Here are some stats about running a public Conan Exiles server for the week from 21 May to 28 May. The server has been up for two weeks.
We have had 38 unique players come through and play for at least 1 hour (up from 22 last week). 25 players have spent more than 10 hours on the server (up from 14 last week). In total, players have spent 1,030 hours on the server (up from 350 hours last week). On average, each player has spent 21 hours on the server (up from 15 1/2 last week).
On average we had 23 unique players per day visit the server this week, including around 5 new players each day. They played an average of 87 hours of accumulated total time per day, over this week. That means each person played an average of 3.8 hours per day, over this week.
The server goes down for a daily reboot. Two times this week it also went down due to issues at the server host. These outages last for about 5 minutes. I also slept through a patch which meant the server was not available for another 6 hours. That is a total of 400 minutes of downtime this week, which would be a monthly uptime of 96%. Without the patch interruption the normal uptime would be 99.99%.
The server is ranked #897 of 21,531 total Conan servers, which is in the top 4% of all Conan servers. I can't figure out how that is ranked versus the Official servers. Its higher than some, lower than others.
I changed two Purge settings this week. I removed the time restrictions on Purges, so they can happen at any time. I also doubled the Purge value increase, from 15 to 30, which means we should see twice as many purges. I am in a clan of 10 people, which is max, and we saw one purge per week so far, with these changes we should see two per week. To see the exact settings check in game Settings / Server / Purge.
You can check out some stats here: