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Author Topic: (Abandoned) (Roll 61) Roll to dodge: Estratia  (Read 42377 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (Roll 51x) Intermission: Estratia (Waitlist Open)
« Reply #420 on: June 22, 2018, 08:24:00 am »

From now on I shall try to update conversations (and actions that don't require dice rolls in general) at least a few times between rolls, so the story doesn't slow down to a snail's pace so often.

Mercenary 3

Hmmm... how about... Sparky! Yes, a fine name for such a little creature as yourself.

I hereby dub the cockatrix Sparky.
"... Sparky?" Nez'gol says, a small frown appearing on his face. Meanwhile, Sparky the newly-named cockatrix takes his head out of the little wing's shelter and chirps cutely towards you.
"Well, I guess it's... uh..." he trails off, staring at the chick in confusion. "I mean, he moves fast and since lightning also moves fast, so... It fits?" a small moment of awkward silence passes between you.
"Anyway, it's been a long day, hasn't it?" he finally asks as your fluffy bird goes quiet again.


Order 1

"Oh, what's a drake? Wait, don't tell me! It's... a type of... duck, right? Like, small feathery things that swim in water bodies and make terrible quacking noises? Yes, I have heard of them. Apparently, despite their horrifying honking screams, they aren't actually demons per se. Who knew?"
Yeah, I know nothing about these "drake" things. Start rambling about the various types of birds I know of and how much I hate them all.

As you rant about how much you utterly despise avians and their loud cries, the bishop, which is what you remember that his rank is called, watches you with an amused expression. He manages to mask his chuckles with a cough that also interrupts your sermon about why crows should only exist in the Underworld.

"I can assure you that drakes have absolutely nothing to do with ducks, or any other type of bird for that matter." he replies, the slight smile from earlier fading back to the politely neutral expression. The man then appears to be hesitating on something for a second before continuing.
"To begin, drakes belong to the family of flying reptiles. They closely resemble the intelligent genus of this subcategory, dragons, as in they have similar growth period, both are enormous in size, have six limbs -four legs and two wings- and... breath weapons depending on species, like firebreath, not to mention the scale color is telltale for their innate element." he explains. "The only two major differences are that, unlike dragons, drakes are merely half-sentient and sport the same erratic, or 'unintentional' I should say, usage of magic as most animals." he finishes before shifting himself a little, making his armor produce characteristic small clanking noises.
"Now that that is out of the way, let us move to the assembly hall. The archbishop is waiting for us." you notice a subtle change in tone as he mentions your leader. You don't have time to ponder over it, though, because the human has already opened the door leading into the dimly lit hallway.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (Roll 51) Roll to reroll: Estratia (Waitlist Open)
« Reply #421 on: June 22, 2018, 08:48:36 am »

Manus just shrugs.

"I'm not really a dragon specialist, but I'll do what I can. If they have wings and breath weapons, they can't be worse than those annoying flying critters and their absurdly loud shrieks. Damn things constantly interrupting my studies, I swear they must have specialized lungs to make such hellish noises."
Politely wait for the man to lead the way inside.
The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (Roll 51) Roll to reroll: Estratia (Waitlist Open)
« Reply #422 on: June 22, 2018, 12:26:07 pm »

Wretched thing. It couldn't track my magic.

Cyfraith realizes that leading her allies to their deaths would cost her in the end. At the samr time, a part of her kept her back, paralyzed by some sort of primal instinct owing to this new world.

She thought of a plan. But the logs on her back weren't quite ready to be used as a decoy. Think. There has to be a way. All things are possible.

Cyfraith hides in a tree and uses her wind magic to propel her dress through the air along the treetops, masquerading as a headless wraith. She affixes a razor wire to keep it under control, and pops a Magicka Energizer if it will help her. Anything to make this work.

Speaking through the wire and amplifying the voice at the end point, she says:
"How unwise to hold strangers accountable to your own esoteric rules. Best case, you take a few lives out of rage, but that does nothing to solve the problem. If common sense isn't to be relied on, why not put up a sign?"
Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Gal 4:16)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (Roll 51) Roll to reroll: Estratia (Waitlist Open)
« Reply #423 on: June 22, 2018, 12:41:47 pm »

"Ah, gratia, cygnus inter anates. You are in the lorddom of the elves of Indinera forest. The elf masters have treated me well and judging by the great diversity of the flesh that dwelleth here there are few who would protest my judgment.

They call my dead shape Nayrous. Gratia."

