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Author Topic: Pure Shitposting [Safeties not included!]  (Read 4366 times)


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Pure Shitposting [Safeties not included!]
« on: February 08, 2017, 09:47:06 pm »

Anything enters, nothing leaves.

You know what to do (^_^)
EDIT: This is definitly not a SCP
« Last Edit: February 22, 2017, 09:44:15 pm by MoonyTheHuman »


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Re: Social EXP
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2017, 09:48:22 pm »

Actually, I don't.


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Re: Social EXP
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2017, 09:56:19 pm »

Yeah not really sure what this is about
This game is Curtain Fire Shooting Game.
Girls do their best now and are preparing. Please watch warmly until it is ready.


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Re: Social EXP
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2017, 11:51:35 pm »


I really, really hope that was a work of literature.

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


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Re: Social EXP
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2017, 11:52:23 pm »

This thread and the OP reminds me of a weird thing that happened to me once.

I was at a restaurant with my family when I was in middle school. I'd just finished my food; my father went outside to smoke before we left, my mother went to the bathroom, and my brother Edwhard was in the barroom trying to hit on a waitress. I was alone in the main dining hall of the restaurant when I heard a voice.

"Hey, kid. Wanna buy a watch?"

I looked over, and lo and behold, there stood a walking stereotype of a shady vendor. Seriously, this guy had the hat, the trench coat, everything. "C'mon, you could use a watch. Give it as a gift or whatever," he said to me. Now, I wasn't exactly a genius back in middle school, and I figured I'd take him up on his offer. "Just nab a 20 outta your mom's purse, she won't mind."

I turned and went to sneak a bill out of my mom's purse when I realized the man and I were alone in the room. "Uh, sir, I don't feel comfortable," I said to him. But he already had a knife in his hand. "Hand over the purse, kid, and everything else ya got, while yer at it."

I was scared and I didn't know what to do. But then I heard Edwhard's voice from the barroom.

"Away with you, vile beggar!" he yelled. Ed was only fifteen and not muscular in the slightest, but he was quick, and in a matter of seconds he'd wrestled the mugger to the ground. "Curses! I'd have gotten away with it, if it weren't for this meddling kid!" shouted the mugger. Ed grabbed the man's hat and flung it off, revealing it to be none other than Barnedicks Cumblehatch, the restaurant owner himself!

By this point, people started coming into the room. My mom ran up to me. "You sweet summer child. Are you alright? The Others take that blasted man." My dad came in and told the owner he had half a mind to beat him up with jumper cables, then he gave Edwhard (who now had the undivided attention of the waitress) $100. My grandpa and his best friend, Albert Einstein, came in and arrested Cumblehatch. "I tell ya hwhat," Albert said in his thick Finnish drawl, "this here rascal's been a-stirrin' up a lotta trouble 'round these parts o'late." Later we found out that Cumblehatch was a notorious rave-goer and injected passers-by with the "sweet pill" marihuana for kicks.

On the way home, Ed was having sex in the back seat with the waitress (her name was John) while my mom held me tight and Dad told me how glad he was I was safe when we hit a deer and the car crashed. Mom, John, and dad died, Ed was crippled and emasculated to boot, and I was rescued by a priest of Zardoz who offered my spleen up to his dark god to ensure my survival. Grandpa and Albert took Edwhard and I in after that.

Nowadays I spend most of my time studying the habits and habitats of deer so I can get my vengeance on that white-tailed menace to society. Grandpa died of a heart attack, but Edwhard and Albert deduced that it was the work of an enemy Stand. Ed got prosthetic replacement limbs and Al wears a suit of armor 24/7; they wander the ruins of the world in hopes of defeating the giant robot that controls the earth. It was a pretty social experience, though.

And that is why bears shit in the woods.
I don't use Bay12 much anymore. PM me if you need to get in touch with me and I'll send you my Discord handle.


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Re: Social EXP
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2017, 11:53:33 pm »

Well then.

And much shitposting was had by all.

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.

Loud Whispers

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Re: Social EXP
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2017, 08:46:56 am »

I was three years old when I first killed that blasted centipede that was to embark me on my quest, social EXP gained, 1/500.
I was raised to believe that everyone could be who they wanted to be, but sorry teacher Lizzy, the story of the ugly duckling only means a swan will always be a swan, and a duck will always be a duck.

