Anthony is led in with other Gaians, waiting patiently for his turn in line. Once it is time to sign, he does so without complaint. He has already seen what Akras has to offer, and has joined willingly.
Then, the showers. He enters, disrobes, and a standing meditation - on one foot, hands clasped in front of his chest, eyes closed - while being bombarded with water. Once the fans start drying him, the attendants would watch on wonder as the air just. . . danced around him, finding every drop of water and gently pushing it down onto the floor. After it was over, opens his eyes, clothes himself, and thanks each attendant individually for the wonderful bath.
At the tattoo station, he greets the attendants warmly, and enters his arm without hesitation. He flinches at the shot, and grits his teeth while getting the tattoo, but does not complain. Once it is over, he turns to a guard. "Is this a sign of your gods?" "No", the guard tells him. "We killed our gods." "Then I shall pray for you." Anthony closed his eyes and mourners a blessing, then blows slightly before continuing.
He is still examining the two objects given to him when he enters the room with the rest of the team. They see a man of middling height, bald, with two dots on his forehead, one brown and one green. He smiles warmly at everyone, and bows deeply before introducing himself. As he speaks, the Terrans might find his accent similar to that of someone from Sudan.
"Hello. My name is Anthony. It is a great pleasure to be here. May the spirits bless you all."
((Edit: apologies, but I've already stayed up way too long. I need to sleep. Goodnight.))