Nayrous will travel to Shubunaki Cave to meet this stranger after he talks with the girl.
Sigh, they always said that junk food was bad for you. I guess that leaves us with canabalism.



  • Bay Watcher
  • I came for the LNP, I stayed for the RTDs.
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Re: (Roll 51) Roll to reroll: Estratia (Waitlist Open)
« Reply #424 on: July 04, 2018, 12:58:02 pm »

You're right... perhaps I should think of a better name...

Sparky will suffice for now, but I will find a name more befitting of our feathered friend soon enough.
In the end, the winner is the one with the most snake venom.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Sass birb
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Re: (Roll 52) Roll to get rolling: Estratia (Waitlist Open)
« Reply #425 on: July 31, 2018, 06:07:48 am »

Roll 52

Mercenary 1

"Very well then." Daxon replies, giving you an small feeling of deja-vu, before turning around and going down the hallway.

At first the path feels maze-like, with two sharp turns and the close walls making it so cramped that you have to walk behind each other, but eventually it opens up to a large, long corridor. A large painting spans the entirety of the right wall wall, with a mirrored copy of it on the opposite one. They depict two strange suns, coloured in dark brown and black, with brilliant white rays coming out of them, but turning a darker and darker yellow until they become black near the edges. You note that the ones going towards the upper corners weave around themselves, creating elongated runes.

Your partner stops for a moment to inspect the imagery, however, after a few moments he frowns and shakes his head. He then silently resumes walking and you follow him until you reach a small room at the end of the corridor. Small relatively speaking; The room itself would easily count as middle-sized, but a pool of water constructed along the left wall divided it in two unequal sides, with only a small alleyway connecting them. You also note a small desk with some parchments strewn on it, a few bottles of... red wine, you believe, at it's foot and some rolled up carpets laying against the wall in front of you.
"This looks like it could be someone's living quarters. Strange..." Daxon mutters, more to himself than you. He then gives the room another look before turning to you. "Say, why don't we each look around one side of this room?" he says before glancing towards the stone desk. "I'll take this one, since I can read the scrolls, and you look around the other." he then adds.



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Mercenary 2

For a moment she just looks at you, confused, processing what you just said. In the meantime, Cordelia regards her with mixed interest.
"Oh, I-I see. So your name's Nayrous." the woman replies, eventually, and then mumbles something you don't catch. "Sorry if I seemed like an airhead just now, but I got trapped against a very angry troll because of some idiot, andthenIhadtodoanemergencyteleport,ImeanIdidn'treallygetallofitstraightsince..." her words get progressively faster, to the point you can't even comprehend whatever she's saying. She eventually stops and sighs.
"A-anyway, my name's Vanirillian Secketon, but most people just call me Vanina, so you can use that. Thank you, by the way." Vanina then says, giving you a small smile. "Now I just have to figure a way to get past mountain Zulle..." she mumbles, although louder than last time.



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Mercenary 3

"Suit yourself." Nez'gol replies, shrugging. "... That's the way to say it, right?" he suddenly adds in a lower tone, meeting your gaze. "Um..." he trails off for a second. "A-anyway, do you remember, earlier today, when I asked you to help me attack the camp of ou- my rogue kin?" the lizardman asks, now staring at the small fire.
"You sounded reluctant to fight them at first. One of them had even attacked your beforehand..." he says in a thoughtful tone, one hand clawing absently at the dirt. "And then at the river, you tried to reason with the two rogues who were guarding the bridge. Why?" Nez'gol turns his head towards you, waiting for your answer.



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Empire 1

Skipped, see Roll 51.


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Empire 2

You realize that the dragoness hasn't noticed you (yet) and decide to help out your friends, although an unknown instinct holds you back for a moment. Fear, you believe the beings of this world called it?

Using the wire you prepared earlier, you pull yourself back in the tree at a respectable altitude, using the leaves to hide yourself from view. Then, you pull your dress off, leaving your wooden body in it's underwear, affix a wire to it and propel it gently with your wind magic in the air and then make it fly around the treetops. Finally...

(Roll for voice propagation {INT}: 7 + 2 = 9)

You manage to speak through the wire, amplifying your voice at the end point and add in an echoing effect as well. For extra creepiness.

"Huh?" the confused sound comes off as oddly cute for some reason, as she looks up towards the floating dress. She then snorts, releasing a small puff of flames. "So I should've foreseen someone taking a Seed from my clearing and then just planting right..." the reptile trails off for a second, face lighting up in realization. "You're flying..." she then mutters, her eyes narrowing a little.

