, but the shorter size allows it to have the same dimensions as a normal 5.45x39mm cartridge.  So, the ADS is fully amphibious, capable of firing both above and below water with just a mag change, and without the complex configuration of the ASM-DT.

A strictly aquatic firearm, while useful for this particular issue, would be mostly useless after, since we're unlikely to do much underwater in the future.  An amphibious rifle can at least keep being useful as a normal gun.))
((Ah, okay. I thought it fired normal, though slightly resized bullets. It did look much more useful.))
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: COVEN: Mission Three - Rivals
« Reply #940 on: December 04, 2017, 04:14:08 pm »

Wait a minute- I still have my/Vince's end of the string; shouldn't I just be able to follow that to get to the banana tree? Is my string visible to others (who I don't want to see it)? I'd assume not, but I'm asking just in case.

"So they brought a stone golem to counter a pyromancer, eh? Smart. But not smart enough."

Acid worm the Stone Golem (the thing digs through earth- it should be super-effective). Burn what reagents/life force/magical stuff I can from his now-broken-into-tiny-pieces body, but keep a piece of his torso and a piece of his arm for later use (put them in a closed container and put that container in a sack, though).

Then follow the string to the banana tree and do the stuff that I outlined in my previous turn. Before doing anything at base, ask Vince to see if he can get someone to remotely sweep my golem parts for "bugs", so to speak (connections to some outside force). If he can, get that someone to do that (and scan the rest of my (and Vince's) body/gear, while he's at it).

You just have a length of the string, not connected to anything. It's long, not infinitely extensible.

1+3, vs 5+3

You summon the toad demon, just as the golem begins lumbering towards you. The ground pulses, then explodes as a many-legged creature leaps from the earth, drenching anything nearby in corrosive liquids. Acid sprays over the plants, withering them almost instantly, and eats into your assailant's grey rock features. The hell-creature grapples with the stone man for a few seconds before amassive hand grips it and hurls it to the ground. The golem stomps on it repeatedly, more infuriated than harmed, destroying the creature in less than a second. You feel an inward tearing and bile rise in your throat as your demon is banished from the human realm. Looks like you won't be summoning that one for a while.

3+1, 5 vs 5-1

Your opponent grabs hold of the side of the plant-tent and pulls, destroying the frame and bringing the fabric down around you. Sen slashes wildly with his katana at the side of the tent as it falls on him, until you create a fiery rent in the material and step through, yanking him after you. The two of you stumble away as the golem hurls a now flaming tent from his body and kicks his way out of a pile of burning acid and greenery, largely unharmed.

Yeah... nope. Sen runs. Given how slow the thing is, its a viable option.

"My fine sword friend, do you know if the soldiers would accept one of these Belial vouchers?"

If he says no, then ask him for a sample. Either way, use the ticket to get some psychogiraffe sample from him.

Then, go and buy a bottle of wine (20 pound price range), a cheap wine glass (must be glass), and pour them both into the glass. Add 1 clot to create a chalice, do this in a quiet alley. Also buy a Roman, Japanese, or Chinese coin with a hole in the middle, time period doesn't matter. (Maybe from a money changer booth? Largest denomination possible, must be genuine.) String it around a stainless steel chain, and add 1 clot. Test talisman after the summon has calmed down. If I need a target, try for inanimate objects first.

Once I am done, return to Vince. Ask him where he would like assistance and if he knows anything about human sacrifice and summonings. Mainly looking for a mentor.

The zweihander-wielder waves you on, and upon presenting Belial's scroll to a termite soldier, he stuffs it into his thorax and extracts a thermos flask-full of fresh blood from the beast's many-chambered heart. You scurry off and purchase wine and glass for £20, and in the grime and garbage behind a pizza restaurant, you summon your first demon. As you pour the blood and power into the glass of wine, the liquid froths, bubbles, and boils over, the potent mixture pouring over the sides and running over the concrete towards your feet, glowing brighter and brighter. And then it is gone.

