Please do not quoteBegin with agreement. You are both correct, today, now. It is not presently possible. No argument against. Your supposition is valid.
Respectful disagreement: "physically impossible." Ever? In the future?
Examine present impossibility (
already showed multiple impediments ); can this be overcome in the future?
My position: perhaps yes, through great effort. Your position(s): No. (Please correct me if I am incorrect).
Obstacles 1 and 2: Materials/space: Historically, materials substitute for land. A bigger building can expand outward or upwards (or downwards), but all expansion has costs.
Purchase land to expand outwards, building wide across one level.
Purchase materials (lumber, steel, concrete, etc.) to expand upwards or downwards (2nd, 3rd, 4th story, or basements.
Therefore, more building space (for various purposes) can be had by either buying more land or building material(s).
You may disagree that designed functionality can accommodate most any use. (Please see #3 and 4, below). Stack the indoor garden vertically through use of pipes on the walls or other fixtures on walls? Perhaps possible in the future, but multiple issues remain, especially social, "it's ugly." (Please see all points below specially #9 Social).
Obstacles 3 and 4: Climate/Electricity/Light: Buildings can be made to a purpose, or multiple purposes. If design allows, this can include plant growing and living space.
Capacity and construction:
A.) The small number occupancy home, "single family home" :
Theoretically easier example. Aside from replacing lawn with growing space, design could permit inside growing. Large south facing windows (Northern Hemisphere) could help:"Earthships" do this, although it doesn't have to be that extreme. They also tend to capture and filter rainwater and those in New Mexico/Arizona tend to be have green energy, solar/wind electricity.
A wall of south facing windows, and/or a greenhouse like space on the front of a home could go a long way towards climate/light issues.
Privacy desired? Apply curtains/shades/shutters.
Artificial light needs electricity for grow lights and that larger concern depends upon future electric generation/storage capabilities.
Didn't say it would be easy and indeed said it was not presently possible. If we get really good solar/wind/biogas, or other electric generation, maybe.
Admittedly, it is a lot like combining a house with a greenhouse or a part of a greenhouse. See also "earthship."
B.) The large number occupancy home(s) apartments:
Harder example due to a.) space constraints, b.) placement and proximity to other units, c.) many units may not have a south facing wall.
Artificial grow lights would be key as would construction incorporation of sunlight features. All this costs money and again as admitted is not presently possible.
The Chinese are doing some experimental stuff with "vertical forests." Don't see a reason why some of those plants couldn't grow food.'s also this:, those are conceptual and not practical, as previously stated, at present.
I think the root of your objection is that it is presently impossible to grow food crops in an apartment as it exists today. Again, agree and part of the development of future tech would have to address this through new building design. However, given current constraints, the closest thing would be microgreens. to Grow Microgreens at Home to Grow Microgreens Using Sprouting Trays | Step-By-Step Tutorial | Soilless Growing to grow microgreens at home - From start to finish MicroGreens in a CLOSET or SMALL SPACE!!! EASY of course, if you want to nix all that, there's always mushrooms:
How to grow mushrooms at home - Full process day 1 to 60 5, 6 and 7: Labor/Time, Risk and Pests: Again, not presently as feasible as it needs to be. Time/work in this context may never lessen. Risk is always present (certain percentage of crop failure), and pests are pests that have plagued humanity from the beginning. Better pest control techniques could help, as could strictly isolating the crop areas, but that poses other challenges. Admittedly a large barrier(s) to overcome. Very difficult? Yes. Impossible? Hopefully not in the future, but solution is several years out, if not 20 -30 years.
Obstacle 8: Water:Another incredibly tough issue. Some techniques use less water than others. Aeroponics uses much less water, but is far more complex and can easily result in crop failure if anything goes wrong at present. At some point you either have enough clean, fresh water, or you don't.
Similar vein with plant nutrients, which would likely have to be added in, either to soil or water (nutrient feed).
Obstacle 9: Social:Possibly the biggest obstacle. Here, social includes economic considerations as well. Do you want to live in a greenhouse, or with part of your home as a greenhouse? Would others? Would this answer change if doing so cost more, at least initially? Would the possibility of future profits move the needle on people's decisions?
This would be a very big change and a lot of people wouldn't want it, especially if they had to pay anything for it. Actual determined opposition may arise.
Strong point commented that even growing 100 kg of food wouldn't feed you unless sold to buy calorie-dense food and this is not incorrect. However, selling a crop to use the money to buy other food could still work if the profits paid for supermarket food. At some point, it's about providing resources, directly or indirectly, that would result in food, etc.
Summation: I understand and partially agree with your opposition, and certainly at present. My position is the hope that future technology may overcome the impediments preventing this at present. You may be right, and forgive me for hoping you're wrong, specifically that the future will provide answers and solutions even if 20 years from now, and even if I don't get to see it happen. My hope is that this has been somewhat assistive and that the future will permit more food growth to permit at least partial self sufficiency with greater nutrition.
Yes, a dream at present, but must it always be so? Will it ever be realized? Time will tell. I don't think it's impossible. I think it's not feasible or likely. It could be if we had large developments in energy production/storage, production of plant food/nutrients for the plants, materials to create in infrastructure, and social adoption on a mass scale. Again, I don't think this is likely in the near term and if it did happen, we're talking ... 20 ish years.
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