Looks like day's over, mates. Moment now while I make sure the vote count is in order...
TheDarkStar(1): [Tiruin]
Tiruin(1): [Cinder]
webadict(1): [TheDarkStar]
doll(0): []
Cinder(3): [4maskwolf, doll, webadict]
BlackHeartKabal(0): []
juicebox(0): []
4maskwolf(0): []
Not Voting: BlackHeartKabal, juicebox
Day ends 4:00 P.M. Central/Forum time today. Basically, two hours ago.
"Looks like Cinder's going to be lynched! Well, let's get this done with! Take her out, L.Y.N.C.H!"
It was a single gunshot. That was all that was needed to execute Cinder. One shot to the brain.
Lynch complete. Analysis follows.
Cinder was Love Doctor(town):
(Night): A Long Chat [target]: You take a long chat with your target, preventing them from doing whatever they had planned tonight(in other words, you roleblock them). In the course of this chatting, you will eventually establish a sort of rapport with them: the second time you use this on a given player, you’ll learn their role name.
(1-Shot, Night): A Spritz of Love [target]: You spray your target in the face with a mind-affecting drug that induces intense compassion and caring towards another player of your choice(which can be you). Your target will vote for whoever your choice votes for at the end of the next day, and they will automatically use Sacrificial Protect on your choice the next night.
(Reference): (Night): Sacrificial Protect [target]: If your target would be hit by a night kill, you are hit instead. This only works for one night kill.
But of course, the slot machines didn't last, fading into oblivion.
All Slot Machine abilities vanish now that the phase is over.
"Well, that was something. Looks like you folks guessed wrong. The villains are still at large! To the night with you!"
Night begins. Night ends 6:00 P.M. Monday, Central/Forum time. Send in your actions!