Slowly, the angles of the buildings around you shift and glimmer. Transparent, light forms begin to take shape in the air around you. And poking from around corners, through the glass panes of windows, around manhole covers, and out of chimneys and drainpipes, come the giraffe heads.

Monstrous, imperious faces bare glinting fangs and sway unsteadily, whispering. Their manes glimmer and fade in and out of your vision, and the earth around you seems to sway with their words before you hold your will and remember that they are your creatures. Chants of madness in unknown tongues glide forth from echoing necks of light, ghostly visitations talking of the end of days and ways and lives, encouraging, snarling, contradicting, proposing, weaseling, begging, ordering, flattering, bowing and chattering in tongues men were not meant to hear.

For an instant, your mind is overwhelmed with alien sentences and horrific phrases, your skull reverberating with curses and lies and deadly truths. And then the beasts withdraw into whatever grim cacophany they call a home and you are left head ringing and drained, but master of terrible power.

Right, the pendant. You manage to get the coin and a good steel chain for ten quid. Genuine articles from China aren't very cheap.

The first time you try to use it, on the street, a warrior in interlinked plates of steel, Chinese design, appears from nowhere, sword gripped in both hands. She immediately runs to a man just getting into his shiny red Maserati, pulls him out of it bodily and throws him to his knees on the pavement before decapitating him in one stroke and disappearing. Sheesh.

You can only use this once per combat. Unless the combat goes on for hours.

You look around. A couple of people might have seen that, but they've all run away. Looks like there's a fancy car for the taking.

Anyway, a phone call to Vince tells you that the people near the power source might need help. A mentor is hard to say: are you interested in devils, gods, summoning what? You could find a not-yet god with no congregation but a little power scrounged up from somewhere and go around spreading their fame. Or you could make some sort of contract with the devil. Or find an already-established god and pledge yourself to it. Many options.

"Too much.  I might need to get a tow truck to actually pull the glowing thing out of the creek."

Check around the magic market for weapons that would function underwater.  After that, go get a tarp large enough to wrap around the underwater object, with metal rings for a cable to be attached, and try to reserve enough cash to get a tow truck callout.  (about 50 pounds, IIRC.)  Then head back to the canal, to drop off the gear.  Call Vince and tell him about how big the glowy thing is, how it's likely to get very hot, and ask if he can arrange for a vehicle to carry it inside.
The gunfarmers sell a £500 Amphibious Assult Rifle with armour-piercing rounds. The bullets restock upon every kill.

Or you could just get a knife or something. They work pretty well underwater. There are a lot of blades on sale here. In fact, you can look at them as a free action, if you want one of those.

Your call. I'm keeping you at the market until you decide what you want to buy, even if its nothing. No bilocating here.

You arrange the tarp and the tow truck for £75. Vince says he'll send a vehicle over as soon as he can get it ready, a matter of an hour at most.

Well obviously just writing something's not gonna do anything, I'm not an idiot. Stick that shit on the internet, where the followers of Nanami's tale will see it! It might not really do anything, but any future power gains will be improved if people think I'm cool.

It would probably be a good idea to go steal another blade that's not brittle like my slaughter machete. I kinda doubt there's much mortals can do about someone grabbing a thing and then flying off on a level 4 broom.

Once I've got that, go steal a barrel of powerful acid from a chemical plant or something, and pour that down on the slug. I'm not super strong, but my broom is, so make sure to secure it well. If the acid works, the slug will probably start acting aggressively, and I don't know its capabilities, so I'll want to dive down quickly and cut into the part weakened by the acid with my non-slaughter blade. Hopefully the combination of acid and a dive will be enough to pierce the shell. If there's enough room to get inside and kill it from within, do so. Otherwise, flee. Can probably use that wound to poison it later.

If I can't climb inside, I'll probably want to go to the magic market to buy some strong and/or bulk poison.