Suddenly, she raises her forelegs and with practiced ease traces a few patterns, the tip of her claws leaving some sort of glowing green substance that lingers in the air. Suddenly, more vines sprout out rapidly and grab your dress, pulling it down along with you due to the wire. You manage to cushion your fall with some aerokinesis, although before you can even get your bearings two vines restrain you and bring you up to the dragoness.

"Funny how I didn't sense you at all until now." she says, rolling her eyes. "I guess I was just too riled up..." she mutters, looking downcast for a tiny moment. In the meantime you see your dress is now laying discarded on the dirt, next to Brussian and Saraqael. "Anyway, I'll be nice and ask first: what are you doing here?" she asks, now glaring at you.



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Order 1

"Yeah, take yer time." Kratin replies, although you can't tell if he's sarcastic or not.
Nevertheless, you take out a thin vial, pop the glass cap off and swallow the pale green, oozy liquid contained inside. It only stays in your mouth for a second, but that's enough to fill it with a dreadful taste as shivers start running over your body, making your fur flare up. These effects quickly subside, fortunately, and you notice only a small scar where the stone spike impaled you. In the meantime, Diana starts attacking your allies.

(Diana: 2 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 - 1 = 9 vs 9 = 3 - 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 3 Parry Kratin)
(Diana: 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 6 vs 19 = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 5 Dodge Rosa)
(Diana: 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 - 1 = 7 vs 12 = 3 - 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 6 Parry Kratin)

Three boulders erupt from the ground and fly towards Kratin and Rosa, but the former manages to block the first one and fling off the second, while the latter sees it coming and dodges easily.
"Grrr... you're really starting to get on my nerves!" the enemy fairy says.
"Can say the same about ya." the skeleton replies, readying his sword. You jump from behind him and slash towards the remaining golem!

(Theta: 5 + 2 + 2 + 1 - 1 - 1 = 8 vs 6 = 2 + 3 + 1 Parry Rock Golem#2)
(Armor protection: 2 - 3 = -1 damage)
(Theta: 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 - 1 - 1 = 5 vs 11 = 2 + 3 + 6 Parry Rock Golem#2)

Your first slash sends even more of it's body flying off, although it manages to block the next one with it's fists. Then, it retaliates.

(Rock Golem: 2 + 3 + 1 - 2 = 3 vs 7 = 1 + 1 + 5 Dodge Theta)

But you easily step aside, your opponent's big fist hitting nothing but air.
"Golo-Golo-Golomator!" Rosa yells, although it sounds more like a squeak from her. Immediately the ground starts to tremble...

(Rosa: 2 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 1 - 1 = 13 vs 11 = 2 + 3 + 6 Parry Rock Golem#2)
(Armor protection: 2 - 1 = 1 damage)

Many rocks erupt from the ground at it's feet and smash upwards into the golem with impressive force, making him crumble down. The resulting pile of stones and dirt remains inert.
"No!" Diana flies back, looking over her destroyed summons.
"You're b-be-beaten!" Rosa says, sounding slightly less shy.
"Fine! Take your stup-" she gasps as the skeleton suddenly lunges at her. A bright light fills the cave for a moment, dazing you for a few moments. When you regain your vision, however, your enemy is nowhere to be seen.

... Victory? +16 Exp Theta and Kratin level up!

"Bah! She got away, that tiny devil..." Kratin grumbles, but suddenly, the entire cave starts shaking violently, pebbles and dirt falling from the ceiling.



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Order 2
"... Yes, of course." you can swear you see a quiet smile form on his lips just as he turns around and puts the helmet back on his head. The human then exits into the hallway, the quiet clanking of armor marking his every step.

You quickly follow after him, remembering to pick up your tome from the desk beforehand. The dark hallway is flanked by well-made wooden doors leading to other rooms, much like yours, and eventually splits into two, one going to your left and the other right. Without hesitation, the bishop takes the former hallway, goes right at a three-way intersection, then follows the path all the way to a upside down T shaped room. Along the way you come across a few people of various races, the most notable being vampires, some orcs and a zeon, a few saluting the human as you passed by them.

You feel a small shiver go across your form as you walk over the warding lines which go across the borders of the room, near the wall, glowing with a soft orange-red. They're annoying, but necessary, although you still stop to glare at the spot you just passed before turning towards the stairs in the middle of the room. You briefly note the two bat corpses pinned on a wall as you and the man go down the stairs - they act to scare away others of their kind, since they're almost as common as rats around the swamp and marginally more annoying.