Life was tough, as it always was for boy born to a sympathetic mother with the saddest story you've never heard and a syphilitic father whose identity is unknown, people called me the bastard of three fathers, and the bastard fathers all had syphilis. In truth I considered myself the bastard of four fathers, the fourth being the fake doctor who gave my mother mystery pills and antibiotics that saved my early life and guaranteed I would grow up with nothing but an irrational fear of rashes.
By age 5 I had long since resigned that I would rather die than work in a factory making trendy shoes for 6 pence a day. By age 7 I was working in a factory making trendy shirts for 5 pence a day. By age 7 and a month I was burned out and ready to peace out this fucking shitty world trying to bring me down, always trying to obliterate me, with all this anger just needing to be let out, like Sonic the hedgehog chained to a radiator for far. Too. Long. I walked up to the foreman and told him I quit, he told me I wasn't allowed to quit, I told him I quit him therefore I am allowed to quit and I don't have to follow the rules anymore. He told me that when I returned, he wouldn't let me make trendy T-shirts, he would only have me spin flax all day everyday. That didn't sound any worse than trendy T-shirts. Maybe that was his way of incentivizing my return.
But I was done, no more trendy T-shirts for me, fuck you foreman. I told him to eat a brick as he whipped me from the factory, it sounded insulting enough. That's how you learn, try new things, it's social EXP. Lacking pennies, few wanted to see my disheveled sight, and I was back on the substreets, the streets below the streets, shopping for some prime cut mammals. The first rodent I was to find was to dramatically change my relation to the universe in a manner which I could never reverse. I grabbed it, smashing its head into the pipe wall like puppy brains and polyphemus, and noticed something enlightening.
501/1000, fighter.
I stopped poking through this mammal for the prime cuts and simply considered how strange it was that I never noticed the series of numbers stored in my brain. I squished an ant, and nothing occurred. I grabbed another rat and likewise smashed its brain, as any good scientist would do.
504/1000, fighter.
I knew what I had to do. Rat smashing occurred at such an expedient rate that I managed to sell my services to my old factory as a rat-smasher, after the first 20 smashed rats however I was fired, as apparently you are not allowed to do that in your boss's room 20 times. I checked my stats.
564/1000, fighter.
This was going to take ages. I needed more social EXP to feed this rational euphoria at watching numbers in my brain increase. I had to feed the hunger for integers, I needed more. I kept finding small animals to smash, far more than the 5 a day my fourth father recommended. Progress was steady and I awaited nervously to see the integers rise, I wanted to reach four integers as soon as possible. Perhaps at this point I could have returned to the world before, to have left that rabbit hole before I got lost, but I began to realize that the larger and more difficult the fighting animal, the more social EXP was gained. Rabbits were the first to face the wrath of my fists, followed by cats and rats and snakes and rats again, and a smidgon of pigeon. I was getting better, I was getting more integers, Sisyphus extended ever barrier for me to fill with more integers and I was getting better at finding them, my social EXP.

As the hurdles increased the gains felt diminuitive, the integers were not as satisfying. I needed much, much more. I pushed a monkey onto electrified train tracks and to my disappointment, gained no integers. This had to be a personal affair. It didn't take long before my actions attracted greater scrutiny than that of normal weirdos.

By the age of 12 I had been the scourge of oh so many beings, but I never really made much of a difference in any populations. They would always be back the same as usual, unchanging, the only change in the world were my increasing integers, and they had increased to monumental heights. Things would take a turn for the worse when the mayor's precious child went missing and for some reason the police suspected the blood stained adolescent prowling the mayor's house for pigeons. They demanded I surrender, I spoke nothing, instead looting the distraught mayor's belongings from her wardrobe. The policemen drew their sidearms and advanced, they lunged for me but I dodged, bobbed and weaved through them all. They fired but even the bullets could do nothing, my integer levels were beyond their comprehension by that point in time. With minimal striking, all of the policemen went down, and thus began the fearsome legend of the murder hobo. I had to get more social EXP, and I learned to the detriment of the world, you're either an NPC or a player.

By my twenties I was at war with most of the world, their puny NPC armies incapable of resisting my onslaught. The weak should fear the strong, and my integers were so far beyond anything any puny NPC could compare to. Yet I still hadn't found the limit, the final end goal. From my capital in the mountain tops my minions led forth dread harvests amongst the human tributaries, sending forth their social EXP to my capital, my throne, ready for my acquisition, to become one with my skill. I began teaching my disciples how to view their integers, how to harvest in my name, how to feed their power in the vain hopes that one day one of my disciples would be able to defeat me and discover the final limit of the integers. Many rebellions came and went in my world, and none could ever usurp me, their social EXP was defeated and added to my own. On the other four corners of the world my emmisarries discovered realms that were ruled not by NPCs to be bent and exploited, but players to be cautious and respected, potential allies and rivals. My own attempts to undermine their power were met with stalemate, as I overpowered one, the other two would ally to repel me, and in their victory turn against themselves, thus ensuring a constant balance of power in a maelstrom of deception and harvest, a glorious strife which fed my integer count and made my scions stronger.