Oh, and while I'm doing things, cast the bullet-making spell whenever my mana is full, on whatever is handy. Until I have one full spare magazine, not counting the organic armor and benflesh I already have.

You post it on a subreddit devoted to Nanami's stuff. Some people react to the poorly-written account with joy, taking it as an apocryphal text from some character within the franchise, and hastily archive it as an easter egg. Most people are just confused or uninterested, but some people post deep analyses and theories in the comments, giving informed accounts of the creature's nature and abilities that, ironically, you don't bother reading.

Stealing a blade, eh?

Agility: 3+3

You get a large gardening axe, and fly out the gardening centre with ease and grace. Acid is another story.


You get your hands on a good deal of fairly strong acid, which does very little to a creature capable of withstanding meteorite impacts. Nanami might be better at getting industrial-strength materials: barrels of acid might be a bit heavy for you.

You wonder if this creature has any orifices. There are some things most organisms do.

"I think we should kill the man."
I'm in stealth and the guy has not noticed us yet. If no one stops me, shoot from hiding with my wand using my spell 2 (invisible flesh-removing blast) four times at the guy, then wait for my puissance to recharge and shoot again. Repeat until it dies from blood loss or lack of meat.
Quote from: Devastator
Check around the magic market for weapons that would function underwater.

((Oooh!  I know this one!  See if you can find one of Russia's amphibious rifles!  Yes, it's London, and that's a super-niche cutting edge gun, but hey, we see lots of crazy stuff in this game!))

NJW, since I bet Dev won't actually say anything, look at that link?  Pretty please?

...Ah, Ben will head to the canal area while Nanami's away.  To scout it out.  He'll bring all his guns, of course, "concealing" the M249 in a duffel bag.
Steve watches as Zamenis fires at the hooded person down the street. A long shot, but a possible one.

4+22 vs  1+3

The deadly missile streaks through the air, striking the figure in the chest. They thrash about and try to get to cover, but Zamenis is too fast, and manages to hit him again with another volley. The person can only crawl about, and collapses after a few metres, their body likely mutilated under the leather covering. Zamenis is spent, but regains puissance quickly.

At this point, Ben arrives with the M249 in a duffel bag and appraises the situation. As far as the three warriors know, they haven't been seen, and their enemies may not have noticed the death of the leather-wearing person. They will soon though. The Coven's three best non-magical fighters should probably work out how to approach the power source and the hostiles surrounding it. Or just charge in.

Spoiler: sheets (click to show/hide)
One wheel short of a wagon


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: COVEN: Mission Three - Rivals
« Reply #941 on: December 04, 2017, 05:34:37 pm »

Try stabbing the corpse with my phylactery, then search it and dump it on the lake. Search the area for more enemies while trying to avoid detection.
"They don't even know we are here. If we are lucky, we might be able to kill them all without a fight."
The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: COVEN: Mission Three - Rivals
« Reply #942 on: December 04, 2017, 09:41:06 pm »

Take the rifle and a knife, but ask what they'll give me for the rifle if I return it in good shape.  Half?  More?
bird size =0
« Last Edit: December 05, 2017, 09:56:17 am by Devastator »


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Re: COVEN: Mission Three - Rivals
« Reply #943 on: December 05, 2017, 03:05:24 pm »

Don texts Vince that he's heading to the canal.

Wrap hand in jacket, steal the guy's wallet, keys, and any weapons. Drive to one block from the canal, park a block away in a secluded location, walk to join the others. Keep an eye out for enemies on the way over.
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


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Re: Re: COVEN: Mission Three - Rivals
« Reply #944 on: December 06, 2017, 06:30:45 am »

"Hey, hey, don't throw him in the river!  Bodies float, drag him to a dumpster.  We might want that weird backpack thing, too."

Take the machine gun out, but keep to the shadows.  Just stay back and watch for enemies who spot us.  Shoot them if they raise an alarm or attack.
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