Anyway, you find yourself on the first floor, near the main entrance of the castle specifically. The path immediately forks into three corridors, all going forward, and you go down the third. You feel another shiver as you walk on a yellow symbol written on the floor and encased in circles before finally coming out into a wide room, the gate leading outside in front of you. You swear that one wasn't here before, but before you can complain about it, the human is already inspecting two pillars on the wall opposite of the exit.

"I need to go back to the assembly hall." he says, impatient.
"Oh, Tyler! You again." you hear a voice coming from the pillar. "Y'know you have to say the password before-"
"There is no password." Tyler doesn't seem to bother hiding his irritation anymore.
"D'aww, you're no fun." it replies, faking a childish tone. "Oh well, you want me to bring your second shadow over there too?" you imagine it's referring to you.
"Good, good." suddenly, your vision blurs and distorts to the point you can't make out anything at all.

After a few moments everything goes back to normal, except that you're now in a completely different room, the air filled with some sort of white mist. Before you can look around, however...

"You made it." perched on a pedestal in front of you, flanked by four pillars with red symbols engraved on them, is a large, bulky orange dragon with white stripes going along his sides, staring down at you. The archbishop. "What took you so long to get here?" he emits a low growl, his fiery orange glare paralyzing you for a moment.


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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (Roll 51) Roll to get rolling: Estratia (Waitlist Open)
« Reply #426 on: July 31, 2018, 06:17:01 am »

Investigate the general area of the other side of the pool of water. See if there's anything of note, especially if it has to do with the paintings on the way in.
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Sass birb
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Re: (Roll 51) Roll to get rolling: Estratia (Waitlist Open)
« Reply #427 on: July 31, 2018, 06:31:24 am »

Name: Artemis
Race: Elemental (+2 to nature, +1 RES, -1 physical actions, -1 parry)
Gender: Female
Appearance:Silver Hair and Blue Eyes, 5'6; Bare feet, White cloak black/grey Skirt to knees.
Backstory: Born during the Height of the Full Moon after the True Demon Bahamur was defeated.
Faction: Mercenary
Starting Location: Indinera forest- Home Cave up a cliff, set against the mountain. Space in front of the Cave. Water falling down the river nearby.
Element: Nature
- Lunar Needles (Used to repair and create Element-aligned cloths, clothing and other equipment. Lunar phases affect success) [5]
- Gentle Quiver [50/100] (Wind stream: Arrows from this quiver will reach their target regardless of range)
-- Feathered arrows (+2 accuracy, +1 piercing, -1 power) [25]
-- Iron arrows (+2 power, -2 accuracy) [25]
Torso: Lunar Cloak (+1 accuracy, +1 parry, +1 dodge, +2 water/light magic defense) - Sorry, but only rare and above equipment may give stat bonuses
Fingers 1-10:
Weapon 1: Lunar Bow (Range: 3. +3 accuracy, +1 pierce. Instead of using arrows, may instead shoot arrows comprised of Moonlight with +2 pierce that count as a magic light/nature attack)
Weapon 2:

STR: 0
DEX: 0
RES: 0
AGI: 0
INT: 1

EXP: 0/20
Active Ability:
- ??
-- Lunar Grace (A powerful enchantment that make the target's movements are as swift as the wind, as gentle as moonlight, and as fierce as the changing tide, granting them +1 STR/INT/DEX/RES for 3 turns. Bonus doubled during the night. Range: 3. CD: 2)
Passive Ability:
- Lunar Spirit (During the night, except if the lunar phase is New Moon, instead of dying you become ethereal. This makes you invulnerable to any kind of damage, with a few exceptions, but makes you unable to act. How long it takes for the effect to end depends on the moon's phase, and you are fully healed when it does)


My comments are in blue. I added stats to everything, fixed some typos and made your abilities. If you wish anything to be changed, please tell me.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (Roll 51) Roll to get rolling: Estratia (Waitlist Open)
« Reply #428 on: July 31, 2018, 06:54:48 am »

So, that's the finalized stats. OK.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (Roll 51) Roll to reroll: Estratia (Waitlist Open)
« Reply #429 on: July 31, 2018, 08:52:20 am »

"Egads! A drake ate the archbishop and stole his voice! Is this what you called me for, Tylor?"
Be shocked by this unexpected revelation!
The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (Roll 52) Roll to get rolling: Estratia (Waitlist Open)
« Reply #430 on: July 31, 2018, 11:15:10 am »

"Are we able to just teleport back, or are we running?"