Time soon lost interest and all meaning to me. All that mattered was increasing my integer count, and to do that I had to harvest people, to harvest more social EXP I needed all my harvestees to be the most difficult challenge possible. I needed everyone to be the best fighter possible, even if they were expecting to somehow fight against me. Especially if they intended to fight against me. My champions went forth and offered an alternative deal to my tributaries, no longer would they be allowed to send their weak and undesirables to me for harvesting, from now on, the entire world was to be considered my harvest. This upset the other 3 players but I considered this entirely according to plan. My champions marshalled the harvest world, declaring that everyone would have to fight for the right to be harvested last, that only the strong would ever deserve this right. I was finding new ways to expand the conquest and assumption of social EXP. As anticipated, the other 3 players launched a punitive assault upon my Fortress, only to find my disciples holding steadfast with integer determination, all humanity replaced by the great power of the digits.

Atop my mountain of skulls, in my hunger I declared my divine mandate, and bestowed it upon my champions.


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Re: Social EXP
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2017, 11:53:15 am »

There's this house down the road from me that's been abandoned since the Celtic Tiger finally got caught. My home got close to that - we finished it just as the economy crashed. Perhaps if we had been a few minutes shorter, we'd have ended up just like it.

Anyway, when things got tough I made a habit of visiting it. The forgotten tools and half-plastered walls, an empty place for me. When I was eight it was a place to explore and imagine, when I was eighteen it was a place to smoke dope and forget my teenage troubles. It was security to me, felt more secure than my home at times.

One day it burnt down. Nobody was sure what happened; an errant can of gasoline or teenagers making fun or something else.
I suppose it's for the best it went away. It wasn't getting me anywhere, just a place to run and hide.
But I wonder if I'll ever feel as safe out here as I did in there.


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Re: Social EXP
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2017, 12:01:19 pm »

It was a long time coming; he was a drunk and a gambler, with a lot of enemies and a lot of debts.

My father... was a drunk and a gambler .... and a fiend. And one night he goes off crazier than usual. Mommy gets the kitchen knife to defend herself. He doesn't like that. Not. One. Bit.
Everyone sucks at everything. Until they don't. Not sucking is a product of time invested.


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Re: Social EXP
« Reply #9 on: February 09, 2017, 12:06:39 pm »

Forum Noir.
Cautivo del Milagro seamos, Penitente.
Quote from: Viktor Frankl
When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.
Quote from: Sindain
Its kinda silly to complain that a friendly NPC isn't a well designed boss fight.
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How will I cheese now assholes?
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Always spaghetti, never forghetti


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Re: Social EXP
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2017, 12:10:51 pm »

I was only a teenager when I first started smoking. It was in my sophomore year of high school, one cold December morning before dawn. At the bus stop there were always a small group of students, sharing cigarettes and filthy jokes. Most mornings I ignored them, but today was different. I know not what devil whispered in my ear, but it whispered such sweet promises; go on over, it said, see what they're all about. Nobody likes you anyway, you may as well try with them. Some part of me knew it was lying, but its enticements were too great to resist. A riff on something one of them said was all it took, and soon I was coughing on my first cigarette in-between telling my own filthy jokes.

All through the rest of high school, I would join them at the bus stop every morning for a smoke. It wasn't long before I started buying my own, and smoking became a personal habit as well as a social one. I know now that my parents discovered it over the summer before my junior year, but chose for reasons unknown to me to hold their peace.

It wasn't until the end of my junior year that I started on other drugs. A great number of my new friends smoked marijuana as well as tobacco, but whether out of some lingering vestige of my strict upbringing or a simple lack of funds the habit had not come to me until I'd got my first job sweeping up at the local movie theater. Flush with my relatively modest paycheck, I treated both myself and my friends to whatever took our fancy, be it cigars, liquor, or later on other, more exotic substances. It was in those days that I met my girlfriend, Emily, whose interest in me never waned while I could provide her with what she needed.

Things started to go downhill only after after I graduated high school. My father, stern but loving, told me he hated what I had become, and that I was to leave home by the end of the week. My mother, sobbing, said nothing.

One by one, my friends left my side as I was forced to spend my money on feeding myself, and paying rent on a tiny, squalid apartment rather than on them. Emily, to her credit, was the last to go. But just as the others had, she too disappeared one day without a trace.

Left alone, I was drawn ever further into my addictions. Every spare cent was spent in service of those daemons, but their hunger soon exceeded what I could provide on my own, and I was forced to turn to other means to sate them. Breaking into my parents' house to steal my father's handgun was simple, and despite my initial fears I soon found that, with careful observation, a victim who will hand over what they have without a fight could be easily identified.

