"I used to be a cop, I know how to shoot. However, my speciality is in good old hand to hand, close quarters combat. I don't even need to make physical contact with my enemies." Ricardo holds his fists in a boxing stance, showing off the taser gauntlets and (currently switched OFF) wrist flamers. "Until the enemy gets in range, however, I have my Breacher. Thing's served me well in Australia, haven't had a chance to use it here yet. I also have my twin pistols, Viper and Adder. I'm probably nerfing off about my weapons here but I also have a pair of combat knives. Hmmmm... What else..? I'm trained in riot control, apprehension, dispatch, beat and patrol. Uhhhh... That's about it from me, your old pal Ricardo, sí senór?"
Ricardo is fairly tall for a Terran. Not abnormally tall or anything, but for a spaniard who had an impoverished childhood, he was tall. Unlike what you'd expect from a hand to hand combatant, he wasn't particularly muscular (not that you can see much under the guardian suit). The majority of his police training showed in his reactions. His Guardian Suit had a myriad of patches on the left shoulder; one was the Akras flag/symbol, underneath that was the Australian flag - the Spanish flag next to that - and a quad-color patch under that. The 4-color patch wasn't of any nation, it was for something else... Something he believed in? Something he followed? Religion? You'd have to ask him what it means - unless you already know what the black-on-grey-on-white-on-purple stripes represent.