+1 to DEX, look around to see what else is in this room.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Sass birb
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Re: (Roll 52x) Gaiden chapter: Estratia (Waitlist Open)
« Reply #431 on: August 03, 2018, 01:33:36 am »

I just realized that I forgot to change the roll number in the thread's title. At least it's fixed now.

Order 1
"Are we able to just teleport back, or are we running?"

+1 to DEX, look around to see what else is in this room.

"Oh yeah, teleport! Just gimme a moment, will ya?" Kratin replies as the rumbling gets worse. While he's chanting some words you don't understand, you take a quick look around the room. You see that Rosa is picking up the pieces of the white stone she made Diana drop earlier and in a corner you barely notice the scimitar you came here for. You go and pick it up just as the skeleton finishes the teleportation spell.

For a moment you feel like you're hanging in the air and then the next you're back in the large room full of teleportation circles. Kratin is standing uncomfortably close to you, nearly making you stumble and fall when he turns around, and a quick glance reveals that the nereid has followed you here as well.
"Um... w-wh-where are we?" she asks, just as you and the skeleton put a few steps between eachother.

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Order 2

"Egads! A drake ate the archbishop and stole his voice! Is this what you called me for, Tylor?"
Be shocked by this unexpected revelation!

You see a flash of surprise in the dragon's eyes before he settles for an irritated stare, while you hear Tyler chuckling beside you. He quickly stops and clears his throat when the dragon glares at him, though.

"I apologize for Manus' misinformation. He is..." he glances towards you then back at the orange reptile. "New." he finishes, no longer smiling. The other studies you before releasing two small jets of flame from the corners of his mouth, his expression lighting up a little.
"To begin with, I did not eat the archbishop, I am the archbishop. You..." he narrows his eyes, contemplating something for a second. "Those not of my kind call me Vener. Second, I am not a drake, I am a dragon. And finally, my bishop's name is Tyler." the man perks up at this.
"Excuse me, archbishop?" he asks.
"Manus mispronounced your name." Vener explains. Tyler turns his head towards you again and you can see his raised eyebrows behind his helmet.
"... I see." he replies, turning back towards him.
"Now, back to why you are here." the dragon says, shifting his wings a little before turning his giant head towards the left side of the room. Following his gaze you see a man you haven't noticed before. In contrast to Tyler, he is wearing commoner clothes and a brown cloak and looks to be in his fifties. "Is the egg...?" your leader asks and the man silently nods before walking up to you and placing a relatively large white oval stone on a stand in front of you. From up close you note that his expression is a perfect mask of seriousness, betraying none of his thoughts or emotions on the matter, and has intense blue eyes which make your form shiver a little. You also catch a small golden spark from behind his cloak, but the man leaves back to his spot before you can make out more.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2018, 02:59:30 am by Neoexdeath »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (Roll 51) Roll to reroll: Estratia (Waitlist Open)
« Reply #432 on: August 03, 2018, 08:13:06 am »

"Ooops. I apologize, Archbishop Vener. I'll make sure to not forget this time. You know, most of my brain is already dedicated to investigation and sometimes I forget things. Amnesia, perhaps? Or just lack of attention? Hmmm... I wonder..."

Manus scratches his head for a moment before noticing something.

"Wait a moment, I'm an Elemental! Being made of magic, do I even have internal organs? How do I even think without a brain? Isn't that weird?"

He quickly forgets about this as he sees the egg because of his short attention span.

"Egg! Yes, this is almost certainly an egg. Congratulations! Who's the mother?"

Be overally confused. I truly have no idea what's going on! Is the egg the Archbishop's son?
The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I came for the LNP, I stayed for the RTDs.
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Re: (Roll 52) Roll to get rolling: Estratia (Waitlist Open)
« Reply #433 on: August 03, 2018, 10:42:11 am »

"I am a man of peace, Nez'gol. It is not my place to take a life lest it is necessary. Life is already brief enough as it is.
In the end, the winner is the one with the most snake venom.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Brass serpent in tow.
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Re: (Roll 52) Roll to get rolling: Estratia (Waitlist Open)
« Reply #434 on: August 06, 2018, 06:15:40 pm »

"An airhead?" Nayrous cackles. "Gratia, the only airheads look like this," Nayrous says pointing to his skeletal visage. "Indeed, my head is filled with the howling of distant winds."

"Mihi placet, Vanirillian. Verily. Mt. Zulle you say? I seek the witch of Zulle, perhaps we could travel in company."
Sigh, they always said that junk food was bad for you. I guess that leaves us with canabalism.

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