But society will not suffer such for long. At the age of 22, I was spotted by a beat cop who recognized me by the description given by one of my victims. I tried, but I could not outrun him. I plead guilty at the urging of the county Public Defender, hoping against hope for the mercy of the court. Unbelievably, it came, in the form of incarceration at the local psychiatric hospital for addiction and mental health treatment, rather than imprisonment for armed robbery and resisting arrest.

I spent the next ten years at the Highmeadow Asylum. Early on I suffered badly for the loss of my freedom, and from my own body as my daemons were exorcised by the doctors, and by my psychiatrist, Dr. Mercer. But over time I adjusted. Soon I grew comfortable in my sobriety, and even later I grew comfortable in my own skin.

On the day of my release I was surprised to see my parents, who I had neither seen nor heard from for the last 15 years, waiting for me at the gates. With tears in my eyes, I embraced my mother and father in turn. But one question burned in my mind. I had to know. "Why," I asked, "didn't you ever come see me? Why now?" My father sighed, and tears returned to his eyes. Leaning in closer, he spoke to me words I can still to this day hear ringing in my ears: "I need about tree fiddy."
« Last Edit: February 09, 2017, 12:13:30 pm by Baffler »
Quote from: Helgoland
Even if you found a suitable opening, I doubt it would prove all too satisfying. And it might leave some nasty wounds, depending on the moral high ground's geology.
Location subject to periodic change.
Baffler likes silver, walnut trees, the color green, tanzanite, and dogs for their loyalty. When possible he prefers to consume beef, iced tea, and cornbread. He absolutely detests ticks.


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Re: Social EXP
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2017, 12:56:42 pm »

This is envoy n. 120931 Temp'Ak, reporting under the designated human guise registered under n. 198929. I am utilizing a human high exposition medium of communication for this message, as per allowed under article 6, paragraph 3 of command act 894 of 7822.

I admit I am still not used to performing trans agencial communication of this level using the human "internet", but it really does seem that our efforts have been so successful as to make the humans ignore our activities completely, even when done at plain sight. The context in which this information is carefully inserted into the human's environment also aids greatly into removing any possible suspicion from type A human minds, and its very unlikely that any manifestations by type C individuals will be taken seriously, if they ever do see this information.

I have been tasked with reporting on the performance of envoy 13244, one of the current pod members under my direct tutelage. I must sadly inform that his performance is not only sub par, but also addled by carelessness. I speak of this in full knowledge of the effectiveness of our global psychological diversionary tactics, but even in times such as these, discretion is something we must always observe in our holy duty.

On the eve of local star cycle 7839, during planetary rotation 31 of A, envoy 13244 performed psychosomal harvesting on a subject close to our current inter layer base. As per usual, the subject was under the influence of degenerative psychosomal kneading treatment for half a cycle, but showed surprising resistance, having barely developed suicidal thoughts yet, much less exposed others to such mindset. The scenario indicated that further kneading would be required for an optimal level harvesting. Regardless of all evidence currently listed, envoy 13244 performed psychosomal harvesting in the cited date, during the subject's usual RPPU (Rest Period Partial Unfolding). This resulted in the severance of psychosomal restraints, transitioning the subject's conscious mind into an awakened state in an instant, at which point it lashed out at envoy 13244, forcing me to intervene with a level 3 dense vibrational lockdown.

This effort had to be followed with the usual contextual treatment. Subject's soma was altered to simulate the occurrence of cardiac arrest. Subject's family were given level 2 vibrational treatment. As a safety measure, in case the subject resisted lockdown and regained enough control of his soma to attract the attention of nearby relatives through noise, we initiated hormonal and sexual vibrational treatment on key figures present in the human abode. While this may have caused sexual interaction deemed taboo under the subject's society, such oddity is a small price to pay to prevent any intelligence breach in our operations.

Thus, I recommend envoy 13244 for punitive questioning and recycling in an umbral colony.

As for the current operations, everything is going as expected. I look forward to the next class 5 global event, specially since its been over a thousand local star cycles since I had the honor to take part in such a grand operation.

My deepest votes of admiration.

Hail the White Grain.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2017, 01:02:46 pm by TempAcc »
On normal internet forums, threads devolve from content into trolling. On Bay12, it's the other way around.
There is no God but TempAcc, and He is His own Prophet.


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Re: Social EXP
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2017, 04:14:47 pm »

Shitposting at it's finest
On a second note.
Spoiler: REEEEEE (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: February 09, 2017, 04:21:48 pm by MoonyTheHuman »


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Re: Social EXP
« Reply #13 on: February 09, 2017, 04:22:03 pm »


I'm enjoying these stories more than I probably should.
Discord: Liberonscien#0930


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Re: Social EXP
« Reply #14 on: February 09, 2017, 09:39:43 pm »

ok that was just a test. ignore (WAP2 is fie)
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